Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating

Chapter 5


Perhaps it was because he had been frightened too much all day, or maybe he had just woken up, Ye Shu's mind went blank, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence with a smile: " count quite clearly."

Jin Wang: "..."

Ye Shu: "..."

What nonsense is he talking about!

Jin Wang was narrow-minded. When he first came to the throne, the government was unstable. Some courtiers said behind their backs that the king didn't know people clearly, so Jin Wang cut out his tongue and fed it to the dogs in public.

He cursed so many words...

Ye Shu felt numb at the base of his tongue, as if he was about to cry: "... I'm sorry."

Jin Wang laughed.

He gently slid his fingertips across Ye Shu's side face, and squeezed it playfully: "It is indeed worthy of punishment."

"What are you going to punish..." He straightened up and said slowly, "It happened that when Gu was dealing with government affairs, there were a few hesitations. May Ye Xiang give you some advice?"

Ye Shu didn't know what kind of tricks he was playing, so he replied hesitantly: "I...don't dare."

"Why don't you dare?" Jin Wang raised his eyebrows, "After Gu ascended the throne, didn't he always discuss government affairs with Ye Xiang? When he was busy, Ye Xiang even reviewed the papers on his behalf. Why don't you dare now?"

Ye Shu was taken aback.

The original owner does not have many roles in the book, except for being executed by Jin Wang Lingchi at the beginning, most of them are the plots of being dependent on Jin Wang in memories.

He never knew that Jin Wang trusted the original owner to such an extent.

No wonder Jin Wang was so angry when he learned of his betrayal.

Ye Shu stared at Jin Wang's side face, feeling some other emotions faintly in his heart.

Rather than saying that he was angry, it would be better to say that he was sad.

He's actually... really sad.

Jin Wang didn't know what he was thinking, got up and walked to the table, beckoning to Ye Shu: "Come here."

Ye Shu walked over.

There was only one chair next to the desk in the bedroom, Jin Wang sat on the chair, and Ye Shu naturally stood beside him.

"How can you see it when you stand there?" Jin Wang leaned back in the chair leisurely, lowered his jaw slightly, "Come and sit."

Ye Shu: "..."

where to sit on his leg

Ye Shu gritted his teeth: "It's okay, I'll just stand."

Jin Wang calmly said, "Ye Xiang wants to resist the order?"


Fortunately, he had sympathized with him for a while just now, this man is really sick!

Ye Shu was so angry that his ears turned red, but he didn't dare to disobey, and sat stiffly on Jin Wang's lap.

Jin Wang circled his arms and hugged him tightly.

Ye Shu's body became stiffer, and Jin Wang smiled lowly: "Last night he wrapped Gu so tightly, but today he refuses, Ye Xiang's temperament... really makes Gu elusive."

Who is elusive? !

The position was very close, Ye Shu pressed his back against the opponent's chest, and felt the breath of the opponent sprayed on the back of his neck, which made the skin burn hot.

But... not uncomfortable.

On the contrary, the body seems to like this feeling very much, wishing to get closer and hold it tighter.

Ye Shu was made uncomfortable by this feeling, his teeth trembled, and he almost bit his tongue: "Didn't Your Majesty want to discuss government affairs?"

"Yes." Jin Wang tightly wrapped his arms around him, and took the two letters on the table with the other hand, "Gu Fang just drew up two edicts, Ye Xiang helped Gu to read, is there anything wrong?"

Ye Shu couldn't wait to finish the business as soon as possible, so he quickly took it over and looked through it.

The characters in this world are close to seal characters, but Ye Shu has no difficulty in reading them.

He quickly finished reading the first imperial edict, but he was a little surprised: "Your Majesty wants to accept a concubine?"

Jin Wang nodded: "Yes."

The ancients got married early, and for ordinary people at Jinwang's age, children might have already been born. What's more, Jin Wang was born in the royal family, even if he didn't have three thousand beauties in the harem, he should have three wives and four concubines.

But since Jin Wang ascended the throne, there is not a single concubine in the harem.

Moreover, it was said that Jin Wang was extremely disgusted that someone brought up this matter in front of him. From the time he ascended the throne to the present, the courtiers who dared to persuade him to accept his concubine did not end well.

Why do you suddenly want to concubine now

And... what is there to discuss with him

Ye Shu couldn't figure out what Jin Wang was thinking, so he didn't dare to strike up a conversation easily.

Jin Wang didn't rush, and slowly rubbed his palms on his waist.

Ye Shu only wore a thin underwear, under which the waist was tight and smooth, and it felt very good. The body in his arms was tense due to tension, and trembled when touched, Jin Wang had a great time playing.

Ye Shu couldn't stand him like this, so he bite the bullet and said: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty's move is for the inheritance of the royal family, and it is also for the successors of the country. I... I have nothing to say."

"Wrong." Jin Wang approached his ear with a smile in his voice, "It's not for the blood, nor for the country."

That means someone is in your heart.

A trace of unreasonable displeasure flashed in Ye Shu's heart.

Before he could ask further, Jin Wang pointed to another imperial edict on the table: "Look at this again."

Ye Shu opened the edict.

This is a... execution order.

The left minister, Ye Shu, murdered the king and conspired against him, the evidence is conclusive, he was executed in accordance with the law and executed immediately.

Ye Shu shook his hand, and the imperial edict fell onto the table with a thud.

Jin Wang covered his cold fingers: "What's wrong?"

Ye Shu curled his fingertips and asked in a low voice, "Is Your Majesty going to kill me?"

