Mark Me

Chapter 77: substitute


Zhang Ling violated the rules and the referee blew his whistle.

Zhao Tianqing was startled: "Brother Jiang!"

Xu Wenyang trotted towards Jianghuai.

Jiang Huai was knocked down and sat on the ground with his legs bent. He raised his hand, his elbow was broken, and his palm was bleeding.

"Jianghuai!" Xu Wenyang ran over, trying to help Jianghuai: "Are you okay?"

Jiang Huai wiped the blood from his palm on his shorts, expressionless: "I sprained my ankle."

When the tall and burly sports student in Class 9 hit him with the ball... Jiang Huai felt as if he had been hit by a car. He fell to the ground, and his elbow slipped a small meter before he stopped.

Zhang Ling did it on purpose.

Any fool can see it.

Jianghuai played parkour, and usually bumped and fell a lot. With experience, he touched the ground with his hands first, and made a buffer.

Otherwise, he wouldn't just have a slight ankle sprain.

The members of the second class gathered around.

Several sports students in Class Nine exchanged glances, and Zhang Ling shrugged at them.

Xu Wenyang saw Jiang Huai's bruises, but the key point was the sprained feet. In this overtime match, the team in the class did not expect to win, but they definitely did not expect such a thing.

"Then... what should I do then?" Xu Wenyang asked.

The referee blows the whistle and enters the field to judge that Zhang Ling and player No. 9 violated the rules.

He pushed aside the surrounding members of the second class and glanced at Jiang Huai: "Did you sprain your foot?"

Xu Wenyang "hmm".

Zhao Tianqing's face was not very good, and he stared at Zhang Ling, who was on the school basketball team. Zhang Ling came over slowly, and glanced at Jiang Huai: "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose... I violated the rules, and accept the punishment."

There were five free throws in the game, not to mention overtime, one violation was irrelevant, but Jianghuai had to end.

Qian Li clenched his fists all of a sudden: "Damn, you're too much of a bully, don't you fucking..."

The referee blew his whistle as a warning: "No conflict."

Several people in the second class looked ugly.

Class Nine, however, acted like they were watching a play, with no pain or itching.

The referee teacher frowned. Zhang Ling deliberately violated the rules, and he could see it, but malicious fouls were just free throws. He squatted beside Jianghuai: "Can you continue to play?"

Jianghuai exerted strength on one leg and stood up. He has been injured a lot, so he has a rough idea of what happened to him. He stretched his strength a little to his sprained left foot... the pain was densely packed with needles.

Possibly a muscle sprain.

An overtime game is only five minutes, and there is no recovery.

He raised his eyes: "I can't get on for the time being."

The referee sighed and stood up: "Your class makes free throws... Substitute players, change to No. 12 and end."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

In addition to the five official players in the class, there are only two substitutes. These two substitute students have never played before, and they are not often asked to practice with them in normal training.

It turns out that if you lose, you must lose. If you replace Jianghuai, you will lose, but not only you will lose, but you will lose ugly. At that time, it will be completely hanged.

Zhao Tianqing put his head on his hips, bowed his head in silence for a while, and suddenly said: "Squad leader, if Jiang Huai wants to go, then I'll go too... replace two substitutes. They're going to lose anyway, and they're doing such a disgusting thing, so let's fight casually. Don't affect your mood."

The game is temporarily suspended.

"No, what are you kidding?" Xu Wenyang had a headache: "You also retired, so how can we play in our class?" He glanced at the auditorium. There are only two games today. In the last game before the final, there were a lot of people watching, and he kind of guessed what the sports student was thinking... He just wanted to make his class lose face in full view.

"At any rate, you can hold on to the game. With two substitutes, how can our class fight?" Xu Wenyang sighed, "Don't talk about winning honor for the class, at least you have to lose face when you lose."

Otherwise, the three of them ordinary classmates, plus two amusing substitutes, would face an opponent roughly equal to the school team's lineup... they would really be beaten completely, and their face would be completely lost.

Zhao Tianqing was depressed and couldn't help but get angry: "They win and don't want to lose face. If we lose together, we still think about how to lose face? Xu Wenyang, what are you thinking?"

Xu Wenyang was speechless.

"I'll take Jianghuai's place."

A boy stretched his hands and turned over the front railing of the auditorium. He took off his heavy coat, threw it on the seat next to Jiang Huai, and said solemnly: "I am also on the school team in our school."

Jiang Huai was drinking water and almost choked.

