Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating

Chapter 43


Hearing Xiao Huan's words, Ye Shu's first reaction was that this person was sent by Jinwang to test him, right

No wonder he was suspicious, although Jin Wang didn't treat him that way again recently, but this man had done a lot of tricks before, and Ye Shu had to act cautiously.

Thinking of this, Ye Shu looked at the boy in front of him again.

Due to the influence of his physique, Kun Jun will have a somewhat weak temperament, but the young man in front of him is not like this. Xiao Huan was born in a family of martial arts, he practiced martial arts since he was a child, his facial features are handsome and heroic, coupled with his righteous and dignified expression, his integrity is beyond doubt.

If this is all faked, then this person's acting skills may have reached the point of perfection.

But Ye Shu still didn't dare to believe it. He thought for a moment and said, "It's probably inappropriate for Mr. Xiao to call His Majesty that way."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Huan snorted coldly, "If it wasn't for my father's help back then, wouldn't it be his turn to take the throne? It would be good for him to be promoted. Now that the throne is secure, he will start to clean up the old department. Brother Ye Shu is like that Killed by him?"

Ye Shu's eyes twitched, and he heard what Xiao Huan meant: "You mean... Ye Xiang died unjustly?"

"Could it be possible?" Xiao Huan was even more annoyed when the name was mentioned, "Brother Ye Shu treated him so well, there is no way he would betray him. Birds are all hidden, rabbits are dead and dogs are cooked, that dog emperor deserves to be here today."

Ye Shu became more and more confused when he heard it, and asked, "But the dog... cough, isn't Your Majesty doing well now?"

Xiao Huan looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to lie to you." Xiao Huan softened his voice and said seriously, "I know that since the death of brother Ye Shu, the dog emperor has found you who look exactly like brother Ye Shu, and stayed in the There are all kinds of torture around you. It's no wonder you are so afraid of him when he treats you like that."

Ye Shu: "..."

Has his personality in the eyes of outsiders become like this? ?

Ye Shu pressed his eyebrows: "Young Master Xiao, you seem to have misunderstood. His Majesty treated me very well and did not... torture me."

Xiao Huan fell silent.

He stared into Ye Shu's eyes, and sighed softly after a while: "He insulted you like that, yet you still speak for him, you are so kind."

Ye Shu: "..."

"You and elder brother Ye Shu look so similar, it is also a fate in the dark." Xiao Huan stepped forward and said softly, "Come with me, go back to the southern fiefdom. The dog emperor wants to give my father some face, Even if he finds out your whereabouts, he won't dare to ask for someone easily."

"...No one will hurt you in the future."

The young man looked so sincere that it was almost unbearable to refuse.

Leaving here was originally what Ye Shu wished for. He doesn't belong here at all, and if he stays with the tyrant, he always has to worry about his life. If Xiao Huan could have come a few months earlier, Ye Shu would not have hesitated.

But now...

He stroked his upper abdomen with his hand hidden in the fox fur, and his eyes closed slightly.

He... doesn't seem to want to leave as much as before.

"Are you still worried about me?" Xiao Huan said, "Well, I'll give you a few days to think about it."

"The end of the year is approaching, and ten days later will be New Year's Eve. Your Majesty will hold a banquet in the palace to entertain the ministers. At three o'clock, I will wait under the tree in front of Chongde Gate. If the imperial concubine has figured it out, I will come Find me."

Xiao Huan persuaded: "I have a good heart, and I hope that the imperial concubine will think about it. The dog emperor regards you as a substitute, not to mention that he treats you like this now, even if one day, he really treats you well, how can you be sure that he is for the sake of you?" You, or for the person in his heart?"

Ye Shu was taken aback.

The dark alley where the two lived was dimly lit, and even the moonlight was blocked by the high palace walls, so Xiao Huan didn't notice that Ye Shu's face suddenly turned a little pale.

Xiao Huan leaned against the palace wall, his eyes darkened slightly: "You don't know, I've been regretting these days. If I had known today, I should have insisted on taking Brother Ye Shu away. Kyoto is a place that eats people and doesn't spit out their bones. I shouldn't let him stay with this dog emperor."

"Anyway, think about it carefully."

He patted Ye Shu on the shoulder, turned around and walked into the dark alley, and quickly disappeared.

Ye Shu went back to the bedroom alone.

As the night darkened, the lights in the empty hall gradually dimmed. Ye Shu lay face up on the couch, dazed.

What Xiao Huan said was unintentional, but what he said before leaving still echoed in Ye Shu's mind.

—"Even if one day he really treats you well, how can you be sure whether he is for you or for the person in his heart?"

Ye Shu has always understood that Jin Wang treats him well because of the original owner.

In order to survive, he even intentionally took advantage of Jin Wang's feelings for the original owner.

At that time, life was at stake, and he couldn't allow him to think too much.

But now

Now he is no longer in danger of his life, but he is still taking advantage of this.

Some lies are easy to tell, but much harder to take back than imagined.

This is what Jin Wang once said to him, and why is he not like this.

Ye Shu turned over and buried her face in the pillow.

It's all because Jin Wang treated him so well these days, so good that he almost forgot his identity, so good that he almost felt... the liking that Jin Wang said was to him.

The palace lanterns were completely extinguished, and the moonlight replaced the candlelight, making the hall even cooler.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a soft creaking sound from the window.

Ye Shu opened his eyes.

It was windy at night, probably because I forgot to close the windows.

Ye Shu is not used to being served by others, and Yongshou Palace never keeps anyone at night, and he usually does these things himself.

