Mark Me

Chapter 85: Certificate of Merit


The real strong:

Jiang Huai had just woken up and was a little dizzy and completely awake.

The real strong man: what am I going to do at your house after school?

BJ: Didn't you ask me about my first choice? All the materials I applied to the school are kept at home.

When communicating with Bo Jian, Jiang Huai always has the illusion that he is the only one who thinks about things every day, does not do his job properly, and his mind is full of unactive and unhealthy yellow waste.

The real powerhouse: Oh.

The real strong: I will get the result today, you don't need to help me check it early.

BJ: Well, just to let you know in advance.

Suddenly, Jiang Huai's heart skipped a beat.

BJ: You have reached 500, so you must count your words.

At 7:30 in the morning, Jiang Huai walked into the classroom through the back door with his bag on his shoulders absent-mindedly.

Most of the students had already arrived, and the representatives of several subjects whose papers were written early gathered on the podium table, counting the answer sheets and seeing how many points they got in the second paper.

The municipal unified examination is all machine-graded, and the first and second papers are not approved on the answer sheet. But this weekend, after the city uniformly distributed the answer sheets of all schools, the teachers of No. 2 Middle School worked overtime to help students mark the scores of the second paper on the answer sheets.

Every school term, the most stressful day is the day when the papers are finally issued before the holiday.

Both nervous and excited.

Excited people are chattering, the winter vacation is already early, and nervous people are staring at the class representatives on the podium table, their hands and feet are cold from waiting.

"Hey!" There was an exclamation: "Awesome! Sixty points for the second volume of physics!"

"Fuck? Who is who?"

"A perfect score on the second paper? Isn't this physics exam quite difficult?"

"Hahahaha, my mother just got the answer right yesterday on the campus website. The physics team of the Education Bureau hurt me. I didn't get a point for the experiment..."

"Who else can it be, chairman... the chairman can't do physics this time and get full marks?"

Jiang Huai paused for a moment, just in time for Bo Jian to raise his eyes and see Jiang Huai.

Jiang Huai turned his eyes away, pulled a stool and sat down as if nothing had happened.


Bo Jian is the dog. The score of the second paper is higher than his score of the whole paper. He has 20 multiple-choice questions in the first volume, one experimental question in the second volume, and four physics questions... a total of only 53 points.

Xiao Jiang failed this time.

Jiang Huai stuffed his schoolbag into the belly of the table, then took out a book casually, and pressed it under his elbow.

The back of his school uniform was pulled slightly.

He had no expression on his face, and leaned against the edge of the back table, waiting for the back table to speak.

"Are you coming after school?" the back desk asked in a low voice.


The back table tugged at his clothes again: "Come here?" The back table whispered softly, "I've bought all the rabbit tails."

After a long silence, Jiang Huai asked, "Didn't you ask me to talk about volunteering?"

Back table: "Do not conflict with each other."

The physics class representative happened to hand out the answer sheet, and put Bo Jian's answer sheet by Bo Jian's desk. Jiang Huai glanced over from the corner of his eye... In the scoring column of the second volume, a "60" was marked with a red pen.

It's a score he'll never reach.

Jianghuai's answer sheet was just sent out.

On the score column of the second volume, there are two numbers in bright red: 29.

Jiang Huai silently folded the answer sheet and hid the score column. He stuffed the answer sheet into the belly of the desk, and said coldly, "I'm going to pick up Jiang Xingxing from school in the afternoon."

"But this year's primary school holidays are a week earlier than yours." Bo Jianyi laughed.

JAC: "..."

Bo Jian knew quite a lot. Ah Cai did have winter vacation last week, and now he is doing homework at home every day.

Jiang Huai didn't turn his head back, his spine felt a little numb. He put his hands together, touched the back of his neck, and said "Oh" unnaturally: "Let's talk about it after school."

Before eight o'clock, Lao Lin entered the classroom with his hands behind his back.

As everyone watched, Lao Lin held two sheets of white A4 paper with his hands behind his hips.

