Marquis of Grand Xia

Chapter 41: Ancient Ruins


When he came to the vicinity of the golden beam of light, the vision of heaven and earth had gradually disappeared, which was not surprising at first. This was just a vision, not the sun, and it was impossible for it to shine for ten days and a half months.

Ning Chen looked at the big crack on the ground, frowning and wrinkling, really not interested in going down.

He came to hunt for treasure, not to die. With such a big crack, even if there are treasures, there is life and death.

Ning Chen wanted to leave, but the little white horse held on to Ning Chen's sleeve and did not let go.

"How can you be so curious as a horse?"

Ning Chen frowned and scolded, this guy is getting more and more humanized, but you are a horse, humanization is useful.

However, no matter how Ning Chen reprimanded him, the little white horse still didn't let go, and even dragged Ning Chen into the crack little by little.

Have you ever seen someone who bullied a disabled person? Ning Chen has seen a lot, but this is the first time he has seen a horse bullying the disabled!

"Really want to go?"

Ning Chen's heart burst into flames, and he said impatiently.


The little white horse made a whimper in his throat, indicating his attitude.

"Go then"

Ning Chen replied, it is not afraid of a horse, what else is he afraid of.

The crack is very steep and looks very deep. Ning Chen will pull out the ink sword and insert it into the frozen soil in the cold winter with a squeak, and then untangle the reins on the head of the little white horse and tie it to the wheelchair along the waist and abdomen.

Then, Ning Chen in the wheelchair calmly jumped down the crack with the little white horse.

Who is the scariest person in the world

Not horizontal, not stunned, but lethal!

Today's Ning Chen and the little white horse obviously surpassed the horizontal and the stupefied directly, and directly rose to the point of death.

After jumping off the crack, Ning Chen held the ink sword, waited until it dropped about a zhang, and suddenly inserted the ink sword into the frozen ground of the crack.


The ink sword drew a half-foot-long fan shape, and it stabilized immediately, and the dust flew and scattered everywhere.

Below, the pony hangs under the wheelchair, swinging, and the reins are strangled with blood.

"You should lose weight"

Ning Chen said in annoyance, that he would actually follow this beast to make a fool of himself, his mind was flooded with idleness.

The little white horse suffered very much. He was tied to his waist and abdomen by the reins, but he was stubborn and did not make a sound of pain. This was very similar to a certain person. When he became stubborn, he was more stubborn than a donkey.

Ning Chen pulled out the ink sword, and his body fell down again. Then, a hatchet was inserted into the frozen ground.

This time, Ning Chen miscalculated. The place where the old eunuch had previously bent it was twisted again. Immediately, the hatchet was bent into a weird arc, like a fried twist.

Then, one person and one horse failed to stop the fall and continued to fall.

“Really cheap and not good”

Ning Chen threw the hatchet away, complaining about the academy, and the Mojian took off again.

Just like this, after tossing for a long time, one person and one horse finally fell to the bottom of the crack. Ning Chen's body was covered in mud, and the horsehair on the little white horse was also pulled off by the reins.

A shaved phoenix is not as good as a chicken, a shedding white horse is not as good as a donkey, and the handsome little white horse just now looks like it has just been boiled and plucked.

"What did you say we got down for?"

In the jet-black crack, Ning Chen and Xiaobaima stared at each other, feeling extremely unhappy.


The little white horse responded in disapproval and turned to leave, but slammed his head into the stone wall, his mouth grinning in pain.


Ning Chen took out a fire book from his body, and after blowing it, he followed the light of the fire, ignoring the little white horse, and walked towards the only road in front of him.

The road is very long, very long, very long, endless, Ning Chen is a little tired of walking, tired of walking, and his attitude towards the little white horse is even worse.

The little white horse did not dare to resist, and occasionally snorted to represent dissatisfaction, but was suppressed by a more violent storm.

About half an hour later, when Huo Zhezi was almost finished, Ning Chen finally saw a ray of light in front of him.

One person and one horse were excited, speeding up, and when they came to the light, Ning Chen took the ink sword and slashed through the cave that was blocked by the rock and soil.

With a bang, the rock and soil collapsed, and the sight of the sight instantly shocked two pairs of big eyes.

In front of him, it is indescribable, nine bends and eighteen bends, just like the meridians in a human body. There are corridors everywhere. The blood-red soil is also very different from the previous rock and soil. It looks gloomy and even scary.

"We're not going to hell, are we?"

Ning Chen glanced at the dark red world ahead, turned his head, and asked with difficulty.


The little white horse answered and didn't understand, but from the expression on Ma's face, it could be seen that Ma was also shocked now.

"Continue to go"

As soon as Ning Chen gritted his teeth, he was afraid of a fart even when he came down. Humans are dead birds facing the sky, and they will not die for ten thousand years.

There are many paths ahead, Ning Chen doesn't care about anything, just choose the largest, the widest, and the brightest. Anyway, he doesn't know what's ahead, and it doesn't make any difference to him which path he chooses.

The little white horse didn't even have any opinion. Whichever path Ning Chen took, it followed whichever path he took.

Two moments later, one person and one horse walked back.

So there's a dead end ahead, nothing...

"Which one do you choose?"

Ning Chen looked at the remaining roads and gritted his teeth.

The little white horse hesitated, wandered for a while in front of each road, and finally chose the smallest, narrowest, and darkest road.

"you sure?"

Ning Chen asked reluctantly.


The little white horse responded.

