Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 197: Something happened


But I never expected that tomorrow's wedding reception would become a funeral.

At twelve noon the next day, I took the invitation and poems to Liu Tufu’s house. Today, Liu Tufu’s house was full of lights and colorful, and it was very lively. The two fools smiled stupidly in the groom’s clothes, and the corners of their mouths Drooling.

After offering the red envelopes, I ate with Shiyan. There was also Old Man Liu who was with us. After a few glasses of wine, Old Man Liu began to talk about the village chief and the little sow last night and said he Those little sows were all big girls of Huanghua, and I didn't expect to pick up a bargain for the village chief and drank a mouthful of soup.

After Old Man Liu finished speaking, we all became happy. Fortunately, the village chief was not there, otherwise we would have to be alive today.

Old man Liu is the famous big mouth in the village. I saw that he was almost drinking. I hurriedly asked these two fools where they found their daughter-in-law? Which girl would actually marry a fool.

Old man Liu took another sip before telling me secretly that these two fool's daughter-in-laws weren't married by Shang Na Ming, but Liu Tufu asked them to buy them.

Liu Tufu did ask someone to talk to the two idiots before, but the matchmaker broke her mouth, and no one in the family wanted to marry her daughter to a idiot. Even if Liu Tufu was willing to give a double dowry, it would not work.

In the end, Liu Tufu really couldn't do anything, so he asked someone to buy a daughter-in-law from nowhere.

I heard that this daughter-in-law is still very beautiful, but she is so fierce and refuses to marry. Liu Butcher has to lock her in the house every day to prevent her from going out. If she is disobedient, she beats and scolds. .

After about three months later, the woman who bought it suddenly became acquainted and said that she was willing to be the wife of the second fool, but the match was marrying, even if she married a fool, she would have to marry gracefully and could not be wronged.

Liu Tufu was so happy when he heard that, he quickly started to organize the wedding. His family has a little money and only one son. This time the marriage almost invited the whole village to have a wedding wine. The pomp is not small.

After listening to Old Man Liu's words, I frowned. Isn't this human trafficking? This is illegal! But Liu Tufu really took the courage of the bear heart and leopard.

Shiyan put her mouth close to my ear and whispered: "Boss, do we want to rescue this girl?"

I shook my head and said that I can’t act rashly. Sometimes people in rural areas have weak legal consciousness. He bought a daughter-in-law back with money. If you dare to take her away, you must work hard with you. When the money is bought back, it belongs to him.

But this matter can't be ignored. Now in broad daylight, I want to take the bride out of the village. It is almost a daydream. I have to wait until the night is dark and the wind is high. After the guests and the host have been drinking for three rounds, I will look for opportunities again.

Just when we were drinking, the second fool of the groom and the bride came out to toast. I looked at the bride and found that the girl was indeed very beautiful, with delicate skin and tender flesh, good figure, and delicate melon face and face. A waterfall of thick black hair, if you really marry a fool, it would be a pity.

After the toast, the bride was sent back to the room. At night, the second fool was sent to the bridal chamber. I thought of coaxing everyone to make trouble in the bridal chamber, but Liu Butcher stopped him. He said that the second fool’s bridal chamber What's so troublesome, let their two parents-in-law toss them by themselves! Hacker fiction

Liu Butcher was a pig slaughterer. He was very hostile. He also drank a little wine, and he became even more hostile when he talked. He said not to make trouble in the bridal chamber. Everyone dared not move anymore, and then he dispersed.

My original plan was to go into the bridal chamber, then get the two fools drunk, and wait until midnight to take the bride away, but I didn't expect that this plan would be strangled in the cradle by Liu Butcher before it even started.

"Boss, what can I do now? If you don't act, the two fools will have a bridal chamber, or let's grab it?" Shiyan rolled up his sleeves, as if going to fight a big battle.

I hurriedly stopped her and persuaded her not to be impulsive. Even if I snatched the bride, I would never escape from the village. This matter must be considered for a long time. Besides, these two fools' saliva can flow for more than a foot. Will he have a bridal chamber

At this moment, suddenly there was a scream that cut through the sky in the room, which shocked all of us present.

"Something went wrong!" I was the first to react, and then rushed into the room, followed by a bunch of villagers and Liu Butcher.

After opening the door, we saw the second fool hanged on the beam of the room. His feet were wearing red embroidered shoes. He had no clothes on his body. His tongue protruded more than half a foot, and his eyes were bloodshot and slightly protruding. , Looks a little scary.

"Son, my son!" Liu Tufu and his wife Cuihu screamed and rushed over, and then quickly solved the two fools, but at that time the two fools were out of breath, and the two in-laws were holding the bodies of the second fools and howling. Crying.

Where's the bride? I frowned and hurriedly searched for the bride's figure.

I saw the bride squatting at the foot of the bed, her face pale, her eyes looked out of the door in horror, and I followed the direction she was looking, but I didn't see anything strange.

"You, it's you, who killed my son..." Liu Tufu's wife, Cuihu, suddenly sprang up like a lunatic, and pinched the bride's neck with her hands, "I want you to pay for my life, for my life!"

When I saw something was wrong, I hurriedly pulled Cuihu away with the villagers, but even so, the bride's neck was still bloodied by Cuihu's nails.

The bride was initially frightened, and she became even more frightened by Cuihu's pinch. She hurriedly got under the bed, then hugged her body tightly, and kept muttering in her mouth: "Ghost, there are ghosts, ghosts, Ghost... Don't come here."

Ghost? Could it be that the second fool was killed by a ghost? I looked at the death of the second fool, and it was indeed a little weird. Why did he put on a pair of red embroidered shoes on his feet? Why did he have all his clothes gone? If it was just simple Killing, this is too cumbersome? Unless, the second fool was really killed by a ghost!

Shiyan and I squatted down and persuaded her not to come out for a long time. In the end, we had no choice but to work together to drag her out of the bed. Since everyone suspected that she had killed the second fool, we tied her with a rope. She got up, but her emotions were still very excited, and she kept shouting ghosts, and the ghosts came, which made the villagers here a little shocked. Except for Liu Tufu's wife, Cuihu, no one dared to do anything to her.

At this moment, Liu Tufu wiped his tears and said that he was worried that the second fool would not have a bridal chamber, so he installed surveillance in the room just in case.

I smiled bitterly, saying that you really know how to play as a pig-killer, and you pretend to monitor your son and daughter-in-law's bridal chamber. Don't you think it should be

(End of this chapter)