Mark Me

Chapter 57: sticker


If Bo Jian is willing to help him revise for the midterm exam, Jiang Huai is 100% sure that it will be better than him blindly flipping through books at home alone. But... why did Bo Jian help him review for the midterm exam

Although Chairman Bo's words and deeds made Jiang Huai want to fight him once he saw him, but Bo Jian was always helping him. Bo Jian was helping him with Ni Li's matter, and Bo Jian was also helping him with the exam matter.

Jiang Huai squinted at Bo Jian: "Is the time when I was first in the grade used to make up lessons for me?"

The aunt at the window brought out beef noodles, and Bo Jian took the noodle bowl: "Thank you." He said without changing his expression, "Help my classmates, you don't have to think about it."

Help your mother.

When you help your classmates, why don't you help others, so why the fuck do you help me

Jiang Huai suddenly felt angry, he "tsk", he wanted to say "don't be so nice to me", but Bo Jian's words blocked what he wanted to say.

Jiang Huai felt that Bo Jian was unconsciously boiling the frog in warm water, and he stood still, the frog was slowly cooked.

Frog Ben Frog felt very fucking shameless.

Bo Jian tilted his head: "I have time this weekend... come to my house?"

Jiang Huai has been to Bo Jian's house twice, but he didn't have a good impression. He covered it tactically, tugged at the brim of his sweater, expressionless: "I'm not free this weekend, so I won't go."

Bo Jian laughed, but didn't continue talking about the exam review. He leaned towards Jiang Huai, and asked quietly in Jiang Huai's ear through the sweater and hat, "Can you take off the hat?"

Jiang Huai subconsciously raised his hand and pressed the hat: "What are you doing?"

In fact, when Jiang Huai asked this sentence, he heard the students in the queue behind whispering.

"Hey... is the one in front of you Bo Jian?"

"Fuck me, the campus network is honest, what's the chairman doing with the Omega barrier stickers?"

"I don't know. I heard from the big brother's analysis that the chairman seems to want to... do O for love?"

The voice couldn't be lowered, but it didn't prevent Jianghuai from hearing: "Eh? Next to the chairman... is Jianghuai?"

Bo Jian touched the back of Jiang Huai's hand holding the brim of his hat, and said softly, "I put up small stickers with you, and now you are wearing a hat to cover your little clouds, leaving only me a little still say You don't just want to cheat on me."

Jianghuai: "...!"

He pulled down half of Jiang Huai's hat and piled it on the back of his neck. He tilted his head and whispered, "Little Strawberry is unhappy."

Jiang Huai suddenly had itchy ears.

People with evil intentions will hear that nothing is right. Bo Jian said this kind of childish words to coax elementary school students to play, but Jiang Huai could hear a kind of... vaguely erotic meaning.

Fuck you little strawberry.

Jiang Huai turned his head expressionlessly, "If you continue to criticize me like this, I'll beat the little strawberry into a rotten strawberry."


"You are so fierce." Chairman Bo commented.

"you shut up."

Wei Heping and Xu Wenyang were about to go downstairs after eating in the cafeteria. Wei Heping had sharp eyes and saw two familiar figures from behind by a window in a corner of the cafeteria.

One was wearing a black hoodie.

But Jiang Huai could recognize him even if he was wearing a space suit, not to mention wearing a sweater and hat.

Xu Wenyang caught a glimpse of Wei Heping staring at one place, and turned his head: "What are you looking at?"

Wei Heping immediately took a big step, blocking Xu Wenyang's sight. He sighed: "I didn't read anything, but I just remembered an old saying... It's going to rain, my son is going to get married, and the brothers who can't keep it are the water thrown out."

Xu Wenyang: "...?"

Is that what the old saying goes

Approaching mid-November, S city is already very cold. The leaves of the street trees on the street have all fallen, and there are rows of brown and grayish white trunks, and the sky is gloomy.

There was another cold rain on Friday, probably the last rain in the cold autumn.

The mid-term exam is coming, and the whole school is in a hurry. The mid-term exams will be on Thursday and Friday next week. In the last few days, including Saturday and Sunday, what to do and what to do every day are clearly arranged by the school.

