Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating

Chapter 35


Ever since Ye Shu appeared at the state banquet, the ruling and opposition parties have been discussing this matter for several days.

The imperial concubine looks exactly the same as the dead Ye Xiang, and the meaning contained in this is really subtle.

And after thinking about it carefully, the timing for His Majesty to announce his grand marriage with the imperial concubine was just before and after bestowing the death of Prime Minister Ye.

There must be no coincidence between the two.

There were different opinions, but what surprised Ye Shu even more was that no one doubted that the imperial concubine was the real Ye Xiang.

Occasionally, one or two voices were like this, and they were quickly denied by everyone.

In this regard, Jin Wang is not surprised.

He put it this way: "Which do you think they would prefer to believe, the resurrection from the dead, or the solitary deception to save the life of a traitorous official who conspired to assassinate him?"

No one can believe it.

There is no magic trick in this world, and the theory of resurrection from the dead is extremely absurd in people's eyes. As for the latter, isn't that just suspecting that His Majesty is lying, who has the guts

Of course, it is more likely that all the ministers would not believe it even if they were beaten to death. The imperial concubine who loved His Majesty at the state banquet that day was the same person as Ye Xiang, who had great power in Kyoto and had been at odds with His Majesty for many years.

If it was placed two months ago, Jin Wang himself would not have dared to believe it.

"It seems that I'm destined to be a stand-in." After listening to Jin Wang's analysis, Ye Shu sighed leisurely.

Jin Wang led him to walk in the snow, and said with a smile: "If you want to recover your identity, Gu also has a way."

For all the speculations in the court, Jin Wang let them go, neither obstructing nor explaining.

Just to wait for Ye Shu's decision.

No matter what he wants, Jinwang has a way to achieve it.

"Not yet." Ye Shu shook his head, "It's fine now."

After recovering his identity, the things the original owner did can't be explained at all, so it's better to be as relaxed as he is now.

"It's up to you." Jin Wang paused, then sighed, "I wanted all the ministers to meet the queen who is lonely in the future, but no one cares about being disturbed by someone like this."

Chang Lu was very concerned about etiquette, but that day the imperial concubine wore the emperor's attire and attended the state banquet with the emperor's etiquette, which did not arouse the slightest discussion among the ministers.

Jin Wang even suspected that they didn't pay attention to what Ye Shu was wearing that day.

The desire to show off was not satisfied, and His Majesty could not help feeling a little regretful.

Ye Shu saw what he was thinking, raised his head close to Jin Wang's ear, and said softly: "Why do you care about other people's opinions, isn't it enough for me to wear it for you to see?"

One hit hits the mark.

Jin Wang didn't know what to think of, and the roots of his ears turned red immediately.

His Majesty the Monarch is unexpectedly innocent in some places.

Ye Shu ran away after flirting, smiled happily, and continued walking.

The two walked to the gazebo, Jin Wang asked: "Are you tired, go in and have a rest?"

Ye Shu responded, and Jin Wang led him into the gazebo. The servants quickly stepped forward, laid cushions on the stone benches, hung bamboo curtains around the pavilion to shelter from the wind, and set up a charcoal basin and some refreshments.

There is also a cup of hot soup simmering with a simmer.

—It is said that it is a nourishing medicinal soup specially prepared by the imperial physician, which is beneficial to Ye Shu's body.

Jin Wang pulls Ye Shu to sit down.

Ye Shu asked: "Why does Your Majesty have time to accompany me for so long today instead of dealing with business?"

Jin Wang put a bowl of soup in front of him, and said calmly: "Gu left the matter to Honglu Temple."

Dayan came to Changlu to negotiate a truce, and the details of the terms and conditions could not be negotiated in a day or two.

Negotiating details does not require the monarch to personally participate.

As for Changlu's request, Jin Wang had negotiated with Honglu Temple long before the envoys came. Therefore, after the envoys arrived, Jin Wang became more at ease.

