Mark Me

Chapter 63: Commendation


You can't steal it.

Jiang Huai held the phone, sat without moving his hands, and his Adam's apple rolled from top to bottom.

Bo Jian waited for a few minutes, but there was no reply. He sighed softly, got up from the sofa, and walked towards the stairs. It just so happened that Bo Xian came down from upstairs head-on.

"Dad." Bo Jian absently greeted him.

Bo Xian straightened his tie, glanced at Bo Jian, stopped, turned his head to look at the empty second floor in the corridor, smiled, and asked in a low voice, "How's the progress?"

Bo Jian was slightly startled: "What progress?"

Bo Xian: "You and your classmate... have you caught up?"

Bo gradually quieted down.

Bo Jian didn't speak, but Bo Xian already knew the answer. He was a little surprised... Bo Jianchang was so old, and he had never encountered Waterloo for anything he did. He frowned: "You were rejected by others?"

"… No."

Bo Xian also remained silent for a while, and asked, "You haven't confessed your love yet, have you?"

Bo Jian: "..."

Bo Xian knew the answer again.

For a moment, Bo Xian didn't know what to say, he thought for a while, and summed up what he wanted to say: "I spent a week chasing your mother back then."

Bo Jian: "..."

As someone who has experienced it, Bo Xian summed up some behaviors for the younger generation: "You go directly to confess to someone, if he rejects you, you can go to him to confess to you again after a while, if he still refuses, you just wait , Wait a few days and try again, can’t you do it?”


Bo Xian was a little smug: "I confessed to your mother the first time, and it succeeded the second time... Omega always has to be reserved, so don't be afraid of being rejected by others."

Bo Jian: " and my mother are in love with each other, this is different."

Bo Xian raised his eyebrows: "Can't you tell whether people like you or not?"

Bo Jian didn't speak, but squeezed the phone tightly.

It's not that you can't see it, it's not that you can't see it at all.

It's just that he was afraid that Jiang Huai would run away again, and he was afraid that Jiang Huai would go back on his word.

Like that withdrawn "I like you."

Jianghuai is now in the marking period, even if Jianghuai didn't withdraw the "I like you", even if he said "I like you" to him, he doesn't want... This sentence is because of pheromone fraud.

He wants Jianghuai to like him completely, regardless of pheromone.

"I know." Bo Jian lowered his eyes.

Bo Xian smiled... Whether others like him or not, if you want to say that a stupid boy can't see it, he believes it, but if his son tells him that he can't see it, it is pure nonsense.

This kid has too many eyes.

Bo Xian straightened his tie, turned his head and smiled and said, "Then take advantage of the opportunity yourself... Don't embarrass your father, an Alpha who can't catch up with others is still called an Alpha?"

Bo Jian was a little helpless, but he also smiled: "I know. But don't tell my mother about this..." He paused, "She is against puppy love."

He told his father that Bo Xian wouldn't care too much, but if Ms. Ke found out, Jiang Huai would be turned over in half a day.

If Ms. Ke knew that Jiang Huai was "Alpha"... Bo Jian felt a headache just thinking about it.

Bo Xian snorted softly: "Do you think your father is a fool? Of course you can hide it for me... I still have a meeting, so I'm leaving first."

Bo Jian watched the outstanding entrepreneur surnamed Bo go out, and looked down at his phone.

Still no news.

... Forget it, just steal it. Anyway, Jianghuai has no wives or concubines, and there is no difference between stealing and wives and concubines.

BJ: Your little strawberry decided to ignore the past and extended his hand to invite you to study together °v°●ゞ

Jiang Huai shook his hands. He stared at the WeChat interface for a long time.

He stared at the news for a long time.

Jianghuai still didn't return.

BJ: But it’s okay to have an affair, but the eunuch can’t. I’m much bigger than the eunuch.

BJ: You've seen it.

Jiang Huai's hand slipped, and the phone almost fell to the ground.

Finally, he replied to the first article:


In the past few days during the marking period, Jianghuai's work and rest are very regular.

Go to bed at ten o'clock on Sunday, wake up at half past six on Monday morning.

It's almost winter, and the leaves of the trees on the street are almost all gone, only a few sporadic ones are still hanging on the branches. This year's weather forecast says that the first snow of the year may come earlier.

Pull the JAC jacket to the top, and step on the dot to enter the school gate. Several disciplinary committees are waiting by the school gate. As soon as the time passes, they will start checking for lateness. A calendar is hung by the window of the security room, November 21st...

Jiang Huai suddenly thought, Chairman Bo seems to be approaching the susceptibility period.

Almost a few days after the exam.

Tsk, just staggered, it will not affect the exam.

The first susceptibility period in the grade came so quickly.

This Monday, there was a flag-raising ceremony in the morning. Jiang Huai didn't bother to go back to the Xueli Building. He just carried his schoolbag on one shoulder, tucked his neck in the collar of his jacket, and went to the playground in his pocket.

Although the Disciplinary Committee at the school gate found out that he was late, it was only half past seven, and there were not many people on the playground, but Jiang Huai went straight to the old place where the flag was raised in the second class of the second year of high school.

