Mark Me

Chapter 106: Little trick


The smell of summer is a stuffy, sun-melted rubber-like asphalt smell, and also a rough damp smell mixed with grass blades and earth after a heavy rainstorm.

summer is here.

Lao Qin was originally scheduled to come back on July 15th, but he took part in some school holiday activities temporarily, which was delayed until August, and he had to fly back to start school again within a week of returning home.

Lao Qin also famously said, "If you don't delay your summer study, next year you will be the champion of science in City B."

Jianghuai pure fart.

Last time President Jiang and Jiang Huai praised Bo Jian and expressed their support for Jiang Huai and Bo Jian as roommates, Jiang Huai gave this patient, sensible, diligent and responsible Chairman Bo a call. Telephone.

"Why," Jiang Huai leaned on the back of the chair and smiled lazily, "When did you change the character design behind my back?"

Bo Jian: "Where did I change the character design?"

"The last time you positioned yourself was still weak, and you can't live without your boyfriend." Jiang Huai amused him with the tone of "what am I doing?" "Why, it's only been a few days, and you Changed to Sunshine, upright, enthusiastic and active Miyoshi students?"

"No conflict." Bo Jian smiled very lowly, and Jiang Huai's eardrums were itchy through the vibration of the microphone: "Where did I do it, what I said clearly is that I need my boyfriend's I need my boyfriend's love to actively conflict with my enthusiasm for others?"

JAC: "..."

Jiang Huai asked: "Then you mean that you are an upright, innocent, innocent and weak little coward?"

Chairman Bo actually said "hmm" and said, "Almost, but if you change the word, it sounds too harsh to be forced. You are my boyfriend, so you can't belittle me like that."

JAC: "..."

Jiang Huai couldn't continue talking with him: "You have to show some face... I called you to ask you, if you want to come to the school to live in the dormitory, can your parents agree?"


Jiang Huai was silent for a while.

In fact, it doesn't matter to him whether he lives in the school or not.

The advantage of living in the school is that it is convenient to go to and from school, you don't have to stay in the classroom at noon, and it is convenient to ask questions with Bo Jian as roommates... But the disadvantage is that it may not be good for your health, and you will easily feel weak.

After a long while, he asked, "Do your parents know that you live with me?"

Jiang always knew about the two of them, but he didn't know if Bo Jian's parents knew.

If Bo Jian's parents also know...

"I will definitely tell them." Bo Jian said softly, "But you don't have to think about these things."

Jiang Huai was silent for a few seconds, then asked again: "Then do your parents know about me and you?"

You know, he guessed that the matter of accommodation would be over.

If he was big enough to let his son and his boyfriend sleep together in high school, he estimated that Mr. Jiang was the only high school parent in city B.

His mother even thought that Bo Jian would be able to give him lectures every day when he returned to the dormitory after school. Bo Jian didn't make trouble every day, which affected his class the next day, Jiang Huai was thankful.

He doesn't know if this is a common virtue of Alphas, Bo Jian has a very strong desire to explore in these matters.

"I know." Bo Jian said.


Bo Jian wrote lightly: "I knew it a long time ago, so you don't have to worry about these things."

Jianghuai: "??"

Jiang Huai: "I knew it a long time ago, you just told me now??"

"Even if I told you earlier," Bo Jian chuckled, "Then what do you want to hear from me? Tell me about my parents' impression of you?"

Jiang Huai paused. He laughed dryly, "Then what do you say?"

He had no idea what impression Bo Jian's parents had of him. He had met Bo Jian's father and Bo Jian's mother... But at that time, he always thought that Bo Jian hadn't said anything else to his family, only that he was an ordinary friend at school.

There was silence over the receiver.

Jiang Huai's Adam's apple rolled over, and his palms were slightly sweaty.

After a long time, Bo Jian said: "My parents seem to have always thought that you were a scumbag Alpha who would play with my feelings, lie to me, and finally make my belly bigger and walk away."

