Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 64: President of the Royal Sister


I'm not really a bitch scolding the street. During the physical examination of the third year of high school, several women were found to be pregnant. They were going to take the college entrance examination and then graduate. This is not good. Let the parents take the children first. Naturally, the college entrance examination qualifications are also good. got canceled.

After suffering a few pairs of men and women, finally waited for Lin Xue and Zhang Xiaoman.

Zhang Xiaoman gave me a glance, and then began to examine the building slowly, with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey, god stick, do you think this building is dangerous? I heard that it was renovated when it became a dangerous building." Zhang Xiaoman changed me a nickname one day, really wanting to beat her, if she was not a woman , I interrupted her doglegs a long time ago.

"How can it be so serious. Although this building is a bit old, it will not become a dangerous building. Otherwise, it would have been forbidden to approach it long ago. There are many people in the school, and the school is not stupid. It is not easy to explain what accident will happen. Xue replied, and then gave me a smile.

Zhang Xiaoman sighed: "Do you think there is a problem with this Spiritual Society? It's dangerous to always choose this kind of place!"

I hummed, "Miss, this organization is so mysterious, can it appear in the public? I must find some places where no one dares to go, or I will find it to seize the school."

"Cut, you're smart, does this lady want you to remind you?" Zhang Xiaoman folded his hands on his chest, with a look of disdain: "If this supernatural society is not fun, this lady must set it on fire."

"Okay, go up quickly, I have to go back to sleep when I'm done!" I yawned. Recently, I have been practicing borrowing the corpse to recover my soul. I am not enough energy. I am sleepy and I am studying even during class time.

"You pig, you want to sleep when you see us." Lin Xue looked at me with a grievance, "Do you dislike us?"

Before I had time to explain, Zhang Xiaoman stomped on my foot severely, "Stop reasoning with him, this kind of person will become energetic with just one foot."

"Ah... You... You..." I cupped my feet in my hands, and jumped on the ground with one foot. This devil is too damnable.

"Haha, run, Xiaoxue." Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Xue ran upstairs with a big smile. After a while, they were drowned in the night, but they could still hear their naughty and sweet laughter.

I couldn't care about the pain in my feet, so I hurried to catch up, "Wait for me!" I yelled.

The abandoned school building has not been cleaned for a long time, and the stairs are full of dust. I looked up with a flashlight and I can see countless spider webs above my head. The school is the most popular place, and it’s true that there are spider webs. not much.

After going up to the second floor, I looked around and found that the two women were gone. Did they go up to the third floor? I took a photo of the stairs up to the third floor. There was still thick dust, but two messy ones were missing. Footprints, they did not go to the third floor!

Thinking of this, my heart immediately thumped. Isn't this building dangerous? After a few things, my vigilance has gradually improved.

"Hey, where are you? Stop it, this kind of place is not fun." I didn't dare to shout loudly for fear of being discovered by others, so I tried my best to lower my voice, but there is echo in the corridor, so it can still be conveyed. The volume is already enough.

The trouble is, there is no answer, the whole second floor is quiet, as if I am alone, but I can be sure that they definitely did not go to the third floor, they are here!

It seemed that there was no way. I could only look for them from classroom to classroom, hoping that they would be fine. After all, it was just a blink of an eye. I followed them in about twenty seconds after they came up.

There are a total of ten classrooms on this floor. The strange thing is that the door of each classroom is not closed, but ajar, and I opened it as soon as I pushed it.

After the first classroom was opened, I took a flashlight to take a closer look. The tables and chairs were all emptied, and there was no one left. Except for the thick dust on the ground, it seemed that no one had come for a long time.

Since it was an empty classroom, I could see it all at a glance, so I didn't stay longer and searched for one.

In about a few minutes, I can almost finish reading the classroom, leaving the last one.

When I opened the last classroom, my palms were full of sweat, and I was afraid that there was no inside. Those two people disappeared out of thin air. This is more evil than hell.

I swallowed, and then slowly opened the door. Suddenly, two bursts of saliva sprayed directly on my face: "surprise!"

"I'm going! You two crazy, you just hide and scare me, it's boring! It made me worry for nothing." I quickly complained.

"Just have fun, don't be so stingy." Lin Xuemi closed her eyes and smiled while covering her mouth.

