Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 198: There is a ghost


I smiled bitterly, saying that you really know how to play as a pig-killer, and you pretend to monitor your son and daughter-in-law's bridal chamber. Don't you think it should be

After Liu Tufu finished talking, he took us to a room with a computer in it. It took him a long time to open the surveillance record. He said that this thing was not very useful, and it was a bit strange.

After opening the monitoring records, Liu Tufu's face immediately became extremely ugly. With the howling and crying just now, it looked like a penetrating paleness, just like a dead person.

From the monitoring, we can see that these two fools really don't know how to get married, so they will only pester the bride to play with him, and they don't understand that kind of thing at all.

But suddenly, a group of ghost fire rose up from the second fool's body, and it only took a few seconds for the ghost fire to burn the second fool's clothes clean, but it didn't hurt any inch of his skin.

At the same time, a hand suddenly came down from the ceiling. The skin of this hand was blue and green, and it was only a single hand. No one was seen. It made people look at the scalp and numb. All the villagers in the village took a breath of air when they saw it, and some even shouted in horror: "Ghost...Ghost, this is a ghost."

After that hand came down, he immediately grabbed the second fool's neck, and then quickly lifted him under the beam of the room. What is even more strange is that that hand turned into a rope, and the second fool was hanged in the room. Liang Shang.

After the second fool died, suddenly a pair of red embroidered shoes came out from under the bed, and then put them under the second fool's feet.

This happened quickly and was extremely strange. When the bride next to her saw it, she was so scared that she couldn't make a sound. She trembled all over her body. After a while, she suddenly let out a scream, and then killed everyone. Attracted over.

"Ghost, there is a ghost, Butcher Liu, your house is so haunted..." After watching the surveillance, the villagers screamed in fright. Some timid people even ran away, afraid to stay here for a while. .

"Go and invite the blind Li, hurry up." After Liu Tufu shouted, two young people rushed out, presumably to invite the blind Li.

Since this matter had nothing to do with the bride, we went back and released her soon, and Cuihu didn’t embarrass her anymore, but she was still very scared. It is estimated that the scene just now scared her enough. Now her body is still shaking, and her face is a little There is no blood, Shiyan has been holding her to comfort her, but the effect is not great, probably because she is not familiar with Shiyan.

About ten minutes later, the blind Li came in with the support of the two young men. As soon as he stepped in with his front foot, he pushed the two young men away. He suddenly said something in his mouth. The layman did not understand it, but I know He was chanting the requiem.

The Requiem Curse is used to save the dead and souls. The blind Li started to recite this before he even entered the door. Is he trying to save the second fool

The blind Li entered the house after reading for a while. All of us greeted him and explained the situation to him.

Blind Li did not comment after listening, but pushed everyone away and turned towards me, then sniffed vigorously.

"Lin Yuan is back?" Blind Li asked.

"Ah? How do you know?" I haven't spoken a while ago. He is blind, how do you know it's me

The blind Li haha laughed. He said that he recognized the smell in me, and he knew it was me as soon as he heard it.

Normally blind people’s sense of smell and hearing are indeed more sensitive than ordinary people, but they are not terrible enough to remember the smell of me all the time, right? And I’m standing in the crowd now, can he know so exactly that it’s me

The blind Li said that my taste is a bit different from others, so he knew it was me as soon as he smelled it.

I frowned and asked how my taste is different from others? Is my masculine more masculine

Blind Li smiled again, did not answer, but turned the topic back to the second fool. 04 Novel

"Lin Yuan, what do you think of the second fool?" the blind Li asked me.

The villagers followed Blind Li and looked at me, but they all had questions on their faces. Blind Li’s skills are well known, why did he ask me? I'm just a high school student.

"What does this kid know, it's just a nasty kid."

"Yes, can he understand these things?"

"Just let him see the excitement, don't embarrass him."

"Blind Li, isn't he even blind now, right? Asking a high school student for his opinion?"

All the villagers began to talk, and they looked down upon me very much in their language.

In addition to the villagers, I am also a little surprised, does the blind Li know that I also know the technique of yin and yang

But since he asked all the questions, and these villagers actually looked down on me so much, I didn't delay anymore, and directly expressed my opinion.

I said from the monitoring point of view, there is no doubt that the second fool was killed by a ghost, and he was still a grieving ghost.

I pointed to the window and continued, did you see the water droplets on the window glass? The window had been closed before. After Li Gui came in because the grievance was too great, it still couldn’t get out, so it turned into water droplets. Why is the water droplets resentful? Into

As long as you look closely, you will find that the water drops on these windows are all black!

A young man in the village didn't believe it. He ran to touch it with his finger, and found that the entire finger was darkened. He was so scared that he hurried to the well and washed it, but he couldn't wash it off.

I said that water can't wash away the grievances, so I can find some censer to wipe it, and it will turn white in no time.

When Liu Tufu heard this, he found some censer ash at home and asked the young man to wipe it a few times. As expected, the young man's fingers turned white immediately, and the black layer of the censer ash was all wrapped in the censer ash.

The villagers didn't expect that I had two more children, and they all gave me a thumbs up. The voice of questioning just now never sounded again, and they doubted whether I was the apprentice of the blind Li Sishou.

The blind man Li nodded and said that what I said was correct, but there is another very important thing that I didn't mention. When a ghost kills a person, he kills. Why should the second fool die like this

Generally speaking, it is enough for a Li ghost to kill a person to death. Why should I burn out the clothes of the second fool? After he died, he would have to wear a pair of red embroidered shoes

I didn't understand this, so I quickly asked the blind man Li why this is

Blind Li said that the purpose of Li ghost killing is only to kill. To put it bluntly, killing is the purpose, but people are different. There are many purposes for killing. In order to achieve different purposes, killing will give the deceased a different method of death.

I shuddered as soon as I heard it. Did the blind Li mean... the murderer behind the second fool was a man, not a ghost

But who would fight against a fool? Why did the second fool die so strangely

(End of this chapter)