Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 196: Feeling and righteous


"My master is right, your second uncle is really a man of love and righteousness!" Suddenly there was a sentence from Shi Yan that I hadn't expected.

I was a little puzzled. I said that although the second uncle took care of the fool, he abandoned the fool first. Isn't this compensation right? Talk about love and righteousness

Shiyan wiped the tears from her face, and after choking for a while, she continued: "This woman is a "short-lived ghost". She is not even twenty years old at all. She should have died that time when she was seriously ill."

I was a little surprised. How did she know that Auntie is a short-lived ghost? Looking at her half-cuffed finger just now, I asked: "Could it be that you have already counted a divination just now? Can't you? But you even have a fool's character. I don’t know, how? Is your divination and fortune-telling really superb?"

Shiyan shook his head and said, first, if the other person is a fool, lunatic, or vegetable, she doesn’t need horoscopes at all for her fortune-telling, because this kind of person’s three souls and six souls are incomplete, as long as she knows the time and place, Characters can.

Second, to see if a person is a "short-lived ghost", there is no need for fortune-telling at all, just look at the face, she can tell the face of this woman at a glance, and she will definitely not live to be twenty years old.

Shiyan pointed to the idiot and said that the nose called Zhongyue the head of the five mountains in terms of face. It mainly deals with wealth and illness, but also on the length of life. And the nose of idiot is too short. In addition to poor wealth, life expectancy is also short. .

The second is the ears. It is often said that one should look at the ears in terms of life span. Indeed, those with big ears and thick beading are long-lived people. On the contrary, those with small, thin ears and no dangling ears are mostly unsuccessful in their careers and have a shorter life span (except for long vellus ears), especially those with dim ears, which happens to be the case with a fool’s ears.

Looking at the eyes of the idiot, the distance between the two eyes is too close, indicating that he is a short-lived person.

Look at her decree again. The decree line is the figure-eight-shaped wrinkles from both sides of the nose down to the corners of the two mouths. Generally speaking, the longer the legal line is, the better. Those who go directly to the basement or have double legal lines are mostly nobles. If the legal line is too short and no more than two corners of the mouth, it is a short-lived person. With only one corner of her mouth, she is definitely not more than twenty years old.

All these short-lived appearances fit the silly aunt, so she is what people call a "short-lived ghost", she will definitely die before the age of 20, but she has lived to be in her 30s now.

Shiyan also said that she was not calculating whether a silly girl was a short-lived ghost or not, but who was renewing her life.

"Second Uncle, it must be Second Uncle!" After listening to the poem, I suddenly woke up.

Shi Yan nodded and said, it was your second uncle who used his life span of 20 years to continue her life. He did not want to marry a stupid aunt when he retired, but he was afraid that the stupid aunt would be hurt.

Stupid idiot

My mind immediately recalled the scene of the ghost girl who was struck by lightning when she borrowed her corpse to resurrect her soul. If it weren't for Zhang Xiaoman, I might have died.

Borrowing a corpse to restore a soul is going against the sky, so it is a forbidden technique and will be struck by lightning. The idiot was supposed to be a dead person, but the second uncle saved her with a lifespan of 20 years. This is also going against the sky, I understand. The second uncle is afraid that when he gets punished by the gods, he will be a burden to the idiot. After all, if he gets married, two people will live under the same roof.

I'm such a silly X. If the second uncle really wants to abandon the silly aunt, how can he still take good care of her? Unexpectedly, I have misunderstood my second uncle for so many years. He is really a man of love and righteousness. For the woman he loves, he will spend 20 years of life, or even kill him.

"Well, my master is right. Your second uncle is really a man of affection and righteousness, and he is also superb. He can walk against the sky, and even natural short-lived ghosts can be saved, but some things are still unavoidable. , The price to pay for going against the sky is that the silly girl becomes stupid." Shiyan admired.

However, the more Shiyan admires the second uncle, the more ashamed I feel. Outsiders can understand the second uncle, but I have misunderstood him for so many years.

Poetry told me not to feel guilty. I don't know if it doesn't matter, she knows it, and she points to the idiot. "Nine Cakes" in Chinese

Yes, the silly aunt is stupid, but she knows in her heart who is good to her and who really loves her, otherwise after the death of her second uncle, she won't come to pay memorial service every day, and even the head of the second uncle's grave has a weed. nothing.

But looking at the fool, it seemed that she was not doing well. After the second uncle died, no one took care of her. I don't know if she can solve the problem of food and clothing. She looked even worse than a beggar.

Shiyan and I were not hiding anymore, and ran out. Silly Aunt was a little afraid of Shiyan, but not afraid of me. She pointed at me and smiled, "Kobayashihara, hey, Kobayashihara."

"Silly aunt, do you remember me?" When I was a kid, I used to play with me because I liked to follow my second uncle's ass. Maybe she was very impressed.

"Kobayashihara, hehe, pee on your pants, hehe." The silly aunt pointed at me again and smiled, making the poetry burst into laughter.

I say poetry, you smile a little, didn't you pee your pants when you were young? Do you think your gourd brother will be born as a snake spirit.

Unexpectedly, this silly aunt is stupid, but she has a good memory, and she even remembers when I was a kid.

The silly aunt was stupid. I couldn’t answer many questions. I had to ask her to take me back to the house. It was the shed that my second uncle built for her. It is now in dilapidated condition. This kind of wooden shed is not very strong and the wind blows. The rain began to have holes for a while.

There was nothing in the wooden shed, just a broken bed and a broken quilt, and a big picture on the ground, which belonged to the second uncle.

Silly Aunt is dirty in everything, but the second uncle's picture is clean and there is no dirt or dust at all.

Shiyan leaned over and asked if this was my second uncle. I nodded and said yes.

Poetry and Romance couldn't help but praised it, so handsome!

I smiled bitterly and said that you don't need to flatter. My second uncle is a well-behaved rural person. He has to go to the fields since he was a child. He has dark skin, weather-beaten, and shaggy beard, so handsome.

Poetry says that you know what a fart, and the most handsome men who are affectionate and righteous, do you think they are handsome when they look good? Just wear a good skin.

After listening to the poems, I don’t know why, I always feel that this little girl who is under eighteen years old is much more mature than me, and many things are more open to me. This sentence makes me really silent, so I had no choice but to stop talking, and continued to observe the situation of the idiot.

In addition to the housing problem, the food is also very poor. The silly aunt has no one to raise, and can't work, so she can only grab cats and dogs to eat, and sometimes flips the food in the trash can. .

My second uncle’s beloved woman, how could I make her have a bad life? I took out the remaining 10,000 yuan and asked people in the village to help repair the house, and then bought some good things for the idiot Furniture, bed and quilt, the remaining 3,000 yuan was given to an old woman, asking her to help take care of the fool.

Although I spent almost all the money on my body, I felt comfortable physically and mentally, but I finally did something for my second uncle.

It was already evening after I got home, and I had nothing to do. I had to wait until tomorrow's wedding wine to go back to the city.

But I never expected that tomorrow's wedding reception would become a funeral.

(End of this chapter)