Mark Me

Chapter 39: unhappy


Wei Heping had already boiled the mutton roll, and Jiang Huai came back from the bathroom. Wei Heping fished out the hot meat roll: "Brother Huai, why have you been going to the bathroom for so long?"

Jiang Huai sat next to him: "I called Qin Yuhe back."


Wei Heping didn't care about the heat, he quickly swallowed the meat roll and asked, "What did you two say?" He pressed the phone to check the time... Jiang Huai went to the bathroom for nearly 20 minutes.

Could this be telling Lao Qin about his emotional journey with the chairman and not taking him to play

Jiang Huai's eyes were cold: "I didn't say anything."

Wei Heping didn't believe it: "If you didn't say anything, you said it..."

Jiang Huai: "Shut up."

Wei Heping was forced to shut up.

Talking to Wei Heping gives me a headache, talking to Qin Yuhe reduces my wits.

"Cub, you fucking Alpha, there's nothing good about it!"

Qin Yuhe's original words.

The seat booked for the hot pot is a booth with a three-sided sofa and two large pots with four grids. The seven people were divided into three distinct groups. Wei Heping and Jiang Huai sat on the left, Zhao Tianqing and his two classmates huddled together spontaneously, and the three of them sat in the middle... leaving Xu Wenyang and Wang Jing alone on the right.

Xu Wenyang's sitting posture is very restrained, and he doesn't know where to put his hands when he burns hot pot.

Wei Heping got up from wherever he fell, and turned his attention to Xu Wenyang's relationship progress: "I didn't order a drink...Xu Wenyang, ask Wang Jing what to drink."

Xu Wenyang raised his head abruptly: "Can't you ask yourself?"

Wei Heping said in a nonsensical way: "Aren't you close?"

Several people booed and laughed. Wang Jing just pursed her lips and smiled, with two small dimples.

Xu Wenyang blushed: "You..."

Wei Heping winked: "Squad leader, can you do it? It takes so much effort to ask a question?"

Xu Wenyang was even more restrained when he said that he couldn't get off the stage. He scratched his head and asked in a low voice, "What drink do you drink?"

"Orange juice." Wang Jing was much more generous than him.

Xu Wenyang wanted to cover up again, saying "wait for the waiter to come over", and then asked one by one "what drink do you drink".

"Let's have sour plum soup to relieve the spiciness."

"I also have sour plum soup."

"Then have a pinch of sour plum soup...I want iced Coke."

Xu Wenyang asked them one by one, from right to left, according to the position, and the others would cooperate with him to go down the steps after the teasing was over. The last one is Jianghuai, Xu Wenyang asked the sixth time: "What do you drink?"

Jiang Huai raised his eyelids: "Ice beer."

Several people were silent for a few seconds.

Someone laughed first: "Awesome, awesome," said the words familiarly, but the tone was obviously a bit awkward and cautious, "How is Brother Jiang drinking?"

JAC's biggest problem is its incompatibility. He will not be coaxed by others, he will not laugh when others laugh, and he will not speak when others talk. Personality is a good thing, but it is easy to be excluded.

For a thorny head like Jianghuai, no one would dare to do it to him, but the reputation will get worse and worse.

Wei Heping bumped Jianghuai with his elbow.

Jiang Huai took a sip of plain water and showed no expression: "It's not good, just say it and pretend to be aggressive... I'll drink sour plum soup too."

Wei Heping breathed a sigh of relief.

A few people froze for a moment, then came to Jianghuai's "cold joke" again, and burst out laughing.

"Waiter, thank you for a pinch of sour plum soup and two cans of iced Coke."

Of the seven, Wei Heping and Wang Jing are not members of the team in the class. Wang Jing kept warming the hot pot quietly and ate it. Halfway through eating, Wei Heping poured sour plum soup and raised his glass: "Come on for next week's competition!"

Zhao Tianqing laughed: "It's just a knockout round, not the finals, our class will definitely pass."

"Yes, our class will definitely win! Xiao Zhao is here!"

Zhao Tianqing squinted at his boss at the same table: "No, no, let's look at Jianghuai."

Jiang Huai raised his head from the dinner plate: "Do your best."

The most difficult person replied, the atmosphere suddenly became active, and several people had smiles on their faces. Xu Wenyang got up halfway: "Let's clink a glass and cheer?"


