Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 184: Yin scissors


If you want to know what a red fetus is, you can only go inside the water room and see.

I winked at the fat man and motioned to him to unlock the lock. He was good at this.

The fat man looked around vigilantly, and after making sure that no one was there, he took out a thin wire, and then cautiously opened the lock.

About ten minutes later, I saw the fat man sweating profusely, and the lock still didn't open. I was a little surprised. Normally, the fat man unlocked the lock very quickly, but why did it take so long to open the lock this time

"Fatty, what's the matter with you, why didn't you drive for so long this time? With a girlfriend, you can't work anymore?" I helped him watch the wind while complaining.

The fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied: "This lock seems to be a new type of lock. I opened it for the first time. The lady Liu Qing is really smart and bought this kind of lock."

It took about ten minutes or so before I heard a click. The fat man sighed and said that it was finally done.

Fatty and I pushed the door in. Although there was no one, we didn't dare to turn on the lights. It was dark. Fatty wanted to take out the phone as a lighting tool, but I pressed his hand.

"Someone!" I whispered, reminding him not to say anything, because I saw a dark figure sitting on the chair in front of the mirror.

The dark shadow remained motionless and didn't speak, just like a dead person. Because of the darkness in the room, I couldn't see the details.

"Would you like to have a fight with him?" The fat man clearly saw it, and the two of us squatted down, hiding behind the back of the chair shortly.

I said don't be impulsive, this night, who would be silly X would sit in a chair without turning on the light, and would not go to sleep, this is a weird thing, let's take a look first.

We stayed in a stalemate for about seven or eight minutes. The shadow still didn’t move. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I said to come and take a look and tell the fat man to turn on the flashlight function of the mobile phone with me, whether it’s a person or a ghost. , First see what it looks like, if it doesn't work, you will fuck him.

I turned on the phone together with the fat man, and looked at the dark shadow sitting on the chair. Because he was sitting with us behind his back, we couldn’t see his appearance, so we could only look in the mirror in front of him. There was no mirror image of him in the mirror. The fat man called out immediately, his voice trembling: "Brother, this is a ghost..."

I scolded him, there is something I’m afraid of, ghosts have not been seen before, people are afraid of ghosts, ghosts are afraid of people, the more you are afraid, the more he likes to scare you, besides, I’m still scared of being a ghost. If it’s a human, it’s even more troublesome. I have to knock him out, and I’m afraid he will call the police.

That ghost was strange, he still didn't move, as if he didn't care about our existence.

"Where is the enchanting evildoer, leave quickly, or I will be rude to you." I warned the ghost, but he still didn't like me, sitting just like a root.

"Brother, he doesn't seem to value you very much." Fatty murmured from the side.

"I'm going, the tiger won't show off, you treat me as a sick cat." A few yellow symbols were taken away from my hand and flew out. When the yellow symbols hit the ghost, he suddenly let out a wow. It turned into a burst of white smoke and disappeared out of thin air, the yellow talisman fell on the chair and turned into yellow talisque water.

"Brother, where's the ghost? Did he kill him?" the fat man asked.

I shook my head, pointed to the chair and said: "No, he is still there, I can vaguely feel his yin aura." Jiuhe Shuyuan

The fat man rubbed his eyes and said he didn't see it? Is it invisible? Tell me to help him open the sky or two tears of bull's eyes.

I said he was not invisible, he was on the chair, and I didn't know what was going on, it was a bit weird.

The fat man was a little confused, the ghost was not invisible, but he was in the chair again, but the fat man couldn't see him.

I said don't worry, let's go over and check it out.

The fat man and I walked carefully to the chair. There was a cushion on the chair. After I removed the cushion, a pair of scissors was hidden under it.

"Scissors?" The fat man reached out his hand for the scissors on the chair.

"Fatty, don't take it, these are Yin scissors." I yelled loudly, but it was too late. Fatty had already held the scissors in his hand.

"Hehe." The fat man suddenly let out a weird smile, his eyes turned red, and he stabbed me with scissors.

Oops, the fat man was caught by that upper body!

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and avoided the scissors stabbed by the fat man in time, otherwise it would be directly inserted into my heart.

After hiding, I quickly took out the red thread and tied the fat man's hands together. He struggled, the red thread glowed red and tied his hands tighter.

I took out the copper coin and hid it in the palm of my hand, then slapped his forehead with a slap, and then slapped it to the chest, Tianling cover, the copper coin immediately turned black, and then I put a yellow talisman into his mouth, and suddenly he was poisoned. The scissors in my hand fell off, and the fat man rolled his eyes and fainted. I untied the red thread and awakened the fat man.

The fat man rubbed his eyes and asked, "What happened just now? Why did I sleep on the ground?"

I said that you were upper body by the ghost on the scissors, and the shadow sitting on the chair just now was also him, and the ghost hand that helped you cut your hair today is also him.

The fat man shivered when he heard it, and said what's the matter with these scissors? Why are they so evil

I said that this is a yin scissors. Any suicide weapon can be attached to yin. Because the suicide has a high resentment and it is difficult to enter the cycle of reincarnation, many people have their ghosts attached to the suicide weapon after death. Scissors can also be used to commit suicide. One of the murder weapons, although relatively few.

The murder weapon of suicide and massacre is exactly the opposite. Most of the murder weapon of suicide will be attached to the evil spirits, while the murder weapon is strong and fearful of evil, and they will avoid them, such as the pig knife.

The yin on this pair of scissors is very heavy, indicating that this is a yin scissors. Someone has used it to kill by himself before, and the ghost is attached to it. If a living person touches it directly, the ghost in the scissors will fall on that person. It’s best to separate the body with something, such as cloth or something.

Liu Qing, the proprietress, is sure to have sex, otherwise she wouldn’t use yin clippers to cut people’s heads. After yin clippers cut their hair, they will cut off the yang energy of living people, but they will also confuse people’s minds. No wonder those People rush here like an addiction.

I wrapped the yin scissors with yellow symbols, and put them in my backpack. This thing can't be left to Liu Qing to harm others, I have to take it back and deal with it.

At this moment, I heard a "bang bang" sound from the door of the water room, as if something was knocking on the door. At the same time, the fat man and I used a cell phone to shine the door of the water room and found that the seam of the door suddenly protruded. A large stubble of red hair is coming at us.

(End of this chapter)