Mark Me

Chapter 61: like


It was 4:30 in the morning, it was still dark, and the room was dark.

Alert rings.

Jiang Huai didn't have the problem of staying in bed, raised his hand to press the alarm clock, lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He threw the alarm clock back on the bed, pulled on his slippers and went to change his clothes.

"Click", the light turned on.

Jiang Huai opened half of the curtains casually, the night was still quiet and the street lights were quiet. Occasionally, the wind vibrates the glass doors and windows slightly.

It has been a long time since Jianghuai has had such a regular day. He wakes up in the morning, sleeps in the evening, lies down when he is sleepy at noon, and neither sleeps in the morning nor at night.

It is easy to feel drowsy after taking type C inhibitors, but if you sleep too much during the day, it is easy to suffer from insomnia at night. Going down day by day, I feel muddled.

Today Sunday, he got up four hours earlier than yesterday.

This morning Jianghuai is going back to the old town where he lived in primary school to "exercise". Jianghuai didn't like that dilapidated and noisy place. All the memories of the old city were mixed with strange men and drunk men knocking on the door in the middle of the night. The doors and windows slammed, as if they were about to collapse at any time sound.

Jiang Li was very scared at that time, but Jiang Huai may be small or courageous, so he is not afraid, he just finds those garbage people annoying.

These things are bad at the beginning, bad in the process, and bad at the end. Jiang Huai still stabbed someone there, but Jiang Huai has been there for many years, grew up there, and he is used to it...Jiang Huai usually plays and runs. There are not many cool places, except for some public parks, which are the old campus of No. 4 Middle School and the old city.

When he didn't move before and lived near No. 4 Middle School, Jiang Huai would go to the old town every week. Now that he moved, he lived far away. Only yesterday...Jiang Huai found out that he seemed to have not been back for a long, long time.

But it's not because of moving far away, it's because of Bo Jian.

It wasn't until yesterday that Jiang Huai suddenly realized that getting along with Bo Jian...he seemed to be getting farther and farther away from his past self, so he didn't need to suppress it every day, and kept the secret that he was an Omega by himself, and he didn't have to think about it every day. How do I become stronger so that I can become a qualified "Alpha" who can take responsibility.

With Bo Jian, he just needs to study hard and don't need to think about anything else.

He likes to be with Bo Jian.

Jiang Huaijin pulled on his slippers and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. When he came out, it was not five o'clock, Jiang Huai couldn't hold back, and ran to the balcony to light a cigarette... He didn't contact Bo Jian yesterday.

Bo Jian approached him, but he turned him down with an excuse. It's not that he doesn't want to see Bo Jian, it's... He was thinking about how Bo Jian would react if he confessed his love to Bo Jian.

Loving people is a waste of the brain.

Yesterday Jiang Huai thought suspiciously all day, sometimes he felt that Bo Jian had been deliberately seducing him, and sometimes he felt that he was thinking too much, but Bo Jian didn't mean it.

Jiang Huai leaned against the door for a while with a cigarette in his mouth, took out his mobile phone and searched "how to confess".

He clicked on an entry at random.

The first article: Wechat confession.

Article 2: QQ confession.

Article 3: Send email.

JAC: "..."

fuck you.

Jianghuai pressed the words "advertising skills" again. A lot of search terms popped up, and Jianghuai roughly scanned it... Solve the equation to confess, hide the cake to hide the confession, send red roses... Expert answers are online for you.

None of them are reliable.

Jianghuai pulls down... There are also social and livelihood news, "The man downstairs who loudly confessed to disturb the people was arrested and detained for three days", "The man confessed that lighting a candle caused a fire and unfortunately died."

… Hold.


Jiang Huai closed the page, crushed Yanxing, and turned his head out of the balcony.

The skyline in the east turned blue slightly, and as soon as Jianghuai came out of the building, a fierce cold wind that was almost early winter poured in fiercely. He put on his black baseball cap, rolled up his collar, and with a soft "bang", the skateboard fell to the ground.

Jianghuai slipped halfway, and took the earliest bus again, and it was exactly six o'clock when we arrived in the old city.

The night owls in the abandoned building have just come out, there are not many parkour players, and there are basically a fixed group of people in any place. These idle, light and healthy young people, even if they have just stayed up all night, still carry a kind of vitality that is incompatible with the dilapidated buildings.

A few young people whistled towards Jiang Huai from a distance, and Jiang Huai raised his hand.

Jiang Huai Ji doesn't quite know when he fell in love with parkour. In the beginning, he wasn't parkour, but just a primary school student who had nowhere to vent his anger, climbing and kicking walls.

He doesn't like extreme sports, he likes parkour.

I like the feeling of climbing over obstacles, going through obstacles, going forward without any obstacles.

He doesn't like to go around, and if there is an obstacle, he will turn over.

The strong should face it and turn over.

Yes... the crush should be the same.

seven thirty. It was very cold, but Jiang Huai was sweating all over. Jianghuai sits on the roof of the building. This building is an abandoned building. The residents have all moved out. The roof is empty and thick with dust. There are only a bunch of new and old ones, and the mess left by parkour people. footprints.

Jiang Huai leaned against the railing of the roof panting.

It's already dawn, the building is not high, but standing here, you can see a corner of the old city, people interweave into the narrow alleys, the green and pink cotton quilts and shorts hang up high, swaying in the wind, a A clothes-drying pole sticking out of an old building is like a skyscraper in a broken wall.

Gradually, there was more and more noise from the crowd.

The same should be true for those you love.

Jianghuai tends to get hotheaded.

So at 7:34:28 in the morning, JAC sent a WeChat message.

The real strong: I like you.

Jiang Huai stared at these four words for a long time, and then at 7:35:15 in the morning, he withdrew the message.

