Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 175: Can't talk about conditions


When I turned back to the door, suddenly the door opened with a creak on one side, and the other side opened slowly with a creak. We saw a little weasel lying on the ground with its hands nailed by Tianyi. He couldn't move, his eyes revealed helplessness.

"Yellow... Weasel." Chen Meijia seemed to be a little scared, pointing to the little weasel and shouted.

I said you have eaten weasel for a week, what else is there to be afraid of

Chen Meijia said that the weasels she ate were all cooked meat, and she had never seen one alive. This was the first time she had seen it.

The weasel cub seemed to be not afraid of living people, but drooling at us. It was more greedy than seeing a roast chicken. I immediately cursed. It seemed that it was fed with human flesh, otherwise it would not be the reaction of people.

I continued to look up and look inside, trying to figure out what's inside the house, but in this broad daylight, it was so dark inside that even the sun couldn't get in.

Tianyi said that this weasel was killing too much, this house was full of its hostility, and the sun might not be able to shine in it. I don't know how many people were eaten to death by it in recent years.

This ghost is not only hostile, but also very sophisticated.

Tianyi sneered and said that its wishful thinking was too loud. He stepped on the little weasel's tail, and it hurt so much that it screamed. It hurriedly turned its head to bite Tianyi’s foot, Tianyi Glancing at it fiercely, its body immediately stiffened, and its limbs were trembling, as if suddenly terrified of Tianyi.

This trick Tianyi had been used before, and the fox that was attached to Chen Wenyuan was stared at by Tianyi in the same way. It was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. Then Tianyi told me it was aura.

There is a kind of aura that is born, called the domineering aura, evil spirits and ghosts are afraid of it. For example, the emperor who used to have this kind of aura has this aura. As long as they stare at it, the courtiers and the people will sweat profusely and kneel The ground shivered, let alone animals.

Some auras are acquired. For example, as the saying goes, art masters are bold, which can be considered a kind of aura, but it takes a long time to practice.

I was not sure at first, and thought that Tianyi was talking about being a bastard, I said I don't want to be a bastard, but I should practice honestly.

The weasel cub was stepped on its tail, and its hands were nailed to the ground again. It looked extremely painful, and it made a wailing noise. After a while, there was movement or the sound of short feet. He shouted: " I returned the meat to Chen Meijia and cancelled the Yin-Yang sorcery contract, and you released my cub."

Tianyi suddenly glared and shouted: "It's not yet your turn to make terms with me."

He took out another silver needle from the other end of the black box on his back, then smeared with the blood of the weasel cub, and shot it into the house.

After a while, I heard a scream, "Ah, my eyes, my eyes."

"Just let it go, we won't hurt people anymore, we don't dare to eat meat anymore." The voice inside me and Chen Meijia are very familiar. It is the old woman who bought her meat. It seems that she is the mother back then. Weasel, and the male was possessed by Dwarf.

It’s okay now, this weasel family of three have become fine, and the weasel cub, who is not too old, is just about to ignite. Seeing it look at us, it will drool. If we don’t get rid of it and grow up, we don’t know how much we will die. people. Everyone Reads Novel Network

"I said, it's not time for you to negotiate terms with me." After speaking, he slapped the door, and the door suddenly fell over. He lifted the fallen door, and if two fingers quickly write on it Now, although I can't see the words, I feel a strong spell.

"Lin Yuan, jump up, I'll send you in, as long as you step on the door, no matter what it is, you will never be hurt." Tian Yi said, patting his chest.

"Sure!" I turned over and jumped up. Tianyi slapped my palms, and I immediately flew in with the door leading the person. I thought I would be thrown out directly by the force, but the door led me to fly for a certain distance and stabilized. Fell in the middle of the house.

From the outside, it was dark inside, and everything became clear after entering.

The inside of the house was covered with dust and spider webs, and the tables and chairs were already in bad condition. The main reason was that the roof was extremely terrifying.

On the roof beams of the house, there are bones after another. I don’t know why, but there is no wind blowing in, but they are swaying above my head. I suddenly think of the meat stalls, the meat of cattle, sheep, dogs and pigs. I was hung in this way. Thinking about the relationship between the two, I almost vomited. They were also hung and eaten.

I saw the two weasels, they huddled in the corner and stared at me fiercely, while one was pierced by Tianyi’s silver needle with its cub’s blood on the needle. It is estimated that it has its own tracking function. The needle must be touched, but I didn't expect it to be stuck in my eyes.

At this moment, suddenly they laughed at me. The weasel laughed very evilly. It felt frightened when I saw it, but they did not make a sound. I am not sure if they actually laughed, but I am already faintly. There is something wrong with the appointment.

At this moment, someone suddenly patted my shoulder on it. I looked up and almost didn't get scared to death. A skeleton actually slid down face down, with one of its hands resting on my shoulder. The other grabbed my hair and wanted to lift me up.

I planned to paste a yellow talisman directly on his face, but before I acted, the door under my feet shattered with a golden light, shattering the bones and turning them into a pile of white powder scattered on the ground.

All the bones hanging on it were alive all at once. They seemed to be frightened, and slid down and ran out desperately.

"Want to run?" Tianyi's voice came from outside. After a while, the house was filled with a large amount of white powder, and there was a pile on the ground. I don't know how many Tianyi killed.

"Ah... My Skeleton Yin Soldier." Xiaoziqi yelled, and the blood from his eyes poured into his mouth, choking him into a cough.

Haha, this kid is unlucky when he met Tianyi today. Now that the tricks of the short foot seven have been completely broken, should he be able to come in that day? Can I get out of the door, then

"Lin Yuan, don't let your guard down, there's more!" Tianyi reminded, "Look at what else is on the ground?"

I frowned, and? How cunning is this short foot seven? Actually, so many Yin and Yang sorcery were deployed.

I looked down at the floor and found it a bit strange. Although the ground was covered with a thick layer of dust, I could see clearly that there were pictures underneath the dust.

The pictures on the floor are all feet, or red feet, with bare feet crossed separately.

(End of this chapter)