When the glass and the Coke can collide, the sound and vibration are very light. As soon as the atmosphere got better, and they obviously didn't drink, someone came up: "Which class will our class compete with next week?... Forget it, it doesn't matter, our class' goal is to get zero tickets!"

"Yes, yes, no seal, no seal, and grab all the girls and Omega from their class!"

"Fuck, are you a devil entering the village?"

"Win the king and lose the bandit, do you understand?"

The glass in Jiang Huai's hand was knocked so that sour plum juice spilled out.

After clinking glasses, Xu Wenyang sat down, gasping for breath, and he must have bad intentions, and said seriously: "Okay, next week, let's work hard for the monthly exams on Thursday and Friday."


"Xu Wenyang, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Squad leader, what are you talking about?"

It was not until twelve o'clock after dinner, AA system, everyone paid for it...except Xu Wenyang paid for Wang Jing without saying a word, Wang Jing wanted to pay him back, and made a big blush back and forth.

The squad leader went to the door to blow the cold wind, opened the map app, and said while looking at it: "There is a basketball court in the nearby park, about a kilometer away, and you can go for a walk, but the school is not far from here. Do you want to..."

Jiang Huai leaned against the wall, lazily wearing earphones.

The message prompt sounded.

He cuts open.

BJ: What are you doing

And gradually. The elementary school general education teacher said that the Alpha who has entered the susceptible period will be very dependent on others, and he will not deceive him.

But Jiang Huai felt that instead of coming to him, Bo Jian should go to his mother. His mother could give his sick son maternal love, but he couldn't. But Jiang Huai said so, and Chairman Bo told him solemnly that his father would not let him.

Fuck it.

The real powerhouse: Eat out.

BJ: Why don't you ask me to come together ●°^°●

The real powerhouse: …

Jiang Huai thought it was none of your business, what did he tell you to do.

The real powerhouse: There are others.

BJ: Am I ashamed

Jiang Huai looked at the phone: "..."

What nonsense, it seems that he is having an affair with Bo Jian behind his back. During Bo Jian's susceptibility period, he was thinking about something every day.

The real strong: when will your susceptibility period end

BJ: Today is the last day.

The real powerhouse: Oh.

BJ: What, do you want to come with me? ●°v°●

Jiang Huai's "No, you're overthinking" was still not sent in the input column, but Bo Jian sent another message.

BJ: My parents are not at home today.

The real powerhouse: …

BJ: Didn't you write your homework this week? Come to my house and do your homework.

The real powerhouse: …

Just when Jianghuai wanted to go back to "No", another message from "A Cai" popped up on the top.

Ah Cai has his own WeChat. After transferring from the elementary school attached to No. 4 Middle School, Jiang Huai also bought A Cai a mobile phone. But Ah Cai is used to JAC mobile phones, and rarely uses his own mobile phone, at most, he goes to bed early and sneaks around Taobao when he is not asleep.

Ah Cai's profile picture was chosen by himself. It used to be a small crayon star in the night sky, but Jiang Huai swiped open Ah Cai's news interface, and suddenly saw a black and white portrait of a man.

Jiang Huai glanced at the note above.

Ah Choi.

Jiang Huai zoomed in on this profile picture... I don't know it.

If this fucking photo is Bo Jian's photo, Jiang Huai thinks his mind will collapse.

A Cai: Do you have any photos of health care

The real strong:

Ah Cai: báo rape.

The real powerhouse: …

The real strong man: The character is pronounced bo, your teacher has not taught you polyphonic characters

Ah Cai was quiet for a while.

Ah Cai: Do you have any pictures of bó rape

The real strong man: What do you want Bo Jian's photo for

A Cai cherishes words like gold: useful, spread quickly.

Jiang Huai just wanted to hang Ah Cai up and hammer him.

A Cai: I still have yours, my classmate wants it.

Jiang Huai frowned.

Ah Cai doesn't like to open his mouth to talk, so he didn't mention any new school classmates to him when he got home... But it seems that the relationship is okay.

He sent: Why does your classmate want a photo of me and Bo Jian

Ah Cai replied: They said it looked good.

