Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 95: Ice coffin


The poetry also said that the person who buried the female corpse in the sky was very vicious!

Everyone knows where the toilet is. It’s smelly, feces, urine and fart. Anyone who is buried in the toilet after death will definitely not have a good life, and the offspring or family members will definitely be unlucky for a lifetime. You say this will Are the people buried in the female corpse sky vicious

I sighed, what kind of grudges or grievances are they, even after they die, they want to kill them? No wonder the female ghost in the toilet is so fierce, it is estimated that this grievance will not dissipate for hundreds of years.

The poetry said that after the female corpse was buried in the sky, it also talked about the Qishizhensha. The so-called Qishizhensha is ranked according to the seven-star Big Dipper. Every corpse is placed in the position of the seven Big Dipper, and the corpse of the town is in In the middle, a corpse in the town of Seven Corpses, in order to suppress the evil spirit of the corpse and at the same time seal it, to prevent it from making trouble.

I said this is a good thing. If it weren’t for these seven corpses, it’s estimated that the school would have been bleeding out of the river. Could it be that the school had also visited an expert and saw the evil charm in the women’s toilet, so I used these seven corpses to seal it. Dead body

Shiyan rolled her eyes immediately, and she said that if this were the case, that female corpse would no longer make trouble, and it was only in the Seven Corpse Town that it was not something that was done by a master.

As the name suggests, Qi Shi Zhen Sha is to find seven corpses, and these seven corpses are also required. The corpses must be male, not born on the lunar calendar, and must die normally without grievances.

But according to what you just said, the seven corpses are not only women, but they also seem to have died miserably, so once the town of Seven Corpses is broken, the ghosts of the seven corpses will come out and cannibalize people, but I’m afraid they It is also very likely to be driven by the female corpse on the ceiling. Who is the one who made the midgame? It's so scorpion-hearted, too vicious. What did these girls do before they were alive? Do you want to treat them this way? You just said that they are still wearing school uniforms and they are at school. Could it be that they are all students

I shook my head and said that I didn't know, but it was most likely a student of this school. Because the uniform on my body was exactly the same as mine, I continued to ask Shi Yan about the ice coffin.

Shiyan frowned, saying that the ice coffin is really difficult to make, and with my financial strength, it is also impossible to sell the kidney.

The ice coffin is made of thousands of years of Arctic ice. The corpse in it will not rot for thousands of years and will not degrade for thousands of years, so ordinary people can't afford it.

I was anxious when I heard it. Tianyi Na is waiting for us to save our lives. I can't find the ice coffin. Isn't he Liangliang? When I saw the time, it was almost an hour.

Shiyan hurriedly pressed my shoulder and signaled me not to worry. Although there is no real ice coffin, I can find a substitute.

Are there alternatives? I quickly asked what it was

Shiyan blinked mischievously: "Refrigerator!"

The refrigerator? I immediately opened up. The shape of the refrigerator is similar to that of a coffin, and it is almost the same as the ice coffin described by the poem. I was so excited that I almost held the poem and kissed it a few times. In the middle of the night, serious supermarkets or electrical shops were closed, and only a few sporadic shops opened.

There was no time to waste anymore. I rode a broken bicycle and drove Shiyan and started looking for a store that sells refrigerators. On the way, I was badly damaged by Shiyan. He said that the fat man still has a battery car. Although it is a bit shabby, it is also true. Automatic, I am still human, shabby and laborious, just a little bit faster than walking.

I don’t like it when I hear it. I am a student, and it’s good to have a bicycle. You, a beggar, are too disgusted with things and don’t like to walk on your own.

After searching for about 20 minutes, we found a small shop that was not closed. It happened to have a refrigerator for sale. He was just a bad boss. Seeing us like this, he killed us without hesitation. It was three points more expensive than usual. One of the prices, this is not a regular store or supermarket, the price is left to him, in case he is taken advantage of, then he has made a lot of money.