"What do you think?"

"I think..." Ye Shu's eyelashes trembled slightly, "Your Majesty doesn't want to kill me."

Jin Wang was noncommittal, Ye Shu pursed his lips, and continued: "Your Majesty is the king of a country, and life and death are just a matter of thought. What does Your Majesty want to do, you won't go around so many circles."

Really want to kill him, Jinwang has countless opportunities today.

Showing this execution order in front of him clearly meant to negotiate terms.

Ye Shu lowered his eyes and tried his best to be natural: "How can Your Majesty save the lives of the ministers?"

The original owner was directly ordered to be executed in the book, and he had never encountered this before.

Although I don't know why the plot is different, but Jin Wang is willing to keep him, mostly because he is still useful.

In an instant, Ye Shu had already listed in Ye Shu's mind all the people inside and outside the court who had turned their backs and intended to seek rebellion.

If it is not enough, he can even tell about the military situation and battle strategy of Dayan and Xixia.

Use top-secret information to protect your own life, that's what is written in plotting articles.

But Jin Wang just said leisurely: "I have already told you the conditions."

Ye Shu was stunned: "... huh?"

Jin Wang explained: "Gu was assassinated while hunting in Qiuwei. This matter must be settled. Prime Minister Zuo is suspected of being seriously involved in the assassination case and should be severely punished. Prime Minister Zuo can't stay, but you... Gu is willing to let you live."

"But if you want to live, you can no longer be the prime minister, and you can no longer show others as Ye Shu."

"If you are willing to change your identity..." Jin Wang drawled his tone and tapped on the imperial edict to accept the concubine.

Ye Shu's eyes followed Jin Wang's fingers, and instantly understood Jin Wang's intentions.

"You want to accept me as a concubine?!"

Jin Wang smiled: "Not bad."

Ye Shu: "..."

Did this person take the wrong medicine

Jin Wang asked, "Is Aiqing unwilling?"

"It's not a matter of willingness or not..." Ye Shu couldn't believe it, his expression was a little dazed, "...why is this?"

Jin Wang calmly said, "There is no one in the harem, so it's not an option in the long run. Gu needs someone to fill in the harem and block the mouth of the world."

Ye Shu gave him a "you continue to make up" look.

"Of course, there is another explanation." Jin Wang smiled, and rubbed his palm viciously on Ye Shu's waist, "Maybe it's because...Ye Xiang's body is so good that he can't bear to kill him."

Goosebumps suddenly appeared on Ye Shu's body.

This-this-this dog emperor has taken a fancy to him

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Jin Wang lowered his eyes, and said in a low voice: "The forbidden army is standing outside the gate of the palace. Should they take this edict away and pick someone from the death row to die on your behalf, or let them take you and put them in prison together?" Ye Xiang , you help Gu come up with an idea?"

Ye Shu said decisively: "I will choose before!"

Jin Wang smiled with satisfaction: "Very good."

Jin Wang immediately called the servant.

When the servant came to the imperial court, Jin Wang explained his arrangements one by one.

During the whole process, Jin Wang hugged Ye Shu tightly, not letting go for a moment.

Ye Shu struggled to no avail and had no face to face anyone, so he could only bury his head in Jin Wang's arms, feeling the surprised eyes of the servants falling on him from time to time, his ears turned red.

After Jin Wang finished explaining, the servant took over the edict and left the bedroom.

"Okay, everyone is leaving." Jin Wang patted Ye Shu's arm.

Ye Shu quickly sat up straight and struggled a bit: "You... let me go."

"Don't let go." Jin Wang caressed his back unhurriedly, his voice was gentle but dangerous, "I just want to remind you, if I don't kill you today, it doesn't mean I won't change my mind later."

"Therefore, Aiqing must behave well in the future, otherwise Gu can take your life back at any time."

Ye Shu sneered in his heart.

He knew that the dog emperor would not soften his heart easily.

The translation of these words means that he has taken a fancy to his body and won't kill him before he gets tired of playing with it

The dog forced Jinwang.

What a tyrant indeed.

Ye Shu clenched his teeth and forced a smile: "Yes, I understand."

Jin Wang said: "In that case, let's sign this edict."

Just now, the servant only took away the edict for the execution of the left prime minister, while the letter for accepting the concubine was still spread out on the table.

There is still a blank part of the edict, which is the taboo of the concubines.

The sky outside the window was getting darker, and the lights danced and sprinkled on the plain white silk paper, and the ink-colored handwriting was bold and elegant, unrestrained and elegant.

Jin Wang changed a vermilion pen, dipped it in ink, and stuffed it into Ye Shu's hand.

Then, he held Ye Shu's hand and leaned forward.

One stroke at a time, Ye Shu was led by Jin Wang, and personally wrote down the name that has accompanied him for many years.

Ye, Shu.

A strange feeling suddenly flashed in Ye Shu's heart.

Jin Wang was so close that Ye Shu could see him just by raising his eyes. The dim light of the lamp was reflected in his eyes, his profile was exquisite and handsome, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Ye Shu's heart trembled slightly, and he quickly looked away.

Once the names and taboos are settled, the imperial edict is considered complete.

Ye Shu watched Jin Wang put away the edict, feeling a little complicated.

He doesn't care much about being a concubine or not, as long as he can save his life now, there will always be a chance to escape in the future.

The reason for the complicated mood is... He has prepared a basket of top-secret news that can unify the world, but Jinwang just wants a warm bed? ?

This tyrant is really unprofessional.