Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 68: unexpected


My heart sighed, God, don't make fun of me, I have worked so hard to succeed, don't get me someone worse than me, then I will be busy

"Hey, buddy, were you a student before you were alive?" I asked in a low voice, trying not to let others think I was a fool.

The ghost nodded, did not speak, occasionally yawned one or two, glanced at the paper, and immediately became more listless, as if he particularly hated exams.

"Dude, how many grades did you die before you were in?" I continued to ask in a low voice.

"Senior year of high school." The ghost replied lightly.

It turned out to be the third year of high school. The problem should not be too big for the upper grades to do the lower grades. I was a little relieved when I thought of this.

"Hey, how did you die?" I asked again.

The ghost seemed a little impatient, but he answered my question: "One night I went online all night, and when I returned to school the next day, I suddenly saw a car crashing into a girl. I tried my best to hit the girl. Pushed away, but he was hit to death."

I said "Oh". No wonder this ghost is not afraid of the sun. It turned out that he did a good deed before he died. As the saying goes, saving one’s life is better than building a seventh-level pontoon. This thing is already considered as boundless merit, but good people cannot be saved For my life, I need a cultured ghost.

"You... go online all night? Do you often go to bed and go to bed?"

The ghost curled his lips: "Nonsense, go online all night, and who won't sleep during class."

"Do you often do this?"

"Yeah, how boring to study, I like to go online." The ghost yawned again, "What the hell did you call me out for?"

After hearing what he said, I fainted for a while. I asked you to come out in the test paper. Of course, I wanted you to answer the questions for me. Would you like to invite you to dinner? But listening to his words, I have already fallen into despair, like this kind of students, we all have a nickname, that is, networm.

Sleeping in class during the day, swimming in Internet cafes all night at night, like a ghost, this kind of classmates generally have this characteristic, greasy hair, pale complexion, large dark circles, and a drowsy look every day, see People yawn, and go to Internet cafes and they are as excited as a monkey.

At this moment, the head teacher came back. She knocked on the table, and then said: "Attention everyone, I'm starting to listen now."

After listening, everyone focused and began to listen carefully to the next listening session.

I sighed and began to accept the judgment of fate, because I couldn't understand the first question, and the ghost I worked so hard to attract was a networm that only used to surf the Internet.

"Choose A!" The ghost yawned and puckered out his ears, as if he disliked hearing too much.

"What?" I was a little dazed, this ghost probably never took a class, can he understand it? Can I believe it

"Choose C." After reading the second question, the ghost said lightly.

"Huh?" I looked dumbfounded again. If the question just now understood me, would it be the same

"Choose B."

"Choose C."

"Wait, read slowly." I didn't have extra time to doubt him, but filled in as he said, until all the listening questions were finished.

After finishing the listening test, the ghost did not stop, but continued to recite all the remaining answers. After finishing the reading, he made a "poof", just like a fart, and disappeared.

I looked at the clocks in the classroom, and there were still forty minutes left before the papers were handed in. This speed can only be described by superb speed, and the others are still working hard.

This ghost knew from a glance that he was not a good student during his lifetime, and his academic performance would certainly not be much better, but his speed of writing English test papers seemed to be not as fast as I thought. Could it be that he was blinded by these? If this is the case, I will tear down his grave.

Does it mean that after being a ghost, he will be able to regain his senses? What abilities will he gain? Impossible, this is all nonsense, what happened in life, and the same after death.

When the time was up, I handed in the test papers smoothly. After school, Zhang Xiaoman came over and knocked on my table, and then looked at me with contempt: "Lin Yuan, you wash your white ass and prepare to run to the playground. This paper is for me. With confidence, at least ninety-five points or more, haha, I have to ask the butler to prepare the best pixel mobile phone, let me take the best moments for you, warn you, if you dare to breach the contract, I won’t let it You have good fruit to eat, huh!"

I swallowed my saliva and felt a little guilty in my heart. I promise that this is the most imaginary encounter between me and Zhang Xiaoman, but people want faces and trees want bark, but the result did not come out. I would not admit defeat if I was killed. It is aggrieved.