The situation was urgent and I didn’t have time to talk with him. For Tianyi, I had to bite out the money and buy it. Life is more important than money!

I don’t know how big the corpse is, so I bought a larger refrigerator, and there’s absolutely no problem in hiding a person. I spent 8,000 in one breath, but I feel so sorry for me. If I want to find the person who harmed me, I will take it. Lost his skin.

There must be no way to transport the refrigerator by bicycle. Fortunately, the owner has a bit of conscience and package delivery. After a few minutes, he drove a truck out, and we slid up the refrigerator, and then went straight to the school.

After arriving at the school gate, I told the boss that it was the refrigerator bought by the school’s teacher. Although the security guards were a little skeptical, he let it go. After the refrigerator was transported to the bottom of the teaching building, we sent the boss away. I patted my thigh and shouted, "Oh, Brother Tianyi said that I would prepare food for three days, so I forgot to do my work." After that, I sneaked out and bought food for three days. Most of them were canned bread.

I'm a little surprised, why did Tianyi buy these things? Wouldn't it be possible for the corpse to eat? That's not a mess, it's just fine.

Shiyan also shook his head, saying that he didn't know Tianyi's intentions, and he would know when he went up.

The two of us worked together to move the refrigerator to the top floor. I thought that a girl in Shiyan had no strength, but I didn’t expect that I couldn’t straighten my back when I went up. She was sweaty and sweaty. She was good and relaxed. It looked like she didn't even shed a single drop of sweat. I seriously doubt if she had moved anything just now, because I felt that the refrigerator was not that heavy, as if I had moved the entire refrigerator by myself.

After moving the refrigerator to the women’s toilet, I called to Brother Tianyi, a few seconds later, Tianyi walked out of the door of the women’s bathroom, and both me and Shiyan were shocked. If you can come out, let’s hurry. Run, why are you so hardworking

But I saw several holes in his clothes and unidentified blood stains on his body. It seemed that he had experienced a battle of evil in it. Could it be that he had already subdued those female ghosts

Tianyi shook his head, "Can't go, I have already made a deal with the female ghost. She wants you to bring two people over. I will stay here. After three days, if you can't see anyone, everyone here will die. No one is spared. …"

"Which two people? What are their names?" I hurriedly asked.

Tianyi replied: "One is called Zhao Jiaying and the other is called Kodak."

Director Zhao? Zhao Jiaying is the director of our school. I saw him and Bai Yin entering the office that day. When I hurried in, I saw his salty pig hand taking advantage of Bai Yin.

I don’t know another person named Kodak. Director Zhao is fine to say, but where can I find this Kodak for you in the vast crowd? How many people in China have no idea

"Just two names? Is there any other information?" I asked quickly.

Tian Yi shook his head, and then got into the refrigerator. After five seconds, the refrigerator disappeared out of thin air, as if melting in the air. I thought this "ice coffin" was for the female corpse, but Tian Yi used it himself. No wonder he wants food for three days, but there is no electricity and the refrigerator is useless? But Tianyi didn't say anything just now, indicating that this refrigerator can be used as an "ice coffin". This person is unpredictable and deserves to be the leading eldest brother of the Yinxing. When will I catch up with him.

"I said that I was a hostage here, but in fact, I stayed here to shake her up. There was no problem within three days. After three days, everything is up to fate!" Tianyi's voice came out of the air, and there was no sound after that.

I quickly opened the toilet door and walked in. Everything in the women's toilet was fine and intact, as if nothing had happened before, no ghosts or gods.

After Shiyan came in, frowned, she glanced at the ceiling, then glanced at the spectacles, and then walked to the mirror and touched it a few times.

"Why are there only five bodies? Are there two more?"

Shiyan knows how many corpses are after touching the mirror? Let alone how many corpses there are. I didn't even know that there were corpses in the mirror. Is there such a big gap between me and them? Don't talk about Tianyi, even the poems say that I can't keep up with eight horses. Are they too strong, or is my Taoism too weak

(End of this chapter)