The typhoon was too cold, and he suddenly felt that this matter still needs to be discussed.


Jianghuai's mobile phone almost fell downstairs.

The Real Powerful: Sorry, I sent it to the wrong person.

BJ:? ? ?

The typhoon was very cold, but Jianghuai's blood suddenly became hot, and his eyelids also became hot. He pretended not to see it, put his phone back in his pocket, and went downstairs first.

Jianghuai took the stairs, from the fifth floor to the first floor, three minutes.

At the bottom of the building, Jiang Huai still couldn't hold back, and took out his mobile phone again.

There is only one unread message from two minutes ago.

BJ: Did you withdraw anything

Jiang Huai couldn't tell what it felt like... Thank God, it's a good thing he didn't see it.

Morning exercise, impulsive confession, what a fool to think about such things afterwards.

He confessed his love to Bo Jian, not on WeChat.

The real powerhouse: Nothing.

Jiang Huai put on his hat again, tightened his collar, and jumped onto the skateboard.

BJ: Nothing what is that

Jiang Huai frowned slightly.

The real powerhouse: Advertisement for recruitment, sent to the wrong person.

After a long time, Bo Jian replied, "Oh."

There is also a very...Jiang Huai counted the spaces at the back, it is a very very very unhappy little expression, and his face has grown several times.

Jiang Huai's eyelids twitched, feeling that something was wrong.

Fortunately, Bo Jian didn't continue to ask, and sent again: "Are you awake?"

Jiang Huai replied: "Yes."

There was an old signboard with yellow characters on a red background piled up at the door of the warehouse, and it was printed with "Unknown Shengjian". Uncle Sun wiped his chapped hands, raised his eyes to see Jiang Huai, and smiled: "Hey, you're here again? It's been more than a month since you came back?"

Jiang Huai nodded, and found an open-air Maza to sit down: "One piece of fresh meat, one piece of shrimp, and another package of dried tofu... add a cup of soy milk."


BJ: Are you busy today

The real powerhouse: Not busy.

BJ: Are you going to study later

Real Powerhouse: Later, I'm out there now.

Uncle Sun first brought soy milk and a plate of fried fresh meat: "The shrimp will be ready later."

Jiang Huaiying: "Well, thank you."

It's almost eight o'clock, and people in the old city get up early, so Uncle Sun's business is not too busy now. While brushing oil on the bottom of the pot, he chatted with Jiang Huai: "It's almost winter, your school is not far from the holiday, right?"

"No," Jiang Huai was a little absent-minded, "it's still far away, just mid-term."

BJ: Did you go to morning exercise

Jiang Huai pressed "Hmm" and went over.

Not long after, Uncle Sun brought over the freshly cooked shrimps, and said with a white breath, "It's just out of the pan... you should hurry up and eat it while it's hot."

Jiang Huai raised his head and squeezed the cup of soy milk tightly: "Uncle Sun, is the shop in the east that takes pictures and prints photos still open?"

Uncle Sun didn't expect Jiang Huai to ask this suddenly. He wiped his hands on the apron and asked with a smile: "Aren't you taking pictures of people over there... It's still open, what's wrong?"

"Oh," Jiang Huai nodded, "It's nothing, just asking."

Bo Jian leaned on the sofa and stared at the message interface for a long time.

He only saw it briefly just now, but Jiang Huai quickly withdrew it, saying that it was sent to someone else, that it was an advertisement for recruitment...but that was obviously a sentence, I like you.

"Jianghuaihuai (Little Yunduo): I like you."

Jiang Huai sent a sentence "I like you".

He didn't believe Jianghuai's nonsense, saying that it was an advertisement for recruitment, and that it was sent to others.

But Jiang Huai...would he like others

Jiang Huai paid the money, and walked eastward with Ah Cai's dried fragrant fried rice. He's on a skateboard, so it's not very convenient to answer messages...but the phone in the phone keeps buzzing and vibrating fucking endlessly.

Jiang Huai was so annoyed that he stopped halfway to the photo studio to delete Chairman Bo from his friend list, but just as he took out his phone, a voice call came in.

He stood there for a while, then took out the wireless headset from his trouser pocket and connected the voice call.

"You woke up early in the morning, so you're free? What's wrong with you?" Jiang Huai asked sarcastically.



Bo Jian moved his fingers and asked softly, "Do you have someone you like?"

Jiang Huai staggered, almost hitting the curb with his skateboard.

The heart suddenly felt like an inflated balloon, as if it was about to explode at any moment. Jiang Huai felt that he was not far from being blasted. He didn't reply, and jumped off the skateboard: "Why are you asking this?"

"I think… "

I think if you like others, forget it, you like me.

I don't think it's good for you to fall in love with anyone other than me.

I think you shouldn't withdraw the message, just send it to me, preferably every day, and then talk to me personally every day.

I like you, and I want to hear you say you like me.

Liars are the puppy kind.

Bo Jian's Adam's apple twitched, and his tone was dull: "I think puppy love is not good, it will damage the midterm exam."

JAC: "..."

Jiang Huai felt that waking up early in the morning and calling his classmates to say that puppy love would harm his physical and mental health was something that no idiot could do. Letting Chairman Bo take over as the chairman of the student union really wronged him. He should go to the street office to be the director of birth control women.

Jianghuai looked up, "Hongyin Snapshot".

He unscrewed the door and said with a light snort, "You worry a lot."

Jiang Huai scanned the room, took a photo of his ID, one inch, two inches, three inches... and printed the photo. "Send me your photo." Jiang Huai said.

"What do you want a photo for?"

Post you on the album. Jiang Huai hummed a laughing sound from his throat: "I will register for you."

The author has something to say: Chairman: By default, you want to have a relationship with me as a household registration ●° ^°●