Mark Me

Chapter 33: monitor


Jiang Huai came to school wearing a turtleneck sweater the next day.

It rained yesterday, but today was a surprisingly sunny day, clearing the clouds and warming up again.

Wear short sleeves in cold weather and sweaters in hot weather. Wei Heping asked indescribably, "Jiang Huai, isn't it hot for you to wear a sweater to school?"

Jiang Huai didn't answer him.

Bo Jian rested his head, his eyes flicked over the back of his neck which was tightly covered by the front table. The front desk hasn't spoken to him today.

But under normal circumstances, the front desk would not take the initiative to talk to him.

He gently tugged at the back of the sweater on the front table with his fingers.

The front table leaned against the edge of Bo Jian's front table without looking back. It means "let the fart go".

Bo Jian flattened his slender palms, bent a little and smiled: "Do you want candies?"

"Don't eat."


"do not like."

Bo Jian curled the corners of his lips and said, "Be kind to your back desk. Be a good classmate who unites with classmates."

Jiang Huai frowned, and glanced back at him: "Are you a primary school student?"

"Yeah. Class Two, Year Two."


Jiang Huai frowned even tighter, he looked at the small candy in Bo Jian's hand for a while, and pinched it with his index finger and thumb in disgust.

He turned his head, tore off two layers of sugar wrappers, and threw the chocolate into his mouth.

Jiang Huai chewed hard like chewing bubble gum.

A burst of rich, swoon-sweet heart-wrapped caramel syrup.

Jianghuai froze. He turned his head with a bad face.

Bo Jian: "Is it sweet?"

Jiang Huai stood up, turned around and left the classroom.

When Jiang Huai came back, water dripped from his chin. He washed his face, and if Bo Jian guessed right, he even rinsed his mouth. Bo Jian was taken aback.

Jiang Huai walked past Bo Jian with no expression on his face: "Fuck your mother."

JAC doesn't like his pheromones.

As disgusted as he got the test sheet from the hospital that he was an Omega.

Jiang Huai still remembers the nausea feeling in his stomach when he went to the hospital to do a blood differentiation test in advance the day before the physical examination in the first school, and got an Omega differentiation test sheet.

He doesn't hate Omega.

He just hates being an Omega.

Or... fear of not being able to protect others.

Sweet, pheromone like caramel. I don't like it either.

After school at noon, yesterday's rain soaked the rubber of the basketball court, and the rain stains were dried up.

Next week's basketball knockout match will be played between Class 2 and Class 13. Today, Friday, sports committee member Zhao Tianqing organized the bulk basketball team members in the class to practice basketball. Class 13 is not considered a strong class, except for a member of the school basketball team, no one else can play, that is, the middle-level level of the department... But the problem is that Class 2 is not the same.

A total of seven people signed up for the second class basketball game, five people played and two were substitutes.

Three Alphas, four Betas. Zhao Tianqing is also a beta.

In the second class basketball team, Zhao Tianqing is the team leader, and Xu Wenyang is the deputy team leader.

After school at noon, there were not only Class 2 and Class 2 of senior high school who came to practice basketball, the four basketball courts were already occupied.

In the school team, Zhao Tianqing usually plays the shooting guard position. But now he is the point guard, the shooting guard, the small forward, the power forward, and the center. He runs to the three-point line and shouts: "Liu Chang pass the ball to me!!"

Liu Chang was about to throw the ball, but tripped when he stepped on his shoelace. The basketball was three or four meters away from Zhao Tianqing and went straight out of the court.

Zhao Tianqing: "..."

The ball rolls off the court line.

A boy in a dark gray turtleneck came over holding the ball with three fingers, raised his hand, and the ball slid across a long arc, and Zhao Tianqing caught it firmly.

Several others stopped and looked over.

Zhao Tianqing was stunned for a moment: "Jianghuai?" He watched Jianghuai approaching, and couldn't help taking a step back, "You, what do you do?"

Jiang Huai narrowed his eyes: "Is the team short of people?"

Before Zhao Tianqing could speak, Liu Chang sneered: "Blind or can't count?"

Only then did Jiang Huai see that Liu Chang was also inside. He glanced at Liu Chang: "Are you a human?"

Liu Chang: "You fucking say it again??"

Jianghuai made a "tsk" sound, ignored Liu Chang, and said with drooping eyelids: "It's about playing games. I think the level of the players should be given priority."

He spun the basketball from Zhao Tianqing's hand, stepped on the three-point line, and hooked his wrist: "If you are too good, kick it out and replace it."

The basketball hit the edge of the basket, shook a few times, and went down through the basket.

The ball hit the ground. Jiang Huai said, "For example, Liu Chang."

Liu Chang had a bad face when he saw Jiang Huai, but now he was even worse, he just grabbed Jiang Huai's collar... But with such a stern meaning that he would not be beaten because of the large number of people: "Who are you talking about? Jiang Huai, what are you pretending to be?? "

"Tell me about your food." Jiang Huai said.

"Do you have the guts to say it again?"

"Dish." Jiang Huai said.

"You," Liu Chang blushed, and began to attack personally, "what the hell are you?"

"your dad."

