Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 190: The miserable girl


After Liu Qing learned about this, although she was heartbroken, she had nothing to do, and she was really kind at that time. If this happened to her mother, it would be a huge harm to her mother. Although her mother was sorry for her, she But still don't want to hurt mother.

But she underestimated the despicability of human nature. After the stepfather tasted the sweetness, he didn't pay any price, and naturally wouldn't let it go. From then on, whenever Liu Qing's mother was not at home, it was her nightmare, round after round. The torture of the wheel made her completely collapse. She found Sister Mei and said that she wanted to commit suicide. If she died, please burn her body, and then scattered her ashes to the sea. She longed for freedom.

Sister Mei was about the same age as her at the time, and she was a very good friend. How could she watch her torment, and it was even more impossible to watch her die.

Sister Mei thought for a long time before she suddenly thought of an idea. To get rid of Liu Qing’s stepfather, she had to kill him. Otherwise, it would be impossible to get rid of Liu Qing. Now Liu Qing is only fifteen years old. The previous escape was only lucky, and she couldn't escape a second time.

Liu Qing hated her stepfather a long time ago, but she is a little girl, how can she kill a big man, she has neither the courage, nor the ability, and kills people to go to jail, so her mother will lose at the same time Two people.

Sister Mei immediately scolded Liu Qing, saying that her mother was like this, and Liu Qing was still thinking about her, which was really stupid.

However, Sister Mei can teach her how to kill people that is not easy to be spotted. This method is so curious that most people will never find it.

Sister Mei’s grandmother is from the Miao ethnic group, who can be poisonous, and this craft is passed on from females to males, so she also learned this craft.

Miao Jiang Gu Poison is somewhat similar to Jiangtou, but it is much more than Jiangtou Yinba. If you really want to use Gu Poison to kill a person, you don't know how it really died.

In addition to Gu poison, sister Mei’s grandmother also taught her many secret techniques, so sister Mei’s personality was very explosive since she was a child, and no one dared to bully her. When she learned that her friend Liu Qing was bullied, she wanted to kill that immediately. the man.

With Mei's persuasion, Liu Qing finally agreed to kill her stepfather to get rid of the nightmare torture.

Sister Mei poisoned Liu Qinggu and sent her to her stepfather’s soup. Sister Mei also drove her dog to bite Liu Qing’s stepfather. Seven days later, Liu Qing’s stepfather died. No one can find out the cause, Mei. My sister took the opportunity to say that she was bitten by a dog, but she didn't get a rabies vaccine, so she died.

The crowd couldn't find out the cause of death, so they had no choice but to believe the reason.

After Liu Qing's stepfather died, Liu Qing's mother also hanged herself. For the rest of the day, she could not face Liu Qing alone, so she had to die.

After Liu Qing organized a funeral for her mother, she never wanted to stay in this sad place anymore, so she went to this city to work with Sister Mei, who had dropped out of school.

They are uneducated and have no eating skills. They are young and no one wants to invite them. Later, they went to a barber shop as a shampoo girl, but this barber shop is not a serious barber shop. The owner of the shop is Wu Tian. Everyone He is called his celestial brother. He is a social man. He has tattoos on both arms. He is scornful and doesn't look like a good person.

Although the barber shop is not serious, Liu Qing and Sister Mei have always adhered to themselves and never did dirty behaviors. They were very happy with a meager salary.

They have been working in this barber shop for three years. They were both eighteen years old that year. The longer the Liuqing, the more beautiful they were. The guests were always slobbering her. Even Tiange often drooled when he saw her. First Literature

But they are already adults, and they are not afraid of not being able to find a job. Even if they go to wash the dishes, it is better than staying here. There is a smog here, and the men's eyes are a little abnormal when they come in to see Liu Qing.

The night before Liu Qing and Sister Mei were about to resign, Sister Mei was called into the room. There were four men sitting in the room, all of whom looked like good people.

Brother Tian took a stack of money and threw it on the table, and then threw her a medicine.

Sister Mei didn't dare to pick it up, so she asked Heavenly Brother what does this mean

Brother Tian smiled and said that he took the money, this medicine was for Liu Qing, you think of a way to let her take it.

There is a lot of money on this table, a thick pile, almost tens of thousands of dollars. At that time, Sister Mei might not make a lifetime, but Sister Mei still didn't get it, and she didn't get the medicine.

Brother Tian sneered, and suddenly he took out a gun and put it on Sister Mei’s head: "Don’t toast or eat fine wine. If she doesn’t take this medicine, then you can take it. After taking it and serving these eldest brothers, I will ask you to have bullets again."

Although Sister Mei can be poisoned, she is still an eighteen-year-old girl. When the gun is pointed on her head, she will inevitably be scared, and there are so many people in the sky, even if she can poison, she is not an opponent.

Sister Mei succumbed. Like Liu Qing's mother, she was cowardly and afraid to make her succumb. She tricked Liu Qing into taking medicine, and personally sent Liu Qing into Tian Ge's room.

She didn't know what happened afterwards, but she could imagine what happened to Liu Qing.

After Sister Mei returned to her residence, she kept crying. She didn't know if she was tired or fainted. She fell asleep in a daze. When she woke up, Liu Qing's luggage was gone, and the grandma gave it to her. This book of secret techniques, that book does not record Gu poison, but it records many secret techniques of strange people.

Since that day, Sister Mei has never seen Liu Qing again. She took tens of thousands of dollars from Brother Tian to open a barber shop on this street. Two years later, the barber shop’s business became more and more prosperous. Sister Mei's life is even more worry-free, but the guilt in her heart tortures her day and night. She didn't talk about her boyfriend, and she didn't even want to make friends. She just wanted to find Liu Qing and say I'm sorry, but things are counterproductive. , She couldn't find Liu Qing, she never appeared in the vast crowd.

Sister Mei can't stand it anymore. She has been restless for the past two years because of this bastard named Wu Tian, she wants revenge, and she wants to avenge all the resentment on Wu Tian.

In the past two years, Sister Mei’s Gu technique has become more and more mature, she easily tied Wu Tian over, and then stuffed him into a big jar, and put countless Gu worms in the jar to keep him day and night. Eroded and bitten by Gu worms at night.

No one can bear this kind of inhuman torture. Within a few years, Wu Tian belched.

Sister Mei later burned his body, then took the ashes to the public toilet, and then flushed it down, leaving him stinking for thousands of years.

Although Sister Mei avenged her revenge, she was still unhappy, and the guilt in her heart did not decrease. Instead, as the years grew, her guilt became stronger and stronger. She knew that she would spend her entire life in guilt and then be miserable. She died, but she never expected that she would meet Liu Qing again.

(End of this chapter)