Mark Me

Chapter 49: cool?


At the end of the review, Bo Jian bowed slightly, turned around and walked down the podium.

Jiang Huai looked away, tugged at his collar, and walked to the podium. Without squinting, Bo Jian got off the podium.

Passing by, shoulders slammed together. Under the eyes of everyone, more than forty classmates, as well as Lao Lin, were all watching them. Only Jiang Huai knew that Bo Jian hooked him with his little finger very briefly, and then let go.

Jiang Huai suddenly felt an extremely secret thrill. He snorted, but didn't look away.

He is dirty and perverted, but he just feels that this good student is seducing him every day.

Seduce him even during the marking period.

…and still without the pheromone lure.

Jiang Huai came to the stage and cleared his throat: "In the physical education class last Friday afternoon, Bo Jian and I..."

He paused for a moment, his Adam's apple rolled, and continued: "In the east building of Xueli Building..."

Bo Jian returned to his seat, in the last row, quite far away.

With his head propped up and a pen in his hand, he looked languid and a little absent-minded.

Until he raised his eyes and met Jiang Huai, his eyes met, Bo Jian smiled. In the last row, Lao Lin was at the front door, and the whole class was looking forward, looking at Jiang Huai. People can see him.

So he stretched out his hand and showed his heart to Jiang Huai.

"... didn't obey the moral education director's discipline," Jiang Huai said all of a sudden, "Bo Jian and I jumped off the building together in the Xueli Building."

Lao Lin frowned: "What???"

The pre-bell rang for class, and the Chinese mid-term mock exam will start in 20 minutes.

The desks in the class were all photographed in the examination room mode, and the students began to carry their schoolbags to the examination room one after another, waiting outside the class for students from other classes who came early and were about to enter the examination room.

Bo Jian was undoubtedly in the No. 1 examination room, and Chen Fengze's grades were very good. He was in the No. 1 examination room on average.

He was waiting for Chairman Bo at the back door.

To be honest, he couldn't hold back his itch, and wanted to ask where Chairman Bo's recent "love affair" with Jianghuai has progressed... He doesn't know what the situation is, anyway, the relationship between the two has progressed so far on the campus network. "Devil Alpha's Contract Lover".

All children lost three.

Chen Fengze leaned against the door and looked at Jiang Huai.

Jiang Huai showed no expression, carried his schoolbag and kicked the stool under the table. He walked past Bo Jian's table, Chen Fengze opened his eyes slightly... Then Jiang Huai just walked past without even looking at Chairman Bo.

Chairman Bo raised his eyelids, but didn't speak.

It doesn't look like the friendship of three children.

Chen Fengze saw Jiang Huai leaving, and asked in a low voice, "That's it?"

"if not?"

Chen Fengze asked: "Don't you two have an affair?"

Bo Jian got up, pushed the stool down, and asked lightly, "What do you mean having legs? At the back door of the classroom, hug and kiss in front of classmates like you who come to watch the fun?"

Chen Fengze was so mocked that he would turn off his fire for a while.

Bo Jian walked past him, sighed softly, and seemed to be talking to himself, "I've been too busy lately."

Exam room No. 40 is an examination room converted from the disused health room in the east building.

Students at the end of the crane are not worthy of having a classroom as an examination room. Exam room No. 1 is in the large lecture hall of the Xueli Building. It is an examination room for 100 people.

Jianghuai Zhaoxue entered his seat, which was still the second-to-last row.

The penultimate row, 1535, is Zhao Tianqing.

Now Zhao Tianqing thinks he is quite familiar with Jianghuai... Anyway, when school started, he was really afraid of Jianghuai. He didn't know Jianghuai before, but he had no choice. synonym. As soon as school started, Zhao Tianqing saw that he was sitting next to Jianghuai, and almost went to Lao Lin in fright. He thought that his Beta, which was thin and tender, would not stand up to Jianghuai.

But now Zhao Tianqing found out that Jianghuai people are actually quite nice, with a cold face, but they are easy to get along with.

