Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating

Chapter 11


Jin Wang carried Ye Shu back to the bedroom.

Ye Shu cried too hard just now, and she has not recovered yet, so she gasped gently one after another.

Jin Wang put him on the bed and was about to stand up straight, but his sleeves were grabbed by his hands.

The corners of the young man's eyes were red, water drops hung from the wet eyelashes, his dark eyes were clear and bright, with a bit of anxiety and fear, he looked at him like a bunny, without saying a word.

No man can stand that look.

Jin Wang sighed, leaned over and hugged him again: "I won't leave alone."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and ordered: "Bring some hot water."

The internal waiter went to do it, Ye Shu rested his head on Jin Wang's arms and breathed a silent sigh of relief.

He was right.

When he took out the elixir from Jin Wang, he guessed that it shouldn't be poison.

Jin Wang is the king of a country, if he really wants to execute someone, he doesn't need any reason at all, nor can he tolerate any excuses.

He asked Ye Shu to give an explanation, which meant that he actually didn't want Ye Shu to die.

But even if Jin Wang didn't want to kill him in his heart, the fact that the original mastermind conspired to assassinate him could not be concealed anyway, so it's better to admit it.

It's just that I didn't expect... The dog emperor really liked him.

Have you read Fengyue storybook

The waiter quickly brought hot water, Jin Wang asked people to step back, and wrung out the silk handkerchief to help Ye Shu wipe his face.

"Ayuan..." Ye Shu grabbed Jin Wang's sleeve uneasily, his voice trembling softly, "Am I already dead?"

Jin Wang paused: "What nonsense."

"But I..."

"Gu told you, it's not poison."

Jin Wang felt a little uncomfortable, and said, "That's the tonic you took earlier, can't you taste it?"

That's actually an anti-breathing pill.

Jin Wang previously ordered the imperial physician to make more and put them on his body just in case.

Who knew it would be used today.

Jin Wang and Ye Shu had known each other for more than ten years, and it was the first time seeing this person cry like this in front of him.

How much grievance would it take to make him so sad.

Jin Wang recalled what had happened in the past few days, and suddenly realized that everything had changed.

Jin Wang didn't dare to think about it, if the young man really had this kind of thought for him, how would he view Jin Wang's good night with him, and how would he view Jin Wang's frivolous behavior towards him these few days.

Jin Wang took a deep breath and felt a sharp pain in his heart.

For the first time, His Majesty the Monarch felt somewhat remorseful.

You shouldn't bully him like this.

… etc.

It is clear that he wants to kill Gu, why is Gu feeling guilty here

Almost got him in.

Ye Shu the bastard.

Sipa gradually cooled down, Jinwang threw it back into the basin, and his voice suddenly became cold: "Are you awake?"


Isn't this person changing his face too quickly? ?

Ye Shu and Jin Wang looked at each other for a moment, then silently got up from his arms, got off the ground, and knelt down straight in front of him.

Jin Wang was irritated: "What are you doing?"

Ye Shu was aggrieved: "I know that I have committed a serious crime, please punish me by Your Majesty."

The young man cried so much that even the tip of his nose was a little red, his eyes were filled with water vapor, and his expression was aggrieved and fragile.

It makes people want to bully him even more.

Jin Wang felt his mouth dry, and looked away: "Your crime is indeed unforgivable."

Ye Shu's eyes dimmed.

"... But Gu is not disregarding the old relationship." Jin Wang said, "Thinking of you today... you are still honest, Gu can be dealt with lightly. Go and get the stick and be responsible for eighty years, then forget it."

Eighty sticks? ? !

will die!

Ye Shu didn't answer, her eyes were quietly red.

His eyes were bubbling with grievance.

Jin Wang seemed to feel that the sentence was too heavy for the young man, so he coughed lightly: "... fifty."


Jin Wang looked at the young man's thin figure again: "Thirty."


Jin Wang was annoyed: "Twenty, there is no need to discuss, if you can't stand it, let the Punishment Division beat you separately!"

Ye Shu who didn't say a word from the beginning to the end: "..."

Ye Shu wasn't sure, and cautiously probed: "What do you mean by splitting the fight? Is it a month... a fight?"

Jin Wang said angrily, "Ye Qi'an!"

Ye Shu quickly kowtowed: "I obey the order."


Jin Wang was almost pissed off by him, but he didn't know how to refute.

The young man's red eyes seemed to be poking at his dead point, pinching him to death.

Thinking of this, Jin Wang thought about it again, and felt wrong again.

This person is eloquent and knows how to deceive people best.

Maybe the confession just now was also a lie.

... almost fell into his way.

Jin Wang narrowed his eyes, revealing a hint of danger.

Ye Shu felt chills down his spine.

He naturally knew that the confession in the carriage alone was not enough to deceive the dog emperor.

Maybe he would believe Ye Shu's words at that moment, but as he gradually calmed down, he would only become more suspicious.

what to do

The two stood and knelt, and there was a moment of stalemate in the hall. A servant came to report: "Your Majesty, the bath is ready."