Jiang Huai's mood eased a little. It was the first time that Ah Cai praised him for his good looks, even if he was secretly praised for his good looks through someone else's mouth. Moreover, the word "she" was used very precisely, Ah Cai did not have promiscuous sex with male students at school.

But Ah Cai added another sentence, Ah Cai typed very slowly: it is best to take a group photo.

The real strong: ... no photo.

Ah Cai should have started typing just now, but Ah Cai did not complete the typing until Jianghuai sent it out. It was a long sentence for Ah Cai: They also praised me, and they wanted to make friends with me.

Jiang Huai frowned.

After a pause for half a minute, he retracted the last message and replaced it with: Oh. understood.

Bo Jian waited for a few minutes, but Jiang Huai didn't return. He smiled softly and put the phone aside.

He didn't expect Jianghuai to agree. For Jiang Huai, they are not familiar enough to go to each other's house to "do homework".

But when will Jianghuai agree to him

Bo Jian sat on the chair and leaned back.

Want to seduce him.

Bo Jian sat for a while, and was about to get up when his phone vibrated slightly.

JAC is back...

"I'm going to practice in the afternoon. It's almost three o'clock. When it's three o'clock, you send me the location of your home."

Bo Jian was startled, picked up his phone and stared at the message.

BJ: Are you really here

The real strong: When will your parents go back

Bo Jian's Adam's apple moved slightly.

BJ: They're not coming back tonight.

The real powerhouse: Oh.

BJ: Do you want me to help you prepare the room

Jiang Huai frowned, and replied: You asked me to do my homework and prepare the room alone

Bo Jian laughed.

BJ: I thought you were going to spend the night with me through the susceptibility period °^°●

The real strong: Hehe.

After practice in the afternoon, Xu Wenyang and the others agreed to go to the park first, and then go back to school to play if there are people on the basketball court in the park. It happens to be in one direction, and there is no need to go around along the way.

Wei Heping walked with Jianghuai with his tail hanging: "Jianghuai, don't you prepare for the monthly exam next week?"

Jiang Huai chewed the bubble gum: "What are you preparing?"

"Review review, do homework?"

Jiang Huai glanced at Wei Heping, who felt chilly. Jiang Huai said: "You don't need to remind me." Someone came to bother him.

As luck would have it, the park was empty. Zhao Tianqing brought the ball. Playing is a matter of one dish after another, but once there are one or two players who can play, the rhythm will be brought up, and the overall level will improve.

Today is a good day, one or two o'clock in the afternoon, which happens to be the hottest time of the day, and a few boys running back and forth on the court started sweating in a short time. Wang Jing and Wei Heping were in charge of buying drinks and water.

In one team, three Alphas. During the intermission, Jiang Huai took out a portable blocker from his trouser pocket expressionlessly, sprayed himself twice, and threw it to the two people.

The two were taken aback for a moment, then smiled again: "Thank you."

Eating and playing, Zhao Tianqing felt that he had gotten a lot closer to his boss at the same table. He is Beta, and he threw a bottle of ice water to Jiang Huai. He was quite close, and he moved his nose: "Hey, Brother Jiang, I seem to smell your pheromone."

Jiang Huai paused: "... Oh, then stay away from me."

Zhao Tianqing moved his nose again unconsciously: "It's quite cold."


Jiang Huai unscrewed the mineral water bottle expressionlessly.

Temporary markings are indeed the same as dogs urinating on telephone poles.

Hit until three o'clock sharp. In autumn, the sky is later and earlier than in summer, but the sky is still bright at three o'clock, but a few classmates who are usually neglected to exercise are exhausted and out of breath.

Xu Wenyang wiped his sweat, panted and asked, "It's three o'clock... do you want to practice again?"

Zhao Tianqing must still have physical strength, but he looked at the others, except for him and Jiang Huai, they were almost dying. Running for two or three hours on a hot day is not enough for most people.

"Why don't we just come here today, our class will be stable." Zhao Tianqing said, "Let's talk about the game next Tuesday. If not, let's come out on Monday to practice coordination."

At ten past three, everyone goes home.

Wei Heping's family and Jiang Huai's family went east and west.

"Then I'm going first?" Wei Heping asked.

Jiang Huai raised his chin: "Goodbye."

Jiang Huai went home and picked up his schoolbag.

