Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 29: beggar


This song is called "Millennium Wait One Time", and it is about the White Lady and Xu Xian. I used to laugh at Xu Xian's true cow b, and even snakes dare to "day".

We followed the song reputation and saw a Sao Nian who was about eighteen or nine years old lying not far from us. He was all dirty, wearing a torn hat, and his face seemed to be wiped. The bottom of the pot was as ash, black and dirty, and there was also a broken and rotten bowl on the ground, which was already missing a few mouths.

"It turned out to be a stinky beggar. Why don't you go to the Avenue of Stars if you are singing here so long? Singing here is so disturbing and clean, and it's still early in the morning. Others are probably still sleeping in their sleep!" The fat man mocked, and then he said. He looked at the beggar triumphantly, as if he had been angry just now and wanted to use the beggar to start the scan.

I immediately glared at the fat man, and motioned him not to talk nonsense, one hundred and twenty lines, there are capable people who do, and do not discriminate, or else you will suffer a big loss in the future.

The beggar smiled and replied, "Little Fatty, how did you know that I was on the Avenue of Stars?"

"Are you really a little fat guy? Do you even dare to call Fat Master like that?" The fat man didn't expect to be choked by reversal, and became a little bit irritated.

The beggar smiled again, showing his white teeth: "Besides, this early morning, even me, a beggar, has gotten up and begged. You are still sleeping. Isn't that even a beggar?"

"Oh, I'm quite articulate. Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?" The beggar got so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to clean up the beggar.

The beggar wasn't afraid, he still knocked his bowl and sang: "Fahai, you don't understand love, Lei Feng Pagoda is going to fall down."

"I'll go to your second uncle, and still sing!" The fat man was so angry, he clenched his fist and was about to punch him. I hurried up to grab the fat man to avoid a fight.

"It's not decent to walk around and beat a beggar." After my persuasion, the fat man reluctantly turned off the fire.

"The fat man gives the face brother, otherwise I will hammer you a stinky beggar." The fat man cursed at the beggar.

The beggar still ignored the fat man and muttered: "Who wants the face of a dead person." Then he continued singing, knocking the bowl "cracking".

The fat man just wanted to go crazy, and I was immediately dragged behind, because I found that this beggar seemed to have something in his words, think about it carefully, he has been singing songs from the White Snake, is it implying me something? Because the two of us just got together The snake fought with evil.

"Brother, what did you mean by what you just said?" I quickly asked respectfully.

The beggar knocked on the bowl, made a clear sound, and then looked up at me and said, "The snake you just provoke is not an ordinary snake. If there is no accident, the snake can take you tonight. You were not so lucky this time."

After hearing the beggar's words, the fat man and I looked at each other. Who is this beggar? Why did we know that we met a snake

But when we think about it carefully, we really don’t know what kind of snake it is. The first is the color. As far as I know, there seems to be no wild black snake species in China, and the second is the head. This black snake is bigger than the southern snake. I don't know how long it has lived. If it is an ordinary snake, it will not grow so big even if it becomes a fine.

"It seems that this brother knows something, and I don't know if he wants to tell us, let us save this little life." It's a matter of life, I speak very respectfully, I don't dare to offend him again, I hope I can talk to him. Dig something out of it.

"You want me to say, yes! Let the little fatton apologize to me." The beggar looked at the fat man triumphantly, with a smirk on his face. 89 Literature Net

"Does your sister, don't talk about pulling it down." The fat man refused to bow his head alive, it was a shame.

I quickly pulled the fat man aside and said, "Fat man, if you slaughter that snake, you will get tens of thousands of dollars. I'm sorry. You won't have trouble with the money, right?"

When it came to money, the fat man immediately beamed his eyes. After hesitating for more than ten seconds, he nodded immediately. The fat man, as expected, only bowed his head to the evil money.

"Little brother, I'm sorry, I was wrong with the fat man just now. You have a large number of adults, and the prime minister can hold the boat. Don't worry about me." The fat man changed his face and smiled at the beggar. , Shocked the beggar.

"This face has changed too quickly, right?" The beggar touched his head with a dumbfounded expression.

I smiled inwardly, this fat man, really went to the road for money.

Now that the fat man had admitted wrong, the beggar stopped making things difficult for us, and after a few tickles, he began to tell us the origin of the black snake.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, two monks from Tianzhu, Kaye Moteng and Zhufalan, brought the male and female black snakes to the emperor.

It is strange to say that the emperor at that time actually liked these two black snakes very much and kept them as pets.

These two black snakes have a preference. They like to drink the blood of living humans. The emperor will bleed the captured captives and give them to drink. If the captives are gone, they will kill the palace maids. What’s more terrifying is that the emperor often learns from snake calls and utters "hiss The sound of "hiss" made people horrified, and the emperor's eyes glowed green at night, looking extremely strange.

Later, when the emperor died, the ministers said that the two black snakes were evil, so they let them be buried with the emperor and were buried in the tomb together. Since then, there has been no news of the two black snakes.

After hearing the beggar's words, the fat man couldn't help shivering: "Little brother, according to you, these two snakes are monsters brought by the people of Tianzhu, and counting the years, I rely on it, that's at least more than a thousand years. Up."

"Little Pangdun, don’t be afraid. If it is really a thousand-year snake monster, you would have burped early last night. The two black snakes brought by Master Tianzhu died in the imperial tomb a long time ago. The one you met last night was Their offspring," said the beggar.

The fat man immediately sighed in relief, patted his chest and said, "Fortunately! Fortunately!"

"Brother, is there any way to deal with this demon snake?" Last night, my sulfur and realgar didn't work much, and the yellow talisman didn't work, and the peach wood sword couldn't penetrate. Do you really want me to fight it with a kitchen knife?

The beggar frowned, as if he was thinking. After a while, he slammed his bowl and said, "Although this black snake is big, it is not completely refined. It is not difficult to deal with. Tianzhu's demon snake is with us. They are different. They are born like listening to the flute. The disadvantage is that they are afraid of fire. As long as you grasp these two points, you will be able to surrender it." After speaking, he yawned, stretched his waist, ignored us, and walked away. .

Looking at the back of the beggar, the fat man looked a little awkward.

"What's wrong? Reluctant to bear this beggar brother? These little eyes are staring, but still reluctant." I joked, the beggar had gone far away, and the fat man was still watching.

The fat man shook his head and muttered: "I'll go, after a long time, it turned out to be a girl."

(End of this chapter)