Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 201: Under the guise


I said, how did you know? It was in the middle of the night, how did you know that she would come to my window

The poetry said that this is simple. When she helped the bride before, she found that her stomach was a little wrong, and it seemed to be bigger than normal.

If she lives a normal life, there is nothing wrong with having a small belly. After all, everyone has the right to eat fat. But she was trafficked and often beaten and scolded by Liu Butcher. It is estimated that she would be hungry if she was disobedient. , Can she have a belly? So obviously she is pregnant.

As for why I knew that the bride came to my window in the middle of the night, it was because Shiyan accidentally saw two palm prints on the window this morning. From the size of the hands, it can be seen that it was a woman, so she was bold. Presumably, that person was the bride who was already dead, so when she went to bed at night, she left a heart that was not completely asleep. Sure enough, she heard the sound from my room just now, so she kicked the door in.

"Are you...really pregnant?" I asked the bride.

The bride nodded, and then opened her dress. I saw her belly is much bigger than usual, which is obviously pregnant.

"You are pregnant, who is the father of that child?" I was suddenly a little curious, can't I be the second fool? He is still a child, how could he have the ability to make other women pregnant with children.

"It's Butcher Liu!" Shiyan said.

Butcher Liu? He and his prospective daughter-in-law...

The bride nodded again. She said if the second fool could inherit the incense, Liu Tufu knew better than anyone else that marrying a daughter-in-law was just a cover. He was afraid of other people’s gossip, and even more afraid of Cuihu’s opposition, so she called the stupid son to marry a daughter-in-law. The pretence is actually to find another wife for myself to inherit the incense. Anyway, the son is stupid, and no one knows that he gets his daughter-in-law’s bed at night. It kills two birds with one stone. Therefore, the daughter-in-law didn’t buy it for the second fool, but for Liu Tufu. I bought it myself.

After listening to the bride's words, I immediately cursed my mother. This Liu Tufu was too disgusting. What he did was nothing like a pig or a dog. Then I asked how the bride died

The bride sighed, and then began to talk about what had happened to her.

Her name is Zhu Xiaoyan, a college student who has just graduated. When she was still young, she was cheated by traffickers when she was looking for a job.

The trafficker put medicine in her water, and she was in Liu Tufu's house when she woke up. Later, she learned that she had been sold and sold to a fool as a wife.

At first, Zhu Xiaoyan disagreed life and death, but every time Liu Tufu was beaten and verbally abused. Liu Tufu locked her in the room and left her hungry if she didn't eat or drink.

Zhu Xiaoyan tried to ask for help. She shouted for help when someone came to Liu Tufu's house, but those people didn't save her. People will save her, and no one will sympathize with her.

Later, she was so hungry that she couldn't stand it, and only agreed with the idiot. Anyway, it was a idiot whose saliva was more than a foot long. What could he do? But then Zhu Xiaoyan realized that the real husband and wife with her is not the second idiot. , But the second fool's father, Liu Butcher.

After Zhu Xiaoyan agreed, Liu Tufu smiled happily than anyone else, and then gave her a hearty meal. At night, Liu Tufu took the fool to her room with a wicked smile. Guangxi Biquge

Zhu Xiaoyan felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly said that even if she was willing to marry a fool, she would sleep with a fool that night. Why did Liu Tufu follow him

Liu Tufu hurriedly closed the door, and then asked the second fool to go to bed. The second fool was also really obedient. Just like a child, he lay down and stopped talking.

Liu Tufu told Zhu Xiaoyan that he had given medicine to the two idiots tonight, and he would not wake up until tomorrow, and he would never disturb their good deeds.

Only then did Zhu Xiaoyan fully understand that it was Tufu Liu who wanted to be a husband and wife with her, not the second fool. It was just a pretense to find a daughter-in-law for his son, but it was Tufu Liu who found another wife to inherit the incense.

Originally, Zhu Xiaoyan agreed because the second fool is a fool who knows nothing, so that she will not be beaten by Liu Butcher, or starve, and will not lose anything. Then she can find a chance to escape, but she will never lose. I thought, Liu Butcher wanted to get his daughter-in-law in the bed.

After Zhu Xiaoyan knew the truth of the matter, she naturally wouldn't agree. She resisted desperately, but Liu Tufu was already on the string and had to send it out. After slapped Zhu Xiaoyan a few times, he forced Zhu Xiaoyan's raw rice into cooked rice.

Although Zhu Xiaoyan is a college student and looks pretty, but things have reached this point, even if the other party is a 50-year-old pig killer, she has to give in.

In the days to come, as long as Cuihu is not at home, Liu Tufu will patronize Zhu Xiaoyan, especially when Zhu Xiaoyan starts to stop struggling, Liu Tufu will be even more presumptuous, and sometimes even if he goes to take a bath in Cuihu, he will quickly Come once.

Although Liu Tufu was over fifty years old, he was still a normal man. Zhu Xiaoyan was young and soon she became pregnant.

After Liu Tufu knew that she was pregnant, he was so happy that he smiled on his face every day. He also petted Zhu Xiaoyan as a jewel in his palm, and even Cuihu couldn't say anything bad to her.

Zhu Xiaoyan thought that the good day was finally here, but she did not expect the child in her belly to bring a murderous disaster.

Cuihu gave her food as usual that day, but after she finished her meal, she was confused and felt very sleepy and sleepy. This feeling was exactly the same as that of the trafficker. She immediately realized that her meal should have been eaten. Medicine, but the amount of medicine this time directly killed her.

I don’t know how long it took, Zhu Xiaoyan’s mind suddenly came up with a thought, she can die, but the child is innocent and can’t die! She didn’t want to accompany her to the underworld before her child was born. In any case, she had to give birth to the child. Although she hated Liu Butcher, no matter who the father was, the child was a piece of the mother’s body. She wanted this. The child came out to see the world.

This thought was like a super strong force, which kept running around in her body, and finally Zhu Xiaoyan woke up relying on this force.

At first, Zhu Xiaoyan was very happy, thinking that she was alive, but after a while she realized that she didn't need to pant, her heart stopped beating, and she was completely like a dead person.

She finally understood that she was dead, only for the child, she woke up again, but she was still a dead person!

She didn’t tell anyone about it, and continued to live in an orderly manner. It’s just that Cuihu’s eyes looked strange, surprised and scared, and made Zhu Xiaoyan even more headache. Some parts of her body began to rot, even There are corpse spots, fortunately she knows how to put on makeup, otherwise I can't help it.

(End of this chapter)