Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 181: Ghost account


"Yesterday?" The old man who opened the door turned paler: "But Uncle Liang has been dead for several months."

Niu Jia was shocked when he heard it, and then immediately smiled: "Old man, you don't want to pay the money straight. You don't need to use such bad tricks to scare me. I have been collecting debts for some time, and I have never seen any tricks to repay the debts. To tell the truth... it's a bit fake."

The old man who opened the door glanced at Niu Jia and said nothing, then took out a black bag from home and handed it to Niu Jia.

Niu Jia opened the bag and found that it was full of money. After clicking on it, it was no more, no less, just 30,000 yuan.

"I have already given you the money, hurry up, my old bones can't stand the scare." The old man opened the door and wanted to close the door and go back, but Niu Jia grabbed him at this time.

"Old man, your story is so mysterious, isn't it true?" Niu Jia felt something strange, and hurriedly pulled the old man back.

"Don't you believe it?" The old man opened the door and gave him a blank look.

Niu Jia said that he didn't believe it before, but seeing that you gave the money so easily and it was not a bad person, he suddenly believed in his heart, and hurriedly lit a cigarette for the old man after he finished speaking.

After receiving the cigarette, the old man held it with his fingers. He said it was bad luck at first, and he didn't want to mention it, but he kept holding back, saying that he would not believe it to his family, so he had to tell Niu Jia. .

The old man said that Uncle Liang was his gambler before, and the two of them often played mahjong. That day, the old man was very lucky. After losing all his money, he also owed him 30,000 yuan, but he never paid it back for a few months. Later Uncle Liang died.

Uncle Liang is a lonely widow, no children, no wife, no relatives. After he died, the old man was a little happy because he didn't need to pay the 30,000 yuan.

But not long ago, the old man had been having the same dream. He dreamed that Uncle Liang came to him to pay off his debts. He said that he would find a young man to come over and ask him to prepare the money. If he didn't pay, he would pay back.

At first, the old man didn't take this to heart, but then he had the same dream every night, and the old man felt unlucky in his heart and was a little scared.

Sure enough, just today, Niu Jia was about to pay the door. This is so weird that the old man didn't dare to go wrong, so he directly gave the money to Niu Jia, so as not to entangle himself with such unlucky things later.

"It's impossible. The person who called me said he was Uncle Liang. If he died a few months ago, how could he still call me? Could someone trick me on purpose?"

The old man patted Niu Jia on the shoulder and said, "Young man, whether it is artificial or a real ghost, you have to take care of yourself. This is really evil." After finishing talking, he closed the door and left.

Niu Jia rushed home with the money in despair, scared and curious, no matter whether Uncle Liang was a ghost or a human being, why would he find himself? Niu Jia was puzzled.

At this moment, Niu Jia suddenly received a call from Uncle Liang again. He picked it up with a trembling hand and asked, "Hey, are you a human or a ghost?"

The other end of the phone was smiling, and the voice was a little weird. He said that it doesn’t matter whether he is a human or a ghost. You get the 20% of your reward, then go to the xx cemetery, find Liang Zhong’s tomb, and then put the money Just put it on his grave.

After speaking, I didn't forget to warn: "Young man, you can't be greedy for this money, you may lose your life if you are greedy." Biquge

This thing was so evil, how could Niu Jia dare to greet the money, and sent the money to the grave without even taking the 20%. After finding the tombstone named Liang Zhong, he threw the money on the tomb. .

At this time, Niu Jia kept an eye on him. Although he was a little scared, he did not leave. Instead, he hid beside him and stared at the bag of money.

It wasn't until the night that he suddenly saw an old man crawling out from behind the tomb, and then he went back into the tomb with the bag of money.

Now Niu Jiake really believed it. Liang Bo jumped out of the tomb. What is it not a ghost? He was so scared that his legs were weak when he saw a ghost for the first time, and he limped and ran for a long time before he got home.

When he got home, he suddenly found that there was an extra 6,000 yuan on the desk, but when he went out, the doors and windows were closed properly. When he came back, there was no trace of damage to the doors and windows. How did the 6,000 yuan come in

Just when Niu Jia was puzzled, suddenly the phone rang again and it was from Uncle Liang. He said, "These six thousand yuan is your reward, and I will not take away what belongs to you." Hehe two times and hung up.

This time, Niu Jia was frightened. Fortunately, Uncle Liang never appeared again, otherwise he would have a heart attack.

In addition to Liang Bo, Niu Jia also took a lot of bills, but these people were all weird. After taking the money, they were either sent to the tomb or to the entrance of the funeral home, but he no longer had the guts to hide and watch. , In case a ghost jumped out again, he couldn't help being frightened a second time.

Later, Niu Jia didn’t dare to take the business. He stopped for several days and the phone was turned off. He had been thinking about it these days, and then after careful consideration, it seemed that strange things had been going on since he met Liang Shuting, but he has been all this month. I slept with Liang Shuting in the same bed and didn't find anything wrong with her. He couldn't understand this. The more he thought about it, the weird he became. Later, he came to me on the recommendation of a friend, hoping that I could help him solve it.

After listening to Niu Jia, I concluded two points. First, Liang Shuting must have a problem. Since weird things happened after meeting her, it is absolutely inseparable from her. Second, Niu Jia is a marginal one. People are easy to attract evil spirits.

Niu Jia didn't understand, he asked what is a marginal person

A marginal person is a person on the margin of morality. He is neither a bad person nor a good person. These things he does, you say he is bad or not bad. Repayment of debts is justified, and the women who affixed to them are also justified. Voluntary, it doesn't have much to do with him, you say he is okay, the things he did are not glorious, and the methods of debt collection are still a bit inferior.

The fringe person's aura is extremely unstable, and it is easy to provoke evil charm, which is probably one of the reasons why Niu Jia encountered strange things.

"Master, can you help me with this matter?" Niu Jia pleaded.

I said, of course, it doesn't sound like a big problem, so I don't know what the actual situation is. The price is negotiated and everything is easy to handle.

When the fat man heard that he had money to pay, he hurriedly negotiated the price with Niu Jia, and finally charged him 20,000, and first gave him a deposit of 10,000.

The fat man said Niu Jia was lucky, and when the golden sign of Tianyi arrived, the price would increase.

I check the time. It's only nine o'clock. Anyway, there are still two hours. It's better to see the famous girl named Liang Shuting, and then visit the water room of the barber shop when I come back.

I went to Liang Shuting's residence with the fat man and Niu Jia. When we got there, I asked Niu Jia to go up first. We guarded downstairs. I told Niu Jia to bring Liang Shuting to the window, and then I watched downstairs.

(End of this chapter)