Ye Shu let out a "huh", stirred the spoon and did not speak again.

Jin Wang watched him closely these few days, and Ye Shu had no chance to do anything else.

—For example, go to the Huitong Building and ask Yu Yan what the original owner contacted him about, and why he came to Changlu.

It was snowing in the sky at this time, and all the wind and snow were blocked by the bamboo curtains, and the inside of the gazebo was warmed by the charcoal basin, and it didn't feel cold at all.

Ye Shu drank a few sips of soup slowly, and the voice of a servant came from outside the gazebo.

"Your Majesty and the imperial concubine are here, and idlers should not come near them."

"It turns out that it is His Majesty and the imperial concubine, Yu Yan, I have visited the garden so far, I wonder if I can come in to avoid the snow?"

Ye Shu was taken aback.

Why does this guy always hit the gun

It was hard for him to coax Jin Wang not to be angry, but it doesn't mean that this person has no grievances towards Yu Yan.

With Jin Wang's temper, it was already a great gift for him to kill people unconsciously without finding a reason.

This person still dares to disturb them when they are alone, because he thinks he died too slowly

If he continues to die like this, not to mention going back for revenge, I'm afraid Changlu will not be able to get out.

Ye Shu cursed silently in her heart.

Jin Wang's expression didn't change, he turned his head to look at Ye Shu: "Does Concubine Ai want him to come in?"

Another question of death.

Ye Shu put down the soup bowl and said seriously, "I'll listen to Your Majesty."

Jin Wang smiled lightly and asked people to let him go.

He is the envoy of Dayan and the prince of the foreign dynasty, so he can't let him outside in the snow.

This is not in line with etiquette.

The bamboo curtain was opened by the servant, and Yu Yan walked in with a black-clothed guard.

The guard was tall and tall, with light eyes, deep and handsome features, with a bit of exotic color.

Even Ye Shu couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Jin Wang cleared his throat.

Ye Shu quickly withdrew his gaze and sat upright.

Yu Yan bowed to the two of them, and said in a gentle voice: "I just visited the garden here to enjoy the scenery. I didn't expect it to snow suddenly. Didn't it bother the two of you?"

Jin Wang snorted and ignored him.

The servant closed the bamboo curtain and exited the gazebo, Yu Yan was not polite, and sat down directly opposite the two.

The atmosphere in the gazebo was momentarily stagnant.

Jin Wang seemed unaware of this, turned his head to Ye Shu and said, "Drink quickly, it will be cold in a while."

Ye Shu had a bitter face: "I can't drink anymore."

It's not that he can't drink it, it's just that there are medicinal materials in this soup, it tastes bitter after drinking, Ye Shu doesn't like it.

Jin Wang coaxed softly: "Hey, the imperial doctor said that you are in poor health, and you must drink a bowl after every meal. Eat pastry after drinking, it won't be bitter."

"But… "

"Or do you want to feed you alone?" Jin Wang moved closer and said softly, "You can use your mouth."

Yu Yan: "..."

Is he transparent? ?

Of course Ye Shu didn't dare to let Jin Wang feed him, so he gritted his teeth and finished the medicinal soup in two or three gulps.

Jin Wang poured water for him to rinse his mouth, and fed him a piece of soft sugar cake from the bowl.

Yu Yan saw that the roots of his teeth were sore.

After feeding Ye Shu two pieces of pastries, Jin Wang said leisurely, "Gu has already been evacuated."

Ye Shu: "?"

Only then did Ye Shu notice that the servants outside the gazebo had retreated several feet away, and snowflakes were flying in the sky, forming a natural barrier outside the gazebo.

Talk here and no one will hear you.

Yu Yan smiled but said, "Your Majesty thought that Your Majesty had forgotten my existence."

Jin Wang ignored him, turned his head and asked Ye Shu, "What else do you want to eat?"

