Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating

Chapter 37


Ye Shu's consciousness gradually became chaotic, and Yu Yan's voice seemed to come from far away.

"I, I don't know what will happen." Yu Yan encountered such a situation for the first time, and said anxiously, "The doctor who prescribed me the medicine said that after Kun Jun is pregnant, you can't use any medicine to suppress Xinxiang, otherwise It may cause Xinxiang to lose control, which is not good for the body."

"It's impossible for me to be pregnant, of course I wouldn't ask such details!"

He picked up the teacup in hand, poured all the warm tea into the incense burner, and instantly extinguished the incense.

But it was too late.

The room was already filled with antipnea, and Ye Shu stayed in it for at least an hour, enough for the medicine to exert its effect.

Ye Shu was so hot that he could hardly breathe, his cheeks were burning hot, with a slight blush.

He slowly sat down at the table, arching his back, as if trying to curl himself up.

Yu Yan quickly wanted to walk towards the window, but was stopped by Ye Shu: "What are you doing?"

"Open the window for ventilation!" Yu Yan looked more anxious than him, and said, "Let the smell of sativa in the room dissipate."

Ye Shu said firmly, "No."

The faint scent of green plums began to permeate the room, and Ye Shu's voice was weak but clear: "If you open the window now, the whole Huitong building will notice my strangeness. How do you want to explain it? You are the one who concealed the identity of Mr. Kun and ruined my reputation." Or for my reputation, to expose your identity, Mr. Kun?"

The dignified concubine became like this in another man's house, even if they really didn't do anything, they couldn't tell at all.

Yu Yan also quickly figured this out, and forced himself to calm down: "Then what should we do now?"

Before Ye Shu could reply, a man's voice suddenly sounded outside the door: "Master, what happened?"

Martial arts practitioners have keen hearing, and Mu Yun stayed outside the door, noticing something different inside the house.

The door moved slightly, as if Mu Yungui wanted to push the door in.

"Don't come in!" Yu Yan looked at Ye Shu who was completely curled up on the seat, took a deep breath, and said quickly, "Go to His Majesty, and tell me that the imperial concubine suddenly fainted when she met me in the Huitong Building , please come over as soon as possible."

Mu Yungui hesitated for a moment, and replied, "Yes."

The voice outside the door disappeared, Yu Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and walked over to help Ye Shu.

"what you do… "

"Don't be nervous, I'll help you go to bed and lie down for a while." The fragrance of Kun Jun's letter in the room became stronger and stronger, and even Yu Yan was a little out of breath. He looked away and said in a low voice, "Jin Wang will be here soon, just hold on."

Ye Shu: "...OK."

Yu Yan helped Ye Shu to the bedside. Ye Shu just touched the bed, and immediately curled up his limbs.

The unspeakable heat rose from his body, making him sweat layer after layer, and his whole body was quickly fished out of the water, even the eyelashes became wet.

Ye Shu rested his head on the soft bed, clenched his teeth.

He's never been more aware of his body than he is today.

Even the last time I entered the division in the woods, it was not as difficult as it is today.

At that time, he just felt physically unbearable and wanted someone to help him. But today, he has a clearer understanding of what he needs.

he wants…

Jin Wang.

Ye Shu's body trembled slightly, and finally couldn't hold back a weeping sound: "Jin Wang..."

Royal study.

Sending off the envoy of Dayan, Jin Wang put together the documents spread out on the table, and Gao Jin presented a wooden box.

Jin Wang paused and turned his head to look over: "Is it all here?"

"Yes." Gao Jin said, "These are the secret letters of collaborating with the enemy that were found from Ye Xiang's mansion. Please check it out, Your Majesty."

Jin Wang opened the lid and took out the secret letters one by one.

He had read these secret letters carefully before, if not for this, he would not have found that person guilty.

But Jinwang was still very patient, reading one after another, taking his time.

Among these secret letters, there are not only communications from foreign enemies, but also plans and deployments that have not yet been issued. Jin Wang paused for a long time on the letters written by Ye Shu himself, while Gao Jin waited aside, not understanding the other party's intentions.

These letters have not only been read by His Majesty, but have been researched many times by the Ministry of Punishment more than two months ago. What else is there to read

There was silence in the imperial study for a while, until Jin Wang put down the letter, Gao Jin asked, "What did your Majesty see?"

"It's nothing." Jin Wang put the letter back unhurriedly, and said leisurely, "In these few letters, all actions and plans are detailed and clear, and the handwriting is also clueless, and the evidence is conclusive."

Gao Jin was at a loss: "Then you are..."

"Gu just wants to confirm one thing." He turned his head to look at Gao Jin, and asked quietly, "If it were you, under what circumstances would you keep the secret letter of communication with the enemy so completely?"

Gao Jin was so frightened that he fell to his knees: "The servant is terrified!"

"Why are you nervous, get up." Jin Wang said, "Just say what you want, I'm sorry for your innocence."

