Mark Me

Chapter 65: drunk


Xu Wenyang was taken aback.

Immediately, some students from below said "Wow—" and cheered—

"The chairman's treat?"

"Wow, are you so rich?"

"The chairman is awesome!!"

“Choose from the buffet!”

Jiang Huai was also stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Bo Jian.

Chairman Bo slightly raised his eyebrows at him.

"Quiet... Quiet! Don't talk about it!" Xu Wenyang patted the podium table, and asked the last row: "Chairman, are you serious?"

Rows of heads turned to look at the last row.

Bo Jian said "hmm".

Xu Wenyang didn't expect to meet rich people for dinner at the class dinner... There are thirty or forty people in the class, and they have to pay at least a few thousand dollars? He asked again: "Chairman, are you sure, if you choose self-service in the end, you will treat the whole class to dinner?"

Bo Jian smiled softly, leaned his head, and said in a gentle voice, "I want to eat buffet, so I'll take the buffet."


The class suddenly became noisy.

Xu Wenyang glanced at Lao Lin who was standing at the front door with his hands behind his back. There was a commotion in the class, but Lao Lin was not angry, but smiled and said nothing.

Xu Wenyang became bolder all of a sudden, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Did you hear me! Choose buffet and have a treat for your father... Those who don't want to eat buffet stand up consciously!"

For half a day, no one stood up.

Some boys took the lead in booing: "Thank you, Dad!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

It happened to be the time when school was about to leave, and everyone was playing together.

On the podium, the squad leader, deputy squad leader, and the school committee were discussing with the sponsor's father where to treat guests for a buffet in the evening. Bo Jian lowered his head slightly. He was taller than the average classmate. He stood by the podium with his usual smile, appearing gentle and polite.

Jiang Huai leaned back, turning the pen, watching Bo Jian in a daze.

"Wow-", the students by the window opened the curtains, and the afterglow of early winter spilled into the classroom.

Bo Jian narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head to look under the podium.

Jiang Huai dropped the pen to the ground with a "click".

Bo Jian smiled. Jiang Huai didn't raise his head anymore, he quickly picked up his pen, took out his schoolbag from the belly of the table, got up in a hurry and left the back door of the classroom. Outside the back door, he stopped for a while, and sent a WeChat message to Chairman Bo: "I have something to do, I'll go later."

Xu Wenyang saw Bo Jian looking at his phone: "Is anyone looking for you?"

"No." Bo Jian said casually, "If I treat guests, then I'll book a place."

Xu Wenyang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Okay, please order... Where are you going to order?"

Bo Jian put the phone back into his pocket and smiled: "I sent the address to the class... I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Oh good, then you go first..." Before Xu Wenyang could react, Chairman Bo had already left first. He stared at the front door of the classroom in a daze, and the deputy squad leader next to him checked the latest news and was shocked: "Damn it, the chairman is really fucking rich!"

Xu Wenyang was taken aback by him: "What do you mean?"

"South District, 1st Floor, Wansheng Building..." the deputy squad leader read the address and smacked it: "I went there with my parents during the summer vacation. There are three levels. The lowest level costs 450 yuan per person. Seafood buffet … Drinks are charged separately.”

Xu Wenyang was also surprised: "Is it so expensive?"

Jianghuai skateboarded out of the school gate, and the phone in his trouser pocket vibrated.

He takes it out.

BJ: Where have you been

Jiang Huai looked at it for two or three seconds, then opened his eyes and talked nonsense.

The real powerhouse: home.


Bo Jian glanced at his watch, it's been less than ten minutes since Jiang Huai left the classroom... Jiang Huai can get home in ten minutes? He smiled, he guessed that Jiang Huai had just left the school gate now.

BJ: You're going to take the stars home, right

The Real Strong: Mmm.

Bo Jian had just typed "Then I'll wait for you downstairs at your house" and before he could post it, Jiang Huai jumped out again.

The real strong: Don't call me sister Xing Xing.

Because disgusting.

Tired and crooked, Jiang Huai is disgusted by this AA-style address, his mother is called Acai Xingxing, and he is covered in hairs.

BJ: Huai Huai.

Jianghuai: "?"

BJ: I'll wait for you downstairs at your house, Huaihuai, see you later.

For a moment, Jiang Huai felt that if he liked Chairman Bo any less, his friend list would say goodbye to BJ.

Jiang Huai went to Mingcheng Elementary School to pick up Ah Cai, and he glanced at the class on the way.

