Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 81: Woman's tears


I don't take advantage of it, it doesn't mean that others won't. I haven't seen it, but it's serious if you have to show the two security guards. After the incident goes out, it is not a joke.

But Zhang Xiaoman had forgotten that the danger was approaching here. After she realized that she couldn't hold all of her body, she suddenly wanted to cover my eyes quickly, which was foolproof.

"Smelly god stick, if you dare to break free of your eyes, I will burst your eyeballs." Zhang Xiaoman said viciously.

I did not abide by her instructions, but squatted and carried her up. Then, with a light hand, I pulled her clothes from the tree and ran back with her at a very fast speed.

Taking advantage of the night and heavy rain, I also concealed from the two security guards. I carried Zhang Xiaoman downstairs in the classroom. Of course, I did not completely conceal the security from the security guards. It is estimated that he also found us running to the teaching building. The two quickly rushed over here again.

"Let go of me, scumbag, scumbag, why do you always bully me, why do you always provoke me, I hate you, I hate you, let me down quickly." Zhang Xiaoman kept hammering my back Afterwards, I felt that it didn't work, so I started to bite. My whole back was cramping because of the pain, and I could even feel blood dripping down my back.

This little girl is really ruthless. I didn't want to care about her at first, because I didn't have time. For her reputation, I had to fight my life and escape. If the two security guards caught her, then she would be finished! But she bit me so hard that it hurts and I almost lost the energy to run away. I was so angry that I patted her butt hard, "Don’t make a noise, the security guards will follow, and if you make any noise, I will throw you down. The security will take you away to see how you see people in the future."

After I finished speaking, Zhang Xiaoman calmed down, and there was no noise or disturbance on my shoulders.

While she was not going crazy, Mou Zujin carried her up to the teaching building with one breath, and then found a cat in the classroom without a locked door.

After putting down Zhang Xiaoman, she squatted on the ground and sobbed. She did not speak or make trouble, and shrank herself in the corner of the classroom.

I panicked immediately. I was panicked when I saw a girl crying, let alone a girl like Zhang Xiaoman. In my heart, she has always been a queen who is not afraid of anything. I am absolutely nothing. Thinking that she would cry too, for a while I didn't know how to comfort her.

It took more than ten seconds for the time to freeze before I remembered that she had no clothes on her body, and that she was soaked all over, and she was extremely easy to catch a cold. I quickly handed her the clothes in my hand and motioned her to put them on.

After Zhang Xiaoman took the clothes, he glared at me with red eyes, and then put on the clothes. He didn't show me a good face during the whole process, and he didn't care about my eyes. Of course, after entering the classroom, I was big Part of the time, I turned my back.

After Zhang Xiaoman got dressed, he sobbed again, which made me feel very uncomfortable. I felt that the whole thing was my fault, and I felt extremely guilty.

At this moment, I suddenly saw the light of two flashlights in the hallway. I shook my heart. When it was over, the two security guards came up. In this larger classroom, even if there are desks blocking it, It is absolutely impossible to hide us. If I am alone, I can still take a gamble. I bet that the two security guards will not see us when they enter the classroom, but I don't see the gamble. What if Zhang Xiaoman loses the bet

I looked at Zhang Xiaoman, who was crying in the corner, and I immediately made up my mind. These two security guards, I have to run out to lead them away. No matter how dangerous, Zhang Xiaoman tonight must never be allowed to a third person. know.

The flashlights of the two security guards are getting brighter, and the sound of footsteps is getting closer. It is estimated that they are not far from searching our classroom.

I whispered to Zhang Xiaoman, "Xiaoman, listen carefully, and wait for me to go out to entice the two security guards. When it is safe, you will leave again. Don't cry anymore. Later, the security will be attracted. ."

After speaking, I summoned up the courage, then took off my jacket and covered my head, and then ran out of the classroom in a smoke. When I came out, I deliberately made a very big movement, which attracted the attention of the two security guards. come. Jing Ai Shu Novels

"Who?" Two light beams shone at me suddenly, and then the two security guards chased me crazy.

I was so frightened that I ran away. When I got to the stairs, I jumped in three steps and two steps. After I went downstairs, I didn’t dare to look back. The sound didn’t seem to get rid of the two security guards. There was still light behind me. Explain that they have been following me.

I didn’t dare to run back to the dormitory directly. There were probably people in the corridor, and I didn’t dare to run to the gate, because there might be security guards over there. I didn’t have much time to think. After a second, I ran towards Abandoned school building.

Facing the heavy rain, I ran desperately. At this time, I felt that my legs were not my own. I just ran numbly. When I ran to the abandoned teaching building, my legs felt a little cramped. I used all my strength to run quickly. Sure enough The legs can't bear it.

I didn’t dare to rest. I even touched the second floor by running and climbing. At this time, I looked downstairs cautiously, and found that the two security guards were also chasing downstairs. I cursed in my heart: mother’s, it’s a ghost. Do not leave.

It is estimated that they will come up soon. The classrooms here are all empty. You can see people at a glance. I don't even have a chance to hide. What should I do? My heart suddenly panicked. It seems that this time I really have to dedicate myself to Zhang Xiaoman's black-bellied girl. The tears of a woman are indeed the most powerful weapon.

Thinking about returning, I hurriedly sneaked into the ninth classroom before they came up. This classroom was used to call fairy tales before, and now there are still traces of candle dripping.

Like President Bai Yin last time, I hid in the open back door, hoping they didn't notice it.

After a while, I finally heard the sound of footsteps approaching. I immediately held my breath, squeezed into the back door, and came!

"Old Li, there are two classrooms left. Pay attention, it's probably inside. You can't let him run away this time."

"Don't worry, Lao Liu, this time we will block a door alone. This time it will make him hard to fly."

The two voices communicated with each other, and then slowly approached my classroom, listening to the sound of footsteps, they had already entered.

"Hey, there is no classroom either. Will it be the last one."

"It's hard to say, maybe it's not necessarily the classrooms upstairs. This teaching building has more than one floor."

"Impossible. I saw this kid on the second floor just now. It's definitely on this floor."

Hearing what he said, my heart suddenly slammed. I was already very careful just now, but I was still discovered. I guess I showed it to him when I looked downstairs.

Fortunately, they did not check behind the door, but were about to leave. I sighed for a while, and a big rock in my heart fell in half.

But at this moment, suddenly I saw the light of a flashlight coming in under my feet.

Oops! The foot was found!

(End of this chapter)