"Oh," Zhao Tianqing sighed, "Jianghuai... what about the exam?"

They are brothers and sisters. In the examination room No. 40, don't say copying other people's papers. The people who are copied are not sure what kind of answers they got. The whole examination room is like a gathering of chickens.

Jiang Huai didn't look back, and "slapped" a small object on Zhao Tianqing's desk from the front.

Zhao Tianqing's eyes lit up, and he thought it was high-tech, so he quickly grabbed it to have a look.

But take a closer look...


Zhao Tianqing's expression was slightly complicated: "...Thank you."

The mock exam is purely according to the mid-term exam process. At that time, the arrangement of the examination room for the mid-term examination will be the same as that of the mock examination. At the end of the mid-term, the Municipal Education Bureau uniformly issued the test papers, and the unified rankings of the more than a dozen high schools in S City that used the unified test papers were taken.

But it means that those who are in the top of the exam can know their city rankings, or it has something to do with it. Like Jianghuai, the city ranks first, and 50,000 people rank 49,999, so there is no need to score.

The first Chinese test takes two and a half hours.

Jianghuai's total score in the first year of senior high school can be ranked at 1534. Compared with Zhao Tianqing, a sports student who spends seven classes and six classes a day in the gymnasium, his total score is not generally low.

For 750 questions, he usually takes 150.

But Jianghuai didn’t take 150 in the first exam in the first year of senior high school. He took more than 500 in the first exam in the first year of senior high school. .

Two and a half hours of Chinese, two hours of sleep first, and the last half hour cover the multiple choice questions and write the composition randomly.

If you take a serious test, Jianghuai estimates that it may double from 150 to 300.

But what's the difference? I still fail every subject, and I'm still the last in the class.

If you take inhibitors, your grades will be bad. Jiang Huai knew it from the first exam when he scored more than 500 points in the first round of high school. He began to develop pheromone glands in the second semester of the third year of junior high school, and began to take inhibitors in the second semester of the third year of junior high school.

But the second semester of the third year of junior high school is basically reviewing, so Jianghuai's sleep did not affect much of his high school entrance examination results.

The first exam in the first year of high school was the worst one in the Jianghuai exam.

He is not a student who works hard, Jianghuai is purely a student who can rely on talent and can still get ahead in grades.

Seeing the transcripts of more than 700 people for the first time, Jiang Huai thought to himself that it might be worse than this in the future. Sure enough, JAC never passed the 200-point mark in the subsequent exams.

If you take a serious test, you just take the test, it's better to sleep. He was sleepy in class during the day, but it didn't mean that he would not be sleepy after taking the exam instead.

As usual, Jiang Huai wanted to fold the paper and the answer sheet and put them on the bottom for him to sleep on... But when he folded the front, Jiang Huai saw that the first question on the Chinese paper was a question about finding idioms and typos.

Last weekend, Bo Jian had dinner at his house... Bo Jian was so picky about his meals, he couldn't add chili, coriander, pepper, or green onion, garlic, and ginger slices to his dishes, and he didn't like to add anything. Eat clear soup with little water.

It wasn't until Jiang Huai was so annoyed by him that he told him to either leave or buy a pack of normal saline to drink by himself, then Bo Jian shut up.

After the meal, Bo Jian followed him to finish his Chinese homework in the room.

The desk lamp casts Bao Jian's face warmly, giving people an illusion of tenderness. He looked at Jiang Huai and rubbed Jiang Huai's head: "Next week, take the mock exam."

The light beam of the desk lamp shone brightly in Bo Jian's eyes, and Jiang Huai felt palpitations for a few seconds.

JAC can do this typo and idiom question. The homework on the weekend happened to come across a few identical typos and idioms, but Jiang Huai didn't see them, so Bo Jian circled them for him.

Jianghuai wrote a B on the option to fill in the blank.

It has been a long time since Jianghuai has seriously written a paper.