Classes were flooded with 999+ news within half an hour after school, and Jianghuai didn't read the news very much in the office group, and basically didn't make a fuss in the class group. The class and group all consciously changed their names to become group vests.

JAC: Where to eat

Jianghuai's news was posted quickly, but after two or three seconds.

Zhao Tianqing: Damn it? ? Brother Jiang cheated?

Wei Heping: Jianghuai, do you still remember that there are groups in our class [tears] [tears]

Qian Li: The boss appeared, but he dared not speak loudly.

The news went up a few pages in half a minute, until the squad leader came.

Xu Wenyang: In the south area of the first floor of Wansheng Building, there is a seafood buffet. The students in our class will wait outside when they arrive. The buffet starts at 6:30.

Jiang Huai lowered his head and looked at Ah Cai who was walking with a dull head: "Shall we eat seafood at night?"

Ah Cai snapped his fingers and said, "Don't eat... shrimp, don't eat fish, don't eat crab, no, don't eat shells... don't eat it!"

Ah Cai doesn't like seafood.

"There is a dinner party in my class at night," Jiang Huai frowned, "If you don't go, what will you eat at home alone?"

Ah Cai: "Instant noodles!"

JAC: "..."

He ruthlessly tugged on Ah Cai's hat, and walked forward with the person in his arms: "I'll cook something for you tonight, or you can order takeaway, and you are not allowed to eat instant noodles and ham sausages in the future..." He pressed Ya Cai's head Gua, "Eat a pack of instant noodles and you'll be five centimeters shorter."

The third grade of primary school is only as high as the first grade Cai: "!"

Jiang Huai sent A Cai back home. Under the long and short threats, A Cai ordered himself a children's nutrition takeaway under Jiang Huai's supervision.

When Jianghuai came downstairs, it was just six o'clock. It was already dark, and a few street lamps were turned on.

He didn't change his school uniform, put his pocket in his pocket and opened the door, when his phone vibrated.

BJ: I'll wait for you downstairs.

Jiang Huai didn't look at it, because before he took out his phone, he had already seen the person who sent him the message.

Standing under the streetlight, Bo Jian was drawn obliquely into a long, dim shadow. He's still wearing his school uniform, too. When Jiang Huai went out, he raised his eyes and smiled, "You're down."

Jiang Huai lowered his head, kicked away a stone, his chest was throbbing restlessly: "... let's go." He lowered his head and snorted lightly: "You have a pretty good memory..."

Bo Jian came over, looked sideways, and pulled out Jiang Huai's hand that was habitually carried in his pocket, and held it in his hand.

Jiang Huai was quiet.

The two walked forward quietly.

After a while, he kicked another stone away: "Passing by, I took a taxi to the downstairs of my house."

Bo Jian: "..."

Jiang Huai withdrew his hand and turned his head back coldly: "Go back."

"It's okay, I'll let the driver wait over there."

Jianghuai paused for a while: "Do you want the whole class to have a look at your driver's Rolls-Royce?"


Two minutes later, Jiang Huai and Chairman Bo got into the same taxi together.

Jiang Huai leaned his head and looked out the window. It was cold, and the water vapor formed a layer of fog on the car window. The street lights flickered, reflecting a thin and shallow shadow on the glass window. He stared at the shadow in a daze: "Is there enough space in the cafeteria?"

The shadow moved, moved towards Jianghuai, and whispered in his ear: "What's so interesting about the car window?"

The shadow hooked Jianghuai's hand: "Look at me."

Jiang Huai turned his head abruptly, his ears were on fire: "... childish."

I don't know if it's because there have been two marking periods, but Jiang Huai has become extremely sensitive to Bo Jian's pheromones. Obviously Bo Jian was just sitting next to him...but he smelled Bo Jian's pheromone.

Cool and itchy.

Bo Jian seriously pressed Jiang Huai's hand flat, and then pressed his own hand up: "No."

Jiang Huai suddenly remembered something, he was silent for a while, and asked: "...have you reached the susceptibility period?"

Bo gradually turned his head.

The driver was driving intently in front without turning his head. Bo Jian leaned over to him, and pressed it to Jiang Huai's ear: "Shh."

The car turned a corner, I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Bo Jian pressed over, Jiang Huai lowered his eyelids, he couldn't see anything, he only felt something soft rubbed against his ears a few times.

Jiang Huai sat stiffly, for a long time: "Oh."


"… roll."

The buffet opened at 6:30, but Wei Heping arrived with a group of brothers before 6:00.

Generally, the buffet is not open, and the waiters are not allowed to enter, but only to sit outside and wait.