Jianghuai: "...?"

Chairman Bo sighed insincerely: "But I think I just need to do another physical examination and prove that I am indeed an Alpha with normal development and no reproductive cavity and fertility. My parents should be able to rest assured. gone."

JAC: "..."

He remained silent for a long time, then lowered his voice and asked, "Didn't you tell your parents... that I'm not an Alpha?"

Bo Jian lightly pressed his fingertips on the table.

Did not say.

A secret is something that either come out or keep it under wraps, there's never an "I'll just tell you one".

If Jianghuai doesn't want to, why should he say it.

But he laughed: "Of course I didn't say it. If I did, wouldn't you be able to live in a dormitory with me?"

The arrangement of dormitory buildings in No. 2 Middle School is clearly divided, the Alpha building is the Alpha building, and the Omega building is the Omega building... Although there are occasional Beta students who are placed in the Alpha building or the Omega building, there will be no mixed living between Alpha and Omega, and even the dormitory buildings One is at the east end and the other is at the west end.

Jianghuai: "... day."

There is still a lot of homework this summer.

Since the school starts in September, I will be in the third year of high school, so this summer vacation has more homework than last winter vacation.

But Jianghuai's life was not as tight as last winter vacation. When the school started, he still had a lot of homework to finish.

Because the homework has increased, but he has become stronger.

This summer vacation was the safest vacation Jianghuai had ever had, and it was also the first time he had made a schedule for himself during the vacation since he went to school in the first grade of elementary school.

He has seen Bo Jian's schedule... Even though Bo Jian is paddling in class every day, either reading extracurricular books from Botong Chinese and foreign ancient and modern, or practicing calligraphy and writing homework, Bo Jian also has a schedule.

It was a time plan from waking up, to noon, to going to bed at night... accurate to every minute.

Even in class, which extracurricular books are written on it.

The only thing not added is his "time plan" to harass Jianghuai to study.

Jianghuai's plan should not be so exaggerated. It is just a scribbled drawing. The elementary school students draw a small watch like playing backgammon. When they come back from exercising early in the morning, they will fill in the small grid with "Xiaojiang's plan today".

He scored a total of 607 in the final exam.

The score is not bad, and that set of papers is also a normal performance. 87 of which in Physics.

From 49 points to 87 points, according to the words of the physics teacher of the second class, JAC is a "great progress" and deserves special commendation.

But Jianghuai didn't feel much.

"Xiaojiang Summer Vacation Plan" is a piece of tattered octavo paper because of the ugly characters on the back of the paper, which was temporarily glued on the desk by Jianghuai with double-sided tape.

On the back of the octavo paper is a column of numbers.

Top: 688.

Below are a few subjects.

Chinese and English: 138.

Physics: 101.

Chemistry: 92.

Bio: 82.

This is the average score for each subject if you get a score of 688.

Among the high school graduates admitted this year, the naked score was the lowest score in P University. But next year's score line will only be higher than this year's, and will not be lower than this year's, because this year's college entrance examination questions are said to be the most difficult one in ten years.

Jiang Huai wrote it on the back of the paper.

But every time he saw the planner with layers of paper on his back, he felt that something was getting heavy.

Going from six hundred to seven hundred is much more difficult than going from three hundred to six hundred.

Bo Jian often looks for Jianghuai video at night.

But as usual, through the video, Bo Jian didn't speak, and Jiang Huai didn't speak, the two of them were doing their own things. In the beginning, Bo Jian slept later than Jiang Huai, but gradually, Jiang Huai slept later than him.

Bo Jianhui said "good night", lifted the quilt, and lay down, but his eyes were still fixed on Jiang Huai who was writing the questions.

JAC is free. he often thinks.

Even if it is the same hard work, the same is to go in a better direction, he lives in the never-satisfied expectations of himself and others, but Jiang Huai... just wants to do this.

Jianghuai thought about it and did it.

