Mark Me

Chapter 51: Mother


"Jingle jingle—"

Crash. Papers and answer sheets are passed in rows from front to back.

For the first math test in the afternoon, papers, answer sheets, and play papers were handed out in thick stacks, spread out one by one. Thanks to Chairman Bo, Jianghuai broke the head in the morning and had to come to the exam in the afternoon.

But last weekend, Jianghuai didn't even bring his math books home. He can't remember how many weeks he hasn't written a math homework, and he can't remember how many weeks he hasn't paid attention to a math class.

So Jianghuai didn't want to take this math test. It's boring, I know I can't do it, but I still fucking force it, isn't this torturing myself

The only dice was with Zhao Tianqing.

Zhao Tianqing ran into Bo Jian putting on Jiang Huai's Band-Aids by accident at noon, and stayed away from Jiang Huai until the exam in the afternoon, as if he was afraid that Jiang Huai would do something terrible to this delicate and frail 1.9 meter sports student.

Jiang Huai supported his head, turned his pen twice, and pushed the paper to the corner of the table a little irritably.

Two minutes later, Jiang Huai grabbed the corner of the paper and dragged it towards himself. He glanced at the first question.

The first multiple-choice question, a certain point and a straight line in the known coordinate system... calculate the distance from the point to the straight line.

Hey, will do.

The mid-term and end-of-term exams are all municipal exams, and the papers uniformly issued by the Education Bureau are much easier than the usual mid-term exams. Jiang Huai remembered that when the math papers were handed out for the monthly exam, he also looked at them... He looked at the first three multiple-choice questions, and none of them understood the nonsense the question stems were talking about.

Then Jiang Huai went to sleep.

But the difficulty of the mock exam this time is the difficulty of the mock midterm exam. Jiang Huai looked down roughly, not to mention whether he could do it or not, at least he could understand what the question was saying.

The tip of the pen marked a C on the first question, paused for a while, and then continued to draw down.

For some reason, Jiang Huai kept ringing in Jiang Huai's head what Bo Jian said at noon: "Take a good exam this afternoon."

Jiang Huai never thought that Bo Jian was a kind and good student who was willing to urge the crane tail to study hard, make progress every day, and realize his "One Belt, One Road, Common Prosperity" guideline.

But now he feels... Bo Jian said that he wanted to be friends with him, and wanted to urge him to study hard, and it seemed that he was serious.

But Jiang Huai was not happy.

Jiang Huai held the pen unconsciously, rubbed the band-aid on the index finger with his thumb a few times.

He lowered his head and sniffed, and smelled a very faint cool smell of mint.

Like Bo Jian's pheromones, but just the smell of Band-Aids, not Bo Jian's pheromones. The Band-Aid has a mixed smell of medicine, and the pheromone of Bo Jian is cleaner than the Band-Aid...and smells better.

He likes Bo Jian's pheromones...

Jiang Huai was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that he was thinking about something incredible.

Jiang Huai tore off the Band-Aid with a blank expression, put it back in his pocket, and continued to work on the questions with his pen in his hand.

Mathematics papers are not like Chinese papers. If you can’t write Chinese papers, you can make up a few lines of words by hard coding. If you don’t know mathematics, you can’t write a few lines.

Jiang Huai was ten minutes away from finishing the paper for Chinese, and ten minutes for mathematics... But he left two half-answer questions, two fill-in-the-blank questions, and randomly chose four multiple-choice questions.

When the rewinding bell rang, Jiang Huai pushed the draft paper of the answer sheet aside, leaned back on the table, and began to sleep.

The last row of students collected the answer sheets. Zhao Tianqing walked over on catwalks, carefully looked at the back of Jianghuai's head, and quietly took the answer sheets from Jianghuai's desk away and put them up.

After math and physics, I will take chemistry and biology tomorrow morning and English in the afternoon.

In the first semester of the second year of senior high school, there were three exams in science and comprehensive subjects. It was not until the end of the second semester of the second year of senior high school that the three subjects of physics, chemistry, biology and science were combined into one exam.

When doing math papers, Jiang Huai was very sleepy, but as soon as the papers were collected, Jiang Huai couldn't fall asleep at recess. He fell asleep on the desk and heard others chatting:

"Hey, I heard that there was a fight in our department this morning. Is it true?"

"Can there be a fake? From the second class."

"Class two?"

"It's Jiang Huai, do you know Liu Chang? Jiang Huai beat Liu Chang!"

"I don't like this dude, he's a tough guy, find a fight with Jianghuai? Alpha?"

"Shh, keep your voice down..." The voice could no longer be suppressed, "Can you look at the back of the classroom?"

"Damn...Jiang Huai is in your examination room?"

"Which exam room is Jiang Huai in if he isn't in exam room 40?"

"Okay, okay, keep your voice down... let's go out and talk."

Faintly, the voice got farther and farther away, and went out the door.

"I know Liu Chang, his mother Liu Yuxiu, does he have the guts to fight Jiang Huai?"

"I don't know...Anyway, I heard that Jianghuai directly opened Liu Chang."