Gao Jin got up in trepidation, and thought for a moment: "This servant is bold, but this servant also knows that evidence needs to be destroyed. This servant really can't think of why Ye Xiang would do this."

"Yeah, why did he do this..."

Jin Wang put the last letter back into the wooden box and gently closed it: "As soon as these letters came out, almost all the evidence of his collaboration with the enemy was listed one by one, which can be described as seamless. No matter who the evidence falls into , are enough to condemn him to death."

"It might make sense to put it on someone else, but Gu went in and out with him back then, and he was able to secretly communicate with Prince Dayan for several years. Why is he so careless in conspiring with Xixia now?"

"There is only one explanation."

Jin Wang looked towards the sky, and didn't continue talking.

He used to think that people's hearts are changeable, and the man's step-by-step transformation in the past three years made him feel that it was not surprising that they finally reached that step.

But recently he discovered that Ye Shu hadn't changed at all.

He wasn't sure two months ago, but now he is sure that Ye Shu couldn't possibly kill him.

"Go back to the palace." After a while, Jin Wang stood up, "I asked him alone."

The negotiation with Dayan has ended, and the envoy will leave Beijing in two days.

He wants to clarify the truth with his little concubine, and then ask what happened in the past three years.

Jin Wang left the imperial study room, at this moment, a servant walked quickly: "Your Majesty, the Huitong Building sent someone to report that the imperial concubine fainted in the Huitong Building!"

Time passed bit by bit, as if being stretched out for a long time while waiting. Ye Shu's consciousness was drowsy, and the intensified heat in his body almost swallowed all his reason.

Yu Yan anxiously paced outside.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the door, followed by the guard's voice: "Your Majesty is here!"

Yu Yan's eyes lit up, and he walked quickly to the door. He was about to open the door, but after a second thought, he forcefully pushed back the door panel that had just opened a gap, and held it firmly.

Jin Wang who was about to push the door: "..."

His Majesty was turned away for the first time, and immediately became angry, and his voice was extremely cold: "Open the door."

Yu Yan's voice came from behind the door: "Your Majesty, please step back and come in alone."

Jin Wang gritted his teeth: "Yu, Yan!"

Yu Yan insisted: "Your Majesty, please step back!"

Jin Wang closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and ordered: "Everyone get out."

The entourages who followed behind retreated one after another, Jin Wang said: "There is only one person outside the door, open the door quickly, Ah Shu, he-"

The door of the room opened suddenly, and the aroma of green plums that was so strong that it could hardly be melted rushed over.

Jin Wang's breathing suddenly stopped.

Yu Yan pulled him in and closed the door again.

The original smell of incense could no longer be smelled in the house, and the strong fragrance of Kun Junxin permeated the whole room.

Jin Wang breathed heavily for a moment, walked towards the place where the smell was strongest, bypassed the screen in the inner room, and saw the situation inside the room clearly.

Ye Shu was lying on the bed, his limbs curled up tightly, and his whole body was trembling finely.

His temple hair was already completely wet, his clothes were disheveled, and the exposed skin around his neck was covered with an ambiguous blush.

Jin Wang narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Yu Yan.

Yu Yan immediately said: "I have never touched him!"

"I can see it alone." Jin Wang strode forward with his face sinking like water.

As if sensing the familiar breath, Ye Shu's body moved impatiently, his wet eyelashes trembled slightly, and he struggled to open his eyes.

But he couldn't see anything clearly, and in his blurred vision, he could vaguely see a familiar silhouette walking towards him.

Ye Shu instinctively stretched out his hand, and the next second, he was hugged into a familiar embrace.

"Hmm!" The sensitive ear was suddenly touched by someone, and the unbearable tingling and itching mixed together made Ye Shu couldn't help moaning.

After a long kiss, Mr. Qian's letter was slowly injected, and the burning sensation like a flame in the body gradually subsided.

Jin Wang pushed aside his temple hair, and kissed Ye Shu's reddened eyes comfortingly: "Do you feel better?"

"Jin...Jin Wang..." Ye Shu regained consciousness, her voice was low and hoarse, and she began to cry, and asked aggrievedly, "Why did you come here..."

Jin Wang said coldly, "Who told you to run around?"

Jin Wang is still in shock.

God knows how anxious he was when he heard that Ye Shu had fainted. The fetus in his womb was nothing to worry about. What if something happened to this man...

Jin Wang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He looked up at Yu Yan who was standing behind the screen, and asked coldly: "What's going on, can the second prince explain it?"

As Lord Qian, Jin Wang naturally could see that the person in front of him was also Lord Kun.

Otherwise, based on the strong fragrance of Kun Junxin in the house, this person should have lost all reason.

Yu Yan looked at the two people in the inner room, hesitated for a moment, and still told the truth about Yixixiang.