Bo Jian sent his home address... It's quite far from his home, and it takes about 20 minutes by taxi.

BJ: Are you here yet? ●° ^°●

Jiang Huai had just gotten into the taxi, he was too lazy to talk to Bo Jian, but suddenly found that the chairman's girly expression had an extra space. He never let go of any opportunity to mock Bo Jian.

The real strong man: Is it to make you look big by typing an extra space

BJ: Not at all.

BJ: This is not happy ●°^°●

BJ: This is very unhappy ° ^ °●

The real powerhouse: …

Jiang Huai wants to delete Bo Jian.

The mobile phone message tone rang twice again, Jiang Huai pretended not to hear it, and threw the mobile phone into his schoolbag.

When he came home, Ah Cai stayed in the house and didn't come out, but the takeaway lunch boxes he ordered at noon had already been emptied and put into the trash can. Jiang Huai thought he would be back almost before seven o'clock in the evening, without delaying dinner. Even if it's delayed, just make up for supper and it's over.

Jiang Huai rested his head on the back seat bored. The schoolbag was thrown aside by him.

The mobile phone rang a few more times in the schoolbag, but Jiang Huai didn't respond.

So the phone rang.

Jiang Huai frowned, unzipped the zipper, and pinched the phone out with his index finger and thumb.

The person who sent the message and made the phone call was the same person.

Jiang Huai's tone was not very good: "Are you busy?"

Bo Jian smiled lightly and said, "Give me the license plate number of the taxi."

"What are you posting this for?"

Young Master Bo: "Speak to the security for you and let you in."

JAC: "..."

Oh. rich people.

The Bo family is a high-class rich family, and there is a gap in their wealth from ordinary rich people. He could afford to drive a Rolls-Royce to pick him up from school, so Jiang Huai was not too surprised to see a manor-style villa.

He only thought that Chairman Bo had condescended to enjoy himself with the people, it was really hard work.

But from the outside, it is not a European design, nor is it a Chinese design. It has a strong sense of modernity. The door is smart, probably someone issued an instruction, and it was unlocked after recording Jianghuai Pupil.

Going in, it is also consistent with the exterior design style. Surprisingly, it is not the kind of magnificent and glittering European-style decoration that rich people love very much. On the contrary, the lines are complex but not cumbersome, the straight geometry is the main style, and the color matching is basically cool.

The pornographic scene that Jianghuai imagined, with several beautiful little maids lined up in a row, calling Chairman Bo "Hello, young master" did not happen.

Chairman Bo was alone with his head propped up, flipping through the books in front of the French windows on the first floor, with no one to wait on him.

Bo Jian's angle happened to be with his back to the door, and his back to Jiang Huai. There was a sound of the door opening and closing, but Bo Jian didn't move.

Jiang Huai lazily walked over with his schoolbag on his shoulders: "Chairman Bo, I'm here to ask you to do my homework."

Thin gradually hair slightly damp, hanging in front of the forehead. Jiang Huai walked over and found that Bo Jian was wearing a bathrobe, as if he had just taken a shower.

Bo Jian turned his head and raised his face slightly to look at Jiang Huai.

After a long time, his Adam's apple rolled: "You are here."

Jiang Huai: "Yes."

Then Bo Jian stopped talking. Asking the front desk to come home to do homework and making an appointment to meet with netizens.

Jiang Huai frowned: "You..."

Bo gradually lowered his eyelashes: "Go to my room?"

JAC: "..."

"Oh." He replied.

Bo Jian asked, "Oh, are you going or not?"

Jiang Huai showed no expression: "Let's go."

Two people in front of each other. Jiang Huai, who doesn't know where Bo Jian's room is, is in front, and Bo Jian, who knows, is behind. Bo Jian's attitude of saying a word and being silent for a long time, looking at him without speaking made Jiang Huai's heart speed up for no reason.

He didn't want to admit it was nervous.

Maybe it was because he was embarrassed to go to someone else's house, after all, he and Bo Jian didn't know each other that well.

Jiang Huai felt that his knee joint was stiff. He tensed his back and walked ahead: "Go upstairs?"


"Go left or right?"

"Go left."

Jianghuai turned right without stopping. Bo Jian gently grabbed his wrist: "It's the other way around, it's the right side."

