Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 200: Burial


I couldn't sleep for a long time when I lay in sex at night. At this moment, I suddenly saw a pale face appearing on my window. I was so scared that I hurriedly jumped up, it was the bride!

Damn, this night, suddenly a dead person appeared at the window. If you are timid, you can be frightened. Even I shuddered when I saw her pale face.

When the bride saw me awake, she turned around and ran away. I chased me hurriedly, but the person was no longer visible. I searched around the house again, but still couldn’t find her. This dead man ran so fast, let her both times I escaped, but I don't understand. Why is she lying on my window tonight? Is there something to do with me? But she is not familiar with me.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't want to understand, so I had no choice but to go to bed.

The next day, Shiyan and I attended the funeral of the second fool. Because the second fool died so strangely, the happy event turned into a funeral. Except for the children, almost everyone in the village came to watch the fun.

After Liu Tufu nailed the coffin of the blind Li with his own hands, the two parents-in-law held the coffin again and began to cry. The two cried extremely miserably, and the person carrying the coffin next to him couldn't bear the coffin.

At this moment, the coffin suddenly made three "dongdongdong" sounds, as if someone in the coffin was knocking on the coffin board, and the second fool who could lie in the coffin had long since died.

Hearing the sound from inside the coffin, the surrounding air instantly solidified. Although it is broad daylight, everyone's complexion became pale, and some people even ran home in fright.

"My son, my son is not dead, he is still alive, quickly open the coffin, hurry up." Liu Butcher’s wife Cuihu went to pick up the coffin cover like crazy. Fortunately, Cuihu was nailed tightly just now, and Cuihu couldn’t pull it without tools. Opened, all my nails were cut off, and the coffin lid didn't move.

"Wife, my son is dead, calm down, there are dead people in this coffin." Fortunately, Liu Tufu was sane, so he pulled Cuihu away in time.

Blind Li knocked the ground fiercely with a cane and shouted: "It shouldn't be too late. Get off the coffin quickly. This corpse is starting to be a bit wrong."

The six brawny men who carried the coffin hurriedly lifted the coffin, and then began to lower the coffin cautiously, but the noise inside the coffin became louder and louder, as if someone was hitting the coffin with their body inside, shocking the six brawny men. Shocked, their hands trembled, saying that they had carried the coffin for so many years, and they had never been so wicked, and it was still in broad daylight, and the surrounding villagers also showed horrified expressions. If it weren't for the blind Li here to give them courage. It is estimated that they have run out a long time ago, and they dare not look at such a wicked crowd.

I think there is something wrong in the coffin. I guess the blind Li's coffin will not be able to shake the corpse of the two fools. If I don't take action, it is estimated that the corpse will break out of the coffin tonight and run around the village.

I hurriedly walked over and motioned to the person who carried the coffin to stop first, and then put a yellow symbol on the head and the end of the coffin, wrote a scarlet swastika in blood in the middle of the coffin, and chanted a requiem spell in my mouth. Later, the movement inside the coffin suddenly stopped.

At this time everyone looked at me in surprise, with admiration written on their faces. Even the blind man Li frowned. I actually solved the problem with two yellow symbols, and I was still a hairy boy, I couldn’t believe it. I will understand this aspect.

"Don't be shocked, hurry up and bury the coffin." The blind Li urged beside him.

After the coffin stopped moving, the six strong men were no longer afraid, and soon buried the coffin.

After the incident, Liu Tufu and Cuihu began to cry for their son. Because it was a white-haired person who sent a black-haired person, they could only cry three times. This is the custom in our village. Otherwise, the deceased would watch the old man living in grief at home. Willing to go. Literature under the pen 2020

After crying for the funeral, the two parents-in-law began to worship, and the people onlookers also had to bow three times. After the incident, Cuihu originally wanted to stay for a while, but the blind Li waved and said: "You can't stay longer, the lively popularity will be met." Continue to wake up the bodies of the two fools, everyone has listened to me, no one can come to this tomb within seven days!"

Originally, this corpse was evil. Even if the blind Li didn't say anything, no one would dare to come over. He was panicked in broad daylight. Who wouldn't be afraid

After everyone dispersed, Liu Tufu pulled Cuimei to leave, the blind Li also shook his head, and then walked away slowly on crutches. Shiyan and I were the last to leave.

"Boss, have you found a very strange question." On the way home, Shi Yan asked curiously.

"What's weird?"

"Don't you feel that the pig killer is not sad at all? It's not that he is not sad, but compared with Cuihu, his sadness seems a bit insignificant, even a bit pretentious." Shiyan said.

I frowned and said no. The second fool is also Liu Tufu’s son. Now that the son is dead, and the white-haired man sends the black-haired man, how could he not be sad? It’s just that men are different from women, and the sadness is not so great. .

"Is that so?" Shiyan muttered to himself, and then said nothing.

After returning to the village, the blind Li organized the villagers to search for the bride, but he couldn't find the bride after searching for a day. At night, everyone didn't dare to search again. After all, this was a dead person who could run. Everyone was scared when it was dark.

Naturally, Shiyan and I also participated in the search, but the results were not satisfactory. The dead man was just like the world has evaporated. The whole village was turned over, but she was still not found.

After we got home, we both found something to fill our stomachs and took a shower. When I slept in the middle of the night, I suddenly felt as if someone was staring at me, and I woke up from the horror.

At this time I saw the bride standing outside the window again, her face was pale, but her eyes were fixed on me.

This time I stopped chasing her out, but directly questioned her: "What the hell did you come to see me for? Do you know that you are dead? Since you are a dead person, you should enter the land for safety and stop hiding. Go, it doesn't make sense."

After the bride heard what I said, the expression on her face was a little ups and downs, as if she was very excited, but this time she did not run away, but suddenly shouted an inexplicable word to me: "Help me!"

"Help you? What can I help you?" I asked strangely.

At this moment, Suddenly Shiyan broke in and shocked me. I said you don't do this. People will be scared to death. What's more scary is that she scared the bride away.

"If I guessed correctly, she should be pregnant. She asked you to help her, probably because of this." Shiyan said.

I said, how did you know? It was in the middle of the night, how did you know that she would come to my window

(End of this chapter)