Mark Me

Chapter 58: Big face


Jiang Huai looked up, and after a while, he threw the delineated shrimp into the bowl, then lowered his head: "No, ordinary friend."

Jiang Li was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Huai didn't finish, he continued: "He doesn't like me."

A son is better than a mother, even though Jiang Li hasn't been back to China for a long time, but doesn't she know what Jiang Huai's temperament is? Jiang Li was also silent for a few seconds: "So you have a crush on him?"

Jianghuai turned to look at the camera: "..."

Jiang Huai has never been in a relationship since he was a child, and he never went home to tell Jiang Li who he had a crush on in school... This one named "Bo Jian" was the first one, even though this first one was almost her one-sided guessed it.

It is a good thing for adolescent boys to fall in love. At least that's what Jiang Li thought.

She owes Jiang Huai, and has no other demands on Jiang Huai... Jiang Huai just wants to be happy.

But Jiang Li also had nothing to say about her son's emotional state of being secretly in love with each other and not daring to confess. She thought for a while: "Is that child an Omega or a Beta?"

Jiang Huai was quiet again.

Jiang Li inexplicably had a bad feeling: "...why didn't you talk?"

JAC: "Alpha."

Jiang Li: "..."

Jiang Li does not discriminate against homosexuality, such as homosexuality, homosexuality. She was poor for several years, but she was well educated after all. People who accept homosexuality may not be able to accept that their children are homosexual. Parents do not need to turn personal preferences and preferences into suffering for their children.

Jiang Huai stacked the cabbage leaves on the cutting board and cut them into shreds... Jiang Li didn't speak for several minutes.

He raised his eyes: "Isn't it?"

In Mr. Jiang's eyes, Jiang Huai saw a very guilty look... Jiang Huai didn't know what Mr. Jiang had imagined in the past few minutes. It might be that Alpha, who lacked love, and the male students of Alpha were desperate for love, and moths flew into the flames. A moving love story.

Mr. Jiang is 20 years older than him, but Jiang Huai thinks Mr. Jiang's mental age may not be as old as him.

At least I won't be thinking about it all day long.

"Do you like this classmate very much?" Boss Jiang finally asked.

Jiang Huai shoveled the shredded cabbage into the bowl with a knife, without raising his head: "No, it's so-so. It just looks pleasing to the eye."

Jiang Li: "..."

Fortunately, she thought for a long time that if Jiang Huai was devoted to Bo Jian and wanted to spend the rest of her life together at the age of seventeen, how would she, as a mother, not only understand Jiang Huai's adolescent rebellion, respect Jiang Huai's own choice, but also tactfully persuade Jiang Huai to "same with him" A love" This road is long and difficult, don't be too impulsive.

But the son's tone seemed to be describing the opposite family's pet dog instead of the object of his crush.

Jiang Li's expression was complicated. After a while, she sighed and didn't know what to say: "...then you should be nicer to him. If you two are in the same class, you can go to dinner together every day. Don't you want to take exams recently? If you are better than him, give him more lectures..."


Jiang Huai thought to himself that when he lectured on the topic to Bo Jian, he might not want to make the first in the grade the last one.

"You put more thought into it, if you have nothing to do, give them small gifts or something. Omega likes it..." Jiang Li paused, "Alpha also likes small surprises. Isn't it just the weekend? You can invite people to come and play at home, yes wrong?"

Jiang Huai glanced at President Jiang: "Are you teaching me how to chase people?"

"Aren't I more experienced than you?"

"Come on, you just handed over one..." Jiang Huai suddenly stopped, and snorted: "Forget it, don't worry about it."

Jianghuai picked up the pot, poured oil into it, and fried onion, ginger and garlic. He didn't talk anymore, Jiang Li wanted to say something, but didn't say anything, quietly watched the boy cooking by himself through the screen.

It is dawn in the United States, but it is already dark in the country. Thirteen time zones are separated, but they are all in late autumn.