The stalemate faded instantly, and Jin Wang smiled lightly at Ye Shu.

Ye Shu instinctively felt bad.

Sure enough, Jin Wang said: "I've been traveling all day today, Ah Shu, go take a bath with Gu."

The steam in the bath was steaming, Ye Shu stood beside the white jade soup pool, his ears were a little red from the heat.

"Ashu, why don't you go into the water?" Jin Wang submerged most of his body in the water, exposing a large thin chest, "Is it because you don't want to take a bath with the lonely?"

Who wants to bathe with him!

Is this dog emperor perverted!

But speaking of this, Ye Shu didn't dare to refuse.

Reluctantly, he took off his outer robe and put it aside, while untying the belt of his inner garment, he walked towards the bath.

Suddenly, there was the sound of splashing water in the pool.

A hand stretched out from the water and dragged Ye Shu into the water.

The world was spinning, and when Ye Shu came back to his senses, someone was pressing him tightly against the wall of the bathtub.

Before he could take off the last piece of clothing, it was soaked in water at this moment, and it was tightly attached to his body, and his whole body was completely wet.

Jin Wang raised Ye Shu's chin with one hand, stared into those eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "You say you are happy and alone?"

Ye Shu: "... yes."

"Then prove it to Gu."

Another trial.

Dog Emperor.

Ye Shu deliberately turned his head to avoid meeting Jin Wang's eyes, and it took him a long time to answer softly: "... I don't know how to prove it."

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Jin Wang brushed off the water droplets on Ye Shu's eyelashes, leaned into his ear and said softly, "If you take the initiative to make love once, I will believe you."

Ye Shu was taken aback, and his cheeks quickly turned crimson.

Jin Wang didn't miss any of his reactions, and his tone was calm: "You don't even want to do this, how can you say it's Xinyuegu?"

After Jin Wang finished speaking, he turned to leave, but was held back by Ye Shu.

The young man's lips trembled, and he whispered: "I... I am willing."

Jin Wang didn't move, Ye Shu closed his eyes, and kissed Jin Wang's lips slowly.

"I like's true, please believe me."

The young man's technique was jerky, his trembling lips pressed against Jin Wang's, and soon he didn't know how to continue. Jin Wang sneered in his heart, grabbed the young man's wrist, and pressed him against the jade bi, turning his back on the guest.

Both of them were breathing rapidly.

Suddenly, Ye Shu froze and struggled desperately.

Jin Wang let go of him a little, and laughed lightly: "I can't pretend any longer? Gu knows you..."

Jin Wang's voice stopped abruptly.

The two are so close that any change is obvious.

Jin Wang looked at Ye Shu in disbelief.

In such a humiliating situation, he can...

Ye Shu was no less astonished than Jin Wang.

His acting wasn't that good yet, that reaction... really wasn't an act.

Wasn't it just a kiss, his thing must be sick.

Forget it!

Ye Shu's ears were all red, and he couldn't continue acting, so he could only reluctantly turn his head to one side, wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself on the spot.

But in Jin Wang's eyes, this expression was unbearable humiliation, struggling in pain.

Now, he understood everything.


After a long time, Jin Wang sighed softly, and hugged the young man's tense body into his arms again.

Ye Shu's teeth trembled, and he firmly grasped Jin Wang's wrist: "You, don't, touch, I—"

"Why are you shy, can't you just trust you?" Jin Wang pushed his hand away and whispered in Ye Shu's ear, "Don't move around, I really won't bully you this time... Gubang will help you."

In front of Jin Wang, Ye Shu's resistance was almost negligible.

Of course, he soon didn't even have the slightest resistance left.

The sound of water in the bath continued.

Ye Shu cried and made a scene tonight, and was bullied by Jin Wanghao in the bath, and finally fell asleep from exhaustion, and was carried back to the bedroom by Jin Wang.

As soon as he got on the bed, Ye Shu immediately rolled to the inner side of the bed, leaving only his thin and thin back facing Jinwang.

Jin Wang also lay down.

Jin Wang believed Ye Shu's words today, but still had doubts.

Even if this person fell in love with him, it would not be able to erase his guilt of conspiring against the king.

To Jin Wang, he is always a hidden danger.

Yes, it is a hidden danger, so I must not...

The person beside him suddenly moved dishonestly, turning over and arching into Jin Wang's arms.

He rubbed against Jin Wang's arms like a small animal, finally found a comfortable position, and stopped moving.

Jin Wang hugged the young man's soft body, and regained consciousness after a while.

... What was Gu Fang thinking

By the way, this person gave up the assassination today because of his love for Yu Gu, but what if one day the affection is no longer there

The relationship in this world can't last long, he should...

"Jin Wang..." The sleeping young man suddenly murmured in his dream, "Why don't you believe me..."

Jin Wang's heart trembled.

The young man huddled in his arms, complaining in a hoarse voice: "You will never believe me..."

... That's all.

Jin Wang closed his eyes and sighed in compromise: "Gu will trust you again, the last time."

"If you dare to lie to Gu again, Gu will definitely kill you."

" are not joking."