Sure enough, Lao Lin entered the door and extended his hand to Xu Wenyang: "The grades of the final exam have been posted. After the meeting, I will study by myself in the morning. Xu Wenyang will post the new report card on the bulletin board."

Xu Wenyang took one, and Lao Lin still had another.

He walked to the podium: "Our class did well in the final exam this time, and the average score of the class is ranked second in the department... The top students are also very good, as usual, the first grade is still in our class, this time It's 732. The city's ranking in the city's unified examination has not yet been released, but according to previous years, it is basically the top one and the top two... "

This big guy with student number 0001 basically gets this score every time he takes an exam, no matter how difficult or difficult the questions are.

But when the words came out of Lin Fei's mouth again, there was still an uproar in the class.

"Wow, more than seven hundred and thirty..."

Jiang Huai turned his head and glanced at Qibaishan's back table.

Qi Bai San was already used to it at the back desk, and was still looking down at the book to take notes. Jiang Huai looked over, he paused the tip of his pen, and in the blank space at the top of the page, he opposed himself, facing Jiang Huai, and drew a small, upright heart.

In the bottom of my heart, I drew a small arrow for Jianghuai.

Jiang Huai's ears warmed up, and he turned his head back.

"But apart from the top students," Lao Lin said, "in this exam, there are still many students who have made progress in our class... especially the students who have been improving for several consecutive exams, like Jianghuai..."

Jiang Huai lowered his head.

Lao Lin scanned over and failed to make eye contact with the "progressive classmate".

"It's a typical example of progress in our class," Lao Lin continued, "From the monthly exam, mid-term exam, and final exam, every exam is improving... Everyone should learn from the top students like Bo Jian, and also learn from the top students like Bo Jian. Learn from those Jianghuai students who have been working hard, persevering, and correct attitudes, and their final grades have improved."

Mathematics teachers praise people, especially hard.

Old Lin Chang exhaled: "The first class is a class meeting, so let's pick a few progressive students and come up to give a speech... Jianghuai will be the first."

Jianghuai: "?"

Walking to the desk, more than forty pairs of eyes looked over.

Jianghuai stood still, silent for a while.

To be honest, no one who took the 732 test came up to give a speech after the test. As soon as he took the 501 test, he scored 53 points in physics and was forced to come up to give a speech. It is really...

"Learn from the first classmate in the grade," Jiang Huai said, "I will strive to complete the 13th Five-Year Plan Outline next year to promote the balanced development of all disciplines and the development of full marks. I will be the first in the city in the next exam..."

Lao Lin: "?"

The class suddenly laughed, and there were boos.

"Okay, you go down." Lao Lin was like chasing flies, and Jiang Huai chased people down early before he finished his speech.

Do what you can't do, mess up the first place.

After the first class meeting, everyone rushed to the front of the classroom, crowding to see the final grades.

Jiang Huai glanced forward lazily.

"Aren't you looking at the grades?" the back desk asked.

"Didn't you send it to me?" Jiang Huai asked back.

Bo Jian chuckled, "I forgot to tell you that you are ranked... 999, just in the top 1,000."

JAC: "..."

Then he really did well in the exam this time. The score is 501, and if you pass 511 points, the ranking is 999, and you are in the top 1,000. In fact, Jianghuai didn't mind. He got 499 in the exam and ranked 1,001.

Jiang Huai didn't want to talk, so he unscrewed the bottle and took a sip of water.

I usually talk about my grades with my classmates. At this time, I would ask out of curiosity or out of courtesy: What about you

But since the object of "What about you" is Bo Jian, there is no need to ask this question.

"There is a vote in the class," Bo Jian asked, "Have you read it?"

Jiang Huai didn't turn his head: "What vote?"

"Certificate voting for all-round development of good students."

To develop students well in an all-round way is the only certificate of merit voted by classmates at the end of each semester. Although this certificate is useless, each class only gives less than ten places.