"Being hanged? Isn't Liu Chang also an Alpha?"

"Hey, Liu Chang is Alpha, but Jiang Huai is not? Liu Chang runs after Liu Yuxiu's ass every day, can he beat Jiang Huai?"

"Hahahaha I'm also very annoying Liu Chang. I used to be in the same class with him. I used to talk about it every day. It's so cheap, but Jiang Huai is no better than Liu Chang... Fighting every day, I didn't say it, is he crazy? Is he not afraid of being dismissed from school? Punishment?"

"Hey, who of you still remembers that Jianghuai's punishment last semester wasn't just to remember the demerit again..."

The farther and farther away, out of the corridor, I can't hear it vaguely.

Jiang Huai clenched his fingers, made a few noises, but didn't look up.

At 5:45, the bell rang a dozen times. It was the physical winding bell, and it was also today's school bell. After finishing the physics exam, I went straight to school.

After handing in the papers, Jiang Huai did not return to the classroom, but left the examination room with his schoolbag on his shoulders.

He was standing by the corridor. There were few exam rooms in the east building, and there were few classmates. The invigilator had just left for a few minutes, and there were only a few people left in the corridor.

He looked down from the window.

Senior 1 and Senior 2 had mock exams for one day, and after school, there was a sea of people surrounded by heads, chattering like a nest of chickens, Jianghuai was on the fourth floor, and the noise could be heard.

The setting sun was already half-set, and the classmates, trees, and teaching buildings all slanted out a dim, long shadow.

What happens if you get fired

Jianghuai thought about this last semester.

He got didn't really matter much. That is, he goes home to stay for a period of time until he transfers to another school. The only problem may be that he needs to explain to Mr. Jiang that "your son was expelled from school for fighting".

But for him, where he goes to school makes little difference.

Jiang Huai lowered his head and looked downstairs.

The phone in his pocket rang. Jiang Huai took out his phone.

BJ: Are you going back to the classroom

Jiang Huai stared at the two letters "BJ" for a while. He replied: no.

BJ: Oh, how did you do in the afternoon exam

Jianghuai did not return.

After a while, Bo Jian posted again: I have to take the exam tomorrow °v°●

Jiang Huai frowned, he edited and edited several times, and finally sent out a few words.

The real strong man: I won't use it for school next week, why should I still take the exam

BJ: Why don't you come to school next week

Jiang Huai frowned, thinking whether Chairman Bo really didn't know, or his mother was pretending not to know.

The real strong man: I recited a punishment last semester, and I got a demerit for expulsion and a demerit for fighting, understand

BJ: What if your punishment from last semester is revoked

Jiang Huai was startled, staring at this sentence.

Bo Jian posted again:

"Take a good exam tomorrow, don't think about anything else."

Jiang Huai put his phone back, turned his head and went down the stairs, from the fourth floor of the East Building to the first floor of the West Building.

He unscrewed the back door of the classroom. It's almost six o'clock, the sky is dark, all the lights in the classroom have been turned off... Jiang Huai is standing by the back door, the classroom is empty, and Bo Jian is not in the classroom.

Mid-term mock exams on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, teachers of all grades and departments stayed up late on Wednesday nights to get results, papers were distributed on Thursdays, and the rankings of all grades and departments were published.

As the exam is approaching, the pace of the school is extremely fast. Every day is full of schedules and the plan is clear. This week, I will teach papers one day on Thursday, and the class will have a second mock exam for self-test on Friday. On Thursday and Friday, the official mid-term examinations will be held.

In the spare time, there could be several postings on the campus website about fights between grades and departments, but before the midterm exam, mock exams followed by grades, the teachers were busy, and the students were even busier, so the Jianghuai fight did not cause much controversy.

After finishing the final exam at 4 o'clock on Wednesday, Lao Lin asked Jianghuai to go to the office to find him at 4:30.

When Jiang Huai arrived at the office, Liu Chang had just come out of Lao Lin's office, and a large piece of white bandage was pasted on his forehead comically, tightly pasted, as if a sanitary napkin had been pasted on his head.

When Liu Chang saw Jiang Huai, he froze, pretended not to see, stepped up his pace, turned his head and left.

Jiang Huai ignored him, pushed the door open and entered the office.

On Lao Lin's desk was a thick stack of math papers bound across the dividing line. Jiang Huai glanced at it. He failed several questions in the math paper, 150 questions...Jiang Huai estimated his score at 60 or 70.

Lin Fei adjusted his glasses. He purposely called the two students, Liu Chang and Jiang Huai, over separately, so as not to cause trouble if they touched each other. Although he guessed that Liu Chang was beaten this time, his head was broken, and he would be honest in the future... But boys of this age, especially Alpha, want to save face the most.

"How did you do in the exam?" Lin Fei asked first.


Lin Fei sighed, and started to talk about business: "Jiang Huai, I think it's inevitable that you will make a mistake this time. Even if Liu Chang caused trouble first, you shouldn't hit him."

Jianghuai didn't respond much.

