Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 66: Male classmate


"Don't you ask me, pen fairy, are you male or female?" I asked the pen.

After a few seconds of pause, the weird pen moved again, and within a short while, he wrote a male character crookedly.

"It's a male pen fairy!" Zhang Xiaoman looked around with strange eyes, as if he wanted to find the pen fairy. He said it was a pen fairy. In fact, it was a ghost that he found with a pen.

"Okay, Lin Yuan, don't ask, send him away quickly. Your test has passed, so don't do anything." Bai Yin looked at the weird pen, as if a little scared, which made me feel a little scared. It's funny, it turns out that the people in Lingyi Society are afraid of ghosts.

"It's okay, you can ask anything before the candle is out." I smirked as I looked at the large candle.

Although I said this, the three women didn't dare to ask, looked at the pen and didn't dare to speak.

"If you don't ask, then I will continue to ask?" I curled my lips, and then continued to ask: "Penxian, how did you die?"

As soon as I uttered my words, the three women glared at me, as if asking me why I asked such a taboo question.

After a while, the weird pen moved again, and then wrote a skewed line: It was killed by a fan falling down.

After Bai Yin read the line of words, she flicked up in fright, her eyes were bigger than the light bulb, her face was pale, and her hands trembled slightly.

I frowned: "Why do you react so much?"

"It's him! This fairy is the one who died in this classroom?" Bai Yin shouted in horror.

I raised my brows: "The person who died in this classroom was killed by a fan falling down? What the hell is going on, can you tell us about it."

Bai Yin swallowed, and he stopped talking. Zhang Xiaoman couldn't pass his impatience, and hurriedly urged: "You said it."

Bai Yin nodded, and talked about the incident of a dead person in the classroom.

It was a hot summer. Because it was too hot, every classroom was equipped with that kind of extra-large ceiling fans, four in each class, and they would whirl around in summer. No one would have thought that this kind of fan could actually Take away a young life.

One day in class, suddenly a large ceiling fan had an accident and fell from the ceiling. At that time, the large ceiling fan was still spinning at a high speed. Not only did it hit a male student when it fell, it also hit half of the male student’s life. I shaved my scalp off, and mixed blood and brain plasma sprayed out. On the spot, the female teacher and most of the female students on the podium were shocked. The male student naturally died on the spot.

Although dead, it can only be regarded as an accident after all. After the school took most of the responsibility and lost a sum of money, the matter disappeared.

After a period of time, the classroom resumed classes and reinstalled a new large ceiling fan, but strangely, as soon as the newly installed ceiling fan was turned on, the classroom would be shivering with the cold, even in the sweaty summer. , And no one dared to open this ceiling fan anymore.

After Bai Yin finished speaking, her expression was a little wrong. I asked her what's wrong? She was silent for a while before continuing, "Actually, this classroom is my previous classroom. The male student who was killed by a fan is my classmate. His name is Liu Hao. We are still very good friends. It has been two years. Things before."

"That is to say, do you know this pen fairy?" Lin Xue asked, blinking her big eyes.

Bai Yin was immediately scared when he heard that, "I... I don't want to know Bi Xian, I don't want to, Lin Yuan, I beg you, send him away soon?" Bai Yin blinked pitifully and looked at him. I seem to be begging.

If this is the case, then I kind of understand why the ghost followed Bai Yin just now, it turned out to be a acquaintance!

However, ghosts follow people they know, and they usually ask for something, otherwise they won't pester people they know, because ghosts are unlucky and will make people unlucky.

I looked up at the ceiling and found that there was a black figure lying on it like a gecko. Could this be the pen fairy Liu Hao I invited? It seems that this guy has been hiding on the ceiling, and now he has finally appeared.

I pointed my finger at the ceiling and said to Bai Yin, "Look, the pen fairy is on the ceiling. See if it's Liu Hao."

When the three women heard it, they subconsciously looked up, and then they were so frightened that they hugged each other together, and Lin Xue shouted: "Lin Yuan, quickly erase my eyes, I don't want to see the pen fairy..."

"Yes, you send him away soon!" Bai Yin also shouted desperately, Yu Jie Fan had no existence. Ye Ye Chinese

But after Bai Yin finished shouting, suddenly the pen fell, and the red candle turned into a white candle, and everything was normal again!

Is Pen Xian gone? But I haven't sent it yet? Is this immortal being so bored that he slipped away by himself

I looked up, and sure enough, there was nothing on the ceiling. The third woman also found something wrong. She also quickly looked up and found that there was nothing on the ceiling before patted her chest.

"Hey, God stick, did the pen fairy go?" Zhang Xiaoman asked.

I nodded: "Yes, with you the devil, the pen fairy is also scared away!"

"Fuck you, get out." Zhang Xiaoman gave me a white look and scolded fiercely.

Bai Yin pushed the frame of the glasses, put away the pen, paper and candle, "Okay, you have passed the test, leave here quickly."

After Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Xue heard this, they cheered for a while, but then Bai Yin said again: "Don't be happy too early, you still have the last level to pass."

"With Lin Yuan, we will definitely be able to pass it." Lin Xue glanced at me, her eyes full of trust.

Bai Yin also gave me approving glances, but I dismissed it, cut, as long as I have money, I can build a spaceship for you, but this supernatural society feels more and more boring. Isn't it a group of deceitful gods

After the three girls chatted for a few words, they left the classroom. I took a flashlight and took a picture of the classroom. I didn’t find the ghost. There was still a yellow sign on the outside door. He could not run away, but where did he hide went

Forget it, if he doesn't harm people, let him go. It takes a lot of effort to catch him, and this is a school, and it should not be too public, or it will be dismissed as anti-science.

Walking out of the classroom, a voice suddenly came into my ears from inside: Help Bai Yin, please!

The voice was a man, but very gentle, not at all howling like an evil spirit, but like a big shy boy.

I frowned, and then I shot it in a circle with a flashlight. I didn't find the ghost. Could it be that I was hearing the hallucinations just now

Maybe I was too tired. After tearing off the yellow talisman, I followed Zhang Xiaoman and the others down the teaching building, and I went straight back to the dormitory when I parted ways with Bai Yin and the others.

I only remembered it when I went to school the next day. It turned out that I took the test today, but during this period I basically didn’t study much.

Zhang Xiaoman looked at me with a worried look, and immediately saw through my mind. She laughed and said: "Oh, what about it? What about the exam? Well, it seems that someone has to wait for the class teacher to be criticized.

This little lady, I have had enough of running on me day by day. I gave her a blank look, and then retorted: "Hehe, save the time, I can test better than you with my eyes closed."

"Hehe, if your Lin Yuan can test better than me, you can do anything you want me, Zhang Xiaoman." Zhang Xiaoman replied contemptuously.

Zhang Xiaoman wasn't just ranting. Her grades basically ranked first in every subject, and she was dominated by it for a long time. That's right, this devil is so terrifying.

"Really?" I said.

"Without a word, it's hard to chase a horse." Zhang Xiaoman curled his lips with a confident expression on his face, "Then what if you can't pass the test for me?"

"If one of us has a low score, then run around the playground without clothes, what do you think?" I smirked.

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaoman blushed and immediately cursed an asshole!

"Why, dare you?" I quickly scared her. In fact, I also want her not to agree. I know how many kilograms I have. I have already started, so I can’t take it back. To her confession.

"Okay, just rely on you, Lin Yuan, I don't care at all. Don't shed tears when you lose, hum!" Zhang Xiaoman slapped the table and agreed, and then hurried back to review, wanting to be a few minutes before the exam. Also review it.

(End of this chapter)