Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 50: End


"My grass, anti-wolf spray!" The fat man shouted in pain, "That stinky lady is going to run away, I really hate this stuff!"

When the fat man and I chased out, Liu Ting was nowhere to be seen. After searching the entire community, she couldn't find it, so she had to give up.

After returning to the house, we thought of a way to wake up Li Wei and his wife, and then told them the whole thing.

At first they were a little bit confused, but then they hugged each other and wept bitterly. After a while, Li Wei took Zhang Qing and ran out angrily, threatening to seek revenge from Liu Ting. When we heard, we hurriedly followed. Get out.

The four of us took a taxi and came to another community. I thought that their family lived together. I didn't expect that Li Wei and Li Kang had already separated. His father died early and my mother lived with Li Kang.

After arriving at Li Kang's house, we actually smelled a foul smell, the smell was extremely pungent, which made people almost nauseous.

"Husband, why is there a stench in my mother-in-law's house? What's in it? It smells so terrible!" Zhang Qing gently pinched her neck, looking like she wanted to nauseate.

"I'm not in the mood to care about this now. I just want to find out this stinky lady Liu Ting." Li Wei didn't knock on the door, and kicked him directly. You can see how angry he is at this time. This is his dear. Brother's home.

Surprisingly, the door was not locked at all, and Li Wei kicked the door open with one kick.

"Liu Ting, get out of here!" Li Wei yelled into the room.

But after the door opened, the stench got worse. When we rushed forward, the four of us raised our throats together, holding back pale, and Zhang Qing threw up directly in the living room.

The fat man covered his nose desperately, and his voice was a little unintelligible: "Brother, this, uuuuuu, it smells so bad."

I didn't dare to answer, for fear that it would be impolite to vomit in the living room like Zhang Qing when I opened my mouth.

I followed the source of the stench and came to a house. The door was ajar, but it was obvious that the stench came from inside.

I gently kicked the door open with my foot, and suddenly saw an extremely disgusting scene. A man died in the room. His body was full of rotten flesh. It seemed that he had been cut with hundreds of knives during his lifetime, and none of the meat on his body was good. Yes, after death, the meat slowly decomposed and looked extremely disgusting. The deceased’s head seemed to have been smashed by a heavy object, just like a walnut. The whole was smashed. I don’t know if the ones next to it are brains or brains. , All stuck to the ground and air-dried.

It was the first time that Li Wei and Zhang Qing saw a dead person, and it was such a horrible dead person. They immediately vomited again, and Zhang Qing almost vomited out their intestines.

After they got better, the two of them started crying again, and Li Wei even shouted: "Brother, you... why did you die so miserably! Who the hell was it? Who killed you?"

"Mom? Mom? Husband, where's our mother?" Zhang Qing suddenly remembered that besides Li Kang, there was her mother-in-law.

"Yes, where's mom?" Li Weiwei shouted and started running around the house.

"Let me go!" Suddenly the fat man let out a cry of exclamation in the toilet.

Li Wei and I hurried to hear the sound, and then the fat man pointed to the toilet and said, "Man, your mother seems to be in the toilet."

I quickly stabbed the fat man and motioned him not to talk nonsense. What does it mean that your mother is in the toilet? Isn't that a curse

"Why are you stabbing me? His mother is really in the toilet. I saw an old man's head in it. I was planning to come to the toilet to throw up. Unexpectedly, I opened the toilet lid and saw a man's head, which made me swallow again. Going back, I'm really suffocated." The fat man chattered endlessly, with a look of horror on his face.

When Li Wei heard this, his face changed drastically. There was no blood on his face. He looked like a dead person, but he still mustered his courage. Then he looked into the toilet with Zhang Qing. I also gritted my teeth and used my eyes. Skim to the toilet.

After we could see the contents of the toilet, Li Wei and Zhang Qing knelt on the ground and started crying.

Just as the fat man said, there was a human head in the toilet, an old man's head, but after being washed with excrement and urine, it has changed color and looked extremely weird and terrifying.

We only found the head of Li Wei's mother in the toilet. We searched for other parts of the body but couldn't find it in the whole house. We didn't know where it was hidden.

Later, we called the police. After the note came, the fat man and I finished recording the confession and left. I heard that Liu Ting was responsible for this incident. However, Liu Ting disappeared like the world has evaporated. Can't catch her.

Then again, although Li Kang’s mother and son died miserably, there was no disturbance in my heart, and no sympathy. Everything pays attention to the causal cycle. If Li Kang’s mother and son treat Liu Ting better, neither will they It will end up like this, and the evil cause will have evil results, of course, Liu Ting is the same! First Chinese Network

When I saw Liu Ting again, it was about three months later. I saw her under an overpass. She collapsed on the ground, as if her legs and hands were limp. Tired his head up. A bowl was placed in front of her for begging.