"Can you say that again??"

Jiang Huai raised his eyelids, impatiently: "I tell you every sentence twice, are you deaf?"

Zhao Tianqing didn't hold back, covered his mouth and let out a "humchi" laugh.

Liu Chang blushed up to the base of his neck. Xu Wenyang's eyelids twitched, and if Liu Chang continued to babble, he was afraid that he would be beaten by Jianghuai. He didn't dare to stand in front of Liu Chang, so he could only hold Liu Chang's arm: "Don't, don't quarrel, just talk if you have something to say."

Jiang Huai gave a "tsk" sound and turned to pick up the basketball. He threw the basketball back to Zhao Tianqing: "I don't fight, I'm here to sign up for the basketball game. Isn't there no deadline?"

He said lazily: "In competitions, winning is the key. Whoever plays well wins."

Jianghuai paused for a moment: "Fair competition, one-on-one, whoever rebounds first wins... How about it?"

"...Then who do you want to fight against?" Zhao Tianqing asked.

Jiang Huai raised his chin to Liu Chang, whose face looked like he had eaten shit: "The tastiest one."

Chen Fengze and Bo Jian had just left the Xueli Building.

"Bo Jian, what did you think of that Omega vote last week? Vote for Jianghuai?" Chen Fengze asked.

Bo Jian's expression was casual: "Any vote."

"You vote casually, and you use a large one? Are you afraid that others won't recognize you?" Chen Fengze suddenly remembered the "higher, faster and stronger" mate selection criteria that Chairman Bo mentioned a long time ago. "Fuck me? Wait, Bo Jian, you don't really like Alpha, do you?"

The word "true" is used very delicately.

In the past few days, Chen Fengze has finished chasing "Devil Alpha's Little Wife: Desolate Chairman Running with the Ball" on the campus network.

The sinful man and the chairman crossed the same gender gap, the sinful man's perpetual motion-like powerful energy, successfully made the chairman hold three children for two years, the chairman brought three genius babies, and finally succeeded in HE with that devil Alpha .

To be continued.

The corners of Bao Jian's lips curled slightly: "Maybe."

Chen Fengze: "???"

Chen Fengze only felt a thunderbolt in his head: "Fuck me?? What did you say?"

Bo Jian didn't return. He stamped his feet against the fence.

Chen Fengze subconsciously followed Bo Jian's line of sight... In the basketball court closest to the fence, Jiang Huai dribbled the ball, and the male student defending Jiang Huai was eight beats behind. intercept the ball.

Not to mention his slow reaction, even if his reaction is not slow, his jumping height is not at the same level as Jianghuai.

The ball goes into the basket with precision.

Completely slapped.

The whole rebounding process took less than two minutes.

The ball rolls away. Jiang Huai didn't pick it up.

"Dish." He gestured to Liu Chang with a thumbs down.

Liu Chang's face was extremely ugly.

Chen Fengze looked at Jiang Huai like a ghost, and then at Bo Jian who was looking at Jiang Huai: "Damn, Bo Jian," he lowered his voice desperately, "You and Jiang Huai...??"

Bo Jian withdrew his gaze, but his expression didn't change much: "I said it's possible, not sure."

"Then what is your relationship with Jianghuai?" Chen Fengze asked.

Bo gradually lowered his eyes. There seemed to be hot blood dripping on the tip of the tongue. Mixed with a faint, irrepressible, instinctively hot, almost melting, sweet caramel scent.

"The relationship between the front and rear tables." Bo Jian replied.

Chen Fengze: "?"

Jianghuai's physical fitness is good, which is expected by Zhao Tianqing... After all, there is no poor physical fitness who often fights, but Zhao Tianqing is a little surprised that Jianghuai's reaction and jumping ability are so good.

He is a basketball player, and Liu Chang's playing is extremely average, but he is an Alpha after all, and his physical condition is not bad. It is because Jianghuai's conditions are much stronger than Liu Chang's that he can hit such a rebound.

Zhao Tianqing hesitated, and asked Jiang Huai in a low voice, "Do you often play basketball?"

"No." Jiang Huai threw the ball to him, "Just exercise regularly."

"Oh." Zhao Tianqing caught the ball and scratched his head, "Your jumping ability is quite good, no worse than those on the school team."

Jianghuai said "hmm".

Xu Wenyang pulled Liu Chang out of the half court. He glanced at the distance from the corner of his eye...Jiang Huai couldn't hear them talking. Xu Wenyang built a ladder for Liu Chang to come down: "Why don't I quit, you are better than me, anyway, I came in to fill up."

Liu Chang got down along the pole understandingly, and snorted coldly: "No need, who the hell would like to train with that idiot Jianghuai!" He picked up the water bottle from the ground and walked away alone, "I'm going to eat!"

Bo Jian arrived at school very early in the afternoon.

He went directly to the activity room of Xueli Building. The activity room is usually locked, and the chairman of the student union, the chairman of the discipline inspection committee, the publicity department, the sports department and other ministers have keys in their hands.

Bo Jianzhong found out the Jianghuai punishment letter from last semester.

"...If you commit another crime, you will be expelled from school."

