Marquis of Grand Xia

Chapter 13: Escape from the palace


Outside the Weiyang Palace, the lights were brightly lit, and the imperial guards teamed up one after another, which was very spectacular.

Ning Chen led the carriage to the outside, stopped just after exiting the gate of Weiyang Palace, watched a group of guards pass by, and took the initiative to block the way.

"Little father-in-law, what are you doing?" Because Ning Chen walked out of the Yang Palace, the guard generals at the forefront did not dare to neglect him, and said politely.

"The Empress has an urgent matter for the little one to go out of the palace to do, but now the palace is strictly forbidden, and it is very inconvenient to enter and exit. I am afraid that the errand explained by the empress will be delayed. I hope the general can help you send them off."

Ning Chen's eyes swept across the line of guards passing by, a look of anxiety flashed on his face, and immediately, he withdrew his gaze, looked at the guard general in front of him, and pleaded.


The general of the imperial guard was embarrassed and hesitated for a while.

Assassins broke into the imperial study at night, and they were ordered to inspect, and it is reasonable to say that they could not leave their posts without permission.

However, the matter of the Empress cannot be delayed. If he refuses, he will inevitably make the owner of Weiyang Palace unhappy afterwards.

"If the general doesn't believe it, this is a token given by the empress, and the general can confirm it with the empress in person."

While speaking, Ning Chen's face became more anxious, he took out the moon-shaped jade pendant given by his eldest grandson from his arms, handed it to the guard general, and urged.

"Okay, I'll give the little father-in-law a ride."

As soon as the guard general saw the moon-shaped jade pendant, he dispelled the last hesitation in his heart, nodded and replied, this is the empress's personal token, and many guards in the palace have seen it before, so there is nothing wrong. Ning Chen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He chose to stop the guards in front of the Weiyang Palace in order to reduce the guards' vigilance against him. No matter how cautious people are, there will be blind spots in cognition. hard to distinguish


"Look at the young man's age, he just entered the palace not long ago, right?"

The general of the imperial guard ordered the rest of the people behind him to continue patrolling, and immediately stepped forward to help lead the carriage, and asked casually as he walked.


Ning Chen nodded a little embarrassedly, and replied, "I just entered the palace a few days ago, and I was taken care of by Miss Liming. Now I am doing some chores in Weiyang Palace."

"My little father-in-law is very fortunate. Everyone in the palace knows that the empress is virtuous and virtuous, and she is the most generous to the people below." The leader of the guards smiled kindly and said.

"What the general said is very true." Ning Chen replied with a smile, but he disagreed very much in his heart. These fools were all deceived by the eldest grandson. He didn't know if he was virtuous and virtuous, but he was not generous to the people below. The eldest grandson has fooled several times, otherwise he would have been away from the palace long ago

If you are happy, you don't need to rush to run at night.

"Yo, isn't this Xiao Ningzi, where are you going this evening?"

Not long after walking, suddenly, not far from the two, a voice like a male duck's voice came, and Ning Chen's heart suddenly thumped, and he secretly screamed that it was not good.

Looking at the voice, a figure wearing a sapphire blue embroidered crane robe, a whisk in hand, and a peacock feather-topped hat inlaid with gems slowly walked over, looking at Ning Chen and smiling, "What a coincidence. "

"Eunuch Zhao Jin", the leader of the guards knew the person who came, and bowed his hands politely, as a greeting.

"General Ling" Zhao Jin returned the salute, and immediately asked with a smile, "I don't know where the general and Xiao Ningzi are going?"

"The little father-in-law went out of the palace to do business at the order of the empress, and I happened to see him off for a ride. Zhao father-in-law and this little father-in-law know each other?"

Ling Xiao was slightly surprised, Zhao Jin had been by Emperor Xia's side for more than 20 years, and his status was different. How could he know a young eunuch who had just entered the palace. "I've only met once." Zhao Jin said perfunctorily, without explaining much, and immediately looked at Ning Chen next to Ling Xiao, with a sinister smile, and said something in his words, "Xiao Ningzi, our family wanted to call you. I came to do things by my side, I didn't expect that the queen would be the first

It's a pity to take you to the Weiyang Palace step by step."

