Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating

Chapter 13


Ye Shu didn't answer, but Zhang Yuan was the first to react: "No! I have nothing to do with the young master. What I did today is all my own will and has nothing to do with him!"

After hearing what he said, Jin Wang patted Ye Shu on the side: "He said it has nothing to do with you, is that so?"

Ye Shu narrowed his eyes.

"Very good..." Jin Wang said calmly, "Assassination of the monarch is punishable by death, dragged down and cut into pieces."

Ye Shu hurriedly said, "No!"

This little guard appeared in the book.

He is indeed the confidant of the original owner. This person was loyal to the original owner. When the original owner was arrested, he escaped by chance. After witnessing the original owner being executed by Ling Chi, he hid among the people and looked for opportunities to assassinate Jin Wang.

But in the end, the assassination failed and he died under the same criminal law as the original owner.

Even if he was a character in the book, Ye Shu couldn't bear to see him die before his eyes.

Not to mention dying for him.

Jin Wang asked: "Ai Qing is... pleading for this thief?"

His voice was low and deep, with obvious displeasure.

Ye Shu pursed his lips, and was about to speak, but let out a muffled groan first: "Oh!"

Jin Wang's hand finally got in from the edge of his clothes.

Ye Shu grabbed Jin Wang's wrist violently.

So many people here.

Is this dog emperor crazy

Ye Shu clenched his teeth and begged softly: "...don't."

But Jin Wang just let out a low hum, and easily broke free from Ye Shu's grip.

The emotion just now hadn't faded away, and now he was easily provoked by those hands again. Ye Shu only felt that he was so sensitive that he couldn't touch anything at the moment, no matter where he touched, he could cause a slight shudder.

But the cloak covered all movements, only the corners of Ye Shu's eyes that were gradually turning red from being bullied could see some clues.

He felt the small area behind his ear start to heat up again.

Jin Wang still whispered in his ear: "Speak up, isn't Ai Qing going to intercede for him?"

Ye Shu was speechless.

The original owner's confidant subordinates were still kneeling in front of him, surrounded by a dozen or so highly skilled imperial guards, his nervousness and shame made him even more unable to bear bullying than before.

The other party only used one hand to make him dizzy, but that person deliberately teased him, and refused to give him a good time.

It's very difficult to not go up or down.

Ye Shu really couldn't take it anymore, and begged for mercy in a low voice: "Your Majesty... please."

The word "begging" was not only for the guard, but also for himself.

Jin Wang naturally heard what he meant, but he didn't let go. Instead, he calmly said, "Not enough."

"... Ai Qing has to let Gu see her sincerity."

The imperial guards lowered their heads long before Jin Wang could speak, and the assassins were also pinned down on the ground with their heads pressed down. No one could see their movements on the horse.

The corners of Ye Shu's eyes were blushing, and he turned his head and quickly kissed Jin Wang's lips: "Is this... okay?"

Jin Wang stared at him, and said in a low voice, "It's still not enough."

dog! Emperor! emperor!

Ye Shu tried his best to maintain his rationality, and gritted his teeth: "What does Your Majesty want me to do?"

Jin Wang asked: "Aiqing's words mean that you can do whatever you want?"

In fact, as Jin Wang is the king, Ye Shu absolutely has no right to resist what he wants.

But he had to make a questioning look.

It was on purpose!

Ye Shu looked at him for a moment, and said through the gap between his teeth, "Yes..."

Jin Wang finally smiled lightly, and ordered: "Everyone back down."

This was the first assassin who assassinated the monarch without losing his life. The Imperial Army escorted the assassin out of the woods, even further away than before.

Jin Wang loosened the cloak that wrapped Ye Shu, and the rich and sweet plum fruit fragrance overflowed from the forest.

Fruit tree Xinxiang has been urged to ripeness, eagerly wrapping around Jin Wang's side, eager to be comforted.

Jin Wang stopped teasing him, and lowered his head to nibble and lick the little mole behind Ye Shu's ear, and his hand movements also began to speed up.

Ye Shu's body tensed up when the letter incense belonging to Lord Qian was injected, and then gradually relaxed.

Ye Shu recovered from his confusion, Ye Shu blinked: "... Your Majesty?"