Lao Lin hurriedly trot across the corridor, opened the door and entered the classroom.

He scanned from front to back... The whole class was basically present, except for the second row from the bottom by the door which was empty.

Only the classmate he was looking for in such a hurry didn't come.

Lao Lin felt a fire in his heart at the moment, scolding Jianghuai for not letting go at the critical moment, two months into school, and being late twice, once on the first day of school, and once on today. The timing is precise, and you will never be late if there is no major event.

"Where's Jianghuai?" Lin Fei knew that Jianghuai was late again in all likelihood, but he still looked around: "Has anyone seen Jianghuai?"

Wei Heping shrank his head like a quail, wishing he could get under the table.

Lin Fei positioned him with a glance: "Wei Heping, have you seen Jiang Huai?"

Wei Heping shivered: "No, I didn't see it."

Lin Fei's forehead was about to sweat... This matter was caused by the school's rush, and he got an accurate letter just yesterday. A good thing is a good thing, and this kind of face-saving matter is not a big deal... But I can't find Jiang Huai, and it's embarrassing to delay the matter!

"You contact him and ask him where he has been." Lao Lin walked out without finishing his sentence, "I'll call Jianghuai... Xu Wenyang will lead the team down for the flag-raising ceremony later."

Xu Wenyang stood still: "Oh good."

Bo Jian raised his eyes, looked at the front table where no one had been, and hissed lightly.

He originally wanted to give Jiang Huai a surprise, but if Jiang Huai happened to be late this morning...

Jiang Huai circled around the playground twice, waiting bored and freezing cold, the teaching building had gradually led teams down to wait for the flag-raising ceremony, but Jiang Huai thought that one more of him would not be too much, and one less of him would be quite a lot, so I turned around and went to the convenience store of the school with my bag on my shoulders.

I brought my mobile phone to school, Jianghuai turned the call to mute, and the message prompt turned the vibrate.

Wei Heping tactically sent two WeChat messages:

"Brother Huai, where have you been?"

"Old Lin is looking for you!!"

But Jianghuai did not return one.

Lin Fei made two phone calls, but he didn't get through to one. No one answered.

The air conditioner was turned on in the convenience store, and once Jianghuai entered, there was a double sky of ice and fire. Few people came to the convenience store at this time, the cashier glanced at him lazily, Jiang Huai slowly went to the drink cabinet to get a bottle of mineral water, and went to other shelves with this bottle of mineral water in his pocket.

But after about ten minutes of shopping, Jianghuai still took the bottle of water. When it was almost warm, Jiang Huai took the 2.5 yuan bottle of water to pay the bill.

Jiang Huai glanced at the Omega barrier stickers on the few rows of low shelves in front of the cash register... and took a pack of small strawberry barrier stickers to check out together.

Lao Lin made a series of phone calls, but none of them got through. He was so angry that he just wanted to drag Jiang Huai out and give him a good meal.

But now besides calling Jianghuai, he has no other way to contact Jianghuai.

Today's flag-raising ceremony was also notified late. Song Jun's obscenity with Omega is already a certainty. Although there are still some twists and turns, it is generally in line with the reward regulations for righteous deeds... The result given by the school is to withdraw the punishment and notify the whole school. But the student representatives, including the victimized classmates, demanded that the whole school be commended.

The whole school's commendation is just a matter of appearances. After a formality, Jiang Huai came to the stage to receive a certificate, and then made a speech for his righteousness... The school has prepared the manuscript for him, and Jiang Huai can just read it. But Jianghuai didn't come today.

Lin Fei couldn't find anyone, so he gave the manuscript to Xu Wenyang, and told him, "Jiang Huai will go up to receive a certificate later, but he didn't come, so you go and help him, and read this speech as well" and hurriedly Busy to find the director.

Jiang Huai returned to the playground with mineral water.

When he came back, the flag had already been hoisted, and the host on the stage was speaking, but Jiang Huai didn't listen to a word.

Jiang Huai walked along the back edge of the playground, groped the tail of a team from the second and second divisions, and went to the position of the second class. There are quite a lot of people, but the position of the second class is not difficult to find. Zhao Tianqing is at the end of the team, like a benchmark.

Jiang Huai walked over with a water bottle.

"...promoted the righteousness of the world, promoted social justice, and set a typical example for the whole school with the best spiritual outlook of contemporary middle school students. It is worthy of our serious study, to contribute to the construction of a just world, and to prop up a blue sky..."

In the speech at the flag-raising ceremony, nine out of ten sentences are generally nonsense.

Jiang Huai snorted and didn't even bother to lift his head.

Usually, the squad leader stands at the head of the line at the flag-raising ceremony. Today, for some reason, he stood at the end of the line, holding a piece of paper and wondering what he was reading. Jiang Huai walked towards the end of the team.

Xu Wenyang was familiarizing himself with the manuscript given by Lao Lin... Jiang Huai acted bravely, and he went up to give a speech. Thinking about it, he was so embarrassed that he got goosebumps all over his body.

