Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 204: Guardian


"This money, it seems a little bit less..." an old voice came from behind the tombstone.

Whoops, this ghost has a big appetite, but he needs to burn as much money as he wants.

I also took out a large pile of dead money from my backpack. It doesn't matter if you don't bring real money with you when you're in a mixed bag, but you must bring a little money with dead people, just in case you need it.

"Is this enough?" I threw the dead man's money in front of the tombstone, and suddenly felt a bit like a local tyrant, but it was an illusion. It was just a "poor ghost" found in the underworld. A little pride.

"Okay, burn it to me, my name is Lin Yifa." The old voice sounded from the tombstone again.

Chen Yifa? Doesn't that old man have children and daughters? But it seems that his sons and daughters have moved from the village to the city, and they seem to have never seen them come back for so many years. It is estimated that he has forgotten his father a long time ago. Such a tall grassland has not come back for three years. .

When the blind Li was about to burn someone’s money, I hurriedly stopped him and said, “Of course it’s one-handed payment and one-hand delivery. Let’s burn the money first. What should he do if he defaults on the bill?”

The blind Li said that there is no need to be afraid. If he can run away, the ghost can't run away from the coffin. If he dare to lie to us, I dug out his coffin and put dog blood on his tombstone.

It is said that going to the grave with blood to go to the grave is an extremely vicious practice, and the ghosts who have been soaked in it will never be able to reincarnate.

The blind Li deliberately said this very loudly when he said this sentence, which seemed to be heard by the ghost hiding behind the tombstone.

After burning the paper money, an old man walked out from behind the tombstone. He put a bowl of ghost food in front of us, then walked to the ashes of the dead man’s money, and suddenly there was a lot of money in his arms. , And then he disappeared contentedly.

I picked up the old man’s ghost food and quickly fed it to Zhu Xiaoyan. Her belly became much bigger immediately after eating. This time, she knew her belly was about to give birth. As expected, a minute later, Zhu Xiaoyan clutched her belly and cried out for pain.

"Okay, it's finally going to be born!" I yelled happily.

Blind Li said at this time: "Lin Yuan, you help us protect the law. Shiyan and I will go to the back of the bush to help her deliver the baby. Remember, a child born in Yin is a natural container, especially when a ghost is born. The body can live again directly, so the ghost of this cemetery will never let go of this opportunity. Also, the second fool will definitely come. He was a fool before he was alive, but he will no longer be a fool after death. Fool, my father put a green hat on himself, and he will not let this child be born, so he will definitely come. The coffin nail and the yellow character are probably not able to restrain him."

I nodded to express my understanding. After I said the poem and the blind Li, I helped Zhu Xiaoyan into the grass. After a while, the poem and the sound of exhalation and inhalation came out. I go, this little girl still Will deliver? This is a bit strange.

At this moment, there was a sudden gust of yin wind. The yin wind was bitterly cold. It went straight through the clothes and blew into my flesh. I frowned in pain. Maybe all the ghosts of Nima have come.

Sure enough, after about a minute, a group of dark and crushing figures came out from under the ground. The cemetery in the village is very large. Except for those who have been reborn, there are still many ghosts. They rushed here in groups. , All ghosts have grinning smiles on their faces, but these faces are both familiar and unfamiliar in my eyes. It seems that I have seen them before they were alive, but I can't recognize them anymore.

"Bold evildoer, you have the right to do it here, you guys don't want to fight the idea of giving birth to children." I yelled, and immediately suppressed all the ghosts. They all stopped and looked at me curiously.

But after a while, they all seemed to remember me, and began to comment on me.

"Hey, isn't this old man Lin's grandson? It seems that I even hugged him when I was young."

"Lin Yuan, he was also there during the swim, but unfortunately only drowned me." 52 Literature

"Is this kid so old? Ouch, pretending to be a long way, see if I don't eat you before going to occupy the Yin and have a child."

"Hey, Chief Dao? Did I beat you less when you were a kid? If I didn't steal the battery car and got caught to death, I guess I would have to bully you."

After these ghosts had finished speaking, all of their grimace suddenly became hideous, two ghost hands stretched out, the skin turned dark green, and he leaped at me with a big mouth open.

"Looking for death!" I hit a yellow talisman, and immediately a ghost turned into a puddle of pus, huh, and even treated me as a kid before. It's really a failure to be a ghost so naive as you.

The ghosts looked at their dying companions, and although they were shocked, they still failed to frighten them. I had no choice but to stop showing mercy and give them a little bit of color. I didn't know how good I was.

I took out the octagonal bell and shook it vigorously while chanting the spell to kill ghosts.

"Master, teach me to kill ghosts and be with me. Go up and call the jade girl, and take the ominous picture. The climbing stone is cracked, and he wears a seal. Wearing a canopy on his head, standing on the top of his foot, supporting Liujia from the left and Liujia from the right. There is a yellow god, and then there is a chapter. The god master kills, does not avoid the powerful, first kills the evil spirits, and then kills the night light. Why do you dare to be a god

Every word of the Killing Ghost Curse turned into a golden light and popped out from my mouth. With the soul-stirring sound of the octagonal bell, the group of ghosts really felt painful after hearing it, and they all curled up with their ears covered.

"The money fell and the soul was scattered." I immediately threw a large amount of money out like a dart, and immediately a dozen ghosts fell to the ground. After a few twitches, they turned into a puddle of water. Blowing black smoke.

Dear fathers and villagers, do you go away or not

Those ghosts looked at me so fiercely, running faster than rabbits, all disappeared into the night for a while, and one ghost remained in place.

I took a closer look and found that it was the ghost who said that he often bullied me.

Since you are looking for a chance, then I will fulfill you!

I started to recite the spell again, ready to hit the yellow talisman and beat him to death.

"Wait, old iron, don't, don't kill me..." the ghost suddenly pleaded, making me a little unexpected.

"Hmph, don't kill you, give me a reason!"

"I... I stole the battery car to raise you!"

I:"… …"

"Get out!" I yelled at him, but he still refused to leave. This is a bit strange to me. What are you trying to do? I'm not welcome if you don't leave.

The ghost looked broken and said that he wanted to run too, but he had this problem before he was alive. When he was tense, his feet would be the same as irrigating, and he couldn't run at all. It was because of this problem that he was beaten to death. of.

(End of this chapter)