Marquis of Grand Xia

Chapter 39: Snow night


The financial position that the mountain bandits robbed was still tied to the horse. Ning Chen let go of all the horses, leaving only a small white horse. The white horse was still young.

The little white horse was obviously frightened, and stood beside Ning Chen tremblingly, not daring to catch a breath.

Ning Chen tied the reins of the little white horse to the back of the wheelchair, he took a step, and the little white horse followed.

The little white horse carried his own rations, and Ning Chen also carried his own dry rations. No one would affect anyone else. They were just companions of the same journey, and they had nothing to do with it.

He found a lot of things from the bandit and his horse. In addition to gold and silver, cloth, poison, and drugs, there was a letter, an unopened letter.

Ning Chen looked at the lacquer of the letter, and his brows furrowed. After reading the contents of the letter, the frown became even more severe.

If such important news is placed on ordinary people, is the writer too confident or too stupid.

Ning Chen believed it was the latter, because the letter finally fell into his hands.

The road to the north will not be changed by a letter, Ning Chen still continues to walk north, with the little white horse, his speed is much faster.

Little White Horse didn't have much rations. It seemed that the bandits didn't plan to commit crimes outside for long. He still had some dry food on him, but it was unclear whether Little White Horse would eat him.

After walking for a long time, the little white horse was obviously much less vigilant about him, and sometimes he would take the initiative to touch his face with his mouth.

At this time, Ning Chen always pulls away the little white horse, this guy is too unhygienic.

The journey with someone is always less lonely. Although the little white horse is not a human being, he is smarter than many people.

It knows that it is likely to follow the human being in front of it in the future, so its attitude towards the latter becomes more and more intimate.

Ning Chen was very troubled, very angry, he simply untied the reins and let the little white horse fend for itself.

However, the clever little white horse always followed by himself, Ning Chen took a step and it followed.

Whoever said that the most cheeky animals in the world are humans, Ning Chen felt that the little white horse's cheeks surpassed that of most humans.

When there is no other way, he can only let the little white horse follow, and the reins are not tied, and he loves it.

The little white horse also felt that Ning Chen was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to get together.

As a result, there was a strange scene in the entire wilderness of this person and one horse, no one paying attention to the other.

The snow began to fall again, and the white feathers in the sky were very beautiful. Ning Chen didn't know that just after he left, three figures appeared outside the desolate forest, a man, a woman, and a eunuch. The corpse of the mountain bandit couldn't help frowning.

The three kinds of men carefully searched the corpses of thirteen mountain bandits, then shook their heads and said, "The letter has been taken away"

The woman checked the wound on the bandit's body and calmly said, "The sword wound is the same, it's the same person."

"Fast pursuit"

The old eunuch glanced at the wheelchair and horseshoe prints on the ground and said solemnly.

Unfortunately, after chasing after a while, the wheelchair traces and horseshoe prints have been re-covered by the snow that just fell, and the direction can no longer be found.

"Separate Chase"

The old eunuch glanced at the three directions behind him and made a decisive decision.

The man and the woman nodded and chose a direction respectively, while the old eunuch continued to chase north.

However, in the vast snowy sky, it's easier said than done to want to be alone, and Ning Chen had no goal at all, he just walked at will.

The north is very big, not an ordinary one. Ning Chen was tired from walking. After seeing a village nearby, he temporarily borrowed it for one night.

In fact, it was mainly because the little white horse didn't want to leave, and bit Ning Chen's sleeve again, preventing him from leaving.

Although everything has a spirit, it is indeed a headache for a horse to be so smart.

The old eunuch was chasing too fast, but he also missed. He didn't expect that Ning Chen's footsteps were caught by a horse, and he couldn't stop.

The village where Ning Chen stayed was anything but ordinary, simplicity and enthusiasm were the qualities of the people in the village.

The family that greeted Ning Chen was a family of three, including an elderly mother and a pair of brothers and sisters who had not yet married.

The elder brother is a straightforward man, and the younger sister is a virtuous girl, not beautiful but very delicate.

The man's hospitality was in stark contrast to the girl's shyness. After Ning Chen entered the house, the man called his sister to cook, while he helped with the chores at home.

As a guest, Ning Chen was placed beside the warmest stove in the house by the man, and he was not allowed to interfere in anything.

The father of the two has been in bed for many years, and he can't even speak. The family has been supported by the man. These years have not only delayed the marriage of the man, but even the marriage of the girl has become a problem.

The poor children are the early masters of the family, which is the most suitable to describe the man and the girl.

Ning Chen didn't say anything, and quietly came to the old man's side, pressing his right hand lightly on the back of the old man, and then a faint silver light lit up, and the silk of true energy poured into the old man's body along his right hand.

After a while, Ning Chen withdrew his right hand, turned his wheelchair and returned to the stove.

He did everything he could. The old man had already run out of fuel and had reached the end of his life. It was impossible to get better. What he did was to make the old man feel better and less painful.

As for whether he can recover a little, such as saying a word or two, it is not something he can control.

People's life, old age, sickness and death are things that are difficult to violate in this world.

If someone can do it, it can only be a god, but unfortunately, he has only seen the face of a bull, black and white, and has never seen a god.

"Thanks… "

On the bed, the old man moved his mouth tremblingly, speaking very lightly, no one but Ning Chen could hear it clearly.

Ning Chen grinned and nodded, as a response, he said, good people always have good rewards.