If he doesn't want to, he doesn't do it.

"It doesn't have to be T University." Bo Jian said softly.

The profile of Jiang Huai's face was fainted in the light, and it looked less sharp than before. He paused, stopped writing, and glanced over: "When did I say that I have to go to T University?"

Bo Jian smiled, followed him and said, "Okay, if you don't go to T University...then what do you want to test?"

Jiang Huai doesn't want to admit that he wants to take the T University because he doesn't have this level yet.

But when Bo Jian asked this question, he froze for a while, and said perfunctorily, "We'll talk about it after the exam, and we can go wherever we can."

Then he changed the subject.

He walked over to the alarm clock, it was exactly eleven o'clock, he set the alarm clock at half past five, and asked, "Isn't your birthday coming soon? How are you going to spend it?"

Jiang Huai checked the calendar earlier, and it turned out that September 24th was a Tuesday on Bo Jian's birthday.

Just started school, and I'm still in school, stuck in the middle of a week... It's hard to find someone to hold a party to celebrate this kind of celebration, and there are late self-study in the evening, at most, I can go out for dinner after school at noon.

It's a little sad to celebrate my birthday like this.

"Didn't I say so?" Bo Jian's lips curled slightly, "I'll spend it with you. September 24th won't be counted as my birthday...we'll count it together on your birthday."

Jiang Huai raised his head, and after a long while, he squeezed out a sentence: "Are you sure? How can you live like this?"

The main reason is that his birthday is not a good day. They have a Tuesday and a Thursday, and neither of them catches up with the holiday.

"Why not?" Chairman Bo had many reasons: "It's easy."

However, Jiang Huai doesn't think Chairman Bo's main consideration is "trouble-saving": "It's okay to be two or three months late on my birthday. It's still Thursday. We ordered takeaway in the school dormitory to celebrate our eighteenth birthday." Birthday?"


This is not only sad, but also shabby.

Jiang Huai thought while talking.

Bo Jian: "Why not?"

JAC: "..."

He really didn't understand when Chairman Bo started to take the "whatever" "anything" and "I don't choose" approach to the people. What birthday gift do you want, tell me in advance?"

"Birthday presents," Bo Jian said with a low smile, "Shouldn't you surprise ask me now, how can I answer?"

Jiang Huai: "Then I'll just give it away."

"Don't worry, there are still four months left," Bo Jian said, "Take your time."

He got up a little and adjusted his phone: "It's past eleven o'clock, go to sleep, don't go to bed too late."

"En." Jiang Huai withheld his pen, and he just finished a set of English reading exercises. He stretched himself: "I'll go to sleep after I wash up..."

At the end of July, with the windows open, even the wind blowing in was warm.

The night is extremely quiet, and the occasional sound of cars is as distant as the buzzing of ears in the quiet night.

Throwing the phone on the desk, Jiang Huai went to draw the curtains.

Tonight is a fine day, the moon is bright, and the few stars that can be seen vaguely remind Jiang Huai of the long paragraphs of extremely hypocritical nonsense descriptions that he has memorized in his Chinese composition material book recently.

Jiang Huai stood quietly for a while, then walked back to get his mobile phone.

He said slowly: "By the way... I have something to ask you."

Bo Jian raised his eyes: "What's the matter?"

"When school starts, you will live in a dormitory with me," Jiang Huai paused, with an unnatural expression, "You sleep in your bed, don't sleep in my bed."

In fact, he wanted to tell Bo Jian to be more restrained.

But in fact, he himself couldn't control himself.

That's a fucking problem.

Bo Jian seemed to understand what he meant, and slightly raised his brows: "Then do you many nights a week can I sleep in your bed?"

Jiang Huai: "... what do you think?"

Bo Jian: "I think five nights."

JAC: "..."

He said expressionlessly, "Bo Jian, I sleep at school four nights a week."

The author has something to say: Chairman: I will come to your house for another night and plan to call Jpg.