The first question will be met, and the second question will be also.

Jianghuai went down one by one. For those who hesitated, Jianghuai habitually drew a circle on the question number as a mark. This is his habit of junior high school exams.

After high school, Jianghuai basically never took the exam seriously.

Familiar emotions that belong to the exam slowly surfaced again, concentrating on it, encountering questions that you don’t know, slowly grinding your nerves, wandering restlessly, and solving a question, the sense of accomplishment is so subtle that it can’t be more subtle.

In less than an hour, Jiang Huai fell into a drowsy state. He yawned, unscrewed the mineral water and took a sip of cold water, then propped his head up and continued on.

Zhao Tianqing scratched his head and flicked his pen twice. He threw the dice given by Jianghuai on the table... For odd numbers, write the composition first, and for even numbers, do the reading questions first.

OK, 3, singular. Write the composition first.

Zhao Tianqing impetuously turned to the composition side of the answer sheet. He secretly glanced at Jiang Huai in front of him...Jiang Huai propped his head up, as if he was writing on the paper, and remained motionless for several minutes.

Jiang Huai just fell asleep

Otherwise, why didn't you see him throwing the dice

Jiang Huai wrote the last period of the composition, he raised his head, and it took ten minutes to close the paper.

There are generally two kinds of students who are fast at doing papers.

One is high-level, and the questions are all passed at a glance, and the other is the tail of the cranes in the examination room No. 40. If you don’t know how to jump, you will jump.

When the bell was ringing for more than half an hour to collect the papers, the examination room No. 40 began to be restless, and the two invigilators went back and forth to patrol and warn the discipline.

"Dingling, ringing—" the winding bell rang.

"Put down the pen, the exam is over! The last student in each row collects the answer sheets from the back to the front!"

Zhao Tianqing came to collect the answer sheet, he secretly glanced at Jianghuai's answer sheet... Oh, it's full? "Brother Jiang, how did you do in the Chinese test?" Zhao Tianqing asked quickly in a low voice.

Jiang Huai yawned: "General."

Zhao Tianqing: "Brother Jiang is have written it all!"

Filling the answer sheet is probably the ultimate pursuit of all candidates in the No. 40 examination room.

Jiang Huai laughed and shook his head.

After the Chinese test in the morning, I went back to the classroom for an hour of self-study and free review.

There are only two examination rooms in the east building, No. 39 and No. 40, and the other 38 examination rooms are in the west building. As soon as Jiang Huai walked through the corridors of the east and west buildings, the crowd was as noisy as a boil, shoulder to shoulder and crowded up and down the stairs.

"How did you do in the exam?"

"Hey, fill in the blanks in that ancient poem, three-year-old food poverty, what's the last sentence?"

"Ah, don't answer the answer, I don't want to listen!!"


Jiang Huai suddenly felt that the discussions beside him and heard became very lively. Let him feel a sense of being in it, instead of standing in it with indifference and impatience.

Because he made a paper carefully, the exam topics that other students were discussing also had something to do with him. He is not alone.

Jiang Huai put away his schoolbag when he returned to work, and went to the men's bathroom to drain the water.

There are quite a lot of people in the men's toilet, and they are crowded all the way to the door, and they have to queue up to fill the urinal.

The men's room is also checking the answer: "What did you choose for the sixth multiple choice question?"

"The sixth question? The wrong sentence question? I chose C."

"Fuck? I chose A!"

"That's enough of you, how the hell can I hide from you who have the right answer?"

"That's right, what's the answer, can we talk about something else?"

"Hey Xu Wenyang, I heard that Bo Jian was picked up by your head teacher yesterday to recite the review? The chairman of the student union still has time to write the review? What happened?"

"What the hell? Really? Bo Jian wrote a review??"

Xu Wenyang smiled awkwardly... Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. He wrote lightly: "I wrote it, but it's fine, I just didn't go to physical education class..."

A boy interrupted with a sharp sneer: "Is that because you didn't go to gym class?"