"I really didn't know that Ye Shu was pregnant, and he didn't tell me in advance, otherwise I would never light incense in the house—"

Yu Yan was still explaining, while Jin Wang was listening, he took off his outer robe, wrapped the person in his arms tightly, and hugged him horizontally.

Jin Wang also ignored Yu Yan, and strode out of the room with his arms in his arms.

The door slammed shut in front of his eyes, Yu Yan said angrily, "Why are you—"

He paused, and suddenly frowned.

He seems to be... a little hot too

Mu Yungui's voice came from outside the door: "Master, your subordinates saw His Majesty taking the imperial concubine away, are you alright?"

When Yu Yan opened his mouth, his breath was a little unstable: "No, it's nothing, you are not allowed to come in!"

He walked quickly to the table, raised the teacup and took a sip of the already cold tea, his fingers trembling slightly.

… No way.

Jin Wang carried Ye Shu back to the bedroom.

In just this moment, Ye Shu's body became hot again. Jin Wang put him on the bed and was about to get up when the latter immediately wrapped his hands and feet around him.

Ye Shu tightly grasped Jin Wang's sleeve, and said in a terribly aggrieved voice, "Don't go..."

"Don't go alone, don't—" Jin Wang stopped breathing, and said sharply, "Ye Shu, where are you touching, let go of your hand!"

"I'm uncomfortable… "

Ye Shu couldn't hear what Jin Wang was saying early on, a certain desire in his body gradually gained the upper hand, he followed his instinct and moved towards the person next to him, wishing to get closer, closer...

Jin Wang tried his best to hold him down, and almost lost his mind in the unrestrained Kunjun Xinxiang.

"Ashu, don't be like this..." He gently comforted, "You are not right, Gu has already summoned the imperial physician, and when the imperial physician arrives..."

"What are you waiting for?" Unsatisfied, Ye Shu yelled at him angrily, "It's because of this son of a bitch in my stomach, believe it or not, I don't want him anymore!"

Jin Wang was stunned.

Ye Shu seemed to have been greatly wronged, tears streaming down his face: "It was you who made me like this, and you still left me alone... Emperor Dog..."

It took Jin Wang a while to recover his voice, and hurriedly hugged him into his arms: "You... when did you know..."

Ye Shu just cursed and didn't answer.

After a while, the imperial doctor arrived.

Jin Wang pulled the quilt over, put down the gauze curtain, covered Ye Shuyan tightly, and stretched out a hand for the imperial physician to feel his pulse.

Ye Shu couldn't lie down and moved restlessly.

Physician Feng quickly finished his pulse diagnosis, and Jin Wang told about Yi Xixiang again.

"Young Master's situation is indeed caused by Yishixiang." Feng Taiyi said, "Kunjun has a great desire after pregnancy, and needs Qianjun to appease and neutralize it. If you use the medicine that suppresses Xinxiang to suppress the instinct, not only cannot be controlled, but will cause So it led to an intensified counterattack."

"...Young Master has taken Yixi Pill before, which has already damaged your body and caused Xinxiang to lose control. Today, I accidentally came into contact with Yixixiang, I'm afraid..."

Physician Feng spoke slowly, Jin Wang interrupted him impatiently: "What will happen?"

"During Kun Jun's pregnancy, there was no rain and dew, but now Xinxiang is abnormally stimulated and cannot be suppressed. If this continues, Kun Jun may be forced to enter the rain and dew period."

Jin Wang lowered his head, the person in his arms frowned, and the sweet and greasy fragrance, if it had any substance, clamored beside Jin Wang, looking forward to Qian Jun's comfort.

It is indeed similar to the rain and dew period of Jun Kun in the book.

Ye Shu can't take suppressive drugs, and once he enters the rain and dew period, there is no way to solve it except to have sex with Mr. Qian.

Jin Wang felt that his rationality was almost exhausted, he took a deep breath, and tried to calm his tone: "But he is less than three months pregnant, can Gu touch him now?"

Jin Wang's question was straightforward, Imperial Physician Feng coughed lightly, and explained: "I have just been diagnosed and treated, and the fetus in the son's womb is basically stable, but... you can have sex properly."

Jin Wang's eyes dimmed slightly.

However, he was not in a hurry, but asked the imperial physician about the precautions in detail, from beginning to end, every detail. Imperial Physician Feng answered them one by one, and at the end he blushed all the questions before he was allowed to leave.

The servant had already left the dormitory, leaving only Jin Wang and Ye Shu in the huge hall.

Jin Wang lifted the quilt and leaned over to press it.

"Do you remember what the imperial physician said just now?" Jin Wang stared at the person in his arms, his voice was surprisingly hoarse.

Ye Shu's eyes were full of mist, and he didn't know whether it was nervousness or anticipation: "I... I don't know..."


Jin Wang sighed, and gently peeled off Ye Shu's messy clothes.

"Gu remembers." Jin Wang said, "Gu teaches you."