"Haha" Ning Chen smirked to cover up the past, and didn't explain it knowingly. Everything that was said would offend people.

Zhao Jin walked around the carriage, and said without a smile, "The palace is in a mess now, the general should check it carefully, so as not to lose anything."

Ning Chen's heart sank, his face changed slightly, this damn old pervert.

Ling Xiao glanced at Ning Chen in embarrassment. It was said that they would not be able to inquire about Weiyang Palace's errands, but Eunuch Zhao had already sent a message to remind him that if he didn't check, it would be impossible to justify it.

"General Ling, follow the rules, but please be careful," Ning Chen said in a deep voice.

Ling Xiao nodded, stepped forward to lift the curtain of the car, and immediately got into the carriage, ready to check.

The inside of the car was full of boxes, pressing one against the other. Ling Xiao opened the outermost box, and there were pieces of china that caught his eye. He moved them away and put them aside, and when he opened another, it was still full of china.

Ling Xiao had been working in the palace for nearly ten years, and he recognized that these were commonly used items in the palace.

There are so many treasures in the Weiyang Palace, and it is not comparable to this car of porcelain if you take any one.

"Oops, be careful, General"

Just as Ling Xiao moved a checked box to the side, Ning Chen's expression changed and he shouted.

Immediately, a crackling sound was heard, and the whole box of porcelain was exposed from the bottom of the box and fell into the carriage, smashed into pieces. There was panic in Ning Chen's eyes, and he said anxiously, "Hey, I forgot to tell the general, the boxes below are some years old, the Empress explained that she was in a hurry, she said that once you have the token, you won't be checking it again, it's not in the way. Forget about it in a hurry

"Ling Xiao's face is also ugly. Although the broken pieces are not some rare treasures, they belong to the Weiyang Palace after all, and the empress's explanation is so urgent, it must have important uses. Thinking of this, Ling Xiao looked at it with a bad expression." Zhao Jin at a glance

, blame this damn old eunuch, if this old guy hadn't been busy, he wouldn't have made such a big mistake.

Beneath the carriage, Ning Chen sighed softly and said with a bitter face, "General, you should hurry up and check, or if you are young, you should finish the errand and ask the Empress to apologize."

Hearing that Ning Chen didn't mean to put all the blame on him, Ling Xiao's impression of the former was very good, and then compared to Zhao Jin who was watching the joke on the side, who's words were credible and who's words weren't credible, so don't think about it.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao jumped the box out of the carriage, and said sternly, "No need to check, little father-in-law, hurry up and leave the palace, don't miss the Queen's errand and break things, if the mother is to blame, Ling Xiao will definitely Shared responsibility with the little father-in-law”

"Thank you General"

Ning Chen's face showed gratitude, but he felt a little guilty in his heart. Isn't it a little bad that Ling Xiao is so righteous and fooling him like this

Of course, the thought of guilt was only fleeting, and then disappeared without a trace.

Buddha said: I do not go to hell, who will go to hell.

Unfortunately, what he has always pursued is that I don't go to hell, let others go to hell.

What's more, the palace ran a little eunuch, even if it was found out, it would not be a big mistake, it was still far from going to hell.

However, if he is caught, he will really go to hell!

On the side, Zhao Jin saw that nothing had been found, smiled coldly, and walked away, his arrogant attitude was really unpleasant. Ning Chen thought about it, and roughly guessed the reason. He and Zhao Jin had only met twice, and there was no grievance to speak of. Even when they first met, Zhao Jin still wanted to give him a hand. See you today, but with a different attitude. If two people are different, no need

I want to know that it is because of the relationship between the eldest grandson.

