Mark Me

Chapter 21: fantasy


When I arrived at school the next day, everything was still as usual.

At half past seven, the class has not yet calmed down. Wei Heping gnawed on the bread while spitting all over the table... There was no front table Liu Chang, he was very busy talking about Omega secrets on the campus network.

Liu Chang went home and thought about it for a few days, and he stopped a lot. Wei Heping succeeded in wearing a yellow robe and became the most capable one in the first few rows. He was talking here, while Liu Chang was doing his homework impatiently covering his ears with his hands.

Just as Jiang Huai was about to enter the front door, he heard Wei Heping shouting loudly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Hey, vote? You ask me who I voted for? Hahaha I saw Jiang Huai on it yesterday. Vote for him!"

Jiang Huai paused, took a step back, exited the front door, and went to the back door.

There is already a cup of milk-covered hot cocoa on the desk, with a small card attached.

"Cheese milk cap, hot cocoa, three-point sugar" and a small hand-painted smiley face.

Jiang Huai picked up the little card and looked down at the little smiling face.

Unlike the smiling face that Bo Jian posted on WeChat, Ni Li's hand-drawn mouth is a curved arc, and Bo Jian's post is a lowercase "v". But Jiang Huai found it dazzling.

He kneaded the card into balls casually.

The back table has come, the schoolbag is here, but the person is not here.

Jiang Huai took out his earplugs as usual, took out a book, and went to sleep since morning self-study. The first class was Lin Fei's math class. When Jiang Huai woke up, Lin Fei had already left with the lesson plan.

Did not find him. Didn't look for him yesterday afternoon either.

What is the end of beating a good student? Jianghuai did this once in the first semester of high school. The end result is that a good student will cry and complain to the teacher, embellishing the ins and outs of his mouth several times, so that the teacher will come to him angrily.

Bo Jian is an Alpha, maybe a bit tougher, but the difference is not too big.

But yesterday and today were as peaceful as if nothing happened.

Jiang Huai imagined that Bo Jian was like Song Jun, and Liu Yuxiu was replaced by Lin Fei. Bo Jian pointed at him, in front of Lin Fei, just like Song Jun pointed at him in the past, and said angrily and wronged: "He hit people and threatened people!"

Sung Joon cries, "He wants to mark me!"

Bo Jian said, "He's an Omega!"

Jiang Huai felt nauseated from the bottom of his stomach.

He's an omega.

How disgusting.

But Lin Fei hasn't come to look for him yet, and none of the other teaching directors and random people have come to look for him. But Jiang Huai couldn't hear it, and couldn't see if anyone pointed at him and whispered. He was surprised, curious, and laughed like he was watching a show: "He's an Omega."

Once a crack in the secret appears, it's like the whole world is watching your worst embarrassment.

Jianghuai sat in his pocket.

He could see Lin Fei assigning homework to the math representative in the corridor.

There was a lot of noise in the class, and everyone was fighting, and it had nothing to do with him.

I don't know who it is, and I don't know what they are talking about. Jiang Huai heard someone call him... It's not called, but his name was mentioned during the chat.

"Jianghuai, he..."

Jiang Huai tightened his hands suddenly.

"...Why are you still canvassing for him? A group of Omega mixed with a few Alphas, it's not a big deal to watch the fun hahahaha..."

Jiang Huai slowly relaxed his hand. He stood up, put on his hat and walked out the door with his head down.

For the time being, he didn't want to hear his name in other people's mouths, nor did he want to see his name anywhere.

Jiang Huai lowered his head, didn't pay attention, and didn't dodge, bumping into a person with his shoulder.

He raised his eyes, and the other party looked at him.

Bo Jian smiled, "Sorry."

Jiang Huai just glanced at him briefly, and passed by without stopping.

Chen Fengze and another male classmate were next to Bo Jian, both of them were disciplinary committee members. Chen Fengze also bumped Bo Jian with his shoulder, his eyes still on Jiang Huai's back in black clothes, black pants and black shoes: "Hey... Chairman, I didn't say that Jiang Huai saw your face... Do you two have a bad relationship? "

Unlike the fake answer to Lin Fei, Bo Jian raised the corners of his lips: "Something went wrong."

Chen Fengze hissed: "Jianghuai has such a temper, can't he fight?"

Already played.

But Bo Jianyun said calmly, "I don't fight."

"Civilized people." Chen Fengze believed it.

He asked again: "Hey, did you vote for Omega on the campus website?"

Bo Jian glanced at him: "What vote?"

The male student on one side interjected: "The omega that the school wants to date the most... is the one you voted for in the mirror image during the summer vacation." He turned to ask Chairman Chen of the Disciplinary Committee, "Chen Fengze, who did you vote for?"

Chen Fengze was downcast: "I have a girlfriend, how dare I vote for someone else?" He turned his head to look at Bao Jian, who heard that Bo Jian didn't vote. He asked narrowly, "Is there anyone you like?"

