Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 52: Small groove


"Damn it? How did you know? Bah, who did you listen to? Bah, what makes me such a condition?" I asked quickly, one wave after another, I was really a beeping dog.

Li Wen smiled and said, "How can you hide this kind of thing, and quickly explain to you, what method did you use to get Lin Xue?"

"Yes, yes, hurry up and teach us, let us also find a girl, how terrible being single is." Chen Jian also looked at me wretchedly, as if I had to use some dirty means to catch up with Lin Xue.

"Fun Duzi, when did I say I was with Xue Lin? Don't talk about gossip." I said.

"Cut, don't say anything if you don't say anything."

"Yes, catching up with the flowers at work can make you look upright. People don't just want to play with you. How could others look at you like this, cut it."

The two sentenced to the left and the other sentenced to me sarcastically. After speaking, they didn't even give me a chance to refute, gave me a look of contempt and ran away.

From the time I arrived in this dormitory, the two people looked down on people. One day, I would slap their faces and slap their cheeks under my feet.

As I got used to it, I didn't take them too seriously. When it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, I took the guy and slipped to the school playground as agreed.

At nine o'clock, the school playground was quite crowded, and I didn't dare to be too public.

At this moment, two shadows suddenly rushed out and shouted at me, "Come here, hey, Fool Lin..."

I took a closer look. It turned out that it was Lin Xue and Zhang Xiaoman, Zhang Xiaoman's black-bellied girl, who always gave me various nicknames, if it weren't for her money, I would kill her with one hammer.

After I leaned over, Zhang Xiaoman still complained: "Why are you so late, can you be punctual when you collect the money?"

When I look at the time, there are still two minutes before nine o'clock. Why is it not on time

Just when I was about to rebut, Zhang Xiaoman suddenly stepped on my foot severely, and in time he covered my mouth with his hand to prevent me from shouting.

"What? Do you have any comments on what this lady said?" Zhang Xiaoman said with wide-eyed eyes.

"No, no..." I hurriedly rubbed my feet, so that the good men didn't fight with the women, just to end the business as soon as possible, so that I could suffer less torture.

"Xiaoman, don't bully Lin Yuan a little bit. Why should he step on him if he is not late." Lin Xue looked at me distressedly.

"Hey, hey, the rumors are true!" Zhang Xiaoman sighed and regretted, "It's really a flower on the cow dung. How can you look at this kind of bunny? My kick is really true. It's not a waste of step, it must be this dead guy who used some trick to force you to submit."

Lin Xue blushed suddenly, and said with a sigh: "Nonsense, we are innocent!"

"Huh, I'm also innocent, your face is red to the root of your neck." Zhang Xiaoman glared at me quickly, as if I were not a good person.

"Two eldest ladies, can we save anything for later? I just want to get the business done and go back to sleep. I haven't slept well for a few days, and now my head is big." I urged, Zhang Xiaoman. A witch of this kind of character waits to become jealous, and some of me feel better, so I quickly change the subject to be better.

"Forget it, I will settle the account with you later, did you see the hole on the opposite side?" Zhang Xiaoman pointed to the other side of the playground and said. Express novel

On the left side of the playground is the stadium, on the right is the football field, and on the opposite side is the tennis court. Behind the tennis court is an iron net fence, and there is a small hole under the iron net, just enough to allow one person to pass.

The hole has been a long time, and it hasn't been repaired. I don't know who made it. But behind the hole is a small ditch and woods, and there are basically no people.

"Is that hole under the iron net?" I asked.

Zhang Xiaoman nodded: "Yes, that person asked us to meet in the small ditch outside the cave."

"Damn it, it's so dark, why don't you go there to meet up? Even if you don't meet bad people, you are afraid of meeting snakes, insects, rats and ants."

Zhang Xiaoman glared at me again: "Then you go or not? Humph, coward!"

"Go, how can I drop the money when I collect it, let's go two ancestors." I shrugged helplessly, collecting money, helping others to eliminate disasters, don't you have to go to the sword, the mountain and the fire.

I took them two cautiously through the tennis court to the iron mesh wall. At this time, the lights on the playground were no longer illuminated here. The surrounding area was dark and there were occasional sounds of strange insects. Naruto.

Lin Xue tugged my arm tightly, as if she was a little scared, "Lin Yuan, what kind of insect is this? The sound is so permeating."

I looked outside the iron net. A large piece of bamboo was planted there. The sound of insects came from there.

"It's not a bug, but a thing that looks very similar to a frog. Our hometown is called a bamboo green ghost. I heard that only that piece of bamboo has been hanged to have that kind of animal." I said quietly.

"Ah? No, don't scare me, there shouldn't be anyone hanging outside the school." Lin Xue took a breath of fright and almost screamed, her body pressed against my arm tightly. Let me have a very comfortable feeling.

"Go away, dare to scare our Xiaoxue, I will slap you into the ditch." Zhang Xiaoman took out three small flashlights, and then screamed at me.

I scratched my head and smiled bitterly, because of this, I really didn't lie to them...

I took the flashlight, and then took the lead in drilling through the hole under the iron net, and then I took the two Yiyi over.

Outside the cave, there is the small ditch below. The small ditch has dried up long ago, and there is no water at all. After turning over the small ditch, there is a wood and bamboo. It is dark and looks strange and terrifying, and a gust of wind blows over it. , The trees swayed wildly, like a group of demons dancing in a flurry, and the flashlight to that light, on the contrary, there is a feeling of ghostly shadows.

"Zhang Xiaoman, didn't you mean to meet under the small ditch? Why didn't you see anyone? Isn't the guy who meets up late?" I shook the flashlight down the small ditch, but I didn't see anyone.

"I don't know, he meant to meet here anyway." Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Xue also started to raise their flashlights to take photos under Xiaogou.

"Forget it, let's go, this person is clearly playing with you, how can anyone meet in such a dark place, go back to sleep!" I yawned, and I was about to withdraw. The agreed nine o'clock, this It's already nine-fifteen, and it's coming early.

"Dare you!" Zhang Xiaoman suddenly attacked me, twisting my ears to rotate one hundred and eighty degrees.

"I won't go, don't go, let go, devil." I cried out in pain, and when she let go, it was as red as braised pig ears.

At this moment, Lin Xue suddenly yelled. Look at Xiaogou, there is a small pit, there seems to be someone squatting inside.

(End of this chapter)