In the palace, there are constant struggles between open and secret battles, and choosing a position is very important. Now it seems that eight to nine out of ten Zhao Jin is standing on the side of the West Palace.

Unfortunately, if he wasn't in a hurry to leave the palace, he really wanted to stay and take care of this old guy.

Ning Chen shook his head regretfully, then glanced at Ling Xiao, and said:

"General, let's go"


Ling Xiao saw that Ning Chen's expression changed, and thought that the latter was because he was worried about being punished when he came back. He never thought that Ning Chen would be depressed because he would not have a chance to stab Zhao Jin after leaving the palace today.

Perhaps even Ning Chen himself didn't notice that in the few short days in Weiyang Palace, no matter what he did or thought, he made judgments from the standpoint of the eldest grandson, whether he was acting or thinking.

Even though he didn't admit it and complained that the eldest grandson was not good, he couldn't tell lies in his inner emotions. Ning Chen seemed to be walking casually and carelessly, but he never really let go.

The way out of the palace was relatively smooth. With the token of the eldest grandson and the escort of Ling Xiao, the guards who guarded the palace gate let him go after a brief inspection.

No one would have thought that the car behind the little eunuch who had just escorted the Empress back to the palace was carrying an assassin who wanted to assassinate Emperor Xia and break into the imperial study at night.

After leaving the palace, Ning Chen immediately drove the carriage towards the Du'an Pharmacy. His face, which had been hiding his emotions, finally showed a look of anxiety.

Nearly an hour later, the carriage stopped at the door of the pharmacy, Ning Chen took Mu Chengxue out of a box hidden in the car, stepped forward and kicked the wooden door of the pharmacy, and hurried towards the inner courtyard. .

"Treasurer, hurry up and save people"

There was such a big movement in the front yard, the shopkeeper had heard the sound long ago, and was about to yell angrily when he came out, when he saw that Ning Chen suppressed his anger, he subconsciously shifted his gaze to Mu Chengxue, who was in the latter's arms.

However, at this sight, the shopkeeper's heart also rose.

"Get in the house quickly"

Seeing that the woman's situation was extremely dangerous, the shopkeeper immediately called Ning Chen back to the house, and after Mu Chengxue was put down, he immediately stepped forward to diagnose.

"Go to the hall and get my silver needle, hurry up," the shopkeeper explained very quickly while checking Mu Chengxue's injury.

"it is good"

Ning Chen didn't dare to delay, and immediately rushed to the front hall to find what the shopkeeper needed.

After a while, Ning Chen came back with the silver needle, handed it to the shopkeeper, then stood aside, watching nervously.

"Don't stand there, hurry up and boil hot water, the more the better." The shopkeeper took out the silver needle, looked back at Ning Chen, and scolded.

"Okay." Ning Chen nodded, then hurriedly ran out of the house and went to the kitchen to boil water.

A quarter of an hour later, Ning Chen boiled a large pot of hot water in the kitchen, and then came back with a pot of hot water, and saw that the shopkeeper was already giving Mu Chengxue acupuncture, with a serious expression and extremely focused expression.

After a while, sweat dripped from the shopkeeper's forehead, and Yuebai's long gown collapsed even more.

The shopkeeper didn't make a sound, and Ning Chen didn't dare to go up to disturb him, so he could only stand by and wait for the order.

About another quarter of an hour later, the shopkeeper stood up tiredly, his body swayed, and he almost lost his footing.

"Is the hot water ready?" The shopkeeper stabilized his body and asked.

"Well, it's done," Ning Chen hurriedly replied.

"Undress and bathe her," the shopkeeper said in a tired tone.

"I... me?" Ning Chen was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't calm down immediately, pointed at himself, and stammered.

"Isn't it you or me?" The shopkeeper threw a word, and then walked out of the room naturally.

"The water doesn't need to be too hot, just a little scalding. Pay attention to the time, it shouldn't be too short, but it shouldn't exceed an hour." "Okay...Okay..." Ning Chen was already stupid next to the bed, and nodded subconsciously.