Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 84: The story of poetry


Li Xiao's head shrank, obviously still a little scared, "Then this soul, when can it leave?"

"In the case of a living soul, after the master dies, the living soul will become a dead soul when the master dies. If the three souls are not in place, the single living soul will soon dissipate." I explained.

"Ah? Waiting for someone to die? The ghost knows when he will die. Maybe I died, but he didn't die." Li Xiao was obviously unhappy.

I continued to persuade: "This soul does not harm people, so why wait for it to leave? The factory building you continue to rebuild is just that, and it does not harm people."

Li Xiao pursed his mouth and did not speak, looking unhappy, "But this stuff is too oozing. When that happens, anyone who dares to go to work, let alone go to work, may not even dare to start work on these workshops."

What Li Xiao said also makes sense. Since the employer is unwilling to let it go, then I have no choice but to take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. How can I do things for others, otherwise the reputation will spread to me. It's not so good either.

At this moment, the fat man suddenly said, "Hey, brother, do you remember what the soul said?"

When the fat man said this, I remembered it, and nodded quickly: "Remember, he seemed to say where he went? Is this looking for something?"

"Well, it is 80%!" The fat man agreed.

Li Xiao shrugged: "So what? Maybe this person had lost something in the factory before, and even so, we still couldn't find a clue."

Li Xiao seemed a little depressed, his expression no longer holds any hope.

"Don't be depressed. You said that what a person loses is so important, and it is so important that the soul is separated. This is definitely not an ordinary thing." I said.

"It's important to lose your soul!" The fat man said with a smile.

I glared at the fat man, and he was so frightened that he closed his mouth quickly.

When I said this, Li Xiao seemed to be a little open, and he frowned, "You mean, this person has lost something particularly important in the factory?"

I nodded, "Very important, extremely important, the most important thing."

Li Xiao raised his head, as if thinking, after a while, he still shook his head: "I really can't think of anything so important."

At this time, Shi Yan leaned over and said with a mysterious face: "I have seen the loss of my soul with my own eyes."

As soon as the three of us heard it, our spirits immediately became apparent. The fat man was impatient, and immediately asked: "Quickly tell us, why are you losing your soul."

Shiyan took a sip of tea and then told us in detail about the loss of soul he had seen with his own eyes.

It didn't take long for the matter to pass. About three months ago, a mother and son went to the street to play with a lot of people. The mother didn't watch her son at once, and then the people disappeared.

The mother was panicked and looked everywhere, but she couldn't find it. Later, she notified her family to come and search together, but she couldn't find it. When they were looking in the street, someone in the crowd suddenly said: This kid, 80% It was abducted by traffickers.

As soon as the voice fell, discussions broke out among the crowd. Various tragic incidents of child abduction by human traffickers were being talked about, and the mother fainted on the spot.

Later, after 24 hours, the family hurried to call the police, but after the mother woke up, she became demented, her mouth was drooling, and occasionally she would say a few words to son, son, no other words. It would be said that the doctor said that she was over-stimulated.

Fortunately, the child was found within a short period of time, and it was really abducted by the traffickers. The police rescued him from the traffickers’ den.

When the child came back, I thought that the mother’s illness would also be cured, but what was unexpected was that when the child appeared in front of her, she didn’t respond, and she still called the child in her mouth. The child, the doctor said that she has nothing to do with her body. It's a serious problem, I don't know why it just can't recover.

At this point, it’s time to talk about poetry. It happened that at that time, poetry happened to be begging on the street where the child disappeared and was sleeping there at night.

One night, Shiyan slept until midnight, when she suddenly heard someone calling her son, son, she opened her dim eyes and looked everywhere, but just couldn't see anyone, she immediately shuddered, thinking she had hit a ghost.

Although Shiyan does not know how to catch ghosts, she has never been afraid of ghosts. She knocked on her broken bowl, made a clear sound, and then shouted: "Where is the evildoer, dare to disturb this fairy sleeping."

When Shiyan said this, the fat man covered his mouth and laughed out a pig cry. Shiyan glared at him and stepped on his foot severely. The pain was so painful at the time that I saw his tears streaming out. .

Closer to home, after Shiyan shouted, there was no effect. The woman was still calling her son, son, her voice was very strange, a bit like that kind of gloomy echo, extremely penetrating.

Shiyan suddenly felt a little confused, wondering if this ghost just came to look for his son? If it was so, then Shiyan would definitely not bother to pay attention to it, but now she is sleeping, and this woman calls like this, how can she sleep well? Now

"Enough, whether you are a human or a ghost, find your son somewhere else, don't affect this fairy to sleep." Shi Yan shouted angrily.