Bo Jian: "No."

"..." Chen Fengze said, "Go and see anyway, don't you have any adolescent fantasies about the person you like?"

Bo Jian smiled: "Adolescent fantasies?"

Chen Fengze changed his wording: "What kind of person do you think you like?"

"Oh, maybe." Bo Jian's lips curved slightly, "I can jump high, run fast, and have strong physical fitness."

Chen Fengze: "..."

Chen Fengze: "Higher, faster and stronger. You are talking about Olympic fantasy?" The second class was English class, and the front desk didn't come back until the end of the English class. Even the deskmate at the front desk seldom came back to class, hiding under the English book to play with the mobile phone.

This is probably called skipping class. Bo Jian thought.

When school was over at noon, the front desk hadn't returned yet.

After class in the afternoon, the front desk was still empty.

The other teachers either ignored it, or turned a blind eye when they saw "Jianghuai" on the seat chart. Only Lao Lin came over and asked, "Where is Jianghuai?"

Zhao Tianqing scratched his head and said truthfully, "I don't know... I haven't seen anyone else since the first class in the morning."

Lao Lin frowned, and asked Bo Jian again: "Have you seen Jiang Huai?"

Bo Jian shook his head.

Lao Lin asked a few classmates, but no one knew about it, so he went to the front row and picked up Wei Heping: "Wei Heping, where is the Jianghuai people?"

Wei Heping shrank his head like a quail: "No, I don't know..."

"Tell the truth!" Lao Lin snapped.

Wei Heping panicked all of a sudden, and closed his eyes: "Teacher Jiang Huai went out to exercise!"

There was a burst of laughter in the class.

Lin Fei was quiet for a while, then went out with his hands behind his back.

There is a public park three blocks east of No. 2 Middle School.

Because there are many platforms and slopes, they were requisitioned by a group of skateboarders for figure skating during the day. But at night, it is still the world of square dancing aunts.

A boy wearing a hoodie stepped on a skateboard and accelerated along the edge of a narrow platform. The speed became faster and faster, and when he approached the edge, the head of the skateboard tilted and reversed at a flat angle, and his feet paused. After leaving the skateboard, before landing, the soles of the shoes fell heavily on the board.

"Boom—" the skateboard landed steadily, and continued to slide forward along the inertia.

Several youths with skateboards whistled at him.

Jiang Huai didn't look up, nor did he stop. But the phone rang in his pocket.

Strange caller.

"Hello?" Jiang Huai answered.

Then almost hit a tree with the skateboard.

Lin Fei: "Jianghuai? Why is the parent's phone number you left behind your own?"

Jiang Huai braked the car, but did not speak.

"Okay, it's just right to keep your own." Lin Fei said unceremoniously, "Running out of school without asking for leave, skipping classes, you are quite capable, where are you now?"

"The park." Jiang Huai said.

But Lin Fei was not at all relieved by Jiang Huai's honesty: "Do you know that it's class time now? What are you doing in the park?"

Jiang Huai did not speak.

Lin Fei: "Come back in twenty minutes."

"School is almost over," Jiang Huai squatted lazily by the tree, leaning on his skateboard, "I'm going to sleep when I go back, teacher tomorrow."

Lin Fei raised his voice: "Why is it that the first class in the afternoon is almost over? You also know that you sleep at school, won't you change it??"

Lin Fei was the first teacher who called Jiang Huai and asked Jiang Huai to correct his mistakes.

Jiang Huai thought, if Liu Yuxiu was a freshman in high school, he would have already been recorded.

Students who don't understand shit, still talk about shit.

What Liu Yuxiu said.

Jiang Huai sat on the skateboard, put on headphones, and lit a cigarette for himself.

Jiang Huai kept silent, Lin Fei thought it was Jiang Huai who skipped class because of his poor grades and resented going to school. Gradually…”

Jiang Huai shook the soot, and suddenly asked: "Teacher, did Bo Jian tell you anything?"

Lin Fei was silent: "What do you mean?"

Refers to him taking inhibitors in the toilet. Refers to him as an Omega.

Jiang Huai lifted his lips: "Did Bo Jian go to you to sue me?"

Lin Fei: "You have conflicts with Bo Jian?"

"It is." Jiang Huai said.

"But Bo Jian didn't tell me about you," Lin Fei said, "he also told me that you have a good relationship."

Jianghuai: "?"

Lin Fei sighed: "How old are you, and you still think about suing all day long...Jiang Huai, you are a male classmate, or an Alpha, can't you be more open-minded?"

JAC: "..."

Lin Fei thought for a while and warned seriously: "Go back to school before the end of the second period, otherwise you won't be able to use it tomorrow."

Lin Fei wanted to hang up the phone, Jiang Huai paused, and suddenly asked: " about me, I won't go tomorrow?"

Lin Fei: "??"

The author has something to say: Lao Lin: I want to be pretty.