"Listen to you once"

Ning Chen's heart swayed, and he turned his wheelchair and walked towards the small corridor in front of him.

A quarter of an hour later, one person and one horse walked back again...

Ning Chen's face darkened, he just wanted to roast the little white horse on the spot.

There were still seven paths left, Ning Chen didn't know how to choose, glanced at the ink sword in his hand, and stood on the ground, then the ink sword fell.

"Just this one"

Ning Chen pointed in the direction where the hilt of the Mojian was pointing, and decided without hesitation.

On the side, the little white horse murmured softly, expressing dissatisfaction with Ning Chen's extremely casual attitude.

"If you have the ability, don't follow"

Ning Chen glanced sideways at the little white horse, and said with contempt.

The little white horse stopped talking, and followed up honestly.

Facts have proved that Ning Chen's random choice was correct. After walking for another half an hour, the scene in front of him changed again.

A river, a very wide river, with dark yellow water, bubbling a little, and even a faint smell of fishy smell coming out.

Ning Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, he remembered a legend in his previous life, and the river mentioned in it was very similar to this.

Rumor has it that in the underworld, there is a river in front of the underworld, named Ruoshui.

Weak water three thousand, not difficult to die.

"We're in trouble"

Ning Chen casually pulled off a piece of hair and threw it into the water, only to see the hair fluttering and slowly sinking into the water, without a trace of waves.

Seeing this scene, the little white horse was obviously startled, and the horse's hoof unconsciously stepped back two steps away from Ruoshui.

Ning Chen scoffed at this, he believed that the river would definitely be able to cross it, but he hadn't thought of a way yet.

There is a rumor that there is a bottomless wooden boat in the weak water. It is the only thing that can cross the weak water. I just don't know if this rumor is true or not.

Many legends from the previous life have become a reality in this world, bull-headed and horse-faced, black and white are impermanent, and even things like weak water have appeared. Ning Chen believes that even if there is a bottomless boat, it is not uncommon.

Ning Chen turned his wheelchair to walk along the riverside, suddenly, his body froze, and he saw the legendary thing again.

Yellow Springs.

Legend has it that the strange flower that grows at the bottom of weak water can live forever after taking it, but after taking this flower, the body will gradually rot and turn into a state of immortality, so Huangquan flower is also a kind of poisonous flower.

Ning Chen looked at it for a long time, but didn't dare to pick it. In this weak water, no one could guarantee his life. He was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to seek death.


At this moment, the little white horse walked to Ning Chen's side, the horse snorted, and then bit the latter's clothes and let him look at the pile of garbage that was about ten feet away from the river bank not far ahead.

Ning Chen narrowed his eyes, changed the direction of the wheelchair, and walked towards the garbage heap.

Call it a rubbish heap, because there are bones, broken wood, rotting clothes, etc., and among them, there is a tattered boat.

What's more, the boat is bottomless.

Ning Chen pulled the boat out in silence, and then dragged the boat into the weak water little by little.

The next moment, Ning Chen was even more silent.

The boat really floated!

This is beyond his comprehension range. As an atheist world, it is really hard for him to believe the facts in front of him.

Ning Chen silently took a few pieces of broken wood from the garbage heap, built a few places to rest on the broken boat, and then walked up with the little white horse.

Since you don't know why, let's go on and see what is left behind this weak water.

Ning Chen used a broken piece of wood as an oar, and slowly rowed towards the other side of the river. The little white horse was standing on the bed, his body trembling and he looked extremely frightened.

Ning Chen frowned and scolded, "What's so scary, it's not for you to jump off"

The little white horse whimpered in a low voice. It was better, and his body stopped shaking, but his hoofs were still trembling, and he was obviously still afraid.

Ning Chen ignored it, while rowing the boat, he quietly paid attention to whether there was any danger on the other side.

At this time, some bull ghosts ~ snake gods, ghosts and ghosts should almost come out.

He didn't believe that there was no danger in such a strange place.

The little white horse can't be counted on. It can perform well if it doesn't scare itself off.

It turned out that it was Ning Chen who thought too much, there were no bull ghosts~snake gods, no ghosts and ghosts, and even a skull frame didn't appear.

However, Ruoshui was much wider than he thought, and after a quarter of an hour delay on the broken boat, it slowly floated to the other side.

The broken boat might still be useful. Ning Chen also dragged the broken boat ashore to prevent it from being washed away by weak water.

The little white horse stood on the shore, no longer trembling, a pair of horses staring straight ahead.

Ning Chen also felt that the atmosphere ahead was not right, as if something was staring at them again.


Ning Chen sank his mind, and immediately walked forward.

Whether it is the underworld or not, they have already come here, and they have to go in and see if they are dead or alive.

The little white horse also stepped up, and the horse's hooves were obviously much heavier.

Half an hour later, Ning Chen's hand turning the wheelchair stopped, looking at the door in front of him and the four characters engraved on the door, his eyes narrowed even tighter.


The four big characters of dragon flying and phoenix dance are not difficult to recognize, the font is bone-piercing, very powerful, and even has an indescribable magic, which makes it difficult to remove at a glance.

Ning Chen felt that it was difficult to speak in his heart. If it was anyone else, he would feel the same way. If this wasn't a prank by the Eternal Night God, it would be really shocking.

If the underworld exists, what about the King of Hell and the King of Earth Store

If the underworld is true, where is the Hades! Ning Chen slowly opened the door in front of him, he wanted to see, what the hell is the world behind this Netherworld!