Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating

Chapter 48


If you want to find a place that is very important to the original owner and has left a deep memory, it should not be the prime minister's mansion, but... the cold palace.

From the acquaintance of the original owner and Jin Wang to the enthronement of Jin Wang, there were ten years in between.

When Jin Wang was young, his mother and concubine were once favored for a while. However, the emperor was ruthless, and Jin Wang's mother and concubine soon fell out of favor because of being framed, and was relegated to the cold palace until she died of a serious illness.

Only the original owner and Jin Wang were left alone.

They lived in the Lenggong for five full years, and planned to wait for five years before finally finding a chance to restore their status as Prince Jinwang and leave the Lenggong.

"Why have you been restless since just now, what are you thinking?" Jin Wang asked Ye Shu gently on the path in the backyard of Ye Mansion while leading Ye Shu.

Ye Shu came back to his senses, raised his head and met Jin Wang's handsome eyes.

He opened his mouth, but suddenly stopped.

At that moment, he actually didn't want to tell Jin Wang his conclusion.

It was a feeling similar to being close to home. He was the one who proposed to investigate the truth here, and he was also the one who was afraid of finding out the truth.

Jin Wang also stopped in his tracks, and raised his hand to brush the loose hair from his sideburns behind his ears: "Is it because I didn't find any clues, and I'm in a bad mood?"

Ye Shu closed his eyes: "I..."

"Take your time, don't be impatient." Jin Wang said, "Didn't Gu say that you don't need to give Gu an answer so quickly."

He led Ye Shu to continue walking.

Jin Wang said: "I plan to find a chance to renovate this place after a while."


"Always give you a home outside the palace." Jin Wang smiled, "In case loneliness makes you unhappy one day, it's better to come here than to run around."

Ye Shu's heart moved, he turned his head and said: "That's not necessarily true, I can still go to Xiao Changyuan, I heard that his shop has opened, and the business is pretty good."

Jin Wang frowned slightly.

Ye Shu still wanted to move forward, but Jin Wang clamped his wrist and pulled him into his arms lightly.

"Is Gu being too kind to you recently?" Jin Wang half pushed Ye Shu under a tree by the side of the road, narrowed his eyes like a threat, and said, "Dare to say goodbye to Mr. Gan in front of Gu, don't you have the courage? Small."

Ye Shu has been used to being more bold by Jin Wang these days, and he is not afraid of him: "Yes, I can still go to Huainan to find Xiao Huan, go to Dayan to find Yu Yan, go to um—"

Jin Wang kissed that lawless mouth.

After a while, he backed away a little, and bit Ye Shu's lower lip: "Where else do you want to go?"

Ye Shu's lips were red, and he said in pain, "Are you a dog?"

"I've been scolded so many times by you, why don't you honor it once?" Jin Wang licked Ye Shu's lips angrily, "You are not allowed to go anywhere."

"Where else can I go?" Ye Shu couldn't help laughing, "Is there anywhere in the capital that you can't find out? As for leaving the capital, I can't even hold on to the carriage for an hour with this brat around. To those places?"

Looking into Ye Shu's eyes, Jin Wang nodded, "Yes, I understand."

"Then you still—"

"I just want to hear you say it again." A sly smile flashed in Jin Wang's eyes, "I said you can only stay by my side."

"..." Ye Shu looked away, "Childish."

Jin Wang was surprised: "The ears are red?"


Jin Wang was serious: "The face is also red."

"Jin Wang!"


He burst out laughing.

Ye Shu was really embarrassed this time, as soon as he pushed Jin Wang away, he wanted to leave.

Jin Wang smiled and pulled him: "Hey, wait—"

The voice stopped abruptly.

There was the sound of sharp blades piercing through the air.

Jin Wang quickly hugged Ye Shu and turned around, a short arrow pierced through the snow-covered branches, passed close to the two of them, and sank deep into the tree trunk.

There are assassins.

"Are you okay?" The courtyard was silent, the assassin was hiding in the dark, but Jin Wang immediately looked down at Ye Shu, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Ye Shu turned pale and nodded.

Lord Changlu naturally wouldn't go out alone, but the assassins obviously came prepared. Countless short arrows were shot towards the two of them, and several personal guards jumped down from nowhere and blocked the short arrows one by one.

A guard knelt down: "Your Majesty, there are many assassins coming, please enter the house for shelter."

Jin Wang: "Okay."

Several guards escorted the two to quickly retreat towards the nearest house.

The rain of arrows in front of them didn't stop, so no one saw it. In the dark of the treetops on the side of the house, an arrow glowing with cold light was quietly aimed at their direction.