"Yes, meanie." Zhang Xiaoman hurriedly cursed.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the ninth classroom. I was taken aback and felt very strange. I just saw the ninth classroom. The classroom was empty and it was not difficult to observe. Can I know if anyone is there, but why is there still a dark shadow

When the three of us were surprised, we hurriedly raised the flashlights in our hands and took photos of the black shadow. The black shadow subconsciously covered his face with his hands, "Don't shine in my eyes."

It was the voice of a girl, and when we slowly put down the flashlight, we realized that this person was actually the president of the student union.

The president of the student union was in the third year of high school, and I did not join the student union, so I am not very familiar with her, but after seeing her once, there is only one impression of her: Yu Jie!

She looks a little more mature than us, with long shawl hair, snowy skin, a pair of black glasses, and a tall nose. She speaks with great momentum and smiles very friendly. She can sit on the student council. The position, the strength is not average.

"President, why are you?" Lin Xue and Zhang Xiaoman exclaimed together. Although I did not join the student union, they did, so they recognized it at a glance. The expression was full of surprise. Even I was a little surprised to join a non-trivial organization like the Spiritual Society.

"Hehe, are you surprised? Everyone squeezes their heads to enter the Spiritual Society. I am no exception. Spirituality doesn't break the law. It doesn't matter if I believe it, it doesn't hurt the nature and reason." The president smiled, she 'S smile is really contagious, even I was deeply impressed. I always thought that Lin Xue's smile was the best, but I didn't expect this president to be even better, but then she put away her smile again. , Pushed the frame of the glasses, his face was serious, and immediately returned to Yu Jie Fan.

"Hey, what's the name of the president? The introduction, I don't know it. It's embarrassing to call the president." I smiled bitterly and interjected.

The chairman frowned, "Are you Lin Yuan?"

I straightened my chest and asked with puzzled eyes, "Why, the guild grower still knows me?"

"I don't know, but I have heard that Wu Ou is a master of karate. You can beat him to find teeth. Naturally, he is famous. It is not strange to hear about you." The president praised me, his eyes full of admiration.

"No, no, Qiaosheng Qiaosheng, haha." My face was almost red to the root of my neck when she praised me like this.

"Yes, he is a blind cat and a dead mouse. President, he is a magic stick, don't praise him, or his tail will be up to the sky." Zhang Xiaoman gave me a glance and started to step on me again.

"Hei Yi told me that Lin Yuan did have two sons. Whether you can pass the test is probably all up to him." The chairman seemed to have seen Lin Xue and Zhang Xiaoman completely, naturally, he seemed to be able to see me through.

"My name is Bai Yin, and my code name in the Spiritual Society is Bai Xue. I am the person who will connect with you in the second stage. Please advise." Bai Yin said, the attitude is very different from that of the dwarf.

"A lot of advice." I quickly answered politely, "Then what is our test this time?"

Bai Yin replied: "Trick the pen fairy!"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Xue shrank quickly, looking a little frightened.

"Mr. President, this kind of place is so scary!" Zhang Xiaoman leaned against Lin Xue, holding his hands tightly.

"Not only must be recruited in the classroom, but also in the classroom where people have died." There was a smirk on Bai Yin's mouth, and it turned out that Yu Jie had a black belly.

"Dead... People!" Lin Xue swallowed and looked around, "I haven't heard of any deaths in this school."

"The dead at school will definitely not let the matter leak out. I cover everyone's mouth with the money and the matter will not be resolved, but as the president of the student union, I still know some inside information." Bai Yin replied.

The more they listened, the more frightened the two women became. They hugged each other tightly. "I heard that it is very evil to draw a fairy in a place where people have died. Can you change the place?"

I gave a big yawn, "No need to change, let's get started, I'm sleepy."

The pen fairy came in from a foreign country. It is impossible to recruit ghosts without any kind of people. Many of them are guided by novels and movies. To put it bluntly, they are all rumors. If you scare yourself, let them have fun.

"Well, the classroom where people have died is the ninth one." Bai Yin pointed to the classroom behind him.

I frowned, "This classroom? How did you come out just now? I've searched it, but I didn't see you. Where are you hiding?"

At this time, Bai Yin suddenly put a flashlight on his body, and then shone his face, making his face pale and weird, "Perhaps, I am the one who died in this classroom?"

"President, don't be kidding, it's not funny at all, I feel more and more that this place is infiltrating." Lin Xue said scaredly.

At this time, I glanced at the ground and found that there were actually five shadows irradiated by the flashlight. I immediately stunned. Could it be that Bai Yin really is...

There is an extra shadow, indicating that Bai Yin is not dead, but...

(End of this chapter)