He turned his head and said in astonishment, "Damn it, when did you come?"

Qin Yuhe said with a half smile but not a smile: "Didn't I fucking send you messages? You even replied 'Oh', are you stupid?"

"Get lost." Jiang Huai took another sip of water, "I didn't see you."

Qin Yuhe originally wanted to say, "You just went to see your boyfriend, so of course you didn't see your father", but he still didn't say it. He patted the back of Jianghuai's head: "Competition is your father's place for you, let your boyfriend take you to the infirmary."

As soon as Qin Yuhe said these words, he felt that he was right, but for some reason, all the players in the area suddenly became quiet.

Several people suddenly stopped talking.

After a long while, Qian Li hissed, and said the voice of others: "Boyfriend?"

JAC: "..."

"Male friend." Jiang Huai stood up on one foot with a blank expression, squeezed the empty plastic bottle into a flat bottle, and threw it into the trash can on the field line: "This is my friend. He is studying abroad, and his Chinese is not very good."

Qin Yuhe, who stayed in China until he was fourteen or fifteen years old: "..."

Qin Yuhe touched his nose guiltily, and changed the subject: "Well... I'll take your place, trust me, I'm pretty good too."

"A substitute can't win."

Bo Jian came over and said softly, "Add me?"

Jiang Huai suddenly raised his head: "Bo Jian??"

Several people were taken aback: "Chairman?"

Bo Jian stopped next to Jiang Huai, smiled and said, "I will substitute Jiang Huai. If this student thinks he played well and is guaranteed to win, he will substitute another one."

"This classmate" specifically refers to Qin Yuhe.

Xu Wenyang was stunned: "Chairman, are you serious?"

Basically, anyone who is a little familiar with Bo Jian knows that Chairman Bo does not participate in anything other than student union affairs, class elections, or school activities.

Bo Jian raised his eyes: "Of course I'm not joking."

"But..." Xu Wenyang hesitated, "That classmate, isn't he from our school? Should foreign players be invited for the school basketball game?"

Bo Jian's expression was gentle: "Don't let me. That's against the rules."

Xu Wenyang was stunned. Active violation, is this what Bo Jian can say?

Bo Jian raised his chin slightly, turned towards Class Nine's resting place, and said with a light smile, "It doesn't matter if you break the rules, as long as you win. Isn't that what Class Nine thinks?"

Qin Yuhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and grinned coldly: "You are right."

The second class team has two Alphas and three Betas.

Jiang Huai and Qian Li are Alpha, and the other three are Beta.

In the end, Qin Yuhe originally wanted to replace the Beta boy Jiang Huai was least familiar with in the team, but Xu Wenyang offered to let Qin Yuhe replace him, and he helped Jiang Huai to the infirmary.

So Jiang Huai is now staring at the squad leader in the infirmary.

Jiang Huai bent down, rolled up his trouser legs, and applied the ice pack given by the teacher in the infirmary to his ankles.

Xu Wenyang silently watched Jiang Huai apply the ice pack. The teacher in the infirmary said that it is not serious, take a good rest and exercise less, and you can fully recover in a week or two.

He sighed: "I didn't expect such a person to exist."

"It's quite normal." Jiang Huai was not moved. He put the ice pack away, leaned back in the chair, and said with his lips lifted, "Idiots do it every year."

Xu Wenyang couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help sighing: "Then do your feet still hurt?"

"It hurts, but it's not a big deal." Jiang Huai looked at his ankle, "I can leave after applying ice, you can go back first."

Jianghuai is also a little bit regretful. He knew that Bo Jian's physical fitness was not bad, but he had never seen Bo Jian participate in this kind of organized sports. Bo Jian has almost the same virtues as him, and he doesn't participate in group activities.

Bo Jian said that he would replace him, Jiang Huai originally wanted to stay on the court and see how Bo Jian played... But Jiang Huai guessed that Chairman Bo might be afraid that his boyfriend would see him lose the game because he was too good, so he insisted on kicking him out first Came to the infirmary.

Jiang Huai supported his head and thought: Even if Chairman Bo played basketball, he would not laugh at him.

Probably not.

He is a man of self-control.

"I'll wait for you," Xu Wenyang scratched his head. "Overtime is only five minutes, and I have nothing to do when I go back."

Jiang Huai leaned lazily on the soft cushion on the back of the chair: "Anything is fine, as long as you don't find it boring."

Xu Wenyang smiled. He was carrying his mobile phone, and habitually took out his mobile phone to check the group news.