This exam is the first formal exam after the high school two-point arts and science class, so it is paid special attention to.

When school was over on Friday, Jiang Huai was called over by Lao Lin again.

Jiang Huai was stunned, and Lin Fei looked him up and down: "How is your review going?"

"Not very good." Jiang Huai said truthfully.

Lin Fei: " are quite honest."

Jiang Huai climbed along the pole: "Well, I'm very honest."


Lin Fei didn't come to Jiang Huai to talk nonsense with him: "Anyway, you just take the exam next week, don't think about what you have... let alone whether you have to change schools, if you don't pass the exam, you hear me?" Guessing that Jiang Huai would have to reply him with the word "Oh" that made him angry after hearing it, Lin Fei simply didn't give Jiang Huai time to talk, and said, "You don't have to worry about the punishment from the school... Do you understand?"

What Lin Fei said was very cryptic, because the school hadn't issued an official notice yet, so he couldn't speak up in front of the students.

But Jiang Huai already knew what Lin Fei meant.

Lao Lin said don't worry... It's just that this matter will pass, the previous punishment can be revoked, and he won't be fired this time.

Jiang Huai lowered his head and said for a long while, "I see."

Lin Fei: "There's nothing else to do, then you can..."

The soles of Jianghuai's shoes crushed the ground in the corridor, he raised his eyes: "Teacher, what happened to me last semester... How did Bo Jian help me communicate with the school?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

Jiang Huai stood with his pockets in his pockets, raised his chin, his brows and eyes were clearly manic. He asked: "The school never asked me for these things... So it was all Bo Jian's help, right?"

That's right. The situation is exactly as Jiang Huai said, the school has never approached Jiang Huai, because everything is handled by Bo Jian.

Lin Fei pondered for a moment, and replied, "It's almost the same as what you said."

Lin Fei also knew about Bo Jian's family background. But when he learned that Bo Jian came out to help Jiang Huai, Lin Fei was still in disbelief...

Didn't these two alpha male students in the class agree that the relationship is extremely bad, and they never see each other

"Oh." Jiang Huai kicked the corner of the corridor, expressionless: "I see. Teacher, I will go back to the classroom to review first."

When Lao Lin heard it, he was quite relieved: "Okay, then you can go back to the classroom to review... Do well in the exam next week!"

Jiang Huai nodded, leaning against the window edge of the corridor, seeing Lao Lin hurriedly trot out of the corner of the corridor with the math book under his arm... Jiang Huai opened the window, the second class is on the first floor, and the corridor is also on the first floor.

Jiang Huai stretched his arms and turned out the window. It was half an hour before five thirty, and school was dismissed early.

I didn't bring my schoolbag.

But for the strong, schoolbags are irrelevant.

Jiang Huai went to the bicycle shed to pick up the skateboard, and the phone vibrated in his trouser pocket. He frowned and took out his phone.

BJ: What about you? ●°^°●

The creases between Jiang Huai's eyebrows deepened a little, and he felt that this scene seemed familiar.

It seems that the last time he gave himself an early dismissal from school, he was also questioned by Bo Jian... Chairman Bo has nothing to do in class, so he looks for other people's where to do all day long.

The real strongman: Went to the bathroom.

BJ: Liar, I saw you escape through the window ° ^°●

… Hold.

BJ: You didn't take your schoolbag.

The real powerhouse: No need for a school bag.

BJ: Do you not use a schoolbag for your weekend revision

The real strong: There are PDF files of textbooks and papers on the campus website.

BJ: There are pirated books on the campus website, don't read them.

Jianghuai made a "tsk".

The real strong: Are you also responsible for combating campus piracy resources part-time? :)

BJ: It's not about cracking down on piracy. Pirated books are generally missing words.

BJ: Where have you been? You are not far away. Let me help you send your schoolbag there

Jiang Huai didn't go back to the classroom because he didn't want to see Bo Jian.

Can't tell what it feels like. Lin Fei told him that what happened to Song Jun was indeed when Bo Jian was helping him... It was only then that Jiang Huai realized that all his affairs, big and small, were all about Bo Jian.

Bo Jian helped him with the punishment, gave him the mark, and urged him to study... Even parkour, Bo Jian went with him.

