Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 43: Lower your head


After hearing the little beggar's words, the two of us looked dumbfounded. I don't know what she meant. How could we die for no reason? But my heart was lifted up, and my sleepiness was reduced by more than half.

"Little beggar, you can eat anything, but you can't talk nonsense. We finally took two business deals. If we curse our money, it will be too much to die, let alone we invite you to eat chicken." The fat man made a face. dissatisfied.

"No, Zhang Xiaoman's business didn't even start at all. What she was talking about should be Liu Ting." After speaking, I suddenly remembered the two scarecrows on the altar, and it seemed that things were getting worse. Things are getting more and more wrong.

The little beggar hiccuped again, and then patted his chest: "What my little beggar said is a joke. If I say you are in trouble, you are in trouble." After speaking, he pointed to the playing cards on the sofa table next to him. , Signaled the fat man to bring it over.

After the fat man took it, the little beggar said to us, "You two can take one."

"What do you want to do?" Fatty and I asked at the same time.

The little beggar knocked his head alone, and then urged: "I count you lucky today, this beggar will give you a fortune, hurry up, I feel a little sleepy when I'm full."

The fat man and I looked at each other, half believing in what the little beggar said. Beggars can also tell fortunes? Isn't that nonsense

Although a little skeptical, the fat man and I drew a poker card alone.

"Turn it to the front." The little beggar cried.

Fatty and I flipped up at the same time, and their cards were actually four of spades and four of clubs respectively, which vaguely felt a bit wrong for me who was a fortune teller.

Because drawing a black four on a poker card is no different from drawing a dead lot.

"Brother, why did your face become so ugly?" The fat man scratched his head, but he didn't notice that something was wrong.

"Four is death, brother, are you awake?" The little beggar tapped his broken bowl with his chopsticks and let out a stare.

"Cut, Fatty, I've been a sacred stick for some years. I didn't use these little tricks for a while. Just draw a black four and say that our lives are worrisome. Are you kidding me?" Fatty raised his head, a little dissatisfied. .

"Haha." The little beggar sneered twice: "If you don't believe me, shuffle the cards several times and draw again."

"Wash and wash, who is afraid of whom?" The fat man shuffled the cards over and over again, and then we drew it again.

But unexpectedly, this time we still got two black fours.

"Mom sells batches, try again." The fat man tried a few more times unconvinced, but the result was still the same.

"Damn, it's a wicked one. This card shouldn't be taken by ghosts anymore? No matter how you touch it, there are two black fours." The fat man finally gave in, his face suddenly became serious, but the little beggar next to him did. Yawned again and again, showing no interest in the result of our draw, as if knowing that we would definitely draw a black four.

"In addition to death, you will lose money. If you don't believe me, continue to draw, see if you will never be able to draw the card of hearts." The little beggar continued.

The fat man still didn't believe in evil, so he drew more than a dozen cards one after another, and he only drew black playing cards.

Just to prevent fraud, the fat man quickly turned the poker cards up, but the cards were normal, there was nothing wrong at all. Suddenly he slapped his head and remembered that the poker cards belonged to him.

The fat man looked at me blankly, trying to say something, but his mouth just moved, as if he had forgotten how to say it.

"Only drawing a black card means bad luck, from the worst to the fortune, from the worst to the blood and light, but we seem to have both." I looked at the little beggar worriedly, hoping she could give us some pointers.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm just a bit hungry. I smelled your special smell when I passed by here. So I calculated it for you by the way. It's really unlucky. Let me calculate that something happened, but it happened. What's going on, only you know." The little beggar blinked his big eyes as if he didn't know anything.

"Can you please tell me what is the special smell?" I asked. Ran Wen

The little beggar frowned and rubbed her temples with her fingers. After a while, she suddenly "wow": "I remember it, it seems to be the smell of Nanyang dropping her head."

Head down

When the little beggar mentioned the name, I suddenly bounced off the stool, shocking them both.

I ran to the altar and took the two hairs stuffed in the scarecrow's mouth and put them on the table.

"Little beggar, is it the smell of this hair?" I pointed to the hair and said.