No matter what the poem says, the result is still the same, the sound is like a deadly ringtone, and it has been roaming around the poem.

"Oh, my grandfather, is it impossible for Lao Tzu not to scold you and disturb people's dreams? The family crematorium doesn't know?" Shiyan thought that after a harsh sentence, the situation would be better, at least the woman would react a little. But what I didn't expect was that the woman still ignored her.

Shiyan suddenly felt something was wrong. If it was a ghost, then she should be able to feel a little yin, at least the street should become a lot shady, right? But this kind of feeling is not felt by poetry at all.

Is it a human? Isn't it a mad woman? Thinking of this, Shiyan's heart suddenly became angry. She is not afraid of ghosts, but madmen are different. What if she is asleep and hacked to death with a knife? A madman can kill people without paying for his life.

After feeling that something was wrong, Shi Yan began to search everywhere. If that was the case, then she would have to consider moving. Although it took a long time to find such a prosperous street, there is no need to worry about food and clothing, but compared to fate, this is worth it. what

After searching for a while, she didn't find any traces of people at all, but the voices always existed. The poems were completely messed up. She scratched her head frantically and was extremely puzzled. It was neither a human nor a ghost. What the hell was that? If Shiyan was an ordinary person, she would have been scared away at this time, but she was not. Not only was she not afraid, but curiosity was pouring out like a wave.

Suddenly, Shiyan had a whim, and she shouted to her voice: "I saw your son, come here and I will tell you."

Shiyan never thought that it would be effective. She was purely trying to do what she liked, whether she was a human or a ghost, so she didn't look for a son? I said I saw your son.

Unexpected things happened. Suddenly a figure sprang out of the air. This figure was very strange, dark, but transparent. It looked like a shadow and a layer of white transparent adhesive tape. According to the words of the poetry, this thing seems to be neither human nor ghost.

This really shocked Shiyan. She screamed and asked: "Sister, what are you?"

The woman did not answer her question, but anxiously asked: "Son, have you seen my son?"

"Your son? What's wrong with your son? What's his name?" Shiyan asked.

"My son is gone in this street. His name is Xiaotong. Did you see him?" The woman answered quickly, speaking like a machine, and these words seemed to have been programmed.

Hearing what she said, Shi Yan remembered, as if there was a child missing in this street before. Is this woman the child's mother? But she is not a human, what a ghost or a ghost

"Eldest sister, I didn't see your son. Would you still ask the police uncle to help you find it?" Shi Yan kindly persuaded him.

But as soon as the poem came out, the woman disappeared suddenly, there was no sound, and there was no warning, even if it was the wind, you could feel a little bit, but she just disappeared suddenly, and suddenly merged into the air.

Shiyan hurriedly shouted a few words, but the eldest sister did not respond. After a few seconds, Shiyan heard her yell again, "Son, where are you son?"

Shiyan shrank his head, and didn't dare to stay stuck, and quickly went to sleep somewhere else.

The next day, Shi Yan asked other beggars to understand what happened.

Since the woman is not dead, it means that it was not a ghost that I met last night. After pondering the poem, I quickly understood that this woman left her soul on the street.

It's normal to lose my favorite relatives, to be too sad and to lose my soul. The mother is worthy of being the greatest, but this mother was too careless to lose her child on the street, but fortunately she got it back.

Calling the soul is a relatively simple thing. Although Shiyan has not recruited him, he knows the steps. In order to reunite their mother and son, Shiyan finds them, and then helps to call back his mother's soul on the street.

The process does not need to be detailed, it must be the most difficult at the beginning, because the poem is a beggar, others will definitely not believe it, doctors can't cure it, can you be cured by a beggar

Although a little bit aggrieved, after all, it was for others and not to do good deeds for profit, but Shiyan still tried to persuade her family, and finally Shiyan succeeded in bringing the soul back to her mother and reuniting the two mothers and children.

After listening to the story of the poem, the fat man frowned: "Little beggar, you mean, that relatives of people in the factory were burned to death?"

Li Xiao hurriedly explained: "Nonsense, the plant has not burned to death at all."

"Then you don't talk about this in vain?" The fat man rolled his eyes, with a look of doubt on his face.

I stepped on him quickly: "Stupid, what Shiyan wants to express is not this."

"What's that?" The fat man scratched his head, a little confused, Li Xiao also looked at me, hoping I could say something.

(End of this chapter)