Just brushed out one:


"Fuck my class won!!"

A new post was posted on the campus network, and nearly a thousand buildings were built in half an hour.

Title: "Class 2 VS Class 9 Overtime!!"

This Wednesday, the whole school has no classes. The overtime game, which lasted only a few minutes, was filmed in high-definition by the students of the school's drone club.

The white numbers on the black background are the players of the second class, and the black numbers on the white background are the players of the ninth class.

In the past few days, the school basketball game championship stud post on the campus network has been very popular. After the semi-finals, in the official voting post of the Sports Department of the Student Union, the second and ninth class of senior high school accounted for 31.8% of the votes, ranking first.

The second class of senior high school only accounted for 9.1% of the votes, ranking fourth.

At the beginning of the video, the timer in the basketball hall has shown 32 seconds.

This was recorded from the thirty-second second of the race.

Four minutes and twenty-eight seconds left.

During the remaining four minutes and twenty seconds of the race, there was a high praise reply downstairs:

"This is the longest four minutes and 28 seconds I've ever seen in a game."

During these four minutes and twenty-eight seconds, the black team, player No. 12, and player No. 15 violated the rules a total of six times.

In the school basketball game, five players commit fouls in a single game, but this refers to the total number of fouls in a normal basketball game, four quarters, 40 minutes. Rather than the school's five-minute overtime foul rule that was picked out separately for the sake of reasonable timing.

Five fouls off, so player #12 fouls four times and player #15 fouls twice.

Class Nine made six free throws.

Every foul by the black jersey was maliciously dribbling the ball into someone, and the defense was maliciously blocking.

Every time the white jersey was fouled, it was the same No. 9 player who was fouled.

For the last violation, player No. 12 of the second class intentionally dribbled the ball into someone.

Zhang Ling knocked to the ground, and a large amount of blood was smeared on his knee. The No. 12 player, who was wearing a black-and-white number, threw the basketball to his teammates casually, lowered his head slightly, and smiled happily: "I'm sorry for the fourth violation."

Zhang Ling was not familiar with Bo Jian at all. All his impressions of Bo Jian come from the fact that the school has been commending so-and-so for their studies all the year round, and so-and-so won awards to bring glory to the school.

He stared at Bao Jian.

I heard that when Class Two replaced Bo Jian as a new substitute, Zhang Ling laughed with his teammates: Alpha, who can fucking test scores, was kicked up, Class Two really couldn't find anyone.

He never thought that Bo Jian could play basketball.

The second class was replaced by a Bo Jian, and another green skin.

These two people, Zhang Ling can guarantee 100%, have played basketball for more than ten years.

The referee came blowing his whistle almost angrily.

Amidst the sharp whistle, under the eyes of nearly a thousand spectators in the North and South Districts, Bo Jian stood tall, lowered his eyes slightly, and stepped on Zhang Ling's hand. He rubbed the toe of his shoe: "Will there be a fifth time?"

After the referee came to reconcile, player No. 9 of Class Nine offered to end the game.

Qin Yuhe and Bo Jian passed by, but he didn't turn his head: "You can."

Bo Jian said casually: "It should, thank you for Jiang Huai."

"I don't need you to help him thank me."

Bo Jian tilted his head slightly, showing a fake smile: "I'll use it later."

Four minutes and twenty-eight seconds, six fouls.

The most incredible thing is that the second class won.

Twenty to thirteen.

Complete victory.

Xu Wenyang suddenly stood up from his chair and stared wide-eyed: "Jiang Huai, our class won the overtime game!!"

Jiang Huai looked up: "?"

"Our class won!" Xu Wenyang took a deep breath, "Chairman, they won class nine!!" He swiped his phone a few times: "You go to the class group, and the campus network. They said that there is our class on the campus network. Time game video!!"

Bo Jian... won

Can Bo Jian still play basketball

Jiang Huai frowned slightly, and took out his mobile phone from his school uniform pocket.

It has been a long time since he logged into the idiot campus network.

Jiang Huai bowed his head, entered the ID password, and waited for the page to jump.

The campus web page is up.

The first post on the homepage caught JAC’s eyes:

"Chapter 1 of "Misunderstanding the Cruelty Alpha: Wolf-nature Jianghuai Lightly Loves": The rival in love appears, and the chairman's true love is finally paid by mistake. What will happen to him and the fetus in his belly?!"

Jianghuai shut down the campus network.

The author has something to say: Chairman: Hmph.