Not long after, the girl had already prepared the meal and brought it to the table. Ning Chen turned the wheelchair to the table, and his appetite was so strong that he was already hungry. He ate dry food every day these days, and his mouth was almost worn out.

The meals are very simple, and they are all dried vegetables prepared by themselves for winter. The girls are very skilled, and the simple ingredients are also fragrant.

Ning Chen was very full, and he couldn't eat anymore. The enthusiasm of the man was a little too much. He was embarrassed to refuse, but in the end he couldn't hold it any longer, so he had to open his mouth to reject the man's terrifying enthusiasm.

The girl ate very little, maybe there were strangers around, the girl's face was always red, making Ning Chen on the side very unnatural, he had never seen such a shy girl before.

The women he met in the past were relatively tough, such as Mu Chengxue, Li Ning, Jiu Gongzhu, Xia Miaoyu, forget it, let's eat.

Naturally, Ning Chen couldn't get involved in the dishwashing work after dinner. The girl's virtuousness was enough to make those in front of them die of shame. He even doubted whether Mu Chengxue or Qing Ning knew what He Miao looked like.

The little white horse's dinner is still the ration it carries on its own. Ning Chen doesn't mean to help it improve its food. Besides, where can I find something to help it improve its food in this heavy snow day.

When it was time to rest at night, another trouble occurred.

There are only two beds in the house, one big and one small. On weekdays, the old man and the young girl are squeezed into the larger bed, which is also convenient for the young girl to take care of her mother.

In fact, Ning Chen didn't need to go to bed at all. Most of the time, he just sat in a wheelchair and closed his eyes to adjust his breath. While cultivating, he also regarded it as a rest.

Ning Chen was helpless and could only follow the arrangement. The man smiled honestly, and he randomly found a few wooden boards and placed them on the two stools to make a simple bed.

There was a lot of wind at night, Ning Chen lay on the bed, quietly listening to the wind outside the house, but he didn't feel any sleepiness in his heart.

It wasn't that he didn't want to sleep, but it was snowing outside again.

Ning Chen was used to the severe pain coming from his legs, but it didn't mean he couldn't feel it.

Suddenly, a dog barked came from outside the village, and the next moment, the bark stopped and disappeared.

Under the grass shed not far from the house, the little white horse was snoring, as if to remind someone in the house again.

Ning Chen got up, got into a wheelchair, and walked out gently.

Someone came, and it was a martial artist.

Ning Chen is not stupid, on the contrary, he is smarter than many people, he knows that the person who came here is the letter in his hand.

When the old eunuch saw Ning Chen in the wheelchair, he was obviously stunned. Obviously, he recognized Ning Chen's appearance.

In fact, many people in the palace have seen Ning Chen. At that time, he was a genius, a hero, electricity, light, and the only myth.

Today, he has become a cripple being hunted and killed.

The old eunuch was puzzled, in his impression, the Ning Chen in front of him should still be in the realm, how could he appear here.

Ning Chen didn't know the old eunuch, there were so many eunuchs in the palace, how could he know everyone, but he was very familiar with the clothes of this dead eunuch.

This is the clothes of the West Palace. The clothes of the palaces in the Summer Palace are basically the same, but there are subtle differences. He has a long time in the palace, so he naturally understands a little.

After the old eunuch chased him, he couldn't find Ning Chen's figure, so he had to return. After passing by the village, he found out that a young man entered the village in the evening, and he knew that he had found the right place.

The old eunuch was a master of the sixth rank of martial arts, much stronger than Ning Chen, not to mention that one was a normal person and the other was disabled.

Oh, no, both of them are disabled, but the disability is different.

But in any case, the difference in strength between the two is not small.

The old eunuch wanted to kill everyone who read the letter, so, without saying a word, he slapped Ning Chen with a palm.

Ning Chen raised the knife to block, and suddenly felt a huge force coming, his body and the wheelchair flew upside down three feet away, knocking over the grass hut of the little white horse.

The little white horse was frightened, this was where it hid from the snow, and it broke where it would sleep at night.

Xiaobai used both his mouth and hoof to dig Ning Chen out of the haystack, only to see the latter vomit out a mouthful of blood, staining the large white snow in front of him red.

"Go aside, don't get in the way"

Ning Chen pulled the little white horse away, the disabled fight, what are you doing with a horse.

Even if you help the disabled, you should not be alone.

Ning Chen picked up the wheelchair and sat on it immediately. Fortunately, his hands were not damaged, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to get on the wheelchair.

The hatchet in his hand had been deformed, with a big dent. The old eunuch's right hand was not as strong, which made Ning Chen feel sick for a long time.

How to fight this, there is no way to fight.

He broke the crooked hatchet with both hands, and he found that the knife was basically useless, and he couldn't straighten it any more.

Originally, the old eunuch was worried that Ning Chen might have any other move, but after one move, he knew the strength of the latter.

Four words, vulnerable.

The cultivation base is not good, the moves are not good, the experience is even worse, except for the quick response, the other is useless.

Ning Chen didn't know what the old eunuch was thinking, otherwise he would definitely explode with anger.

He felt that the old eunuch was very strong, stronger than him.

In fact, the evaluation of the two to each other has shown the gap between the strengths of the two sides. One is a martial arts rookie, and the other is a veteran in the arena. There is really nothing comparable. The snowstorm outside is getting bigger and bigger, and Ning Chen's eyes are getting tighter and tighter. This battle is troublesome...