Marked by a Tyrant After Transmigrating

Chapter 54


Ye Shu took a step back calmly.

It was because he was too naive, thinking that these days they are also considered to be in love with each other, the love is endless, and even the emperor who is a dog will learn to be a human being.

Facts have proved that this person is always more dog than he imagined.

Jin Wang seemed oblivious to his reaction, and stepped forward to open the brocade box.

A dazzling array of small toys blinded Ye Shu's eyes.

Jin Wang looked up at Ye Shu who had almost retreated to the wall: "What are you hiding, come here."

"Didn't you throw this thing away?!" Ye Shu said angrily.

"It was lost before." Jin Wang lowered his eyes and smiled, "But Gu thought again, after all, this is a generous gift from the second prince of Dayan. In order to show the friendship between the two countries, it must not be ruined like this."

Ye Shu: "..."

Fuck your camaraderie.

Jin Wang did not rush, took out the top few jade vases, picked and picked them, picked up several objects of different shapes, and played and selected them in his hands.

Ye Shu leaned against the wall, pitifully: "Your Majesty..."

Jin Wang casually asked, "What?"

Ye Shu whispered: "You... do you really want to use these for me?"

When he said this, Jin Wang was taking out a jade object as thick as a woman's forearm from the brocade box.

The whole body of the jade is transparent, the surface is uneven, and the dragon pattern is engraved.

Ye Shu felt his legs go limp.

Jin Wang suppressed his smile, and deliberately turned the jade in Dian's hand: "Can't bear it?"

Ye Shu shook his head quickly.

He pondered for a moment, put the thing back into the box, and took out a slender gadget again.

It was similar in length and thickness to a silver hairpin, hollow, with a small silver ball sealed at one end.

Jin Wang fiddled with the small ball with his fingertips, deliberately pulled out the small ball slowly, as if studying how to use it.

Ye Shu's cheeks were so hot that they were about to burn: "Jin Wang!"


"Don't use this..." Ye Shu felt aggrieved, "Don't use these..."

Jin Wang sighed: "I really can't do anything about you."

He put the things in his hands back into the box, got up and walked to Ye Shu, looked down at him: "Neither this nor that, then what do you want?"

Ye Shu took his hand: "I want you."

Jin Wang didn't stop, and smiled softly: "Sweet mouth."

But he changed his voice again: "But a few sweet words are not worth punishment."

"How about this, since Ye Xiang is pregnant, I will give you a chance." Jin Wang said, "I pick three things from it."

Ye Shu: "But..."

Jin Wang calmly said: "If you can't pick out the stick of incense, Gu will come here according to his own preference."

After speaking, he turned and left the warm pavilion.

dog! Emperor! emperor!

Ye Shu was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Jin Wang didn't care how this person scolded him in his heart, he returned to the dragon chair leisurely, and even started to write without moving his pen. A stick of incense passed quickly, and Ye Shu stepped out of the Nuan Pavilion at the last moment.

Jin Wang put down his pen: "Have you chosen?"

The scorching heat on Ye Shu's face still persisted, and he mumbled a reply with his hands behind his back.

Jin Wang: "Let Gu take a look."

Ye Shu didn't move: "I have agreed to your request, should you release Xiao Huan?"

Jin Wang smiled.

He unfolded the edict in hand and pushed it in front of Ye Shu.

"The war with Xixia is imminent, and I want to designate General Zuo as the Hussar General to command the three armies. The army happens to lack a lieutenant general, so let Xiao Huan go." Jin Wang said.


"Why, do you feel distressed?" Jin Wang raised his eyebrows, "Xiao Huan is the only son of Duke Huan. He has learned the art of war and martial arts since he was a child. He will have this day sooner or later. What's more, his father once told Gu Yan that he wanted him to go to the border to practice more. experience."

"But… "

Jin Wang said: "Xiao Huan broke into the prime minister's residence at night and met Gu's sweetheart privately. Gu didn't punish him but gave him a military rank. Isn't Ye Xiang satisfied?"

Although he can no longer continue to return to the fiefdom, but Jin Wang's move is indeed a promotion for Xiao Huan, not a punishment.

Ye Shu whispered: "Then listen to Your Majesty..."

"Then why don't you take out the things?" Jin Wang said, "Whether this edict can reach Xiao Huan's hands depends on Ye Xiang's performance."

Ye Shu'er felt hot, and put the things in his hand on the table.

A piece of warm jade, a piece of red silk, and a piece of golden bell.

The warm jade is no more than the size of a little finger, and it is used for the first time to make love and dredge the corridors. As for the red silk and golden bells, it is just for decoration.