Jiang Huai will be expelled from school if he has another demerit.

But what Bo Jian learned from the student union was that at the end of the first semester of senior high school, after Jiang Huai beat Song Jun, because once Alpha and Omega were involved, the issue became very sensitive, and the first punishment notice the school was going to issue was direct expulsion from the student .

But... Jianghuai walked through the back door.

To be more precise, it was Ni Li's parents who came instead of Jianghuai's parents.

Later, because no one was present to prove Jiang Huai's attempt to mark Song Jun, and only the video of Jiang Huai kicking Song Jun without pants was captured by the corridor camera, this incident was downgraded to "beating a classmate". Big deal.

Bo Jian put the disciplinary letter on the table, took out the laptop from his schoolbag, and imported a permission application for inspection and monitoring to the printer system in the activity room.

The printer hummed and printed slowly.

Bo Jian bent his index finger and tapped on the table in a leisurely manner.

He didn't think it was because Ni Li liked Jiang Huai so much that he could ask his parents to pay a high price to lower Jiang Huai's punishment.

Even if you like it, you can't do it.

Jiang Huai doesn't like her.

Even if you like it, it's not appropriate.

It can only be said that Ni Li, Jiang Huai... and even Song Jun have kept things secret.

The date on the punishment letter is June 18.

Jiang Huai stripped Song Jun of his pants and kicked him into the corridor on June 11th.

Bo Jian put the computer back into his schoolbag, got up and took out the permit application from the printer. He took out a pen and sketched a scribbled signature in the lower right corner.

Bo Jian folded up the punishment letter and permission application, and left the activity room on the first floor.

School monitoring room.

The door was ajar, and Bo Jianli stood at the door and knocked lightly.

The teacher on duty turned his head: "Bo Jian?"

Bo gradually entered the monitoring room and smiled politely: "Teacher, I'll check the monitoring."

Of course the teacher on duty knows the president of the student union. This classmate mentioned to him last week that he will come to check and monitor after the director's approval application is approved this week.

"Did you bring the application slip?" the teacher asked.

Bo gradually handed over a piece of paper without changing his expression.

The teacher glanced at it, and put the Zhunke application into the folder: "Which date did you check?"

The school stipulates that monitoring records are kept for four months.

There were many messages on Bo Jian's WeChat, some of which were sent back by the head of the Propaganda Department.

Song Jun? I don't know him very well.

It's from the Omega group. We had dinner together a few times, and he also borrowed the key to the activity room from me.

When did you borrow it? emm, you asked me to check the news records, ancient news.

June 4th.

I had the impression that day that I lent him the key, but when he returned it, the lock of the activity room was broken. Song Jun still refused to admit that he broke it.

Bo Jian smiled slightly and said, "On June 4th, the surveillance camera in the corridor of the activity room on the first floor of Xueli Building."

The surveillance in the school activity room was broken last semester.

The teacher on duty was taken aback: "June?"

It's almost October, and this date is almost the last few days covered by surveillance records.

After a long time. The teacher on duty frowned and switched out the monitor.

He got up: "This is the one-day surveillance at that location on June 4th. I'm going to pour water, and you speed up to watch it yourself."

Bo Jian let out a "hmm".

The monitoring clarity is not too high, basically except for people who have known or seen before, it is impossible to recognize who is being monitored. Bo Jian dragged on for several time periods.

Until 18 o'clock... Bo Jian paused and went backwards minute by minute.

18:22, after school for a long time, there is no one in Xueli Building.

Until a boy came out, followed by a girl with long hair.

Bo Jian recognized Song Jun in the front and Ni Li in the back.

Song Jun opened the door of the activity room, and Ni Li followed in.

At 18:32, Jiang Huai wore a school uniform jacket and entered the surveillance.

Monitoring has no sound. Jiang Huai paused for a few seconds at the door of the activity room.

Jiang Huai raised his foot and kicked hard on the activity room door.

There was no movement in the activity room.

Jiang Huai kicked up again.

The activity room door opened. I can't see clearly, but nine times out of ten it was kicked away by Jiang Huai. Jianghuai went in.

At 18:41, Song Jun suddenly emerged from the door, with blood on his face, and staggered towards the door of the teaching building.

At 18:43, JAC came out. The school uniform jacket on his body is gone.

At 18:47, Ni Li also came out. Wearing Jianghuai's school uniform jacket, the zipper was pulled up very high, her hair was disheveled, and she was holding a school uniform shirt in her could only be her own, and it could be vaguely seen that several wiring places were split.

But if she is holding her own shirt, then she has nothing else under JAC's coat.

Ni Li closed the door of the activity room several times, but failed to close it, and squatted down facing the wall as if powerless.

Bo Jian turned off the monitor, connected the data cable, and copied this paragraph into the phone.

The teacher on duty came back with water: "Finished?"

"Yeah." Bo Jian smiled, "It's over."

The phone in his pocket vibrated. But Bo Jian ignored it and said, "Teacher, I'm going first."

After going out, Bo Jian opened the phone.

It was Chen Fengze's message: "Fuck, Chairman, your front desk got into a fight at school again, this time he's cold."

The author has something to say: Chairman: I am here.