Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 179: Debt collector


The things in the water are so heavy that they can hardly be observed with the naked eyes of ordinary people, but they have been noticed by me. This thing may be addictive and even kill people, but I still don’t know exactly what it is. I have to go to the water room to check it out tonight.

I let Sister Mei go back first, and I will give her an explanation tomorrow. A Qing helped to wash off the ashes from the fat man’s head. This time the ashes changed color again, and when it touched the water, it turned into scarlet. , I don’t know, I thought that the fat man was shampooing his hair and bleeding.

The fat man was a little anxious, and he said worriedly, this thing is so evil, will he be okay

I said that furnace ash can wipe away evil spirits. You only went there once, and there should be no problem. Specifically, you have to wait for the water room at night to see what is going on.

As soon as I finished speaking, Ah Qing frowned suddenly with a strange expression. I hurriedly asked what's wrong

A Qing pointed to the fat man's hair and said, "You see there is a red hair on his head."

"Nonsense, I have a purebred yellow skin, black hair, and I haven't dyed it. How can I have red hair? Did you not wash the ashes?" said the fat man.

Aqing shook his head and said that after washing it many times, the ashes are gone, and that one is indeed red hair.

Hearing what Aqing said, I leaned forward, and there really was a red hair in the middle of the fat man's head. Because it was unique, it was particularly eye-catching. With this bright red color, it looked a little weird at first glance.

I pulled out the red hair, but the fat man didn't respond, as if the hair was not on his body.

"You... don't it hurt?" I asked the fat man.

The fat man touched his head, and said blankly, "Huh? Did you pull it off? It doesn't feel the slightest."

This is a bit strange, the hair that is clearly on the top of the fat man's head, he can't feel it when he is pulled out, what's the matter

I observed the red hair carefully and found it was very tender and fine. After a while, I suddenly shouted, "This is lanugo."

"What is lanugo?" Fatty and Qing asked.

Lanugo hair is the hair on newborn babies. Newborns generally have different degrees of lanugo hair. Babies with more lanugo hair are generally covered with dense black hair on the back, forehead and ears when they are born. These lanugo hairs will slow down in the future. Slow decay.

However, lanugo hair is not a thing of yin and evil, it can even ward off evil, or used as a memorial. In ancient times, it was even used as a gift for future sentimental knots. It has profound meaning and is used as a handed down object. 361 reading

Lanugo hair also has another function. It can be made into a lanugo brush for preservation. Why is the lanugo brush also called the champion pen? Legend has it that there is a very poor family. His son had no money to buy a pen if he wanted to take the exam in Beijing, so he had to weave his newborn lanugo into a pen. In the Beijing exam, the result was the top prize in one fell swoop, so the tire brush is also known as the "No.

That’s why the fat man feels relieved, but why does he have lanugo hair on his head? He is of this age and he is not a baby, and this red lanugo hair looks very strange to me. It seems that this should be the same as a barber shop. Relationship, I checked the time, it was almost seven o'clock, waited a few hours after the barber shop closed, I went to check with the fat man.

While I was bored, I asked Shiyan about her master. How did she know that this girl's mouth was so hard that she refused to disclose it. She said that she had already talked about the Kunlun Five Ghosts before? I can't say any more, to leak the old guy's secret, he has to hang the poetry and fight.

I'm not a vegetarian either. It's so easy for her to perfuse me, stalking me in a hurry, just like a fly next to her ears, annoying her fidgeting, in the end she really had no choice but to tell me something About her master.

In fact, she didn't know the specific name of his master, but everyone called her Jiugong. He began to learn Yin Shu when he was very young, and when he was an adult, he began to eat on Yin Xing.

Later, when they encountered the Shao Sijiu, the Red Guards said he was a superstitious member, so they tied him to the street. After he was insulted, they did not let him go, and tied him under a big tree. At that time, he was not the only one. There are three other people just as unlucky as him.

The Red Guards were very fierce when they were broken. Four people were tied up under a tree and no one dared to put them away. Later, they were tied up for seven days without food. Occasionally, some kind people would secretly send saliva. The other three had their bodies after seven days. It stinks, only Shiyan master is still alive, and was later rescued smoothly.

Shiyan said that people like her master are called "heaven", what is "heaven"? That is a person with a hard life, even the gods can't take his life. Shiyan has seen her master's eight characters before. , These characters startled her, Jiazi, Yichou, which are the typical life of gold in the sea, this kind of life is harder than the gold in the sea, it is hard to die, and it is destined to live longer.

I was a little surprised when I heard the words of the poem. I didn’t expect this old man to live so hard. He could survive without eating and drinking for seven days. It was a miracle. How could ordinary people do it? If you are caught, you will definitely be tortured. Some people belch in less than seven days.

However, I have never heard the term "heavenly man". Those of us are called yin people. Isn't this "heavenly man" many times bigger than us

I want to continue pulling the poems and telling it down. This time she learned her finesse. She hid in the room and closed the door. She refused to speak again. I cursed a mother in my heart. I must slow down the secrets of the Kunlun Five Ghosts Grind it out slowly.

I checked the time and found that it was past 8 o'clock in the evening. The newly opened barber shop closed at about 11 o'clock. There are still three hours. I am going to take out the newly-acquired Maoshan Ghost Road and study it. Unexpectedly, there was another visitor at this time. I hurriedly hid the book and poured tea to greet me.

This is a young man in his twenties, with a fierce appearance, tattoos on several places, and a large golden chain around his neck. He looks like a social man.

I asked him what his name was, and he said that it would be fine to call him Niu Jia. His job is a bit special and he is a debt collector.

Those who owe money these days are all uncles. It is not easy to get the money back smoothly. If you run into difficult old Lai, then you don't want to get the money back for the rest of your life, so the profession of debt collector was born.

Debt collectors are mostly social people with backgrounds and people. They are fierce and spicy enough. When they roar fiercely, they will scare the debtors and weaken their legs. The money will naturally be received. If the money is still not paid, it will be sent to you. Splashing red paint at home and catching you on the roof. These are all conventional routines. They are both hard and soft for a few rounds. Few of them can be eaten up. The speed of debt collection is extremely fast. Therefore, the profession of debt collector is quite fast, and you often swim. Walking on the edge of the law, so fewer people do it, and Niu Jia is one of them.

But recently, he seems to have encountered something dirty, which is very strange to speak of.

(End of this chapter)