Their class did well in the final exam this year, and there are a little more places, exactly ten.

No. 2 Middle School did not check mobile phones strictly, and the rule was that mobile phones were not allowed during class and self-study. Therefore, some head teachers who have a good relationship with the students in the class will vote for the best at the end of the year, and directly post a voting event in the class group, which saves trouble.

But for a rigid old woman like Liu Yuxiu, votes are counted manually every year.

However, since Jianghuai started school, he has not won a single award from the "Three Good Students" award in elementary school to the "All-round Development Excellent Student" award in junior high school.

His Adam's apple rolled down: "That's none of my business."

Bo Jian said lightly, "I'll give you a chance to solicit votes from me."


Bo Jian: "Either?"

To develop a good student vote in an all-round way, each person can only cast two votes and can vote repeatedly.

Chairman Bo pushed the phone forward a little and pushed it to the edge of the table: "The precious two votes at the table behind you."

Jiang Huai stared at his phone.

"Kiss me after school, I'll give you the ticket." Bo Jian lowered his voice, "As a mature boyfriend in the future, you have to learn to kiss me yourself."


Class group anonymous voting background.

"BJ" voted for "JAC" twice.

After school was over in the afternoon, the class announced the results of the voting for excellence.

Bo Jian, first, there are only forty-two students in the class, and Chairman Bo has more than fifty votes.

Class monitor Xu Wenyang was second with 39 votes.

Third, JAC with 31 votes.

Jianghuai was quite impressed with this award vote. In his freshman year of high school, Liu Yuxiu was the homeroom teacher, manpower voting, and the class committee counted the votes. In the first semester of high school, Guangwei Heping voted for him twice... In the next semester, because he didn't let Wei Heping vote for him, there were no votes.

However, 0 votes is better than 2 votes. At least the name does not need to be written on the blackboard, hanging empty, which is quite embarrassing.

All the certificates are written by Lao Lin himself.

Jiang Huai received two.

"All-round development of good students", "star of progress".

To be honest, this is probably the first time that Jianghuai has received a certificate of excellence in the final evaluation of the semester since he received a certificate of "Health Model" in the first grade of elementary school.

Ah Cai is similar to him. He didn't have one last year, but this year he just got a "moral model" for poverty alleviation.

Probably there is nothing to praise, I can only praise you as a kid with good morals and good hygiene.

And Ah Cai may have poor hygiene.

Jiang Huai received the award and stepped down, and saw that Chairman Bo’s desk was already piled up with a thick pile of various awards like waste paper... the first place in the mathematics department at the end of the term, the first place in physics, the first place in English, the first place in chemistry, End-of-term evaluation outstanding student representatives, school-level outstanding student cadres, first prize and special prize for ABCD activities, etc.

Jiang Huai lost his expression and stuffed his two certificates into the belly of the table.

"Jingle jingle—"

The get out of class bell that is too familiar.

The last semester of high school is over.

It's still cold in mid-January, but today is a sunny day. The sky is blue and the air is clear, the snow has melted, the branches are dry and cold, and the day is bright.

The back door is wide open, turning into the orange light of sunset.

Bo Jian tugged at the back of Jiang Huai's school uniform: "School is over, let's go."

Jiang Huai tensed his back, and after a while: "Oh."

Jiang Huai put skateboards at the school bicycle shed, and Bo Jian went with him to pick up the skateboards.

The bicycle shed is near the back gate of the school, in a remote place, and there are fewer and fewer people walking along the way. The noise of people was separated by a long distance, and it seemed indistinct.

Jiang Huai bowed slightly, hooked the skateboard with the back of his foot and came out. He jumped up, and Bo Jian waited for him at the corner of the bicycle shed.

Bo Jian watched as Jiang Huai slid towards him.

When he came to him, Jiang Huai jumped down, lowered his eyes, with little expression, leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Not holding back, Jiang Huai's lips and teeth collided with his, causing a slight pain.

"I mean what I say, and I will pay you back." Jiang Huai said.