"Huh, hehe, then hehe, the test paper didn’t come out, so don’t jump to conclusions so early. Don’t worry, my phone is not high in pixels, but it’s enough to take you a set of satisfactory photos." After I finished speaking, I took a glance. Glancing at her blushing chest.

When Zhang Xiaoman found out, he blushed and stomped my toes severely: "Huh, stinky rascal", and then walked away.

"Pain, pain, let me go, what kind of world, obviously you came to provoke me first, and at a glance how you became a gangster, then the men all over the world are gangsters." I screamed, clutching my feet.

After Zhang Xiaoman left, I suddenly remembered the ghost. I was able to recruit him, indicating that he died near here. In other words, he was also from this school. He said he was a senior in high school. I don’t know if Will it be this third year of high school? But I never seem to have heard of someone hit by a car in this third year of high school.

After thinking about it for a long time, I definitely went to Bai Yin for help. Bai Yin is the president of the student union and should be able to check it for me. The president of the student union in colleges and universities still has some resources on hand.

I didn’t really know Bai Yin until last night, and I was not familiar with her yet. It took a lot of work to find her.

Today, Bai Yin wears a pair of pierced jeans and a long white shirt on her body. This makes me a little strange. It's so hot and there are a lot of girls exposed. Why is she a girl of the royal sister type? Wrap yourself tightly

But don’t guess what the girl thinks, especially in terms of dress, maybe she came to the aunt today, afraid of catching the cold and afraid of blowing the air

"Oh, Master Lin actually came to me, I'm flattered!" Bai Yin pushed his black glasses, smiled, his eyes rolled on me.

"Don't, don't call Master Lin, it makes me look like a magic stick." I hurriedly waved and refused.

Bai Yin smiled, "If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, what can you do with me?"

"Well, can you check for me, has there been an accident in the senior year, such as being hit and killed by a car?" I explained my intentions straightforwardly.

Bai Yin frowned, "It doesn't seem to be. No one died in our senior year of high school. Why did you suddenly ask this?"

I did not answer Bai Yin's question, but continued to ask: "What about the last one?"

Bai Yin scratched her head, and after thinking for a moment, she curled her lips: "I don't remember the last session very much. I'll go to the archives to check it for you, but you can't enter, just wait for me here! "

I nodded and Bai Yin left. About half an hour later, Bai Yin ran back out of breath, sweating on his forehead and chest, and felt like a wet body.

"I found it. There was indeed a male student who was hit and killed by a car last year. He was still a superb student. His grades were among the top five in the school all year round. His name was Changqing." Bai Yin said with a file, "This file" If you take it out, you will return it soon, otherwise it will be discovered, but I took a great risk to steal it for you."

"Ah? It turns out to be dangerous? I don't know, thank you!" I quickly thanked, feeling owed a lot of affection.

"Then how do you repay me?" Bai Yin wiped the sweat from his forehead and opened the first button of his shirt. I could see the dripping sweat and fair skin.

"Ahem." I hurriedly coughed twice, and then changed the subject: "Does this Changqing really like to surf the Internet? He stays all night and sleeps during class during the day?" I feel that the person in this file should have hired the ghost with me It's not the same, because he can't be a top student. How can a networm rank in the top five in the school all year round

Bai Yin glanced at the file, then shook his head: "I don't know, this file is not written, but looking at his photos, it seems a bit familiar."

"Is there a photo in the file?" I snatched the file and took a look. The photo was really the ghost I recruited.

It's really him! I couldn't close my mouth in surprise.

At this moment, Bai Yin suddenly pointed to the photo and shouted: "I remember. At that time, I was in the second year of high school, but I had an impression of this guy. He seemed to go to the Internet cafe almost every night, and then go to class and sleep during the day. , Our students sometimes go to patrol the classroom to check the morals of the class, and arrest him a few times, but his grades seem to be so good all the time, and he hardly studies very much. Some people say that he will not go to the Internet cafe the night before the exam. Read a book for one night."

After hearing Bai Yin's words, my heart suddenly shook, and my mouth opened into an O shape, "Chairman Bai, is this the legendary..."

"Yes, this is the legendary... Xueshen!" Bai Yin nodded vigorously.

(End of this chapter)