Ye Shu was not fully awake yet, and asked in a daze, "Why should I..."

It's a bit cold down there

Ye Shu didn't finish his sentence, and was so startled by Jin Wang's next action that he almost fell off his horse: "You, you... what are you doing?!"

Jin Wang: "Gu just helped you, shouldn't you help Gu too?"

"Hey, put your legs together."

The hunting ground where they were located was not far from the palace. Two hours later, Jin Wang rode his horse and took Ye Shu back to the palace.

The latter was exhausted and fell asleep in Jin Wang's arms.

Jin Wang carried him back to the bed in the bedroom, and squeezed the other person's face with disgust: "You have become more and more lazy these days, and you only know how to sleep all day long, no wonder your body is so poor."

Ye Shu was so tired that his eyelids were twitching, and he said weakly: "Yes, your Majesty is fierce and extraordinary, and the spirit of dragon and tiger is naturally incomparable to... Incomparable."

"..." Jin Wang laughed angrily, "Sleep with you."

Ye Shu couldn't wish for it, so he quickly turned over and rolled into the inner side of the bed, and soon stopped moving.

Jin Wang carefully covered him with the quilt, got up and walked to the door, and a servant came up immediately.

Jin Wang ordered: "Bring the assassin who was captured just now to me."

The servant bowed his knees and replied, "Yes."

Warm incense was burning in the imperial study room, Jin Wang took a sip of his tea and called softly, "Chang Yuan."

The man kneeling in front of the temple shackled his body: "... yes."

"Ye Xiangxiang begged for mercy and wanted to save your life." Jin Wang's voice was cold, "Your crime was unforgivable, but since you treat Ye Xiang with sincerity and loyalty, Gu can give you a chance."

He raised his hand, and the servant presented a elixir to Chang Yuan: "This is highly poisonous, and there is no cure in the world. The only way to take it is to take the secret medicine in the lonely hand, which can delay the onset of the poison for one month each time. You take it It, I will allow you to continue to stay by Ye Xiang's side as a bodyguard."

A flash of surprise flashed in Chang Yuan's eyes, as if he didn't expect Jin Wang to give him such a choice.

Without hesitation, he took the pill and took it.

Jin Wang said: "Untie him."

The servant stepped forward to unshackle Chang Yuan's hands and feet, and Chang Yuan bowed down and knelt down: "Thank you... Thank you, Your Majesty."

Jin Wang: "You all go down first."

All the servants: "Yes."

The servant closed the door of the imperial study and left, leaving only Jin Wang and Chang Yuan in the hall.

Jin Wang played with the teacup in his hand, and asked, "I remember you were taken by Ah Shu's side seven years ago, right?"

Changyuan: "Yes."

Ye Shu, Jin Wang, and Chang Yuan are actually about the same age, Chang Yuan is the oldest among the three, and Jin Wang is the youngest.

Jin Wang said: "At that time, Gu was still the prince, and you actually helped Gu a lot when he seized the throne."

"... I dare not, the subordinates are all following the orders of the young master."

"Follow your son's orders..." Jin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, "So he wants to kill the orphan, so you help him fulfill his wish?"

Chang Yuan was stunned, and said eagerly: "Your Majesty, Young Master, he has absolutely no resentment, there must be a misunderstanding in this..."

"Your young master himself has confessed to the crime of treason, so why do you need to cover it up for him?" Jin Wang snorted coldly, and said, "Let's not pursue this matter alone, you can rest assured. You are left alone to ask another You have to tell the truth about one thing."

Changyuan: "Yes."

Jin Wang didn't rush to speak.

There was a long period of silence in the imperial study room. I don't know how long it had passed before Jin Wang slowly asked: "You have been with Ashu these past few years, do you feel that...Ashu seems to have changed a lot in recent years."

Chang Yuan was startled: "What does Your Majesty mean by that?"

Jin Wang: "You only said yes, or no."

"...Yes." Changyuan hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Young Master's temperament is very different from before, and his methods of doing things are even more... ruthless. It's like..."

Changyuan didn't dare to continue, but he heard the young emperor sitting on the dragon chair speak leisurely, and completed the rest of his words.

"It's like... a different person."