"..." Yu Yan gritted his teeth, and said coldly, "This is my personal bodyguard, trustworthy."

Jin Wang responded noncommittally.

Ye Shu finally came to his senses: "You guys agreed to meet here?"

Jin Wang said: "It was Gu who sent the message for the second prince to come."

"Let's open the skylight and speak clearly." Yu Yan looked at Ye Shu and said, "You are Ye Xiang. Although you and I have never met formally, I have seen your portrait."

Ye Shu didn't answer.

In fact, from the first meeting, he felt that Yu Yan's attitude towards the original owner was very strange.

It is a felony to communicate privately with important officials from foreign courts, Yu Yan shouldn't be so undisguised, and directly show that they know each other in front of Jin Wang.

If the original owner really cooperated with him to plot against him, then this move would be even more stupid.

Yu Yan shouldn't be such a fool.


Before Ye Shu could figure out the situation, Jin Wang took the lead and said, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate for the second prince to talk to the lonely imperial concubine in front of Gu. It's better for the second prince to explain his purpose first."

Yu Yan glanced back and forth in front of the two of them, then nodded: "Alright."

He took out a secret letter from his pocket and pushed it in front of Jinwang: "This is a part of the defense map on the border of Dayan, and it is my gift to Your Majesty."

Jin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yu Yan spread his hands and said: "I am so sincere, Ye Xiang and Your Majesty should be at ease with me, right?"

Jin Wang unfolded the secret letter, glanced at it briefly, and asked, "What does the second prince mean?"

"You haven't told His Majesty what happened yet?" Yu Yan looked at Ye Shu, met his innocent eyes, and was silent for a moment, "No wonder..."

Yu Yan explained: "I have been in secret contact with Ye Xiang for several years. Three years ago, Ye Xiang sent a letter to me, asking me to hide my strength and bide my time, and wait for the opportunity."

"He told me that Dayan will send envoys to Changlu in the future. Ye Xiang promised that as long as I find a way to come to the capital in the name of an envoy and reach cooperation with His Majesty, Your Majesty will help me avenge and ascend to the throne of God."

"I just didn't expect..."

Yu Yan coughed lightly: "Unexpectedly, Ye Xiang left the prime minister and became... an imperial concubine before he got down to Changlu."

After finishing speaking, he cast a look of "I don't really understand the interest between you" to the two of them.

Yu Yan said this lightly, but Ye Shu was shocked.

The original owner contacted Yu Yan not to seek rebellion, but to persuade Yu Yan to cooperate with Jinwang.

Jin Wang may not be able to immediately understand the intention of this move, but in the future, Yu Yan will play a vital role in Jin Wang's capture of Dayan.

The time when the original owner contacted Yu Yan was a few years ago. At that time, even Jin Wang had never ascended the throne of God, and Yu Yan was still an inconspicuous prince in Dayan Palace.

Why can he count that Dayan will go to Changlu as an envoy, and why can he count that Yu Yan will definitely help Jinwang

- "A Yuan will be the emperor in the future... As a king, you have to be strong yourself in order to make the country strong."

— "A vacant minister in the middle and left is vacant, is Your Majesty willing to give it?"

— "I have to help my majesty unify the world."

What the original owner said was vivid in his memory, Ye Shu suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

He felt... the original owner seemed to be able to predict the future.

Or in other words, he learned about the future story of this world from somewhere, just like... he who has read the original book now.

But if this is the case, why did the original owner, who was paving the way for Jinwang three years ago, plan to assassinate him now

What happened in these three years

Ye Shu's thoughts were disturbed for a moment, and he couldn't make up his mind. Jin Wang and Yu Yan said something again, but he didn't listen to a single word.

Yu Yan quickly left the pavilion with the guards, only Ye Shu and Jin Wang were left in the pavilion.

Jin Wang followed his arm down, held Ye Shu's cold fingers, and asked softly, "Is this the secret you are hiding from me?"