Xu Wenyang looked at Liu Chang and frowned.

Someone said something good: "Hey, what's going on? I didn't say it, but Bo Jian committed a crime. As long as there is no serious problem, the teacher usually turns a blind eye to such a good student and passes by, right?"

"Lin Fei really wants to favor his top students," Liu Chang said angrily, "but if he favors Bo Jian, wouldn't he also favor Jiang Huai? Both of them were captured by the director. Can he cover up Bo Jian?"

"Fuck? Has something to do with Jianghuai?"

"What do you mean they were caught? Why did the director touch them?"

The students in other classes didn't understand the situation, so when Liu Chang said this, it was easy to make people think wrong. There are already a lot of messy, true and false rumors on the campus Internet.

Xu Wenyang frowned and went to pull Liu Chang: "Liu Chang, don't talk nonsense..."

Liu Chang waved it away: "Which ear of yours heard me talking nonsense? What are Bo Jianjiang and Huai going to do in the east building when they have classes? Are they going on a date? They both got to the door of my mother's office, so I can't talk anymore Really? Two Alphas, aren't they fucking disgusting??"

Xu Wenyang was stunned.

Liu Chang's words were like dropping a small nuclear bomb in the men's bathroom.

It's one thing to gossip about CP on campus, it's one thing to say hello, but if Bo Jian and Jiang Huai's two Alphas are really together, messing around in the school building, and being bumped into by the director... it's another thing.

The focus is on "messing around in the teaching building". It doesn't matter which gender you switch to, it's a big deal.

"Damn! Liu Chang, you are not allowed to spread rumors, really?"

Jiang Huai entered the men's room, expressionless.

The men's room suddenly became quiet, closed their mouths, and looked at each other.

Liu Chang saw Jiang Huai at first glance, and subconsciously took a step back... But he stopped and glanced at the classmates around him. There were a lot of people, and Jiang Huai was going to attack, and some people helped him to testify that Jiang Huai beat him first.

Who doesn't know that Jiang Huai will be expelled directly with a demerit.

Liu Chang laughed sarcastically, confidently, and said word by word: "I'm making fart rumors, freedom of speech, JAC is done with Omega, and then Alpha. Why, let the truth not be told?"

Jiang Huai didn't move, staring at him.

Jiang Huai's eyes make people feel frightened.

Liu Chang took a step forward instead, and asked with a smile, "Jiang Huai, and Bo Jian are good at studying and looking good. Is it nice to have sex with Alpha whom everyone likes?" Everyone in the men's room was looking at him, including Jiang Huai. Being watched by everyone made Liu Chang feel elated.

Jiang Huai still didn't move or speak.

So Liu Chang became more courageous, played, provoked, and asked with an almost insulting smile: "Are you getting fucked or Bo Jian? How does it feel?"

Jiang Huai didn't speak, turned around and walked towards the door.

Liu Chang's tense nerves relaxed slightly, and he smiled: "Tsk, I knew..."

Jiang Huai didn't let him finish the sentence.

Xu Wen Yang Meng opened his eyes wide, wanting to stop Jiang Huai...but how could he stop Jiang Huai.

Jiang Huai went to the door and picked up a hard plastic bucket for washing the mop. Holding the handle of the bucket, he threw it directly on Liu Chang's head. Before Liu Chang had time to raise his hand, the barrel had already hit him on the head.

Not a discount. A hole was directly smashed into the plastic bucket, and the shattered red plastic pieces fell to the ground.

Liu Chang was stunned, he felt that it was raining in the toilet, dripping down from the top of his head. He touched... blood, mixed with dirty mop water.

"you you… "

Jiang Huai kicked him on the partition door of the toilet, Liu Chang hit the back of his head hard on the shelf, and his whole head was dizzy. He saw Jiang Huai's cold face, Jiang Huai strangled his neck, and asked softly: "Liu Chang, are you cool?"

The author has something to say: The chairman who returned to the classroom after the exam: Where is my boyfriend!