Wei Heping didn't go inside at all, and sat outside with a few classmates to talk nonsense: "Hey, the midterm exam questions are not difficult this time, if the chairman can take more than 730 exams, this time the city's unified exam will be in the top three. …”

"Just kidding!" The classmate responded: "Jian Dad got a third in the city test, isn't it just a joke, didn't he get a first in the city at the end of the last semester?"

Whoever treats guests is the father, and the chairman treats guests like a father in the second class.

"Just kidding! It's just like playing a game. There is no provincial examination, otherwise I will be the champion!"

A boy couldn't listen anymore: "I'm sorry, you guys can really lick... stop, stop, stop, your father hasn't come yet, so you can't hear him even if you lick him, OK?"

"Hey, don't fucking talk about the midterm exam, spoil your mood... Guess how much the chairman will spend for this meal?"

"you know?"

"I know I'll let you guess ass."

Xu Wenyang did an addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: "Didn't Qian Li say that one person is four hundred and five, and we have a total of thirty-six people... 16,200?"

"Damn it, Chairman Fu Erdai??"

"Boss, really big boss, there is a line."

Class dinner, swipe card entry.

The restaurant is quite stylish, with cool colors, high ceilings, and hanging geometric lighting decorations. From the decoration alone, it is not a consumption place for ordinary working families.

But when you swipe your card to enter, you suddenly have a sense of sight in a school restaurant.

The waiter handed back the campus card to Jianghuai, Jianghuai gave a "tsk" sound without turning his head: "You are very particular, it cost you a lot."


Jiang Huai squinted his eyes, and glanced at Bo Jian: "How much is it in total? I'll pay you and me for the treat."

Bo Jian smiled: "No need."

"Don't feel embarrassed to have an AA with me," Jiang Huai said, "Forget me and you to treat the classmates to dinner together."

"I'm not sorry," Bo Jian lowered his voice, "I'm just here to treat you to dinner alone... you can take the others as incidentals."

Jiang Huai paused, and he didn't hold back the corners of his lips: "Please take thirty-five of them... Am I here to cheat?"

"No, just ask me to come back." Bo Jian's lips curled up, "I won't bring anyone else."

Jiang Huai hummed a laugh from his chest. He glanced roughly at the restaurant: "Are there no other customers today?"

"No, it's reserved."

JAC: "..."

The dining room is a table for two with napkins, cutlery and utensils. Bo Jian stopped at a table for two in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, smiled lightly and said, "Common sense, fastidious people are generally not short of money."

JAC: "..."

Less than ten minutes after the class news, I swiped 999+ again. The restaurant is very large, with a row of chef cabinets, with fresh fish and shellfish, waiting for the sashimi to be cut on the spot. The raw food area and the cooked food area are clearly separated. It is said that it is a seafood buffet, but there are corners The corners are all cooked dishes, and the shrimp and crab are still steaming in the steamer.

In such a large restaurant, there are only about 30 people in the second shift wandering back and forth.

Many students were very excited: "Fuck, there are big lobsters... How much does this meal cost?"

"The chairman is amazing, from today on, the chairman will be my father!"

"Go away, can the chairman want your son?"

"Hey, it seems that there is no wine... such a good opportunity, don't you want to drink?"

Lao Lin came a little later, and when he came in, he was also startled, and hooked his hands at Bo Jian: "Bo Jian, come here."

Wei Heping held four plates in both hands, piled high, and came to Jiang Huai excitedly: "Chairman can do it, it's awesome... By the way, have you seen the wine?"

Jiang Huai took a glass of white water: "Do you still want to drink?"

Wei Heping pours... beer in a glass.

"No, no," Wei Heping quickly denied, "I'm sure I don't drink alcohol. If I drink it, my mother will beat me to death... It's Zhao Tianqing, Qian Li and the others want to drink."

Jiang Huai smiled: "Drink in front of Lin Fei?"

"Hi, it's all right!"

Zhao Tianqing made a sound abruptly, Jiang Huai was startled by him.

He turned his head, and Zhao Tianqing hooked shoulders with a few boys: "It's all over, how can Lao Lin care about these things... Besides, the chairman treats guests to dinner, can he care?"

Xu Wenyang also came over, two people at a table... he and Wang Jing were at a table. Vice monitor Qian Li booed: "Oh, why doesn't the monitor accompany the girl..."

"Don't talk!" Xu Wenyang glared at the deputy squad leader and said, "I asked the manager just now, and the wine is at your own expense, but the wine here is quite expensive, but if the AA is still..."