When I passed there, I couldn't recognize her at all, so I treated her as a normal disabled beggar. At that time, I had some change, and I felt sorry for her, so I threw a few dollars in the bowl.

But because of this behavior, she suddenly squirmed frantically and barked at me "Woo". After I saw it clearly, she was surprised to find that she turned out to be Liu Ting, and she seemed to be unable to speak.

I hurriedly called the police, waited for the slip to come, took her away, and cracked a case of human traffickers and arrested more than a dozen human traffickers.

After Liu Ting was rescued, she looked at my eyes with bloody tears. Her expression was strange. She didn't know if she was smiling or crying at me. I think she seemed to have forgotten the expression of smiling, but she wanted to Do it, so it looks very weird.

Liu Ting was sentenced and entered the cell, but this is no longer important to her. It is also a happy event to escape from the trafficker and eat the cell.

Later I received a letter from the prison. I opened it and found that it was actually written by Liu Ting. The handwriting was crooked and slanted, so I could barely read it. It shouldn't be handwritten, like writing with a pen in my mouth. It's also an amazing skill.

The letter explained the whereabouts of Li Wei’s mother’s other bodies. After Liu Ting killed her, she cut off her head, then put it in the toilet, and retaliated by shit and pee on her head every day, below her head. Her body was fed to the dog, and Liu Ting wrapped the big bone in a black plastic band and threw it into the sea.

After the dog finished eating, Liu Ting sold the dog to the dog meat shop. Seeing this, I think Liu Ting is really a crazy lunatic.

The letter also explained what happened to Liu Ting in the past three months. After the incident was revealed, Liu Ting took a ride to a small village alone to seek refuge. Unexpectedly, she encountered a trafficker.

The trafficker gave Liu Ting medicine, and then planned to sell her to a remote mountain village.

Liu Ting was not reconciled, so she escaped at night while the trafficker was sleeping, but she broke two legs while escaping. The trafficker saw that the sale could not be made, and in order to punish her for running away, she broke her hand and threw it away. Go under the overpass and beg Bo compassionately make money.

After explaining everything, there are two more words at the end of the letter, thank you!

This should be Liu Ting’s gratitude to me. She once wanted to kill me. In the end, I reached out to save her. Maybe this is why she is willing to tell me everything.

Good and evil will pay off in the end. I am not surprised that Liu Ting ends up like this, but these things are only a few months later, and they are something to follow.

A few days after the confession was recorded, Li Wei suddenly came to visit us with Zhang Qing and said that thanks to the two of us, otherwise the two of them were guaranteed to be dead. In order to express our gratitude to us, he also specially gave us 20,000 yuan in reward. I was not embarrassed to collect all, so I took ten thousand. Because of this, the fat man babbled in my ear for several days, saying that I don't want to have money. It was a frustration.

In addition to the fat man, the little beggars are still relying on this to stay away these days, so I am a little unhappy. I open a shop, but not a relief hall. If you don't ask for money, you beggar, what do you do in my shop

"Boss, you are crossing the river and breaking the bridge! I saved you twice, so you drove me away like this?" The little beggar complained with his hands on his hips, as if he was going to yell at me.

"I'm going, didn't I give you two chickens? Forget it, just tell me, what do you want!" I was helpless.

"Hehe, I want to work at your place." The little beggar blinked his eyes horribly.

I waved my hand and refused, "I'm sorry, this is a small shop, I can't afford to hire people anymore. It's hard enough to raise a fat man."

"Hey, I haven't finished talking yet. I don't need money, so I just need to cover food and accommodation." said the little beggar.

No money? This sounds like a good value, and this beggar is not an ordinary person. With her ability, she should be able to attract a lot of business for the store and solve many problems for me.

"You... really don't need money?" I asked dubiously.

The little beggar nodded vigorously: "I really don't want it, I need a meal."

"Okay, it's done! It just happens that the fat man has gone back to recuperate these few days, and he lacks a person to look at the shop." The fat man didn't know if he wanted to be lazy, and the injury actually cried and called his mother to go back and rest a few days.

"Cut, what's the point of staying here and waiting for the rabbit? I will see Lao Tzu go out for you to get some customers back, so that you can make a lot of money." The little beggar said, patting his chest.

"What does a girl say about Lao Tzu, how unsophisticated, by the way, what's your name?"

(End of this chapter)