Apart from such crap as taking a bath and sleeping, Jiang Huai couldn't even find anything else that had nothing to do with Bo Jian at all.

He likes Bo Jian a little bit, but this little liking, as long as pheromones are not involved, it hasn't driven him to the point where he can't help but beg... But if this goes on, Jiang Huai is afraid that he will overturn sooner or later.

The strong cannot overturn.

Jiang Huai typed "no" and went back, but just after sending it, he suddenly remembered the ABB type note that Chairman Bo had set for him.

... so stupid. he thought with feverish ears.

BJ: Oh, that night video, let me read a book with you.

The real strong:

BJ: Want to study with you, can't you

The real strong: No.

BJ: That's not what you said when you posted me the new little strawberry this morning ° ^°●

A temporarily marked pheromone is valid for more than a week, and the teeth marks are also left for two or three days.

Jianghuai originally came here this morning in his school uniform, jacket with a hat, and a Band-Aid patch... But Chairman Bo insisted on pulling him and saying that he would use up the Omega barrier patch he bought yesterday.

There are four in a pack, a pair of pink little cloud strawberries, and a pair of raspberry red little cloud strawberries.

Chairman Bo's justification: Can't be wasted.

Jiang Huai had never felt that the young master was so diligent and thrifty in managing his family.

BJ: Big liar.

The real powerhouse: …

Jiang Huai has always suspected that Chairman Bo has a bubbling girl Omega in his heart. But when I saw myself... I thought it was pure fart. It's not just two people online and offline. What Chairman Bo said online can be said offline as well.

It's just the same thing... online it looks like a malicious act of cuteness, and offline it looks like a deliberate seduction.

In November, the city's mid-term.

Mingcheng's elementary school mid-term exam was a week earlier than that of the No. 2 middle school. When Jiang Huai went to the neighboring elementary school to collect Ah Cai, Ah Cai had already passed the Chinese, Math, and English exams of a primary school student.

As a result, Ah Cai shut himself up for a week earlier than Cai's brother Jianghuai.

Jianghuai asked all the way:

"How did you do in the exam?"

"Is the paper finished?"

"Are there any questions you don't understand?"

"Is the paper difficult?"

"How did the rest of your class do in the exam?"

Ah Cai didn't answer a word, and angrily pulled Jiang Huai's hoodie and hat from Jiang Huai's hand like a dog leash.

The Jiang family has had a hard exam for a long time.

Wealth, death.

Jiang Huai finally asked: "What's for dinner? If you don't talk anymore, you can drink the northwest wind."

Ah Cai kicked his two snow boots aside, and took down a box of cup noodles and a piece of corn ham sausage from the shoe cabinet in the entrance... These were what Ah Cai put here before he went to school in the morning.

Cai is far-sighted, predicting the scene of school in the afternoon in the morning, storing food in advance, and avoiding the dinner confrontation with evil forces.

Ah Cai carried a schoolbag as heavy as a mountain, instant noodles in his arms, ham sausage in his pocket, went to get a box of juice, and went back to the bedroom without looking back.

Jiang Huai gave a "tsk", and didn't bother to care about Ah Cai, took off his coat and hung it up, and went to the kitchen.

There is still half a cabbage left in the refrigerator, and some unfinished fish and shrimp have been frozen in the lower layer. It was the weekend and there was a lot of time, so Jianghuai went to wash the cabbage and stewed a shrimp with the cabbage at night.

The cabbage leaves were washed, and Jiang Huai had just put the cabbage on the cutting board when the phone rang.

Video call invitation.

President Jiang.

Jiang Huai did the math, and Mr. Jiang didn't even arrive at six o'clock in the morning. Mr. Jiang basically calls him every time, either in the early morning in the United States, or in the middle of the night in the United States.

Jiang Li's eyebrows were obviously tired: "School is over?"

Jiang Huai put the mobile phone vertically on the cooking table, turned around and wiped the water on his hands with a paper: "Yeah."

Jiang Li looked at the place behind Jianghuai... Ever since Jianghuai brought Jiang Xingxing to move, she hasn't been back to China yet. But it can be seen that it is in the kitchen, and there is a pile of cabbage leaves in front of the camera: "Are you cooking?"