It will be up soon, Xu Wenyang hastily folded the manuscript, put it back in his pocket, and prepared to go forward and wait for the stage to receive the award and make a speech... He caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of his eye.

Just right, the host on the stage had a loud voice and read clearly: "...Jiang Huai, a student from Class 2, Class 2, Senior High, please come to the stage to receive a certificate and talk to everyone about his thoughts on middle school students' acts of bravery."

Jianghuai paused: "?"

Sitting under the stage, Bo Jian sighed softly.

Xu Wenyang was startled: "Jianghuai?? You're here??"

Jianghuai: "... what?"

Jiang Huai didn't listen carefully, and he didn't listen to what the whole host said just now... just listened to it and asked him to go on stage to accept the award.

At the first flag-raising ceremony after the mid-term exam, there is an award for outstanding student representatives... This award is usually given to Chairman Bo, and there is also an award for personal progress. Why, is there an award before the exam now

Exam cheering award

... How did he get selected for this award

Jiang Huai was carrying mineral water, wearing a baseball cap, and carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder, and stood at the end of the team for two or three seconds.

Xu Wenyang didn't expect Jiang Huai to come back at the last second, and he was confused: "Are you back? Are you going up by yourself or I'll go up for you... or you go up by yourself, I'm not suitable..."

No one came on stage for two minutes.

The voice amplified by the microphone spreads throughout the playground:

"Jianghuai students please come to the stage to accept the award!"

Xu Wenyang was taken aback, as if his butt was on fire, he pushed Jiang Huai forward: "Go up and receive the award, it's too late, hurry up..."

JAC was pushed out: "??"

Jiang Huai stood on the podium, with black heads underneath. After a long while, Jiang Huai symbolically put the mineral water bottle on the stage, put his schoolbag on the stage, put on his hat again, and tidied up his appearance.

Xu Wenyang hurriedly pushed Jiang Huai to the podium without explaining a few words... As soon as Jiang Huai went up, Xu Wenyang suddenly remembered that the speech draft of the bravery was still in his pocket.

His heart skipped a beat... It's over.

The host read the manuscript: "Now we invite the student representatives, the chairman of the Student Union, Bo Jian, to issue certificates of commendation to Jianghuai students."

Jianghuai: "?"

He subconsciously turned his head down the stage, just in time to see Bo Jian standing at the bottom of the steps. Bo Jian raised his face slightly, staring intently at him with a serious expression.

The four eyes are facing each other.

Underneath are four or five thousand pairs of eyes, looking at Bo Jian, looking at him. For a moment, Jiang Huai's chest twitched, and he quickly looked away.

Bo Jianfa is still the prize for cheering on the exam, he thought.

How is this thing rated? Campus network voting?

Bo Jian sighed, straightened his cuffs, and stepped onto the stage without haste. Chairman Bo's clothes are definitely the typical standard of the dress code for the students of No. 2 Middle School, and there is no mess at all times, because they are ironed and neat, even the uniforms issued by the school are very solemn on Chairman Bo dignified.

Bo Jian stopped in front of Jiang Huai.

Jiang Huai raised his lower eyelids.

Bo gradually lowered his eyes and looked at each other. He reached out and handed over the certificate to Jianghuai.

Jiang Huai stretched out one hand behind his back, then stretched out another, and took it with both hands.

Under the hard-covered certificate with the red seal, Bo Jian raised his index finger slightly, and gently scratched Jiang Huai's palm, itching. Jiang Huai almost retracted his hand, lowered his head and remained silent.

The certificate was in Jiang Huai's hands, but Bo Jian didn't let go.

Jiang Huai pulled it inconspicuously, and Bo Jian let go of his hand at once, and leaned his upper body forward a little. On Jiang Huai's side, his voice couldn't be softer: "Don't be nervous...just express your feelings."

Looking from the side of the podium, Bo Jian seems to be holding the certificate in Jiang Huai's hand.

But as far as Jiang Huai knew, under the watchful eyes of four or five thousand people, Bo Jian ticked his little finger like a hook. He whispered in his ear: "Today is to praise you specially."

The heart in Jiang Huai's chest beat violently.

Bo Jian smiled slightly at him, as if nothing had happened, turned around and left the stage with his usual expression.

The girl who was the host came to the stage again and handed over the microphone to Jiang Huai: "Now I would like to invite Jiang Huai to share with you my insights on the behavior of middle school students who act bravely."

Jiang Huai was taken aback for a moment, then fell silent for a while.

He didn't answer the phone, just opened the certificate and looked at it.

"... Awarded to: Jianghuai students the honorary title of 'Advanced Classmates who See Justice and Courage'..."

It's not an exam cheering award. It is an award for bravery.

Chairman Bo awarded him the award for bravery.

Jiang Huai took the microphone, and after a while, he lowered his eyes and said slowly: "It's not considered a righteous act, I just did something I am willing to do." He raised his eyelids, looked at the audience, then turned his head, staring at Bo Gradually, the palms of his hands were already sweating, and he slowed down his speech: "If you have to express your opinion... just follow yourself, do what you want to do, and like the person you want to like, that's fine."

The author has something to say: Jiang Huai: I am impulsive again :)