Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 76: Strange footsteps


After leaving the classroom, I was a little relieved. I was afraid that Lin Xue would catch up. Then I was sure to expose my stuff in front of her. It seemed that I would have to make up English madly in the future.

I was about to go back to the dormitory to learn how to borrow a corpse to resurrect me. Suddenly the mobile phone in my pocket rang, and when I picked it up, it was a call from the fat man.

I asked curiously: "Fatty, what are you looking for?"

The fat man shouted enthusiastically on the other end: "Brother, come back quickly, there is another business coming."

I hummed, then turned off the phone and rode my broken bike to the shop without even eating lunch.

When I came to the store, I saw a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa with a briefcase. The fat man was bragging with him.

When the fat man saw that I was here, he quickly shouted: "The treasure of the town shop is here, hurry up, the guests have been here for a while."

"I'm sorry, something is late." I didn't dare to say that I had just finished class, otherwise I would leave the impression that I was not dry. As the saying goes, there is no hair on my mouth and I can't do things well.

The middle-aged man didn't say anything, just nodded, "I was introduced by Zhang Qiang, and I have a factory with him, and I am the person in charge of the factory."

"Zhang Qiang is a bit loyal, and Qian didn't know how to introduce the guests." The fat man murmured.

"Then this gentleman, what do you need my help for?" I sat down and asked slowly.

"My name is Li Xiao, and I am now the general manager of this factory. There have been haunts in the factory, I have done a few rituals, and I have seen many masters, but it didn't work." Li Xiao shook his head with a face Despair.

"Is the factory haunted again? Could it be the wife of Zhang Qiang we sent away last time?" the fat man asked.

Li Xiao shook his head: "No, it's another factory. There are a total of eight factories in that factory. It is not Zhang Qiang's one that is haunted. It has been abandoned and has not dared to use it again. If it is not done, the factory cannot be restored, and it will be less profitable. A lot of money, I can’t explain it to my head at the end of the year, but this thing is beyond my ability, and I can’t get it right after I hire a master. The money is spent again, which is really a headache."

The poetry spit out the melon seeds and laughed loudly: "Uncle, I think you have hired a magic stick in all likelihood. Now, it's just like the fat guy in front of you."

"Go go!" The fat man gave her a white look and hurried her out.

"Mr. Li, what is the specific situation, can you tell us about it?" I asked quietly.

Li Xiao nodded, and then told us about the weird incident that happened in the factory.

Li Xiao has been the head of this factory for some years, and these eight factories have been doing well. Nothing has happened, and he has made a lot of money throughout the year.

Later, a worker improperly operated his hand by the machine, and the whole hand was broken. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time and only recovered a small life, but his hand was gone.

After the accident, the factory lost a sum of money to him. Together with the insurance company's loss, it was enough for the worker to spend many years. There was no objection between the two parties, and the matter was settled.

Later, a fire broke out in that factory, which burned the factory building in a dreadful condition. Fortunately, no lives were killed. After investigation, it was just an accident.

It’s not a big problem if the plant is burned. It’s fine if no lives have been lost. It can be rebuilt at the most with a little money, and if a few machines are bought back, the plant can be operated again.

Just as Li Xiao was about to rebuild the factory building, he suddenly discovered something very strange. The factory building that had been burnt to a ragged and even abandoned for a while, unexpectedly often heard strange footsteps coming from it. It was very unusual during the day. This rarely happens, and he often hears it at night.

Ordinary people wouldn’t enter a factory like this, and it’s even more unlikely that a thief would be stupid enough to steal things there. Not only was it a little dangerous inside, but there was nothing left. After thinking about it, Li Xiaosi had only that possibility. , There may be men and women stealing huan in there.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao became a little angry. What happened to spending a few money to open a house? He wanted to come to such a place for excitement. After he wanted to understand, he went to the factory's security guard that night to get a turtle in the urn.

By ten o'clock in the evening, Li Xiao and two security guards were ambushed near the factory building. After a while, they heard strange footsteps.

Li Xiao winked at the two security guards, indicating that it was time for them to arrest someone.

The two security guards glanced at each other, and then rushed in cautiously with the electric baton. There are many hidden dangers in this kind of fire-burned factory building. Li Xiao certainly didn't want to go in. It would be better to leave this kind of rough work to the security.

But after a while, the two security guards walked out pale, and Li Xiao asked them, "Where are the people?"

The two security guards shook their heads at the same time. Li Xiao was a little angry. After planning for a day, he didn't catch anyone. If he wanted to catch them next time, it would be difficult.

"That person didn't catch him, should he meet? Is it a man and woman?" Li Xiao continued to ask.

The two security guards shook their heads in unison, their expressions a little strange.

"What's the matter? You two are talking?" Li Xiao was so angry that he almost rushed to slap them with a big mouth.

Seeing that Li Xiao was so angry, one of the security guards hesitated and said, "Mr. Li, there is no one in this factory."

At this moment, suddenly there was the sound of footsteps in the factory building again, and the sound of "spins and kicks" made the two security guards tremble with fright.

"What? No one? There are still footsteps now? And at the speed just now, when you rushed in, you would definitely see it even if you couldn't catch anyone, plus I've been squatting at this exit, and someone came out of me I can definitely see it too." Li Xiao looked incredulous, he even wondered if the two security guards were lying, maybe they just went in and came out because of fear.

One of the security guards said again: "Mr. Li, I didn't lie to you. The inside is almost the same as the ruins. There are not many bunkers. We can see the head at a glance, but we didn't see the head. What's more weird is that we just stood there. , But there are still footsteps in the body, our brothers just can't find anyone."

After the security guard finished speaking, the other security guard immediately continued: "He said it is true. If we dare to lie, the whole family will not die, and the ancestral grave will be stripped. Mr. Li, before this factory Was it burned to death and haunted?"

After hearing what they said, Li Xiao was a bit half-believing. Is it really such an evil sect? But this factory building hasn't been burned to death

"You accompany me in." Li Xiao decided to go in and find out for himself. If the two security guards are telling lies, then their jobs will not be saved, even the boss dare to lie.

When the two security guards heard that they had to go in, they shook their heads like rattles, their faces were green and white, as if they were afraid to go in again.

Li Xiao saw that the two of them didn't want to move, and quickly threatened them. If they didn't enter, they would lose their jobs and leave tomorrow.

The two security guards really couldn't help it, so they bite the bullet and accompany Li Xiao in again. Who said this was the eldest brother in front of him.

This time they flashed their flashlights and slowly walked into the factory building step by step. As soon as Li Xiao walked in, they smelled a faint burnt smell. This burnt smell is the smell of the machine being burned. Unexpectedly, after a while, this This kind of smell still remains.

Li Xiao lifted a flashlight to take a picture around and found that the interior of this factory building had been seriously damaged. No one should have dared to come in, and it smelled bad. He had completely rejected the previous conjecture. The environment was too bad and there was no one. In the mood to find excitement in such a place.

After Li Xiao came in, the sound of footsteps stopped again, but the three of them couldn't see anyone at all. If someone was walking in it just now, the three of them would definitely be able to see.

"It's a wicked one, what the hell is going on with that footstep? Just hearing the footsteps, but can't see people, is it really haunted?" Li Xiao muttered to himself.

One of the security guards also agreed: "Mr. Li, this place is a real evil. Let's go quickly. Come and I will accompany you during the day. It's strange to see people at night."

Li Xiao was not reconciled. Since he came in, he wanted to take another look. At this moment, the infiltrating thing happened again. There were footsteps around them, but they didn't see anyone.

(End of this chapter)