"When you are in your third year of high school... I will put down my work first and go back to China to accompany you in the college entrance examination for a year." Jiang Li said.

Jianghuai's spatula paused for a moment, but said nothing.

Jiang Huai brought the dishes to the table and knocked on Ah Cai's door.

Ah Cai absconded with his face, Jiang Huai knocked on the door of course not to ask her to eat.

For a long time, Ah Cai wobbled to the door, opened the bedroom door halfway, and looked at Jiang Huai with vigilant eyes.

Jiang Huai threw the mobile phone with President Jiang's video on through the crack: "Your mother sent you a video call."

A Cai was startled, and quickly picked up the phone.

She has a mobile phone, and in fact, her mother often sends her video calls, but Ah Cai is not willing to open her mouth to talk, so when her mother calls, Ah Cai is silent, just listen and let it go. Just looking for words, my mother is very tired.

Recently, Ah Caixin ordered a tablet from Taobao, and it has just arrived.

Seeing Ah Cai, Jiang Li smiled a lot: "Does Xing Xing miss her mother at home?"

Ah Cai immediately wrote an ugly big character on the handwriting board: "Think".

"How do you get along with your brother at home?"

Ah Cai is already a third-grade elementary school student, and his expressive ability is increasing day by day. Ah Cai wrote four big characters: "Not so good".

Bo Jian curled his fingers and lightly tapped on the phone.

It's seven o'clock.

I want to call Jianghuai. He wants to urge Jianghuai to study hard.

He tilted his head, and roughly flipped through the chat records between him and Jiang Huai today... there were only a few lines of words. After a while, Bo Jian added another little white cloud after the "Jiang Huai Huai" note on the top.

Bo Jian got up and went to the bathroom. He stroked the already flat collar, buttoned the buttoned cuffs again, straightened the front of the shirt, and simply tidied his hair.

He returned to his bedroom desk and initiated a video call.

Ah Cai was in a video call with Mr. Jiang when he suddenly inserted a new video call.

Ah Cai subconsciously tapped "Connect".

Bo Jian smiled and was about to say hello to the front table, when the camera went dark for a few seconds, and a round-faced little watermelon head holding a tablet with "Big Fool" on it appeared.

Bo Jian: "?"

Ah Cai: "?"

Bo Jian hung up the call.

I came home from school without my schoolbag. The review is all based on PDF files.

Throwing the mobile phone to A Cai, Jiang Huai went back to the room and turned on the computer after finishing the meal and clearing away the dishes. He logged on to the campus website and posted textbook resources and examination papers one by one.

Although Jianghuai himself didn't want to see it, but when he logged on to the campus website, it was inevitable to find such things as "a detailed analysis of the possibility of Jianghuai's anti-social personality from Jianghuai's character, violent behavior, and the role he played in violent behavior." People doing stupid posts.

He had seen this post during the summer vacation. He didn't know how the hell it was posted again after half a semester.

The commonly used software on JAC’s several mobile phones is also up and down on the computer. When it is turned on, it automatically logs in, and a WeChat message pops up in the upper right corner:

"BJ: Are you there?"

As soon as the computer is logged in, the mobile phone notification is turned off.

When Ah Cai was bragging to Mr. Jiang about how tall, handsome, white, and charming a man "Brother Health Care" is, his phone suddenly went black.

"Your account has been logged in on the computer".

Jiang Huai frowned: "Yes."

A video call invitation came through.

Jiang Huai paused on the mouse for half a minute, then connected.

Chairman Bo is a fastidious person. He has gone home for the holidays. Chairman Bo is still meticulous in every detail, and he can't even find a messy fold in his clothes. Have a strong sense of self-management.

The light was a little dim, with a cool tone, and Bo Jian leaned on the back of the chair with his head propped up, half of his face sunk in the shadows. He looked at Jianghuai for a while, then lay down on the table, raised his eyes and said: "I come to you every time, and you don't come to me."