Jianghuai said "hmm" again.

Many times, Jiang Li didn't take the initiative to call Jiang Huai because she didn't know what to say to her son. My son has grown up, he is not the little Douding he was when he was a child... and he doesn't depend on her anymore.

After half a minute of silence, Jiang Li said the third sentence: "Did you pass the midterm exam? How did you do?"

Jiang Huai turned his head: "..."

The way of heaven is like reincarnation, and those who ask people about their achievements will be asked.

"I haven't taken the exam yet." Jiang Huai said, then paused: "Jiang Xingxing has finished the exam."

The contradiction shifted, and Ah Cai was immediately targeted. Jiang Li asked: "Oh... how did the star test go?"

Jiang Huai replied based on speculation: "It's not very good."

In fact, Jiang Huai didn't say anything, but Jiang Li knew about it. Jiang Xingxing's academic performance is very average. When Jianghuai was in junior high school, his grades were okay, but in high school, his grades dropped all of a sudden.

But Jiang Li didn't ask much... It's not that she didn't care, but she didn't dare to ask.

She went abroad to work in Jianghuai's first year of junior high school, leaving Jianghuai to take care of a child who was only three or four years old.

She is not by Jianghuai's side, no matter how rebellious Jianghuai becomes at this is her responsibility, she did not do her best to accompany and teach her mother


Jiang Li thought that if she knew that when she arrived at Jianghuai Junior High School, she would be sent by the company to work abroad... Maybe when she was in Jianghuai Elementary School, she would not choose to go to the adoption home to adopt Jiang Xingxing.

Jiang Xingxing is an abandoned baby.

It may be because her legs and feet were congenitally disabled, or it may be that the parents who gave birth to her did not have the ability to raise the child. Jiang Xingxing was thrown away after birth. Thanks to being discovered, she survived and was sent to the Orphanage.

Jiang Xingxing is an Omega. Children who are sent to adoption homes will undergo genetic testing in advance. Whether they are Alpha, Beta, or Omega are all price tags on them to attract adoptive parents.

There are basically no Alpha and Omega children left in orphanages.

But Jiang Xingxing was born in winter. It may be that the winter was too cold. She stayed in the ice and snow for a long time, so she didn't learn to speak until she was two years old. Little cripple, so even Omega was not adopted.

Jiang Li considers herself a mother and also an Omega, she pities this disabled little Omega girl.

But what Jiang Li didn't expect was that her compassion, in the end, was her son's responsibility to support her.

Jiang Li smiled: "Forget it, it doesn't matter, Xing Xing is only in the third grade..."

She knew that her son always called Xing Xing and A Cai, but she kept asking Jiang Huai not to call her sister that way—how can a little girl have such an ugly nickname! Not a puppy!

Jianghuai took a knife and cut the shrimp line. He didn't talk much, Jiang Huai didn't speak, and Jiang Li didn't know what to say, but just watching Jiang Huai cook, Jiang Li felt at ease.

Jiang Huai has grown very tall, she remembers it is 1.81 meters... a head taller than her.

Most boys who are still in the development stage tend to be thinner, and Jiang Huai bows his waist like a hard bow.

Jiang Li took a closer look at Jiang Huaizi on the phone screen...

"Jiang Huai, what is that on your neck?"

The knife almost fell on Jianghuai's finger. He raised his eyes: "Stickers." After a short pause, he said, "My classmates forced me to stick them."

Jiang Li was stunned for a moment. She could see clearly that it was a Q-version little cotton sticker that would definitely not meet the aesthetics of adolescent Alpha boys... Jiang Huai didn't like pink since he was a child, and he didn't like pink either.

A smile appeared on Jiang Li's face: "Oh, what's your classmate's name?"

Jiang Huai frowned... His mother asked him what he was doing.

"Bo Jian." He replied.

"Bo Jian." Jiang Li repeated the name over and over, remembering it in her heart, and felt vaguely familiar. But the name should be a boy, Jiang Li asked with a smile, "Your boyfriend?"

The author has something to say: Chairman: Yes, it is me.