"But the mid-term exam is coming soon. Everyone is very busy, and this exam is also very important," Lin Fei said, "I talked with the director and other teachers, and we finally agreed that the thing you remembered should wait until the next day." Discussion after the midterm exam... You and Liu Chang have to finish the midterm exam seriously first. What do you think?"

Lin Fei avoided mentioning the word "expulsion". Because selfishly, he didn't want Jianghuai to be fired... He had never taught Jianghuai in the past, but now he felt that it would be a pity if Jianghuai was fired.

Lin Fei wanted to see if there was any room for turning this matter around.

But which pot of JAC does not open and which pot is lifted. He stepped back: "Teacher, if I'm fired after the midterm exam... then can I not take the midterm exam?"

Lin Fei: "?"

"What did you say?" Lin Fei asked.

"I think… "

"You have a good idea! Go back to the classroom and review!"

JAC: "..."

Jiang Huai was kicked out of the office by Lin Fei.

But he spoke the truth. If he is expelled from the school after the exam next week, then he still has to take the exam, so why not just go home and stay

So at 4:46 p.m., Jiang Huai dismissed himself from school early.

It's five o'clock.

Bo Jiandi didn't know how many times, he raised his head and glanced at the empty front table. After the English test at four o'clock, there is still an hour and a half of self-study in the afternoon, and school is not over until half past five.

However, Bo Jian did not see the figure at the front table.

I've been too busy recently, with a lot of things to do, Chairman Bo flipped through a page of the book a little distracted... He hasn't even seen anyone at the front desk for a day and a half.

After a while, he took out his phone.

BJ: Where have you been? ●° ^°●

Jiang Huai came back rather quickly.

The real powerhouse: I'm out of school.


The real powerhouse: Skateboarding. Do not disturb.

BJ: …

Jiang Huai went to the bicycle shed to pick up the skateboard, and slid straight to the back door of the school.

The gangsters from No. 4 High School climbed over the wall once, and the wall to the west of the back gate of the school was demolished, and now it has been rebuilt into a row of barbed iron fences with a height of more than two meters connected to the stone pier below. It has greatly curbed the behavior of students who are late to climb over the wall.

But still can't stop Jianghuai.

Putting his pockets in his pockets, Jiang Huai kicked his feet back, and walked slowly past the back gate of the school, heading west.

But out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of an acquaintance from the school gate... Ni Li. Since the last time he went to the police station to take notes, Ni Li hadn't come to him for a while.

Ni Li stood at the door of the security room, talking to the security timidly, but did not see Jiang Huai.

Next to her stood a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman.

Jiang Huai met them, they were Ni Li's parents.

Ni Li didn't know what he said to the security guard, so he handed over a note, and the security guard let Ni Li's parents in.

Jianghuai didn't stop, but also skating away on the skateboard.

As a third grade elementary school student, Ah Cai leaves school at 3:30 every day...but she often has to wait until 6:30 for Jiang Huai who arrives late on a skateboard to pick her up.

But today, Ah Cai saw Jiang Huai before five o'clock.

When Jiang Huai entered the classroom of the second class of the third year, there were still several young students in the classroom, surrounded by a few chattering groups. Ah Cai was also surrounded by two little girls, and on Ah Cai's desk was a pile of messily cut colored paper.

Jiang Huai walked over and put the small cap of A Cai's hoodie on A Cai's head: "School is over, Jiang Xingxing."

As soon as Jiang Huai came over, several young classmates suddenly quieted down, huddled like quails, and secretly looked at Jiang Huai.

A brave boy asked, "Are you Jiang Xingxing's brother?"

Jianghuai: "Yes."

Ah Cai: "No."

Jiang Huai glared at Ah Cai: "Say it again?"

Ah Cai: "..."

The little boy asked again: "Is your name Jiang Huai?"

Jiang Huai frowned: "I'm... what's wrong?"

"My cousin and you are classmates!" The little boy became excited, "My cousin said you are Jiang Xingxing's father!"

Jianghuai: "...?"

"Who is your cousin?" he asked.

Little boy: "Zhao Tianqing!"

JAC: "..."

The little boy was immersed in memories: "My cousin also said that the tall, white, handsome... short-haired brother who is still doing well in studies is Jiang Xingxing's mother!"

Although the little boy didn't say it clearly, Chairman Bo's face appeared in Jiang Huai's mind.

Jiang Huai: "...your cousin farts."

Little boy: "Huh?"

Jiang Huai's heart suddenly became hot, and he said without expression: "It's not mother... at most it's sister-in-law."

Little boy: "??"

After the mock exam, although there is still a mid-term exam and papers to be lectured tomorrow, after all, it is an exam and many students want to relax at night.

The campus network, which had been sluggish for many days, came back to life again, and the posts about fighting and eating melons that hadn't been uploaded during the day yesterday and today finally got the building up.

After nine o'clock in the evening, there is a new post on the front page...

"Song Jun was arrested, have you heard?"

The main building cuts to the chase:

"Song Jun is the Omega who said last semester that Jiang Huai failed to pursue him, was beaten up by Jiang Huai several times, and was finally forced to transfer to another school. Last week, he was arrested for molesting an Omega!!"