Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 92: Toilet tricks


Xue Lin pointed to the opposite wall. I followed the direction of her finger and saw the words on the wall: Good people are low, evil people are deceived, blood returns, and people are killed.

The font was written in blood, scarlet and scary, and drops of blood flowed down the wall, falling on the floor bit by bit.

As long as we turned around, there was an extra line of blood characters. The characters on the wall are still similar to the rumor that Lin Xue said. Could it be that the rumor is true

In fact, like this kind of rumors, there are no one thousand and eight hundred in a place like a school. I am not at all relieved, but what is happening now is too difficult to explain, and there are still paper money and incense burnt in the toilet.

Lin Xue and Zhang Xiaoman were very frightened. Both of them hid behind me. Zhang Xiaoman even forgot what happened. He pulled the corners of my clothes and refused to let go, and stuck out a small head behind me. Two small eyes looked forward.

"Two beauties, don't be afraid. Although there are blood words, there is still nothing unusual." I comforted them.

"Xiaoman, your grades are good, what do you mean by this line?" Lin Xue still refused to let go of the corner of my clothes and asked.

Zhang Xiaoman frowned, propped his chin and thought for a while, "If you combine your story, the meaning will be obvious. As long as a kind person lowers his head, he will be bullied by the evil person. When the blood returns, We must kill everyone."

"Kill everyone? Who?" Lin Xue asked puzzledly.

"Should it be those who bullied her?" Zhang Xiaoman replied.

Lin Xue was still puzzled: "The girls who bullied her are all dead, why do these words still appear on the wall?"

I snorted coldly: "That means that not only those girls are going to die, but everyone who enters this toilet is going to die!"

"Impossible, I have never really heard of anyone dying in this toilet." Lin Xue desperately shook her head, disagreeing with my statement.

I also find it a little strange, what kind of tricks is hidden in this women's toilet? Why does the Spiritual Society use it as a test

At this moment, suddenly I saw the mirror of the toilet began to drip turbid red water, no, it was not red water, it was scarlet blood, and the pungent fishy smell immediately permeated the whole women’s toilet, dyeing the whole mirror. A red mirror.

Except for the mirror, even the floor began to spit out blood, just like a broken water pipe, blood rushed out, and soon all the floors were wetted, and even the soles of our shoes were soaked. I lifted it up. Feet, found a little sticky, are real blood!

"The blood has returned, Lin Yuan, why don't we go, it's terrifying here, the rumors may be true." Lin Xue tugged at the corner of my clothes and shouted in fear, her voice was a little trembling, Zhang Xiaoman was the same, but she didn't. She opened her mouth to talk to me, but I could feel her hands trembling slightly while holding the corner of my clothes.

At this moment, my phone rang suddenly, and someone sent a text message.

I took out my mobile phone from my pocket and found it was an unfamiliar number. It said: Hurry up, the game is in the middle of the game, they want your life!

This sentence is very cryptic, and it makes me look dumbfounded? What game? They want my life? Who are they? Why do you want my life

Just after I read the text messages here, Xue Lin kept urging me to leave. If I read this situation and add text messages, it made me feel that the women’s toilet is extremely difficult. Life is more important than anything else. The situation is not right, right away. Retreat, this is the first sentence the fat man said when he took me into the yin line. He said that although he is like a magic stick, he has encountered a lot of dangers. He has no real ability. He can live safely all the way to the present, relying on the soles of his feet. Greased.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I dragged the two women and started to run out, but at this moment, the door disappeared suddenly and turned into a thick wall with a grimace, disheveled, hideous grimace, and Two long fangs glowed with a blue cold light. Biquge vp

"What the hell is this? It looks so oozing." Zhang Xiaoman finally spoke again.

"Yasha, Yasha who guards hell." My face suddenly became pale.

Yasha is the most evil ghost in hell. Not only can they eat people, they can also eat ghosts. They are extremely evil!

"Hell? This is hell?" Lin Xue was anxious, crying in her voice, and she seemed to regret that she was going to enter the Spiritual Society.

I touched her head and comforted me: "Don't cry, I am here, and you won't be troubled."

Hearing these words from me, Lin Xue's emotions eased a little, and she was no longer so scared. Even Zhang Xiaoman's eyes changed a bit when she looked at me.

"Then what should we do now?" Lin Xue asked.

"Relax, I will definitely be able to take you out, but first we have to figure out what's going on here, and what this text message means." I checked the phone and it was four weeks away from us. Ten minutes, and another twenty minutes will pass the test. Since you can't get out, then stay here for another twenty minutes. By the way, let Lao Tzu see what monsters and monsters are here.

"No, why did the Spiritual Society want us to stay here for an hour? Could it be that the matter of our encounter with the evil door is related to this? Although there have been horrible rumors before, it seems that I have never heard of anyone hitting evil here? "Lin Xue analyzed.

I squeezed her face and praised: "Xue Lin, you are so smart."

Xue Lin raised her head and smiled: "That's right, there are too many magic sticks with you, so I can naturally learn something."

I was fainted suddenly, and now even Lin Xue laughed at me as a magic stick, but she made a lot of sense in her analysis, because we are all tainted with Yin Qi!

In some places, the Yin Qi is heavy, and even mixed with resentment. If you stay for a long time, you will get this kind of thing on your body, and you will naturally hit the evil, but I am not worried about this, but the text message makes I have a pimple in my heart, what does it mean to be in a game

At this moment, the mirror suddenly made a "squeak" sound, as if a fingernail was scratching on the mirror surface, and I heard goose bumps all over.

After a while, the blood on the mirror began to fall, like water droplets on the roof in heavy rain. Then I saw five girls standing in the mirror. They were all wearing school uniforms, standing inside with seven holes bleeding. Staring at us with all white eyes.

These five girls, are they the girls who were turned into ghosts by the bullied girls

Isn't it the girl who caused the trouble, but the group of girls who died tragically

"Ghost, ghost!" Lin Xue and Zhang Xiaoman shouted at the same time, and then hid behind me and did not dare to come out.

"Who are you? Why are you messing up here?" I asked the girls in the mirror.

"The good is low, the wicked deceive, the blood returns, and the man is killed."

A terrifying voice circled in a ball and came out of the mirror. It made people's ears numb and the whole body chilled.

(End of this chapter)