JAC: "..."

He said "Oh" and pulled out his hand, thinking: it was a very stupid decision to come to Bo Jian's house during the marking period.

Bo Jian's room was dark with the curtains drawn. Even though it was afternoon, it was the same as night. Bo Jian went to turn on a few lights.

Bo Jian's room was very clean and had no smell.

But Jianghuai always felt the smell of mint leaves.

Bo Jian stood in front of the desk, facing him sideways, tidied up the neatly tidy desk a few more times, lowered his eyes and asked, "Are you here to accompany me through the susceptibility period?"

Jiang Huai is not a person who takes life seriously, but standing here now, he has goose bumps all over his body.

It's usually because it's cold, or... it feels like it's dangerous.

Jiang Huai didn't put away his schoolbag, didn't move it, leaned against the door, and didn't lift his eyelids: "Didn't you ask me to do my homework?"

Bo Jian turned his head and curled the corners of his lips: "Oh...then come and write."

Jianghuai passed. He glanced at Bo Jian's desk, and was quite surprised to see the crayon drawing drawn by Ah Cai, which was still in the frame, and there was no dust on it.

There are not many small things on the table, only a few books neatly stacked. On the top of the book, there is a gift box that looks like a work of art... If Jiang Huai hadn't eaten what was inside, he wouldn't have recognized it as chocolate.

Chocolate covered caramel syrup.

Jiang Huai's complexion was not very good, he turned his gaze away and pretended not to see it.

But when he took out a physics paper from his schoolbag, the back of his hand accidentally brushed against the candy box... very lightly, as if most of the chocolate in the box had been eaten up.

Bo Jian was flipping through the weekend homework he had finished a long time ago, as if he didn't notice Jiang Huai's movements.

"Which one are you doing first this week?"


Bo Jian snorted and laughed: "You really pick the least thing to do every week." He tilted his head slightly and looked at Jiang Huai. Bo Jian didn't turn on all the lights in the room. It reflected Jianghuai's appearance: "The monthly exam next week... why don't you go back tonight?"

Jiang Huai touched the pen to the ground.

He looked at Bo Jian a little coldly: "I don't want to stay up late to make up my homework."

Bo Jian said, "I didn't ask you to make up your homework."

He leaned down slightly, getting closer to Jiang Huai. Jiang Huai smelled a little bit of that icy and cool vegetation, which was very faint, and slowly approached him. It seems to be whispering: "You don't know how, can I tell you?"

Jiang Huai sat for a while, and his Adam's apple moved a few times.

At a certain second, he yanked the chair away, and the chair scratched the floor tiles with a long "stab". Jiang Huai's expression was very bad: "No need, I will leave after finishing this paper."

He stood up and took out his mobile phone: "Take some photos with me."

Bo Jian stood up straight: "Why?"

Jiang Huai frowned: "Just take two group photos."

Bo Jian walked towards him. The light wasn't too bright, making Bo Jian's expression somewhat unclear. He asked softly: "Jiang Huai, I'm here, do you still want a photo?"

Jiang Huai suddenly felt a jolt coming up from his tailbone. He could almost touch Bao Jian's breath.

Jiang Huai's mind was empty.

It seems that Bo Jian's marking period for him is particularly long and strong. His mind was confused, while thinking whether Bo Jian was in the susceptible period or the estrous period, and thinking...

Fuck it.

Jiang Huai moved his lips: "Stay away from me."

Bo Jian pulled up his right hand, Jiang Huai watched Bo Jian's movements coldly. Bo Jian simply lifted his right hand and pulled it over...then pressed his cheek against his sweaty palm.

The face touched by the palm is hot and hot. Just can't see it.

His eyelashes trembled: "Alpha's susceptible period is irrational...Jiang Huai, stay with me."

Every word Bo Jian said made Jiang Huai feel that he might do something to Bo Jian that would leave a deeper psychological shadow on both sides in the future. Once the marking period was over, the two would turn against each other.

He sneered: "Shall I slap you to wake you up?"

"Okay." Bo Jian's voice slowly became hoarse, "But if you hurt me..."

He turned his head slightly, and gently kissed Jiang Huai's palm: "Can you give me a blowjob?"

The author has something to say: Chairman: Actually, I am very shy.