Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 206: Liu Tufu is evil


Both the trafficker and Liu Tufu deserved to die. They ruined Zhu Xiaoyan, but the most guilty were those who were unreasonable and could not save themselves. Perhaps only when that person is their daughter can they realize the pain.

After Zhu Xiaoyan died, I carried her body back to the blind Li's house, and put it in a coffin and a good place to bury it tomorrow.

As for Zhu Xiaoyan's daughter Li Kaixin, he was raised by the blind Li, but I was a little worried. He is a man and blind, so I don't know if he can support a newborn child.

The blind Li told me to rest assured. He is blind and not blind. He can see everything clearly. Although it is a little inconvenient, he can definitely support this child. Besides, the yin-born child has a special physique. If he is not able to raise it, The evil spirits will definitely come to snatch her, and ordinary people can't keep her.

Blind Li was right, so Shiyan and I didn’t care about it. When I was about to go home, Blind Li stopped me again. I was curious to ask him what else was going on. It was almost four o’clock in the morning. Yes, I yawned and said that I would be sleepy if I didn't sleep.

The blind Li raised his head and looked out the door, and then said, "It's about two hours before dawn. There will be another person in danger within these two hours, so you can't go back, you have to guard him."

I frowned and said that Zhu Xiaoyan's business was over, and the second fool was also beaten away by me, and who else is in danger.

"Butcher Liu," said the blind Li.

Although Liu Tufu was the father of the second idiot, he put a green hat on the second idiot. The second idiot could not kill a child, so he must get Liu Tufu. This person must be in danger before dawn.

I curled my lips and said reluctantly: "The evil that their family committed, let their family take care of it slowly, but Liu Tufu, if you want to be frank, it's not a pity to die!"

The blind man Li said that guarding Liu Tufu was not just to save him, but to find out the murderer behind the scenes. The person who killed the two fools has not been found. If Liu Tufu is dead, then this clue may be broken, because His ultimate goal may be only Liu Butcher. If he died, the murderer must sink to the sea and never come out again.

The blind man Li also made sense, so Shiyan and I decided not to go home first, and went to Liu Tufu's house to guard, hoping to catch the murderer.

It was almost five o’clock in the morning when I arrived at Liu Tufu’s house, and the day would be bright after more than an hour, but it was a long time for Shiyan and me. The feeling of sleepiness but not being able to sleep is really the same. It was too torturous. The most uncomfortable thing was that there were so many mosquitoes in the countryside. Shiyan and I squatted down in the corner and were bitten by mosquitoes. I was really depressed.

But at this moment, suddenly the door of Liu Tufu's house squeaked and opened slowly.

Shiyan and I immediately became energetic, with four eyes staring at the door. At this time, who will come out? Why did you come out so early? Butcher Liu? Cuihu

The answer will soon be revealed, it's Liu Butcher! But what makes me strange is that Butcher Liu holds a pig-killing knife in his hand and looks fierce. Is this looking like he is going to kill pigs? But this guy hasn't killed pigs for a long time, and the pig pens have been demolished for many years. Go to kill the pig

At this moment, Liu Tufu suddenly looked at us. When he saw us, he suddenly showed a strange smile on his face, and then the pig knife in his hand was raised and walked towards us.

Oops, he didn't want to kill pigs, he wanted to kill people!

When I realized this, Butcher Liu had already walked over and slashed at us with a pig knife. Novel 117

Shiyan and I hurriedly separated, and then each flashed aside. The fat on Liu Butcher's face trembled, and his eyes stared directly at me. At this time, I saw a black air on his forehead and his eyes were also shining. Something is wrong, it's scary red!

This guy has been fucked by a ghost!

But the butcher is very hostile, ordinary ghosts will not dare to approach, let alone the upper body, is there someone behind the scenes? At this time, I immediately thought of the murderer who killed the two fools, could it be him

After Liu Tufu's knife failed, he gave up chasing Shiyan, but directly slashed at me.

The butcher’s knife was not a joke. It was extremely sharp. A pig of several hundred catties was killed after a single knife. If it was cut on a person, it would not die or be seriously injured. So I didn’t dare to fight with him. The movements were not neat, and I could dodge it easily, but he didn't breathe at all when he hacked people. He danced with a pig-killing knife without stopping for a second, and my head jumping up and down was a little dizzy.

"Sister Shiyan, why don't you come to help, look at the monkey?" I hurriedly called for help.

Shiyan laughed twice, and then jumped directly from behind to strangle Liu Tufu's neck. Regardless of Shiyan's small arms and calves, the thief was so powerful that he knocked Liu Tufu to the ground in a few seconds.

Liu Tufu was waving a pig knife with his right hand, and his left hand began to grab backwards, trying to catch the poems behind, but instead of not succeeding, he was bitten by the poems. Liu Tufu didn’t cry out for pain, and his body was always there. Rubbing on the ground, as if rowing a boat.

Now I am even more sure that he was upper body by a ghost, otherwise the bite just now must have made a scream like a pig.

Without further ado, I took advantage of Shi Yan to subdue him, I quickly opened his mouth, and then stuffed a copper coin, followed by a yellow talisman directly on the door of his face.

Liu Tufu was dealt with by me, and suddenly a dark shadow rushed out of him, and then the others stopped struggling, but threw up, his mouth was full of black sex, Shi Yan hurriedly let him go, lest he get it. I feel sick all over.

After Liu Tufu squatted on the ground and vomited for a while, he started to wake up a bit, but his eyes were still muddy, like being drunk, people couldn't see clearly, and it took a long time to recognize me.

After he recognized me, he immediately cried to me. I said what was wrong. Why did he cry when he saw me

Liu Tufu said that he had just dreamed that he was killing pigs. He didn't expect that when he woke up and saw it was me, he almost killed someone. Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise he would go to jail in the bureau.

I:"… … "

The poetry told Liu Butcher to rest assured, saying that this pig of mine is not easy to kill, and I haven't driven it for a long time.

I glanced at the poem and said that you are a pig, and then I asked Liu Butcher what happened before, or that you, a pig killer, had sleepwalking, and when he slept, he took a pig knife and slashed people everywhere.

When I asked, Butcher Liu seemed to be electrocuted. He seemed to remember something. He hurried home with a pig-killing knife. He cursed as he ran, "You stinky lady, you dare to fuck me with evil ways, I am today. If you don't fix it well, it won't be your man."

After listening to Liu Tufu's words, Shiyan and I looked at each other. Could it be that Cuihu he was talking about? What kind of evil did Cuihu use to deal with him

(End of this chapter)