In front of the arrow was Ye Shu's defenseless vest.

Just before the two of them entered the door, a short arrow shot through the air!

The next moment, Jin Wang stood sideways to block behind Ye Shu.

Blood spattered out and fell on Ye Shu's snow-white fox fur.

"His Majesty!"

Footsteps and shouts all around became chaotic, the assassin who shot the arrow was quickly captured, and more people gathered around, hugging Jin Wang and walking into the house. But Jin Wang's hand was still holding Ye Shu tightly, Ye Shu staggered, and was also helped into the house.

This is a small firewood house located in the backyard. Everything inside has been removed, and there is not even a place to sit.

Jin Wang sat on the ground, the blood-stained arrow pierced his shoulder blade, and the blood pooled on the ground in front of him.

All the guards around the monarch were well-trained, and they quickly tapped acupoints for him to stop the bleeding. Jin Wang just turned his head, raised the hand that was always holding Ye Shu, and covered his eyes: "Don't look."

He was dizzy with blood, and it would be uncomfortable to see him again.

But Ye Shu took his hand and held it tightly.

Ye Shu's hands were colder than Jin Wang's.

He suddenly remembered that this accident was also mentioned in the book.

At the beginning of the new year, a collaborating party in the DPRK finally couldn't hold back and sent assassins to assassinate the monarch.

But in the book, Jin Wang was not injured at all.

It's all his fault.

If it wasn't for him being timid and thinking wildly, he insisted on coming here to find the so-called truth. If he didn't know martial arts, he would only be a hindrance.

If it wasn't for protecting him...

"Don't cry." Jin Wang held his hand behind his back, "I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me."

His comfort was not half convincing, his arrow wound was so close to the vital point, the guards didn't even dare to pull out the arrow for him easily. If it wasn't for Jin Wang's background in martial arts, he might have passed out long ago.

If it is more biased...

"...Why are you crying more and more, little crying bag." Jin Wang's face turned pale due to excessive blood loss, and he raised his still movable hand to wipe Ye Shu's tears.

The fight outside the house was not over yet, and many people surrounded the house. Ye Shu tilted his head and wiped his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Jin Wang paused, then changed his words, "Actually, a little bit."


His complexion was getting worse and worse, and he forced a smile at Ye Shu: "You kiss me, and I won't hurt anymore."

Ye Shu laughed through tears: "You..."

Jin Wang touched the wound while speaking, and took a painful breath.

He only felt that his physical strength was being exhausted faster and faster, and his body was getting colder and colder. Jin Wang leaned against the wall and slowly closed his eyes.

Suddenly, a soft and cold touch fell on his lips.

Ye Shu kissed her.

Jin Wang closed his eyes slightly, smiled lightly, pressed the back of Ye Shu's head, and deepened the kiss.

With the bitterness of tears and the faint smell of blood, this kiss was short but deep, and soon, Jin Wang's hand fell down weakly.

But Ye Shu still didn't let go.

He pressed against Jin Wang's lips, kissed and licked gently and slowly.

Even though Jin Wang's physical strength has been exhausted to the limit, his consciousness has become drowsy and it is difficult to respond.

But Ye Shu knew it, and Jin Wang could feel it.

This change came and went quickly. All the assassins outside the house were quickly apprehended, but Jin Wang had to be sent back to the palace for treatment immediately because of his injuries.

The guard helped Jin Wang onto the carriage, and Ye Shu carefully let him lean on his shoulder.

He was about to order to set off when a guard asked under the car: "My lord, what should we do with the captured assassin

Ye Shu's thoughts were all on Jin Wang, and he said casually, "Put him in prison first, and interrogate him after His Majesty recovers."

Konoe looked a little hesitant.

Ye Shu: "What?"

"These people just... called themselves just now," Konoe paused, and said truthfully, "Called to be Ye Xiangyu's party."


Ye Shu subconsciously turned his head to look at the people around him.

Jin Wang's lips were pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and he didn't know if he heard it.

Left Prime Minister Ye Shu's henchmen were wiped out as early as when he was investigating his treason case.

I want to use him as a shield.

Or does the original owner really have remnants

Ye Shu lowered his head and asked softly, "Do you still believe me?"

Jinwang didn't answer.

After a while, he raised his hand, took out a token from his pocket, and handed it to Ye Shu.

Jin Wang's body temperature still remained on the token, and the white jade surface was stained with blood, which looked quite shocking.

Ye Shu clenched the token tightly, smiled lightly, and tilted his head to give orders.

"Bring him back, and I'll interrogate myself."