Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 96: That's the national conditions


Don't talk about Tianyi, even the poems say that I can't keep up with eight horses. Are they too strong, or is my Taoism too weak? However, I became curious about the identity of Shiyan. Who is this little beggar, and how can she understand everything? Could it be that she is also a shady person

Shiyan touched the mirror, and then began to observe other places. It looked like he was looking for two other corpses, but after searching for a long time, it seemed that there was no clue. Tianyi said something similar before, I don’t know. Did he find the other two corpses? He had already asked him if he knew.

I said, isn't Qi Shi Zhen Sha in accordance with the location of the Big Dipper? Only by looking for the direction of the Big Dipper, wouldn't that be the case

Shiyan shook her head. She said that this was indeed the case, but with this mirror, there is no need to arrange them in a fixed position, because the principle of mirror refraction or reflection can also be used. Otherwise, the five corpses will not be possible. All buried behind the mirror.

According to the poem, it is indeed a headache. The mirror in the women’s toilet is very large, and there are many places that can be reflected or refracted. Moreover, after such calculation, all the directions are only known by the person who wants to find the seven corpses. The other two female corpses, unless the entire female toilet is turned over.

"Forget it, this game is too complicated, and the young masters have never seen it through. With the two of us, we may not have results until dawn." Shiyan said, "It is better to find out the two people that the young masters said as soon as possible to be more practical. ."

I sighed, Director Zhao said, where did I look for another one named Kodak? The city with the same name has no one thousand but several hundred. How could a student of mine find them all and go to another city or Let alone go overseas.

Shiyan patted me on the shoulder and said: "What kind of character is the young master? I never thought that he could entrust his life to you. No matter what, you still don't betray his trust in you. "

Think about it, this matter is not a matter of heaven, but he committed a personal risk and entrusted his life to me. Although he wanted me, I have to report this kindness, even if I fight it. Fate has to scrape that person out.

Later, I asked Shi Yan another question, saying that this game has been in the middle game for some time. Why didn’t it break before, but when I entered the women’s bathroom, it broke. Is it true that the three of us spent too long in the women’s bathroom? Is there a yin on the body? Or is it just such a coincidence? That's not right. We ran into it, and at most we died, but now it has developed into a female ghost who wants to slaughter the school.

The poetry said that there is only one thing to say about being broken in this game, that is, someone wants to harm the three of you, but the result is like this, and it is estimated that the person who wants to harm you could not have predicted it.

"You mean, he just wanted to harm me, but he didn't expect that the female ghost was too ferocious and wanted to slaughter the school?"

Shiyan nodded, or that person didn't expect that the thing from the women's toilet could come out.

After chatting with Shiyan for a while, we went back to our accommodation. It was midnight, and I was a little worried about whether Shiyan could leave school.

Unexpectedly, Shiyan said: "Don't worry about me. When there was nothing to eat before, the wall was not turned over. I opened the lock and you ate more salt than you, so it was a bit uncomfortable to walk back."

Poetry, I can understand what I said, dare to love this person with dirty hands and feet before, and when he is hungry, he will steal things from other people's dens. I have to take good care of things in the future.

After breaking up with Shiyan, I went back to the dormitory and went to sleep. I didn’t fall asleep all night, and finally fell asleep in the early hours of the morning. I had a nightmare again, dreaming that the female ghost pulled me in. I went to the women’s bathroom. When I looked up and looked at her face clearly, I found that that face was actually Bai Yin’s. I was so scared that I got out of bed and woke up. Fortunately, those two guys have already gone to class, otherwise I have to give They ridiculed and mocked for a while.

There was no energy for the whole day in class today. Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Xue were also frowning, and their faces were a little pale. They were obviously affected by the incident last night. They had already given up the idea of entering the Spiritual Society, but I asked them to try I contacted the Lingyi Society, but the other party just disappeared from the world. There was no news at all. Zhang Xiaoman became angry and used the power of his family, but I still couldn't find the people from the Lingyi Society. This surprised me a bit. For the Zhang family, the school is slapped in the palm of the hand, and with their human and material resources, they are helpless. What kind of magical powers does this spiritual society have? Bibi e-book

There was no other way, but we had to find the two former connection persons of the Spiritual Society, Xiaozi and Bai Yin.

I thought they could find some clues in them, but what was unexpected is that they denied the affiliation with the Spiritual Society, nor did they admit to taking over with us. They said that they would sue the teacher or the parents if they were to find them. It seriously affected their study and life, especially the dwarf, who was extremely arrogant.

I hehehe, and I asked them a few words, how did it affect my life and study? Didn't I know what I had done

They can’t do anything if they don’t recognize us, but they are so abnormal, they must be tricky, Zhang Xiaoman began to hire people to follow them, trying to find some clues in them, Zhang’s family is not vegetarian, but Zhang Xiaoman is a daughter, supernatural She almost lost her life due to the social damage. With Zhang Hu's personality, this account must be clear to you. Since Xiaozi and Bai Yin have articles on them, they must be biting them.

I don't have too much time to pay attention to them, because I want to find the person named Kodak, otherwise three days later, all of us will not be able to survive.

The first thing I thought of, would Kodak be a student of this school? So I started investigating the school's list.

The person who was in charge of registering the school's general list was a male teacher named Li Hai. I stuffed him a piece of Greater China, and then said that my friends were looking for lost relatives. Many of the information was not clear. Ask him for help.

Being polite and good at doing things, the national conditions are like this, the school is no exception, and just looking up a name, he doesn't suffer a loss or violates the law.

After Li Hai typed his name, he found that there were no students with that name in the school. There were several surnamed Ke, but there was no Kodak. I slapped my head and strangled it. I lost a cigarette and guessed wrong. It turns out that this person is not a student of the school.

I made a rough estimate. The rumor that Lin Xue said happened about three years ago. Although the rumor is not true, the time should not be far off. Even if this Kodak is a student, he graduated early. When I think of this, my head It hurts. It’s easy to manage at school. When you leave society, finding someone is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack. The only way is to send the help of the registered population. But as a student, how can I know the people inside

At this time I thought of Fatty, maybe he has some connections

I quickly called the fat man and told him what happened last night and asked him if he knew anyone in the game.

The fat man made a haha, saying that his fat master’s network is bigger than the Internet, and there is no way he doesn’t know. He helped me contact my friends in the bureau at night, and asked him to have a meal and drink, and then stuff the bag. Smoke, this kind of trivial matter is natural.

I’m relieved to hear the fat man say this. Fortunately, there are two helpers in my store, looking for poems for ghosts, and fat man for personnel. I saved a lot of effort, and I lost a lot of troubles. , Otherwise, this shady road will not be easy to follow in the future, maybe, I don’t know what’s going on when I die, anyway, Tianyi is a big tree.

In the evening, Fatty and I specially selected a better restaurant to entertain his friends in the bureau. The wine we drank was also 800 bottles. My hands were cramping because of distress. This is not drinking, but drinking my blood. , But there is no way. If you ask for help, you have to be willing. This is the national condition, and you are reluctant to let your children catch wolves.

After drinking three rounds, the friend in the Fatty Bureau finally agreed. His name is Dong San. He is in his forties this year. He is already bald a lot, but the ranks of the officials seem not high. Just do things.

Dong San was also a real person, and he didn't delay his efforts after eating and drinking. He immediately went back to the game and checked it for us.

Fatty and I went back in no hurry. We stayed in the restaurant and waited for news. After a while, Dong San sent a message. There are several Kodaks in this city, but one is in my school, but it’s not a student. He is teacher.

(End of this chapter)