Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 62: Yinxing faucet


Mom is so embarrassed, someone dared to kick the signboard!

Looking at the golden signs scattered on the ground, I was instantly furious. Although the gold is fake gold that the fat man crossed on, but the four words of Maoshan Ghost Dao, but the old man is not deceived. Not long after I opened the shop, It is a shame to be smashed by someone.

I just wanted to go up and fight Tianyi desperately, when the fat man suddenly rushed in from the door and held me tightly.

"Fatty, please don't hold me. The signs have been smashed by others, so don't fuck him with me!" My face was flushed, and my anger rushed from my chest to my nose.

"Brother, don't be impulsive, calm down! Calm down!" The fat man quickly admonished, which made me feel very puzzled. Normally, fat man is more impulsive than me, and he regards this golden sign more seriously than me. This store It was all our painstaking efforts. The sign was smashed. He should be the first one to rush up. Why did you persuade me not to be impulsive

"Fatty, what's wrong with you today? Why are you so confused all of a sudden?" I asked.

The fat man looked back at Tianyi, then pulled me aside, "Who is this big Buddha please come back?"

I looked at the poem: "The little beggar asked me to come back, saying it was a big fish. How can I know that the business is not going to be done, and I have to lose a sign, it is really unlucky! No, what did you just say? Big Buddha?"

"Brother, do you know who this is?"

I shook my head: "I don't know, Shiyan hasn't said that it's mysterious and feels like a master of yin practice. I have been in the industry for a short time, I have no contacts, and naturally I don't know anyone."

The fat man said: "Three hundred and sixty lines, there is a leader in the line, and our elder brother, the leader of the Yin Xing, is the young master of the Tianmen Tianyi, in the Yin Xing, he is the most capable, and no one dares to disobey him. If you offend him, let alone the sign, let's not get confused in the future."

Hearing what the fat man said, I couldn’t help but feel a little stunned. I didn’t expect this person to be the boss of the yin industry. If the shop is really closed, where can I raise money for a few cemeteries in my house? If you think about it carefully, this person is rude and unreasonable. I really can't afford to offend it. It's not that I am afraid of him, but that I really can't toss about anything right now. I just want to make 100,000 yuan early to buy the cemetery in my home.

At this time, the poetry standing on the side was the most embarrassing. Originally, I wanted to promote a business, but I didn't expect it to be self-defeating, causing the two parties to quarrel.

"Young Master, if you have something to say, don't you need to smash someone's signboard?" Shiyan quickly persuaded him to make peace, his face was full of anxiety.

Tianyi snorted coldly, and did not accept the poem’s kind words: "I don’t care if borrowing a corpse is forbidden or not. I am a guest, and you are the boss. If you can’t meet the guests’ requirements, then I can smash your sign, Maoshan ghost The four words Dao have disappeared for a long time. If you want to stand up again, you have to get some skills. If you can't even pass this level, then close the door as soon as possible to avoid embarrassment."

After listening to him, I couldn't help it anymore, and pushed the fat man away and slapped it on the table: "Then what if I meet your requirements?"

"The golden sign was re-presented with both hands, plus my Tianmen copper coin stamp, plus 50,000 yuan in cash." Tian Yi also patted the table with his hands, staring at me fiercely.


"My Tianyi has never joked!"

"Are you just borrowing the corpse to recover your soul for two days?" I said with two fingers outstretched. No. 7 Novel Network

Tianyi gently squeezed my two fingers and said, "Yes, just two days, one day can't be more, and one day can't be less."

"It's done!" I patted the table fiercely again.

"I will pick you up in seven days!" After Tianyi finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

I hurriedly called to him: "Wait, can you add another condition."

"Say!" Tian didn't even look back, facing me with a stalwart back.

"After it's done, can you help me deal with that yellow leather?"

Tian didn't even think about it, and directly replied: "Sure!" After speaking, he melted into the night.

After Tianyi left, the fat man said happily: "This is a big Buddha in Yinxing. It hugs his thigh. We will walk more comfortably in the future."

I smiled bitterly. Some things are not as simple as I imagined. Borrowing a corpse is a forbidden technique. I don’t mean that I can use it, and I am not sure that I can succeed. I can only take one step and count one step. With a little money, I didn't expect that after entering the yin industry, every step would be difficult. It is not how strong the ghost is, but the human heart is too complicated. For a newcomer of mine, this yin and yang rivers and lakes are still too deep.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm all to blame." Shiyan lowered his head and confessed to me.

I waved my hand to indicate that she was not to blame. She was also good for me and the shop. This was just an accident, and no one was wrong.

"By the way, what did Tianyi say about the copper stamp of Tianmen? What is this?" I asked curiously. I just heard him say this, but I didn't understand what it was.

The poem was about to explain, but the fat man became excited when he heard this, and quickly stopped the poem: "Little beggar, let me say, hey, this copper coin seal is similar to an official seal of shading, and the sign is stamped. After this seal, it represents Tianmen’s recognition of your store. Even if you really enter the Yinxing road, you can ask Tianmen for help if you have any trouble in the future. The copper coin seal also represents credibility and strength. With this, there will be more and more customers, because with Tianmen's copper stamps, customers are also guaranteed. Now it is said that the maximum number of signs printed with a coin is seven. If our signs have seven stamps, it will be considered as breaking the leg. Don't worry, haha."

After listening to Fatty’s introduction, I realized that Yin Xing had so much attention. I thought I was already in the industry. I didn’t expect that I was just wandering outside the door. Even opening a store has so much attention. I will do more research in the future. .

"Now you don't have to think about anything. Just concentrate on doing the things that Tianyi explained. This sign printed with copper coins is also rare. 70% of the stores don't have it." The fat man put on my shoulders, He's been nagging around me all the time, maybe he has been a sacred stick for a long time, and naturally wants to be respected in the yin line, and I just want to make money, as long as the others do not damage the reputation of Maoshan Ghost Road, I don't care.

I won’t go back at night because it’s too late. I slept on the sofa in the store and went to class tomorrow morning.

I didn't have much thoughts in class. Holding the Maoshan Ghost Dao to practice borrowing the corpse to restore the soul, gestures and spells were very difficult, and I didn't make much progress after learning for a day.

In the evening, the fat man called me and told me that Chen Meijia had come to the store again, and her weight had dropped another five catties, so she was fidgeting and asked for help again.

It will take seven days for the matter of Tianyi to be resolved. Now that the weasel is in a hurry, Chen Meijia may not be able to last until that time.

(End of this chapter)