Jin Wang stared at it for a moment, then chuckled, "I'm pretty good at picking."

Ye Shu is facing the enemy: "You said I'll pick it myself, don't go back on it!"

"Don't regret it." Jin Wang hugged him and kissed Ye Shu affectionately, "Just don't regret it for a while."

As soon as Jin Wang said this, Ye Shu immediately retreated.

There are many kinds of treasures in Yu Yan's treasure chest, even Ye Shujian has never seen them before, let alone know their uses.

These are already the most acceptable to Ye Shu among the bunch of small toys.

These few things are so gentle, they should... probably... maybe... they won't be bullied too badly.

However, Ye Shu still underestimated the methods of Emperor Dog.

The temperature in the imperial study room was suitable. When the prime minister was pushed to sit on the dragon chair, his upper body was still neatly dressed in court clothes, but the hem of the complicated clothes was already messed up, revealing two white legs.

Ye Shu's eyes were covered with red silk, his cheeks were flushed, and his lips trembled imperceptibly.

Jin Wang's voice suddenly came from beside him: "Ah Shu, please separate."

He trembled all over, and immediately heard a series of crisp bells in his ears.

A golden bell was tied around his slender ankle.

"Why are you always moving around? It's so noisy that I can't even read the scriptures." Jin Wang put the warm jade away, put Ye Shu's legs on the armrest of the dragon chair, and hugged him into his arms. When there is a sound, Gu will read another booklet."

Jin Wang bowed his head and kissed him on the forehead: "Ye Xiang has to hold on."

The two fooled around in the imperial study all afternoon.

Soon it was time for dinner, and Gao Jin got permission to personally deliver the dinner to the house.

The dragon chair table table in front of the imperial study room was already in disarray, and the court dress brocade boots that Ye Xiang was wearing today were randomly thrown on the ground

From above, it can be seen that the fighting situation is tragic.

His Majesty and Ye Xiang were not in the hall.

After Gao Jin put away the meals, he boldly took a look at the Nuan Pavilion. In the layers of gauze curtains, two figures could be vaguely seen snuggling up on the small couch.

The figure in the gauze tent moved slightly, and suddenly there was a low-pitched weeping sound.

Gao Jin's face turned red, he didn't dare to look any further, and hastily withdrew.

Inside the warm tent, Jin Wang hugged the person in his arms tightly, and smiled lowly: "So nervous? The person has already left."


Jin Wang didn't move, and kissed the corner of Ye Shu's lips: "Aiqing is so enthusiastic, but Gu feels that Aiqing doesn't want Gu to leave."

"I do not… "

"Why didn't you listen to the summons last night?" Jin Wang suddenly asked.

Rehash the past.

If it wasn't for this matter, he wouldn't be bullied by this person. Ye Shu was extremely wronged, and whispered: "I really didn't want to meet Xiao Huan..."

"Gu knows." Jin Wang said, "When Gu was leaving, I happened to see him enter the house."

Ye Shu raised his head: "Then you still—"

Jin Wang looked at him with a sly look in his eyes.

Ye Shu looked away: "You are bullying."

"No way." Jin Wang clasped Ye Shu's waist, and said with a smile, "Gu Mingming is fulfilling the wishes of his sweetheart."

He knew Ye Shu's body better than he himself.

None of the opponent's reactions could escape Jin Wang's eyes.

Before going to Prime Minister's Mansion yesterday, he really didn't know why Ye Shu didn't listen to the summons. But after bullying someone once last night, he immediately saw the reason.

Want to, but dare not tell him directly, can only use this method to avoid him.

Still owed.

Thinking of this, Jin Wang turned over with the person in his arms, and concentrated on tidying up the person.

After a while, Jin Wang embraced Ye Shu and lay back on the small couch, and asked in a low voice, "When did it start?"

Ye Shu was feeling refreshed and exhausted, and even his fingers felt a little weak: "Just... just these few days..."

Jin Wang asked again: "Will you still hide it from Gu?"

Ye Shu was dealt with by him and answered obediently: "No, I don't dare..."

Jin Wang smiled in satisfaction, and hugged him even tighter.

The room was silent, and the setting sun filled the hall.

Leaning in Jin Wang's arms, Ye Shu enjoyed the rare time of tenderness, her heart filled and satisfied like never before.

Suddenly, Jin Wang asked in his ear: "Last night, Xiao Huan asked you a question, but you haven't answered yet."

Ye Shu was taken aback.

"Brother Ye Shu has someone he likes?"

Jin Wang suppressed his smile, looked at Ye Shu, and asked softly, "Is it Jin Wang?"