Bo Jian bent his arms, folded his hands together, knocked his chin on the back of his hands, and tilted his head towards Jiang Huai: "When will you come to me on your own initiative?"

It was the first time Jianghuai saw Chairman Bo lying on the table, not paying attention to the good sitting posture of a good student.

He sneered: "What am I looking for you for?"

Find me in love. Bo Jian thought.

He tilted his head and said softly, "Look for me to exchange feelings."

He added: "I like Jiang Huai very much."

Bo Jian's voice was a little hoarse from the current, he tilted his head slightly, looking at Jiang Huai, his naturally shallow pupils waited until night, when the light dimmed, they vaguely looked like the eyes of a wolf in the wild.

I like Jianghuai students very much.

Very, very, very much like it.

So you like me a little too, okay

A few minutes is enough.

Bo Jian's expression was indistinguishable seriousness.

The computer screen is bigger than the phone screen, for a moment, Jiang Huai almost thought that Bo Jian was right in front of him, whispering softly in his ear... I like Jiang Huai.

"哐", Jiang Huai didn't know what he knocked over, and fell to the ground with a crash. The legs of the chair slid across the floor, and there was an ear-piercing "thud--", Jiang Huai stood up, and lowered his head: "What did you say?"

Jianghuai was like a prey that was frightened and fled away at the first sign of trouble.

Bo Jian smiled lightly and said, "So I want to study and make progress together with Jianghuai... to develop friendship with classmates."

Jiang Huai stood quietly for half a minute, finally, he gritted out a sentence through the gap between his teeth: "Then can you sit back?"

Bo Jian raised his eyelids: "Why?"

"Computer video," Jiang Huai said without expression, "You sit so close, your face is too big."

Bo Jian: "..."

"You can zoom the video page without putting it full screen," he said.

"… Oh."

Even if Jianghuai is a piece of wood, or a piece of wood that flies away when the wind blows, and this piece of wood was belittling him for being too shameless two minutes ago, Chairman Bo still has no heart to help this piece of wood review for midterm exams and water it , let the wood quickly germinate, bud and flower.

Bo Jian took out the two mock exam papers that had been ordered: "Have you finished the self-test papers issued today?"

Jiang Huai leaned back, leaning his back against the back of the chair.

I like Jianghuai students very much... It's not that I like Jianghuai. Not the kind of liking he misinterpreted.

He didn't have much expression on his face. He picked up the books that had just touched the ground from the ground, straightened them up a bit, got up and put them back on the bookshelf.

The photo album is still on the bookshelf. Chairman Bo left a primary school graffiti of Bo gradually and Jiang Huaihuai. Jiang Huai paused, and touched the album cover with his fingers.

"Not yet." Jiang Huai sat back, spinning a gel pen in his hand.

The self-test paper file on the campus network has just been downloaded, Jianghuai clicked it, lowered his eyelids, never looked at the video call zoomed to the upper right corner of the computer, and never looked at the computer camera, speaking with a little unfamiliar air: " I'll finish the paper first... let's hang up the video first."

"Don't hang up."

Jiang Huai picked out the Chinese paper first, but still didn't look up: "Aren't you done, don't you think it's a waste of time to play the video?"

Bo Jian put down the bound simulation volume in his hand. Bo Jian never scribbled on the original paper, but if Jiang Huai was beside could see that the paper in Bo Jian's hand had many more marks and annotations.

They are all difficult questions... and questions that JAC missed.

"No," Bo Jian took another empty exercise book, tore off one, and said softly, "I will do the exercises, and you will do your homework... I want to study with you."

Jiang Huai frowned and looked up.

"You can ask me if you know anything." Bo Jian said, "Stay with me."

The author has something to say: Chairman: I'm ready!

The chairman is actually very sensitive, so I decided to add a new chapter when I got 20,000 comments (vegetables)