Jiang Huai took a sip of water: "Bo Jian is all booked out, so I'll pay for the drinks."

Bo Jian had a bit of a headache, and said "it's okay" to Lao Lin for the fourth time: "It's okay, teacher, I invite everyone to dinner..."

Before he could finish speaking, a burst of cheers burst out suddenly.

He froze for a moment, turned his head and looked over.

Jiang Huai showed no expression, but a group of boys surrounded him, and no one could remember how difficult he was to provoke, they all surrounded him, Zhao Tianqing hooked Jiang Huai's neck from behind, and the whole mountain was on top of him, he seemed to hate him. You can't go up and kiss the Jianghuai couple.

"Fuck..." Jiang Huai was strangled by him, "You fucking let go, how much do you weigh?"

"Jianghuai is awesome!!"

JAC: "..."

Bo Jian frowned indiscriminately, then turned around and smiled at Lin Fei: "Teacher, I'll go see what's going on over there first."

"My waist is about to break, Zhao Tianqing, let go!"

"Oh, oh, I let go, I let go," Zhao Tianqing loosened Jiang Huai's neck, with a smile on his face, and wanted to put his hands on Jiang Huai's waist, "Brother Jiang, can I rub my waist?"

But before he touched Brother Jiang's waist, Brother Jiang was dragged away.

Jiang Huai froze for a moment, lowered his head, and took a few seconds to take his hand out of Bo Jian's hand.

Lao Lin hadn't figured out what was going on in the first wave of booing, and was looking forward to it, when he was suddenly taken aback by the second wave of booing.

Alas, the children now... Lao Lin thought, why are they so surprised.

Lin Fei sighed, thinking that since Bo Jian wants to treat him, let him treat him, the student's family conditions are really good...he doesn't worry about it.

Lao Lin went to bring an empty plate, ready to serve some appetizers...

"Wow, did you see it just now?"

"See what?"

The two classmates chatted in the distance.

"The chairman and Jianghuai are holding hands!!"

Lin Fei: "?"

The waiter served some sparkling wine and champagne, but because the students were not very interested, he made an exception and ordered some imported dark beer.

The champagne bottles turned into salutes and fireworks, and the spray was so high that people gathered and frolicked, making a lot of noise.

Jiang Huai leaned against the window and threw a can of beer over: "Drink?"

Bo Jian caught it, and Jiang Huai said, "I invite you to drink."

Bo Jian pulled the tab, but said, "I don't drink well."

Jiang Huai put the beer can on the table as if he had heard something extremely strange, and walked over: "You can't drink?"

Bo Jian lowered his eyes: "I'm not very good at drinking."

"Not even beer?"

"It's not impossible," Bo Jian said softly, "It's easy to get drunk."

Jiang Huai's heart suddenly thumped, he licked his teeth, he didn't know what nonsense he was talking about: "Then get drunk."


Wei Heping yelled over, like a young lady at the gate of a brothel: "Come and play! I'll wait for you and the chairman!"

Jiang Huai looked down at Bo Jian.

Bo Jian looked into his eyes, took a sip of beer, "Let's go."

A meal is eaten until half past eight.

At the beginning, those few people who were yelling that they would not go home drunk really couldn't do it anymore. A few boys and Zhao Tianqing went to the toilet to vomit first. Often the one who yells the loudest is the best.

Lao Lin still wanted to maintain order: "It's almost time, people are up, so don't play too late... Let's go home almost, go home to rest, and come back next week to distribute the test papers."

A wail:

"I don't care about the papers, I forgot about the midterm exam!"

Lao Lin glared over and said, "Pay attention to your words and deeds!"

Jiang Huai leaned against the table, turned his head and glanced at Bao Jian.

He has a good capacity for alcohol, doesn't drink much, and basically doesn't feel much. Bo Jian said that he can't drink much, and he doesn't drink much... Bo Jian still drinks a lot of sparkling wine.

The alcohol content of sparkling wine is quite low, and it is generally not drunk.

Bo Jian didn't look like he was drunk now, his face wasn't red and his heart was beating, his expression was as usual.

"Let's go?" Jiang Huai asked.

Bo Jian suddenly hooked Jiang Huai's neck, Jiang Huai was unprepared, put his hands on the table, and when he tilted his whole body fell down... Bo Jian supported his shoulders, then his chin, and kissed his lips.

Jiang Huai was quiet.

Bo Jian licked his lips, with a slight smell of alcohol, he said in a hoarse voice, "Take me home."