The little beggar leaned in to smell it, and was immediately choked with a cough. He pinched his nose and said, "Yes, it's this ghost. It smells very choking. I've smelled it before."

The fat man listened and leaned in to smell it, but he couldn't smell the choking smell, instead he felt a little fragrant, just like a woman's body smell.

The little beggar quickly gave him a white look: "Don't compare your pig nose with me. You smell the worldly five flavors, but I smell Yin and Yang."

The fat man was beaten with a cold stick, so he touched his nose and asked, "You mean, this hair was dropped?"

Before the little beggar could speak, I had already figured it out, and quickly replied: "It's not that the hair is lowered, but the hair is used to lower the head."

After the little beggar’s messing around, although the fat man is still a little confused, I probably already know the nuances of things. To put it bluntly, Liu Ting still has a lot of articles in it, and it is not as simple as she said.

"Little beggar, although I have heard about the head drop technique, I don't know exactly what it is. Can you tell us about it." I pleaded. If there is a relationship between the heads, then I have to work hard first.

"Yes, yes, you just follow us in popular science." The fat man seemed to be quite interested in this.

"Okay, okay, cannibalistic mouth, short hands, this chicken is really a loss." Although the little beggar said so, he could not help licking his lips with a look of endless aftertaste.

Head drop technique is a kind of witchcraft spread in Southeast Asia. According to legend, it is a variety of indigenous witchcraft popular in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, Africa) and ancient Baiyue ethnic groups in southern China (Yun, Qian, Guangxi, Taiwan). The spelling process varies widely, but the common features are human bones, blood, hair, nails, formed human fetus, some kind of wood, some kind of stone, pollen, oil and other materials. Most of the spell types are negative. Generally, it can be divided into two types according to the degree of use. One is to use the head drop technique to resolve the grievances between the two parties or to enhance each other's feelings, and the other is to make people injured or even die unknowingly.

Head drop is different from Gu. The so-called head drop technique consists of "dropping" and "head" in terms of steps. "Descending" refers to the magic or medicinal method used to cast the spell; "head" refers to the individual being casted, and contains the "individual connection grasp" of the casted individual (such as the birthday of the caster, name, photo, commonly used items ( Shirts, lipsticks, cups), body parts such as hair, nails, etc. The characteristic of head drop is to cast spells, supplemented by herbs and unknown creatures. The reason why the little beggar can smell the drop of head is all because An auxiliary special herbal medicine was placed in the lower head.

"I know about this, it's just some fur, and I don't know many secret techniques for lowering the head." After the little beggar finished speaking, he stretched his waist and lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. Get up, can't wake up no matter how you call, look like a stinky beggar.

Fatty and I didn't bother to care about her. Instead, we were wondering about Liu Ting. We wondered how this slumped head came down to the Scarecrow. What's the point

We can understand if we lower our heads on people, but what's the use of going down to scarecrows? We know little and little knowledge about lowering heads, and we don't know the intention of the surgeon and the purpose of lowering heads at all.

"It doesn't matter, Fatty, please call Liu Ting to confirm, and see if anything special happens, and then we will make plans." I said.

The fat man nodded, and then began to call Liu Ting. After a while, the fat man said to me, "It's turned off, shouldn't I be in love with my husband now?"

I didn’t speak, my face became more and more solemn, I hope so, it means that things are going well, but I don’t know why, there always seems to be a stone pressed in my heart, I feel a little bit out of breath, I always feel that something is wrong. To happen.

At this moment, suddenly the fat man's phone rang. He picked it up and took a look, and immediately shouted at me: "It's Liu Ting."

I made a call gesture and motioned for him to pick it up quickly.

"Hey, is it Liu Ting? Whoops, this is the middle of the night, go with your husband in love, why do you call me, how is life still normal?" The fat man pulled the calf when he opened his mouth. There was a wretched smile on his face like a sign.

But this smile froze after a while, and after a few seconds, his entire face became pale, and he gritted his teeth with anger, then slapped him hard and hung up the phone.

I knew that things must have changed, otherwise the fat man wouldn't suddenly change this expression, and quickly asked him what Liu Ting said

(End of this chapter)