He sighed and slowly got up from the bed.

— Then meet a pair of bright eyes in the darkness.

"!" Just as Ye Shu was about to exclaim, someone covered his mouth forcefully.

The visitor wrapped his arms around his waist, pressed his other hand tightly on his lips, and lowered his voice: "Don't shout, it's me."

With the moonlight, Ye Shu saw the face in front of him clearly.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Jinwang.

Ye Shu: "..."

Seeing Ye Shu calm down, Jin Wang let him go.

Both of them were a little embarrassed.

Ye Shu suddenly had a headache and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I..." Jin Wang looked a little uncomfortable, coughed lightly, and pretended to be serious, "I'll come and see you, can't I?"

Ye Shu was suspicious: "Don't leave the door without notification, and climb the window in the middle of the night? Also, what are you wearing, night clothes?"

Jin Wang stared at the small piece of moonlight under his feet, but did not answer.

Ye Shu vaguely noticed something and couldn't believe it: "These days, you come to my bedroom like this every night?"

Jin Wang said vaguely, "...not every day."

Ye Shu: "..."

He knew that a dog can't change eating shit, and a dog emperor can't change the show operation.

Could this man be a human being one day? ?

Seeing Ye Shu's sullen expression, Jin Wang explained: "Gu didn't do anything to you, just sleep with his arms around you for a few hours, and leave before dawn. In the past at this time, you have already fallen asleep, who knows that today you Didn't sleep at all...”

"Wait, it's so late, why are you still awake?"

"I... I can't sleep." Remembering what he was thinking just now, Ye Shu's expression softened a little, and he turned and walked to the bed.

Jin Wang hurriedly followed and helped the man to lie down: "Why can't you sleep again? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No..." Ye Shu whispered.

Jin Wang looked down at him, a smile appeared in his eyes: "Thinking about what Gu told you today?"

Ye Shu didn't answer.

Jin Wang pulled the quilt to wrap him up, and said in a gentle voice, "If it's this matter, you don't have to worry too much about it. I've said it before, and I'll give you time, so you don't need to think it over right away."

Ye Shu responded vaguely.

Jin Wang helped him tuck the quilt, but he didn't leave, and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him quietly.

Ye Shu raised his eyes to meet him.

Jin Wang looked innocent.

Ye Shu sighed and moved to the side: "Come up."

This may be the first tyrant in all ages who depends on the face of his concubine to go to bed.

Ye Shu couldn't help but reflect on when this man became like this. But the person concerned didn't seem to think there was any problem with this, he happily took off his night clothes, climbed onto the bed, and hugged Ye Shu into his arms.

A series of movements are proficient and light, and I don't know how many times I have tried them.

Ye Shu once again doubted the authenticity of his statement "not every day".

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and in the familiar embrace, Ye Shu finally gradually felt sleepy.

Jin Wang suddenly said, "Ashu, did Gu break the agreement and made you angry?"

Ye Shu opened his eyes, and said in a weak voice, "Actually... not very angry."

This person sneaked into his room while he was asleep. He should have been angry, but for some reason, he just couldn't get angry.

Thinking of the majestic king of a country, for half a month, every night in the dead of night, he disguised himself and came here to avoid the eyes and ears, just to sleep with him for a few hours, and had to leave before dawn.

Ye Shu didn't feel angry at all.

Jin Wang stroked his hair lightly, and said with a sigh: "Gu is just very worried."

Ye Shu's eyes moved slightly.

"I'm always worried that when I wake up, you will disappear again. As long as you are not in front of me for a moment, I will worry for a moment." Jin Wang said, "It's not that I don't trust you, but... I can't help but think so."

Ye Shu said: "The Imperial City is so strictly guarded, where does Your Majesty think I can go?"

"No matter how strict the guards in the imperial city are, they can't keep people's hearts in check." Jin Wang laughed lightly and shook his head, "Stop talking about that, go to sleep, and stay with you alone."

Ye Shu responded and buried her head in Jin Wang's arms. But this time, he no longer felt sleepy.

After a while, Ye Shu called out, "Jin Wang."


"If one day you find out that I lied to you, what will you do?" Ye Shu lowered his eyes, "Will you... kill me?"

Jin Wang fell silent.

He raised Ye Shu's head and looked into those eyes seriously: "I lied to you before, do you want to kill me?"

Ye Shu shook his head: "I don't want to."

"That's right."

Ye Shu tentatively asked, "But what if I lied to you seriously?"

Jin Wang's palm fell on his lower abdomen, and he tapped lightly with his fingertips: "Is it more serious than this?"

Ye Shu said without hesitation, "Of course."

"If that's the case..." Jin Wang pondered for a moment, then said, "That can't be killed."

He smirked, leaned closer, and whispered in Ye Shu's ear: "Guyao will lock you on the bed like before, and bully you day and night, making you unable to get out of bed again."

"You haven't really experienced Gu's method, I guarantee that you only have to try it once, and you will never dare to disagree."

Ye Shu shivered violently.

Jin Wang patted the back of his head lightly: "Okay, stop thinking about it, go to sleep."

"But—" Ye Shu was still worried, turned over and sat up, and was about to speak, when his whole body froze suddenly.

Jin Wang also sat up and asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

Ye Shu lowered his head to look at his abdomen, his voice was trembling: "He he he he he - he seemed to... moved a little while ago?"

The author has something to say: The cub who is crazy about the sense of presence: what to talk about if you don’t sleep at night, it’s annoying, I’ll kick you╭(╯╰)╮